
    Podcast Summary

    • Tarot cards reveal shared happiness and unexpected holiday plansThrough their tarot card reading session, Hannah and Jewa discovered the importance of focusing on personal satisfaction and sharing happiness with others, as well as the value of intuition and the energy of each card, leading to an unexpected revelation about their upcoming holidays.

      Despite the chaotic start to their tarot card reading session, Hannah and Jewa managed to have a meaningful and insightful experience. They discovered that while some cards represented individual satisfaction, others called for sharing happiness with others. Their shared experience also led them to an unexpected revelation about their upcoming holidays, having unknowingly booked them at the same time. The session was filled with humor and lighthearted banter, but they also delved deeper into the meanings behind the cards, showing the importance of focusing on one's intuition and the energy that each card radiates. Despite the initial confusion with the cards, they ended up learning valuable insights about their own lives and their connection to each other.

    • Exploring themes of growth, satisfaction, and appreciation through tarot cardsSpeakers found comfort and motivation in tarot cards, recognizing themes of growth, satisfaction, and appreciation, even amidst initial misunderstandings.

      Despite the confusion and uncertainty surrounding the tarot cards drawn, the consistent themes of growth, satisfaction, and appreciation emerged. The speakers acknowledged their past struggles but expressed renewed energy and drive towards the future. The 8 of cups symbolized steady and positive growth after a difficult period, while the 9 of cups represented satisfaction and appreciation for emotional and material accomplishments. Both speakers found comfort and harmony in the cards drawn, despite some initial misunderstandings. Ultimately, they embraced the invitation to indulge and enjoy life's pleasures, using the tarot as a tool for self-reflection and motivation.

    • Personal growth through self-reflection and positive influencesDespite past mistakes, focusing on self-improvement and seeking positive influences can lead to personal growth and a stable life.

      Despite facing difficult circumstances, the power of self-reflection and the support of positive influences can lead to personal growth and a stable life. The speaker, who had spent three years in prison, expressed a strange fascination with the idea of it, but upon release, recognized the need for change. Haunted by the consequences of his actions, he sought to regain stability by living with his parents and working a steady job. However, a romantic relationship threatened to derail his progress. Despite the challenges, he learned to own up to his mistakes and focus on moving forward. The experience of prison served as a catalyst for self-improvement, ultimately leading him towards a more stable and productive life.

    • People are not always as they seemFirst impressions can be misleading, leading to unexpected connections when getting to know someone deeper

      First impressions can be misleading. Luke, while shopping for diapers for his parents, unintentionally gave the impression that he was a tough guy due to his muscular build and tattoos. This led Cassie, a woman he helped in the store, to ask him out on a date. Despite his initial reservations due to her seemingly rough exterior and his ex-girlfriend's neck tattoo, he found himself falling for her warm and playful demeanor. The experience serves as a reminder that people are not always as they seem and that getting to know someone on a deeper level can lead to unexpected connections.

    • People can surprise us with their pastsFirst impressions aren't always accurate, and people's past experiences can shape their behavior in unexpected ways.

      First impressions can be deceiving, and people are not always what they seem. The speaker discovered that Cassie's father was a correctional officer, making her nervous about their dinner with his family. However, despite her initial anxiety, she ended up spending the night at Cassie's house. During the dinner, Jonathan and Sandra's quirky behavior made the speaker uncomfortable, but they revealed that they used to work in the circus and had since settled into normal lives with careers in the medical field. The speaker was surprised by the turn of events and felt out of place, but Cassie asked her to spend the night, and they eventually fell asleep in her room. The next morning, the speaker woke up to find Cassie missing and discovered that she had gone to the bathroom. The strange experience left the speaker feeling confused and unsure of what had transpired during the night. Overall, the encounter showed that people can surprise us with their pasts and that appearances can be misleading.

    • Parents forcing gruesome punishments on ex-convictsEmpathy, forgiveness, and understanding are crucial in dealing with complex human behaviors, rather than seeking revenge or punishment.

      Cassie, under the influence of her parents, Jonathan and Sandra, had been luring people who had been to prison and subjecting them to sickening displays as a form of punishment. One of these victims was the protagonist, who was turned into a corn dog as part of the entertainment in the "laughing room." The parents were dressed as clowns and had taken the woman without limbs captive, intending to teach her a lesson for leaving her baby alone. The protagonist was rescued by SWAT team, but was left with only one functioning leg and has been having nightmares since. This disturbing situation underscores the importance of empathy, forgiveness, and the dangers of seeking revenge or meting out punishment without proper understanding or consideration for the complexities of human behavior.

    • Impact of Past ExperiencesOur past experiences shape our present, influencing our perceptions and desires, and underscoring the importance of embracing the full spectrum of human emotion and experience.

      The human experience is filled with a complex interplay of memories, both joyful and traumatic. Andrew's story about his long legs and unfortunate DUI incident highlighted the consequences of reckless behavior. In contrast, the tale of "The Chair" showcased a nurturing presence, even in the context of a supposed ghost. Both stories underscore the impact of our past experiences on our present, shaping our perceptions and desires. The unexpected phone call in "The Dance of the Jester" added an element of suspense and fear, reminding us of the unpredictability of life. Ultimately, these stories illustrate the importance of embracing the full spectrum of human emotion and experience.

    • The unpredictability of life represented by a jester's danceLife is a dance of uncertainty, where each moment brings new possibilities and challenges, requiring humility and adaptability

      Life is unpredictable, represented by the endless dance of the jester. I first encountered this concept in a small shop where I bought a wind-up jester puppet. The jester's dance symbolizes the juggling of various aspects of life, with each ball representing happiness, family, finances, and so on. The jester flings them up and catches others, but we never know which ball will be caught, which will fall, or which will smash to pieces. The old man selling the puppet warned that we must be humble before the endless possibilities of life and not presume favors from the unknown. The jester may grant our wishes or despise us for asking. This realization left me with a profound sense of uncertainty and the understanding that life is a constant dance of possibility.

    • Beware of suspicious purchasesBuying from unfamiliar sources can lead to financial loss and unexpected consequences. Always ensure proper security measures before sharing sensitive information.

      Buying a seemingly insignificant item from a suspicious source can lead to unexpected and potentially dangerous consequences. The story illustrates this through a man's experience with a jester figurine from a Camden junk shop. Initially, he bought it as a gift for a woman, but later discovered that it had drained his bank account. The man's panic and the figurine's strange behavior added to his suspicion that he had been scammed. The story serves as a reminder to be cautious when making purchases, especially from unfamiliar sources, and to never hand over sensitive financial information without proper security measures in place. Additionally, the man's obsession with impressing the woman led him to make a hasty and regrettable decision, highlighting the importance of being thoughtful and considerate in relationships.

    • Actions have unexpected consequencesBe cautious of letting fears and superstitions control actions, greatest dangers can be unexpected

      Our actions, no matter how seemingly unrelated, can have unexpected and far-reaching consequences. In the text, a woman's belief in a superstition about a jester puppet led her to make impulsive decisions that ultimately resulted in tragedy. Meanwhile, a seemingly harmless ghost story shared by a friend revealed a hidden danger that left the listener terrified. These stories serve as reminders that we should be cautious about letting our fears and superstitions control our actions, and that sometimes, the greatest dangers are the ones we least expect. Additionally, the stories illustrate the power of storytelling to evoke emotions and create shared experiences.

    • The importance of respect and communication with new peopleBe nice, don't judge based on appearances, express concerns to parents, and give everyone a fair chance.

      Communication and respect are important, especially when dealing with new people in our lives, such as a new babysitter. The conversation between the speaker and their mother highlights the importance of being nice and not making assumptions or putting down others. However, the speaker's unease and suspicion towards the babysitter, Zoe, reveals the potential dangers of jumping to conclusions and judging based on appearances. The conversation also touches upon the importance of honesty and expressing concerns to parents or guardians when feeling uneasy about someone in our homes. Despite the initial negative impression, it's important to remember that everyone deserves respect and a fair chance.

    • Judging People Based on First Impressions Can Be MisleadingFirst impressions can be deceiving, and it's important to communicate effectively and clarify misunderstandings to avoid jumping to conclusions.

      First impressions can be misleading, and people are not always as they seem. In the discussion, there were assumptions made about Zoey and her mother based on limited interactions. However, as more information was revealed, it became clear that the situation was more complex than initially assumed. The conversation also showcased the importance of communication and clarification to avoid misunderstandings. Furthermore, the introduction of the mysterious tattooed man highlighted the element of surprise and the unpredictability of life. Ultimately, the conversation served as a reminder to be open-minded and not to judge people based on appearances or initial encounters.

    • Playing a game together builds trust and camaraderieInitially hesitant, the group overcame fears and played a game, strengthening bonds and showcasing their camaraderie

      Despite initial hesitations and fears, the group decided to play a game together, demonstrating the importance of facing challenges and trusting others. The game, "Dark Horse toiling," involved a test of speed and focus, with each participant holding onto a parachute and attempting to run under it before it landed. The discussion also touched upon various topics, including card brands, psychic abilities, and the group's dynamic. The group discovered that none of them possessed psychic powers, leading to some light-hearted banter. Overall, the conversation showcased the group's camaraderie and willingness to engage in playful activities.

    • Communication and focus are crucial in tasks and gamesEffective communication and staying focused are essential for completing tasks and games successfully, avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring both parties are on the same page.

      While the individuals in this conversation believed they were engaging in a game of guessing colors and celebrity names, it was clear that they were both struggling to stay focused and maintain the rules of the game. The conversation became disconnected and chaotic, with frequent interruptions and misunderstandings. It's important to communicate clearly and stay focused when trying to complete a task or play a game, to ensure that both parties are on the same page and can successfully complete the activity. Additionally, it seems that one person believed they had psychic abilities, but their attempts to use this skill were met with skepticism and confusion from the other person. Effective communication and staying focused are key to completing tasks and resolving misunderstandings.

    Recent Episodes from Ghost Huns

    EP85: Ghost Guns

    EP85: Ghost Guns

    The huns are on the RADIO this week but neither are aware of it... expect chaos about bricks, guns, rallies and general nonsense as always.

    Hannah kicks us off with perhaps the most batshit story we've ever heard "Patty Pepperoni's Playhouse", Big Suze goes to MEXICO for her bruja story and Creep of The Week is anonymous this week (think an ex in a closet). Thank you v much for the spooks!

    Finally, we round things off with a hex. Of course. 

    Love you huns, hope you enjoy!




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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJuly 08, 2024

    EP84: Not Suspicious At All

    EP84: Not Suspicious At All

    We dive right on in. This week you'll get part 2 of Tentacles, Big S has cleaned her bathroom, Hannah asks about packin and tells us about Bernard Sloane and his lovely family in the Lower Ground, Big S tells us a proper creepy tale about MIRRORS, then we bring you Nathan Butthole and the midnight game and

    Of course...

    Creep of the Week is from J C!

    Thank you JC - keep us updated please!

    Finally... twin strangers... you can find your own doppleganger!!!

    Let us know your findings huns xoxo

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJuly 01, 2024

    EP83: Malaria and Strep

    EP83: Malaria and Strep

    This week Big Suze has strep and Hannah discusses her health kick. Book recs include The Hunting Party & The Stalker and we find out what happened when hannah met Kerry Catona!

    Stories this week:

    Hannah has a tale about clicking fingers outside a window

    Big S tells us about a college crush that has ... come back 

    Creep of the week is from Paris - thank you hun - we always knew hannah was a ghost...


    WE ARE COMING TO EDINBURGH FRINGE - TIX BELOW! https://linktr.ee/ghosthunspod 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 24, 2024

    EP82: Leash my son up, Jebbifer

    EP82: Leash my son up, Jebbifer

    It's a BONANZA THIS WEEK cos we're feeling so generous. Creeps APLENTY for you huns. Big S and Hannah got pissed in Richmond yesterday and are in good spirits today - on the menu we have:

    - Brenda and a spirit who won't let go...

    - Grizzly tale from Big S about a sister who isn't all she seems....

    - Hannah takes us to meet Samantha Amber and Jenny in a cabin in the WOODS (stunning)

    - Something in the woods calls back from H

    - Big S tells us about the mad bastards Atticus and  imaginary Jeb 

    - Hannah finishes with a story with a cautionary message - DON'T OPEN THE DOOR 

    Creep of the Week is from Tegan! Ty HUN - we won't think about MJ the same!! 

    We of course end with an urban legend from Japan.




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    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 17, 2024

    EP81: The Orange Man

    EP81: The Orange Man

    This week Big Suze is off to the tarot mountain and Hannah kicks us off with a Halloween story about a man in a mask... 

    We then get a KidsAreCreepyAF story about a psychic child, a tall man in Tweed is following you backwards, an unsettling tale from Sulham Hill in BERKSHIRE, Hannah tells us about a spooky figure in a field and of course... our creep of the week is...

    from Susannah! All we'll say is.. footprints in the snow... ty hun!

    We finish with some cartomancy (suzie reads hannah's future with a deck of playing cards. v legit).





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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 10, 2024

    EP80: Burglarising

    EP80: Burglarising

    This week we hear about Hannah's saucy inappropriate dream, our gorgey Oxford show and a ghostly reccomendation (haunted castle anyone?), the huns went on holiday and we let you hear a sneak peak into our time at SHREWSBURY PRISON (it got proper scary). 

    Stories to get your heart nice and icy include - a wife shivering outside, Isabella and Chloe on a big night out to the club and a train journey that is deeply disconcerting...

    Creep of the Week is from GRACE! Ty hun! We'll call this one... "let me out"...

    ENJOY HUNS xoxo




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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 03, 2024

    EP79: Thrashing Around

    EP79: Thrashing Around

    We hear about the outcome of the wax, whether men should wear leggings and Big Suze nearly dies when falling off her chair. Almost. 

    Dive in this week for a story about a haunted flat in Kensington... Hannah tells us a story about Marina and her thrashing and BIG S regales us with a creepy story about people who go missing in the rain. Drip drip drip. 

    Creep of the Week is from E - it's a spooky short story!

    Finally - more spirit writing... let's all get haunted. 

    ENJOY huns xoxo



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    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 27, 2024

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    The huns went on a Big Night Out and we find out about how many wines were drunken. Expect hungover chaos energy on this one. No change there then. 

    Big S kicks us off with a story about a couple taking the back roads... and Hannah takes us to South Korea for a terrifying school story... 1..2...1..2... 

    Creep of the week is from Debbie in Australia (soz for accents in advance Deb) and her experience of a road trip to the Picton Tunnels. 

    We cover all sorts this eppy - getting a wax on your period, a review of the horror film BagHead and does anyone know of the Creepers books?? 

    Hannah rounds it off with a story about Scarecrow (it's giving Goosebumps).

    Finally - We Get Haunted So You Don't Have To (WGHSYDHT) (really rolls off the tongue) - we attempt to contact a dead celeb. 

    ENJOY huns xx



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    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 20, 2024

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    This week Suzie is ratty and Hannah is worried about putin and her KeysPersePhone. The huns are shattered and knackered so expect weird hyper vibes in the studio.

    We kick off with a very strange story about sneaking into high school reunions.... (we apol in advance for the horrific accents scattered throughout this eppy), a tale about a hearse drive-by and a gorge Creep of the Week by Maggie from Argentina!!

    Finally BS predicts how Hannah's weekend is gonna go through the use of ONE TAROT card... it gets creepy as fuck guys.

    Stay safe and spookeh


    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 13, 2024

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    It's EPPY 76 huns (we get it wrong in the intro - our brains have melted... soz.) We get a nice update about BigS and her boobs, Hannah is being dead sexeh and generally things are Very Funny. Hilarious. We hear about a breakfast mugging and whilst we are here, please don't stop making brownies Terri.

    Stories this week - a text exchange between Dad and son, a whatsapp ghost story from Emma, a riddle about how a cheating husband story ends, Big Suze tells us a short spooky story concerning suicide(TW) which Hannah debunks and our Creep of the Week is from Lileth (names have been changed) about a TRUE CRIME case-ongoing story. Ty for sending it in!

    We end with an electronic ouija board... what do we find?

    Oh, and the huns end-end with some war-mongering.

    ENJOY!!!! xoxo

    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




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    Founded in 2012 by Patrick Bet-David, our goal is to impact entrepreneurs around the world through value and entertainment. We are the #1 channel for entrepreneurs because of the best interviews, best how to videos, best case studies and because we defend capitalism and educate entrepreneurs. 

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