
    Code WACK!

    Code WACK! shines a light on our callous healthcare system and what we can do about it. It reveals the healthcare hassles that - far from being just annoying - threaten our peace of mind, our financial security and at times, our very lives. Join us each week as we chat about the challenges that patients and healthcare providers face, amplifying their voices and examining a range of possible solutions, including Medicare for All. Powered by HEAL California, a project of the California OneCare Education Fund, Code WACK! informs the vital discussion of healthcare reform.
    enHEAL California, a project of the California OneCare Education Fund214 Episodes

    Episodes (214)

    What's fueling America's dreadful nursing home care

    What's fueling America's dreadful nursing home care

    This time on Code WACK! 

    Are regulations meant to protect nursing home residents being enforced? How is understaffing at the California Dept of Public Health affecting nursing home regulation?  Are for-profit and nonprofit nursing homes comparable when it comes to the quality of care residents receive? What reforms are in the works to better protect residents?

    To find out, we spoke to Tony Chicotel, senior staff attorney at California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, or CANHR, where he promotes the rights of residents in long-term care facilities through litigation, legislation, regulatory policy, and consumer education. 


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!


    'A race to the bottom:' How U.S. nursing homes are failing us

    'A race to the bottom:' How U.S. nursing homes are failing us

    This time on Code WACK! 


    The COVID pandemic devastated nursing homes and other long-term care facilities highlighting the need for major reforms. What are the policies behind the often dismal performance of the nursing home industry? What policy changes have been made so far and why are nursing home residents still so vulnerable? 

    To find out, we spoke to Tony Chicotel, senior staff attorney at California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, or CANHR, where he promotes the rights of residents in long-term care facilities through litigation, legislation, regulatory policy, and consumer education. 


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!


    How Medicare ACOs restrict care and offer dangerous incentives

    How Medicare ACOs restrict care and offer dangerous incentives

    This time on Code WACK! 


    Why is tying a medical provider’s pay to the outcomes of their patients a bad idea? Why else should we be concerned about Accountable Care Organizations and the privatization of traditional Medicare? 

    To find out, we spoke to Dr. Ana Malinow,  who spent three decades working as a pediatrician with immigrant, refugee and underserved children before retiring as Clinical Professor of Pediatrics from the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. She’s past president of Physicians for a National Health Program and is currently a lead organizer for National Single Payer and The Movement to End Privatization of Medicare.  This is the second episode in a two-part series with Dr. Malinow.


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!

    'You're not safe': How middlemen are corrupting traditional Medicare

    'You're not safe':  How middlemen are corrupting traditional Medicare

    This time on Code WACK! 


    You've probably heard about the dangers of Medicare Advantage, but did you know that traditional Medicare is being privatized too? How is this corrupting our healthcare system even more and what does this mean for patients?


    To find out, we spoke to Dr. Ana Malinow,  who spent three decades working as a pediatrician with immigrant, refugee and underserved children in Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, and California before retiring as Clinical Professor of Pediatrics from the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. She’s past president of Physicians for a National Health Program and is currently a lead organizer for National Single Payer and The Movement to End Privatization of Medicare. This is the first episode in a two-part series with Dr. Malinow.


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!


    'Nothing about us without us!' The trans community fights back

    'Nothing about us without us!' The trans community fights back

    This time on Code WACK! 

    Some states are making it easier for trans and non-binary individuals to get gender-affirming care but in other states, a record number of laws have been passed to outlaw  – or limit – such care. What kind of toll does this take on people in the trans community, their doctors and their advocates?  What policy solutions are needed to ensure that everyone, regardless of gender identity, has access to the medical care they need?

    To find out, we spoke to Ash Orr, a trans organizer from West Virginia and press relations manager for the National Center for Transgender Equality or NCTE. This is the second episode in a two-part series. 


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!


    Transgender denied! Healthcare stigma & discrimination in rural America

    Transgender denied!  Healthcare stigma & discrimination in rural America

    This time on Code WACK! 

    What unique challenges do transgender individuals face when it comes to accessing health care - especially in rural America? Why is gender affirming care considered potentially life saving for trans and nonbinary individuals? How do inaccessible health care, employment discrimination and medical mistreatment intersect for trans people?

    To find out, we spoke to Ash Orr, a trans organizer from West Virginia and press relations manager for the National Center for Transgender Equality or NCTE. Ash is also a National Storyteller for Planned Parenthood, leveraging their personal experiences with abortion care and transition-related healthcare to help dispel societal stigmas around these topics. This is the first episode in a two-part series. 


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!


    A life-saving Rx for Skid Row? Methadone, harm reduction & reparations

    A life-saving Rx for Skid Row?  Methadone, harm reduction & reparations

    This time on Code WACK!


    What can be done about the fentanyl crisis on Los Angeles’ Skid Row that disproportionately affects Black residents? What policy solutions are needed? In light of the historical evidence of racial disparities in the criminal justice and healthcare systems, should reparations be considered?


    To find out, we spoke to Nyabingi Kuti, director of the LA Harm Reduction Network. Harm reduction, an evidence-based public health approach,  focuses on reducing harmful consequences of substance use. It meets people where they’re at and acknowledges that many people aren’t willing or able to stop using.  This is the second episode in a two-part series. 

    Check out the Show Notes and Transcript for more!


    From Hollywood to Skid Row: What's behind LA County's ballooning overdose deaths?

    From Hollywood to Skid Row: What's behind LA County's ballooning overdose deaths?

    This time on Code WACK! 

    More than 3,000 people died of drug overdoses in Los Angeles County alone in 2022 and last October, Hollywood actor Matthew Perry, of “Friends” fame, became one of the latest overdose victims when he accidentally died of acute effects of ketamine at his Los Angeles home. 

    Perry's story reminds us that no one is immune to drug overdoses, but who are the most vulnerable in LA County and why? How do poverty, homelessness and mental health issues intersect with addiction to create a deadly “perfect storm” for so many? To find out, we spoke to Nayabingi Kuti, director of the LA Harm Reduction Network, which aims to expand and enhance access to substance use disorder treatment for L.A. County and especially Skid Row. This is the first episode in a two-part series. 


    Can we stem the tide of healthcare inflation?

    Can we stem the tide of healthcare inflation?

    This time on Code WACK! 


    Can California’s new Office of Health Care Affordability stem the rising tide of healthcare inflation? Are similar efforts to rein in healthcare costs happening in other states? And what does the creation of the Office mean about the chance for single-payer, Medicare for All in the Golden State?


    To find out we spoke to Ian Lewis, the policy director for Unite Here Local 2, a union of over 15,000 hospitality workers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ian previously served as a research director for the National Union of Healthcare Workers and is a board member of California's Office of Health Care Affordability established in 2022. This is the second episode in a two-part series. 


    Check out the Show Notes and Transcript for more!


    A new sheriff in town? How one state is fighting high healthcare costs

    A new sheriff in town? How one state is fighting high healthcare costs

    This time on Code WACK!


    The New Year is ringing in higher health care premiums while U.S. life expectancy continues to fall. Despite spending more on health care than any other country, we don’t seem to be getting much bang for our bucks! For instance, in 2023 American men can expect to live to age 73 while Frenchmen can expect to live to age 80 - nearly 10% longer! 

    What’s the link between lower life expectancy and high healthcare costs? And what can we do to about it?

    To find out we spoke to Ian Lewis, the policy director for Unite Here Local 2, a union of over 15,000 hospitality workers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ian previously served as a research director for the National Union of Healthcare workers and is a board member of California's Office of Healthcare Affordability established in 2022. This is the first episode in a two-part series.


     Check out the Show Notes and Transcript for more!


    Why millions of Americans seek health care abroad, despite the risks

    Why millions of Americans seek health care abroad, despite the risks

    This time on Code WACK!


    In honor of more than 200 podcast episodes and the New Year, we’re running one of our oldies but goodies about the medical tourism phenomenon - 

    Need surgery but your $7,000 deductible is in the way?  How about major dental care that your insurance doesn't even begin to adequately cover?  Could you save by going to another country for treatment?

    The skyrocketing cost of care and rising insurance premiums are driving some Americans to seek affordable health care abroad. 

    Many medical tourists get high quality, affordable health care abroad. However, some have problems. It's essential to thoroughly research the risks and benefits before pursuing medical care in another country.

    That being said, how much could you save?

    And what's the experience like?

    To find out, we spoke to Michael Djavahery, a Los Angeles-based life coach, trainer, speaker, author, and master hypnotist. In this episode Michael shares his experiences, including how much money he saved, traveling to the Philippines and Malaysia, to be treated by highly-qualified, internationally accredited doctors and dentists.

    If the U.S. had Improved Medicare for All, would that have influenced Michael's decisions?

    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!


    'Absolutely bonkers': The hassles doctors face in treating patients

    'Absolutely bonkers': The hassles doctors face in treating patients

    This time on Code WACK!


    Patients aren’t the only people who are frustrated with our current healthcare system. So are doctors! Why?  And why doesn’t free market capitalism work with health care?

    To find out, we spoke to award-winning filmmaker Maddy Purves, who is editor of the documentary Healing US narrated by Susan Sarandon, and Laura Fielding, founder of Red Berets for Medicare for All and associate producer of Healing US. This is the second episode in a two-part series.



    Healing US: Uniting across the political spectrum to save lives?

    Healing US:  Uniting across the political spectrum to save lives?

    This time on Code WACK!

    How did the new documentary Healing US, about the drawbacks of America’s for-profit healthcare system, get made? Which harrowing stories did they highlight? When Americans need health care, why do so many worry whether they can afford to be treated?

    For answers to these questions and more, we spoke to award-winning documentary filmmaker Maddy Purves, who is editor of the film, and Laura Fielding, founder of Red Berets for Medicare for All and associate producer of Healing US. This is the first in a two-part series.

    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!


    A ‘village of support’: Changing the game for Black expectant parents

    A ‘village of support’:  Changing the game for Black expectant parents

    This time on Code WACK!

    How can we, as a society, better support Black expectant parents and their babies in light of how vulnerable they are to dying in America? And what root causes must be addressed do this most effectively? 

    To find out, we spoke to Melissa Franklin, the first Black director of Maternal Child and Adolescent Health for LA County’s Department of Public Health. Dr. Franklin is a system transformation leader with over 25 years of experience in organizational development, community engagement and communications strategy. This is the second in a two-part series with Dr. Melissa Franklin.


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!

    Abundance, joy & dignity. Healing the Black birth experience

    Abundance, joy & dignity. Healing the Black birth experience


    This time on Code WACK!


    Why are Black people so vulnerable to maternal and infant mortality  - and what’s being done about it? What will the closing of a maternity ward in South Los Angeles County – a trend happening around the country – mean for local residents there?


    To find out, we spoke to Melissa Franklin, EdD, MBA, the first Black director of Maternal Child and Adolescent Health for LA County’s Department of Public Health. Dr. Franklin is a systems transformation leader with over 25 years of experience in organizational development, community engagement and communications strategy. This is the first in a two-part series with Dr. Melissa Franklin.


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!


    Money, money, money! The politics of funding single payer

    Money, money, money!  The politics of funding single payer

    This time on Code WACK!


    What are the main obstacles in implementing a new law paving the way to Medicare for All in California? Where does the biggest opposition lie – and what’s at stake if the law doesn’t fulfill its mission? How is the 2024 election key to our healthcare future?

    To find out, we spoke to Irene Kao,  executive director of Courage California, a progressive grassroots advocacy organization.  She’s also a board member of the single payer advocacy coalition Healthy California Now. 


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!


    Fed up with profit-driven health care? New law puts patients first.

    Fed up with profit-driven health care?  New law puts patients first.

    This time on Code WACK!


    What kind of a healthcare system could actually promote equity? How does a new bill recently signed by Governor Gavin Newsom get California closer to universal, single-payer health care? And how is it different from previous Medicare-for-All bills? 


    To find out, we spoke to Irene Kao, executive director of Courage California, a progressive grassroots advocacy organization for which she’s the first woman of color to lead.  She’s also a board member of the Healthy California Now, a single-payer advocacy coalition. This is the first episode in a two-part series with Irene Kao. 


    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!

    Fighting the Medicare Advantage scourge

    Fighting the Medicare Advantage scourge

    This time on Code WACK!


    What can be done in light of Medicare Advantage overcharging taxpayers to the tune of around $140 billion a year? What’s the Medigap Trap and why should you worry about it?  Why should we work to improve traditional Medicare while pursuing Medicare for All?

    To find out, we spoke to Dr. Ed Weisbart, the national board secretary for Physicians for a National Health Program and president of the Consumers Council of Missouri.

    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!

    Four Ways Medicare Advantage is ripping you off

    Four Ways Medicare Advantage is ripping you off

    This time on Code WACK!


    Medicare Advantage is overcharging the federal government – and you won’t believe by how much! How’s this affecting taxpayers like you and me and what can be done about it?


    To find out, we spoke to Dr. Ed Weisbart, the national board secretary for Physicians for a National Health Program and president of the Consumers Council of Missouri.


    Stranded: Throwing a lifeline to the millions losing Medicaid

    Stranded:  Throwing a lifeline to the millions losing Medicaid


    We're taking a closer look at what the millions of people being kicked off Medicaid can do about it.

    What’s being done to help them?

    And what else could we do to make sure people don't get stranded without health insurance coverage? 

    To find out, we spoke to Loretta Alexander, who recently retired as the health policy director of Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families.

    Ms. Alexander has over 40 years of experience in health care.

    This is the second episode in a two-part series with Loretta.

    Check out the Transcript and Show Notes for more!