
    Podcast Summary

    • Super Tuesday and coronavirus reshaping politics and marketsJoe Biden's win in South Carolina changes Democratic race dynamics, coronavirus uncertainty impacts stock market, investing in gold a smart move for diversification, potential for contested Democratic convention, Birch Gold Group helps convert IRAs to precious metals IRAs

      The political landscape is experiencing significant shifts with the approach of Super Tuesday and the ongoing impact of the coronavirus on the stock market. Joe Biden's strong performance in South Carolina has changed the Democratic primary race dynamics, making an open convention a real possibility. The uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus and its effects on the economy have made investing in precious metals like gold a smart move. With the stock market experiencing volatility and uncertainty, diversifying into precious metals can help protect savings. Birch Gold Group can help investors make this move by converting traditional IRAs or 401(k)s into precious metals IRAs. The Democratic party faces a complicated situation as the current polling data suggests a close race between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, with neither candidate having enough delegates to secure the nomination outright. The potential for a contested convention could lead to a divided party and uncertain outcome.

    • South Carolina Democratic Primary: A Turning Point for Joe BidenJoe Biden's victory in South Carolina, driven by strong African American support and influential endorsements, sets him up for success in Super Tuesday and positions him as a moderate alternative to Bernie Sanders.

      The South Carolina Democratic primary was a turning point in the race for the Democratic nomination. Joe Biden, who had struggled in the first three states, delivered a resounding victory in South Carolina, winning nearly 50% of the votes. His success can be attributed to his strong support among African American voters and the endorsement of influential figures like Jim Clyburn. This win has given Biden momentum going into Super Tuesday, where a large number of delegates are up for grabs. The race is now effectively down to Biden and Bernie Sanders, and if Biden performs well on Super Tuesday, he could end up with a plurality of the delegates. Biden's message to voters is that he represents a more moderate, Democratic alternative to Sanders' socialist platform. The endorsement of political figures and building support among diverse voter groups is crucial for Biden's campaign as the party is divided between upper-class white liberals and other voter demographics.

    • Democratic primaries: Proportional representation makes it harder for a candidate to secure the nomination outrightIn the Democratic primaries, a candidate must win a minimum percentage to earn any delegates, making a close race between leading candidates prolonged and the eventual nominee determined by the ability to consolidate support and win in delegate-rich states. The Second Amendment was also emphasized as a safeguard for all constitutional rights.

      While the Democratic and Republican primaries have different rules for awarding delegates, the Democratic process, with its proportional representation, makes it more challenging for a candidate to secure the nomination outright. Unlike the Republicans, where a candidate can win a plurality of votes and take all the delegates, Democrats must win a minimum percentage (15% in most states) to earn any delegates at all. This means that a close race between leading candidates could result in a prolonged primary season, with the eventual nominee being determined by the ability to consolidate support and win in delegate-rich states. Additionally, the importance of the Second Amendment was emphasized as a safeguard for all constitutional rights. The ongoing Democratic primary race is expected to be a close one, with Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders currently leading, and the eventual nominee likely to be determined by the ability to win over more delegates as the primary season progresses.

    • Democratic Primary Race Uncertainty and Internal StrifeThe Democratic primary race is uncertain with neither Biden nor Sanders securing a majority of delegates before the convention. Internal strife within the party could lead to chaos if the nomination is contested, with 'Bernie Bros' and moderates potentially reacting negatively.

      The Democratic primary race is shaping up to be chaotic and uncertain, with Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders unlikely to secure a majority of delegates before the convention. Meanwhile, Biden's lack of endorsement from Barack Obama is hurting his campaign, but he refuses to acknowledge it. Elsewhere, Bravo Company Manufacturing offers firearms and gear for self-defense and protection. They work with expert instructors from special ops forces to teach defensive skills. If you're a responsible citizen, consider visiting their website or YouTube channel to learn more. As for the election, the Democratic party could face significant internal strife if the convention results in a contested nomination. The "Bernie Bros" and moderate wing may react negatively, leading to potential chaos. Biden's claim that he can win before the convention is doubtful, and he may need to offer significant concessions to Sanders to secure his support. However, Sanders has a strong movement and may not see the benefit of joining a Biden administration. Obama's silence on the matter is noteworthy, as his endorsement could significantly impact the race.

    • Joe Biden's Obama connection and Pete Buttigieg's exit impact the raceBiden's Obama ties boost his campaign, Buttigieg exits to join Biden or cabinet, Warren's stay complicates Sanders' path

      Joe Biden's connection to Barack Obama is a significant factor in his presidential campaign, as he previously failed to receive any electoral votes. Meanwhile, Pete Buttigieg, a talented but insufferable politician, has ended his run due to lack of upward trajectory in his home state and limited paths to future glory. The field is consolidating, and Buttigieg may join Biden's campaign as a potential cabinet appointment. Elizabeth Warren's decision to stay in the race could complicate matters for Bernie Sanders. Despite his criticisms, Buttigieg is being praised for his smart move to exit the race now.

    • Consolidation of Democratic CandidatesPete Buttigieg and Tom Steyer have suspended their campaigns, potentially boosting Joe Biden's delegate count before Super Tuesday. Bernie Sanders is expected to win the most delegates, but Bloomberg's performance will determine the outcome.

      The Democratic primary race is seeing a consolidation of candidates following the South Carolina primary. Pete Buttigieg has suspended his campaign and is expected to transfer his delegates to Joe Biden, potentially giving him a significant boost in the delegate count leading up to Super Tuesday. Tom Steyer, another billionaire contender, has also dropped out and endorsed Bernie Sanders. According to 538's primary forecast, Sanders is expected to win the most delegates on Super Tuesday, but the outcome is dependent on Bloomberg's performance. If Bloomberg fails to meet the 15% threshold in several southern states, those delegates could instead go to Biden, potentially making him the new delegate leader. The race is heating up, with Biden showing renewed strength and several candidates dropping out, making the path to the nomination clearer.

    • California is a key state in the Democratic primary race with 415 delegates, but late poll closing time could give an advantage to Joe Biden.California, with 415 delegates, is a crucial state in the Democratic primary race, but late poll closing time could benefit Joe Biden. Sanders has a strong chance of winning the Latino vote, but early voting has been slow and both Bloomberg and Warren are below the 15% threshold for delegates.

      The Democratic primary race is expected to be close coming out of Super Tuesday, with California being a key state for Bernie Sanders but results not expected until late in the night. Another important takeaway is the importance of having life insurance to ensure financial security for one's family in case of unexpected events. Policygenius can help make finding the right life insurance policy simple and efficient. Regarding the primary race, California is the biggest prize on Super Tuesday with 415 delegates, but the late poll closing time could give an advantage to Joe Biden, who is expected to perform well in other states. Sanders has a strong chance of winning the Latino vote in California, as he did in Nevada, but it's important to note that Nevada is a smaller state and heavily unionized, unlike California. Sanders lost California to Hillary Clinton in 2016 after spending $7 million on ads, while Biden has spent very little on California TV or digital ads. The early voting has been slow, and both Bloomberg and Warren are below the 15% threshold required to get delegates in most contests. Additionally, there were no exit polls in California in 2016, and the estimated black voter turnout has increased from 7% to 16% of the electorate.

    • Impact of California and Texas Primaries on Democratic Nomination RaceBernie Sanders leads in polling for California and Texas, but Joe Biden is expected to outperform based on recent trends and endorsements, potentially causing trouble for Sanders. Michael Bloomberg's underperformance in both states could lead to a collapse in his campaign.

      The upcoming primaries in California and Texas could significantly impact the Democratic nomination race. While Bernie Sanders currently leads in polling for both states, Joe Biden is expected to outperform based on recent trends and endorsements. In California, Biden is predicted to receive around 23-25% of the votes, which could give him a substantial number of delegates and potentially cause trouble for Sanders. In Texas, despite Sanders having an average lead of 6% in polls, it's predicted that Biden will win the state due to the more moderate lean of Texas Democrats. Another key factor is Michael Bloomberg's performance, which is predicted to underperform in both states, potentially leading to a collapse in his campaign. These predictions are based on the assumption that Biden's strong performance in South Carolina and subsequent endorsements will impact voter sentiment in California and Texas.

    • Democratic Primary Race Uncertain for Bernie Sanders in Key StatesDespite strong showings in some states, Bernie Sanders may face challenges in North Carolina, Virginia, and Colorado due to demographic makeup and recent electoral history favoring Joe Biden. Older voters and black voters, significant portions of these states' electorates, typically support Biden.

      The Democratic primary race is not as clear-cut for Bernie Sanders as some may have thought. While he has performed well in some states, particularly in South Carolina, the polling data in other key states like North Carolina, Virginia, and Colorado suggests that Joe Biden may outperform expectations. The dynamics of these states, including their demographic makeup and the recent electoral history, could favor Biden. For instance, in North Carolina, where black voters make up about a third of the electorate, Biden has traditionally performed well among this group. Additionally, older voters, who make up a significant portion of the North Carolina electorate, also tend to favor Biden. The same trend holds true in Virginia, where Hillary Clinton won over two-thirds of white women voters in 2016. These factors, combined with the potential for Bloomberg's campaign to falter, could lead to a stronger-than-expected showing for Biden in these states. Ultimately, the race remains uncertain, and the outcome could depend on various factors, including campaign strategy, voter turnout, and candidate performance in debates and other high-profile events.

    • Democratic Primary Shifting Towards Biden After Super TuesdayBiden is expected to gain momentum after Super Tuesday, with favorable states upcoming. Sanders' lead in delegates is slight, with open convention possibility at 65%.

      The Democratic primary race is expected to shift in favor of Joe Biden after Super Tuesday, as the states following it are more favorable to his campaign. While Bernie Sanders has been leading in delegates, his momentum has been questioned due to underperformance in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and Washington are upcoming states, with Michigan potentially being a close call. Arizona, Florida, Ohio, and Illinois, which follow, are expected to favor Biden. The current delegate count shows Bernie Sanders with a slight lead, but the open convention possibility is at 65%. The race has been about momentum, and Sanders' inability to run up significant scores in states outside of Nevada has raised questions about his ability to maintain his lead. Sanders' behavior as a front-runner has also been criticized, with him appearing fragile and radical compared to Biden.

    • The Daily Wire offers a discount for members, while Bernie Sanders faces criticism for past statementsThe Daily Wire provides a discount for new members, while Bernie Sanders' campaign accuses media outlets of bias, but Sanders himself faces scrutiny for past anti-Semitic comments and associations with controversial figures.

      The Daily Wire is offering a 25% discount on memberships using the code "never socialist," and members receive benefits like an ad-free website, access to exclusive content, and the opportunity to participate in live events. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders and his campaign continue to accuse media outlets of bias, but Sanders himself has faced scrutiny and criticism for his radical views and past statements. A notable example is Sanders' criticism of Asian American PAC and his past comments perceived as anti-Semitic. Sanders identifies as Jewish and has defended his record on Israel, but his associations with figures like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have raised concerns. The Sanders campaign argues that they deserve more coverage due to their growing support and significant fundraising, but the media's examination of Sanders has led to a decrease in his popularity among some voters.

    • Addressing Israel and Palestinian concerns in US foreign policyThe US foreign policy must balance the interests of Israel and Palestinians while addressing criticism of pro-Israel lobby and coronavirus impact on stock market. Sanders' stance on Israel and Trump's economic struggles remain political concerns.

      The foreign policy discourse in the US needs to address the concerns of both Israel and the Palestinian people. The ongoing criticism of the pro-Israel lobby and its alleged power in the US politics has been a long-standing issue, often used in left-wing anti-Semitic rhetoric. Meanwhile, the economic uncertainty caused by the coronavirus outbreak led to a significant drop in the stock market, but it seems to be stabilizing now. The death rate of coronavirus may be similar to that of a severe seasonal flu, and the average American does not need to be overly concerned about catching it. Regarding the political landscape, while Bernie Sanders' stance on Israel and his past comments have raised concerns, President Trump's economic troubles remain a significant issue. The stock market is finding a bottom as people readjust their earnings expectations for the year. The true death rate of coronavirus could be below 1%, making it crucial to gather more information and adjust our response accordingly.

    • Coronavirus Spread and ImpactDespite early detection efforts, community spread of coronavirus is likely. Older adults and those with pre-existing conditions are most affected, but children have mostly mild cases. Modern treatments and vaccines are in development. Trump administration's response has been aggressive with travel restrictions.

      The coronavirus situation in one state likely indicates community spread in other states, and we may see more cases than anticipated once testing becomes more widespread. The virus has been present for a while but was previously undetected due to a low number of deaths. The reproduction number for the coronavirus is higher than the seasonal flu, but modern treatments and vaccines are in development. The virus primarily affects older adults and those with pre-existing health conditions, and children are experiencing mostly mild cases. The Trump administration's response to the virus has been aggressive, with travel restrictions imposed early on. A science fiction book recommendation for those looking for a good read during this time is Isaac Asimov's "The End of Eternity," a time travel novel that is less well-known than Asimov's other works but is still quite terrific.

    • Media handling of coronavirus causing panic and misinformationRely on credible sources for info, avoid contributing to fear and confusion, individual risks of contracting virus are low, effective measures are simple hygiene practices

      During times of uncertainty, clear and accurate communication is crucial. In the discussion, it was addressed how the media's handling of the coronavirus situation has caused unnecessary panic, leading to misinformation and overreaction. This was exemplified in the misunderstanding surrounding Dr. Fauci's supposed muzzling and the unnecessary hoarding of masks. Experts, such as Dr. Fauci and Alex Azar, have emphasized that on an individual level, the risks of contracting the virus are low, and the most effective measures are simple hygiene practices. It's important for individuals and authorities to rely on credible sources for information and avoid contributing to fear and confusion.

    • Vice President Pence Defends Administration's Handling of CoronavirusVP Pence maintains US coronavirus risk low, defends administration's effective response, criticizes Democrats and media for exaggerating the situation

      Vice President Mike Pence maintains that the risk of the coronavirus becoming a major crisis within the US borders remains low, despite concerns and accusations from the media and Democrats. Pence insists that the Trump administration is handling the situation effectively and that resources are being directed towards managing the virus. He criticized Democrats and certain media figures for what he perceives as gaslighting the American public, citing examples such as Elizabeth Warren's accusations against him. Pence defended his record in handling health crises, pointing to his experience dealing with a virus outbreak in Indiana. The debate over the handling of the coronavirus continues to be a contentious issue, with differing opinions on the severity of the situation and the appropriate response.

    • Political manipulation and misrepresentation of coronavirus task force meetingsFocus on facts and expert advice to effectively address the coronavirus crisis, rather than getting bogged down in political debates and misinformation

      The coronavirus task force meeting and related discussions have been subject to political manipulation and misrepresentation by both parties. Elizabeth Warren criticized the lack of gender diversity in the room, while Trump and his supporters accused Democrats of politicizing the crisis and lying about the administration's handling of it. There were misunderstandings and misrepresentations of what each side was saying, leading to confusion and mistrust. It's essential to focus on the facts and expert advice to address the crisis effectively, rather than getting bogged down in political debates and misinformation.

    • Media and political circles focus too much on Trump during Democratic primarySome in media and politics believe Democrats are overly focused on Trump, distracting from issues, while others accuse them of bias against Trump

      According to Ben Shapiro's conversation with Chuck Todd on The Ben Shapiro Show, there is a belief among some in the media and political circles that the Democrats are excessively focusing on President Trump during the 2020 Democratic primary race, to the point of distraction from the actual issues. Todd accused Mike Pence of "gaslighting" by constantly defending Trump against perceived unfair criticism. Meanwhile, Shapiro and his team are preparing for Super Tuesday coverage, encouraging listeners to text in their predictions for the nominee. The team also plugged other Daily Wire podcasts and asked for reviews and subscriptions. Andrew Klavan, host of The Andrew Klavan Show, mentioned a "Chuck Todd challenge" to prove that Todd is biased against Trump. Overall, the episode highlighted the intense political climate leading up to the Democratic nomination and the role of media in shaping public perception.

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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

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    The polls show Donald Trump beginning to pull away as the Biden team struggles for an answer; will World War III break out if Biden begins to collapse?; and the Supreme Court proves it isn’t a conservative policy think tank.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

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    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

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    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Envita Health - Learn more about their treatment options at http://www.EnvitaHealth.com or http://www.Envita.com


    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code SHAPIRO: https://www.goodranchers.com


    PreBorn! - Help save babies from abortion: https://www.preborn.com/BEN


    - - -




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    Facebook: fb.com/moneywithmakng
    Twitter: @moneywithmakng
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