
    Podcast Summary

    • Handling unexpected distractions in live performancesStay resilient and adaptable during performances, cope with unexpected distractions by maintaining a sense of humor, and push through to deliver a great show

      Performing, whether it's acting or comedy, requires resilience and adaptability. The speaker shared stories of unexpected distractions and challenges during performances, such as lasers in the eyes or disruptive audience members. Despite these obstacles, the performer emphasized the importance of pushing through and not letting the setbacks deter them. The speaker also mentioned the importance of maintaining a sense of humor, even in difficult situations, as a way to cope with the stress and keep the audience engaged. Overall, the discussion highlighted the unpredictable nature of live performances and the importance of being prepared and adaptable to handle whatever comes your way.

    • Exciting collaboration discussion and birthday surpriseGroup received an unexpected offer, expressed excitement for potential merchandise, and emphasized commitment to fair pricing for fans

      The group had an exciting discussion about a potential collaboration and received a surprising gift during Hannah's birthday celebration. The group was initially unsure about the authenticity and value of the offer, but they were pleased to discover that it was not as scary as they had anticipated. They also expressed their excitement about the potential merchandise, with some expressing their willingness to pay a significant amount for high-quality items. Overall, the group was in high spirits and looking forward to the possibilities that lay ahead. Additionally, they emphasized their commitment to ensuring fair pricing for their fans and avoiding any potential exploitation.

    • Exploring Tarot Cards, Intuition, and ImmortalityTarot cards offer a means for introspection and using intuition for answers, while the concept of immortality through blood transfusions raises moral questions.

      The discussion revolves around various topics, including tarot cards, intuition, and the concept of immortality. The speakers were interpreting tarot cards, with one person revealing the significance of the High Priestess card, encouraging introspection and using intuition for answers. They also mentioned the Hebrew letters on the pillars and their meanings. Another topic was the podcast "The Immortals," which explores the possibility of extending human life through blood transfusions from young donors. The speakers expressed mixed feelings about this concept, raising moral questions about the implications of such a development. Overall, the conversation touched on the themes of spirituality, introspection, and the potential for human longevity.

    • Unexpected opportunities can lead to enjoyable experiencesDon't judge situations based on first impressions, unexpected opportunities can lead to enjoyable and financially rewarding experiences

      Sometimes, opportunities may present themselves in unusual ways, and it's important to approach them with an open mind. In the discussed situation, the speaker was offered a babysitting job, but instead of caring for children, he was asked to look after a washing machine. Initially skeptical, he discovered that the experience was both amusing and lucrative. The incident serves as a reminder that we shouldn't judge situations based on first impressions and that unexpected opportunities can lead to enjoyable and financially rewarding experiences.

    • An unexpected discovery in the washing machineJohnny's night took a bizarre turn when he found shrunken bodies in his washing machine, leaving him with unease and a mystery to solve

      A seemingly ordinary night took an unexpected turn for Johnny when he received messages from his friends about a familiar t-shirt they found in an old photo. This discovery led him to suspect that Tim, an old friend, might have children. However, the conversation was interrupted by the unexpected ringing of the doorbell and the shattering of Johnny's phone screen. Frustrated, he stormed to the front door only to find nothing. Instead, he heard an eerie wailing sound and discovered a small, fleshy creature in his washing machine. Believing it to be a horrifying monster, he frantically ended the washing cycle, only to find a pile of shrunken, bloodied bodies. The realization was beyond disturbing, and Johnny was left in shock and disbelief. The night's events left him with a profound sense of unease and a lingering question about the origin of the shrunken people in his washing machine.

    • A dislike for Ariel and a strange encounter with shrunken peopleEncountering the unknown can be terrifying, but having essential belongings can prevent disastrous consequences

      The speaker had a strong dislike for the character Ariel from The Little Mermaid due to her entitled and wet personality. They found her annoying and preferred other characters like Flounder and Sebastian. In a strange encounter, the speaker found themselves in a situation where they had to help tiny people who had been shrunken and trapped in a drum. Despite their initial fear, they realized they needed to find their coats to avoid being shrunken themselves. The speaker was confused and disoriented by the situation and struggled to understand what was happening. The man they encountered warned them that if they left without their coats, they would be shrunken and turned into asses. The speaker took this warning seriously after witnessing the pulverized bodies at the bottom of the drum. This bizarre and terrifying experience left the speaker with a sense of unease and a newfound appreciation for the importance of having their belongings with them.

    • A tragic discovery of a couple's twisted plan to save their childrenThe belief that one is saving their children can lead to horrifying actions with tragic consequences

      The protagonist discovered a horrifying truth about a couple, Stephen and Susan, who believed they were saving their children by shrinking and stuffing them as dolls. The protagonist, who had initially saved one of the couple's companions, learned of their twisted plan and, in a desperate attempt to stop them, put their coats in the washing machine, causing them to be shrunken and killed instead. The takeaway is that the couple's actions were driven by their belief that they were saving their children, but the outcome was tragic and horrifying. The protagonist's actions, though gruesome, ultimately put an end to the couple's twisted plan.

    • Fear and Perception: Two StoriesFear can distort our perception of reality, leading to irrational thoughts and actions. It's crucial to assess situations before jumping to conclusions.

      Our perception of reality can be distorted by fear and uncertainty. In the first story, the speaker's fear led her to set fire to a house after discovering small corpses, only to later realize it was a bizarre hallucination. In the second story, the speaker's fear of a prank led her to believe her roommate was in danger, only to discover it was just a dropped item. Both stories highlight how fear can lead to irrational thoughts and actions, and how important it is to take a moment to assess the situation before jumping to conclusions. Additionally, both stories demonstrate the power of imagination and how it can shape our experiences.

    • An unexpected encounter with an intruder and a threatening noteAn unexpected message from a friend led to an encounter with an intruder, a threatening note, and lasting fear. The conversation also explored Hawaiian superstitions and the significance of food in the narrator's life.

      Receiving an unexpected message from a friend can lead to unexpected and terrifying circumstances. Mark's late arrival home led our narrator to encounter a intruder in their apartment. The intruder left a threatening note, and our narrator's fear was compounded by the discovery of this note. The incident left a lasting impact on our narrator, and they continue to be haunted by the memory of the event. Moreover, the conversation also touched upon the topic of superstition and the belief in the presence of spirits in Hawaiian culture. The narrator described Hawaii as a place proliferated in spirits, and growing up, they looked forward to their mother's homemade profiteroles, which had become an obsession for them. In summary, the encounter with the intruder and the subsequent discovery of the threatening note left our narrator feeling fearful and vulnerable. The conversation also provided insight into the rich cultural traditions of Hawaiian superstitions and the significance of food in the narrator's life.

    • Abby's Encounter with a Ghost DogThe fear of the unknown can lead to unsettling experiences, and sometimes, the things that go bump in the night may not be as simple as they seem.

      The fear of the unknown can be a powerful and unsettling experience. The story shared by Abby, a resident of the Isle of Man, describes her encounter with what she believes to be a ghost dog. Despite initially dismissing the strange occurrences she experienced, the realization that the only source of light in her room was her monitor led her to feel increasingly uneasy. The fear of what might be lurking in the darkness, coupled with the eerie feeling that she was being watched, left her feeling scared and on edge. The experience left a lasting impact on her, and she expressed a desire for justice and revenge against those who might harm innocent creatures. This encounter serves as a reminder that sometimes, the things that go bump in the night may not be as simple as they seem, and that our fears can be shaped by the unknown.

    • Isle of Man's Local Vampire FolkloreA supposed vampire named Matthew Hassell's grave in the Isle of Man is a popular tourist attraction due to a local folklore story about him making an ungodly sound during his wake, leading the congregation to believe he was a vampire and taking matters into their own hands to prevent his resurrection.

      The Isle of Man in the British Isles is home to a fascinating piece of local folklore about a supposed vampire named Matthew Hassell. According to the story, Hassell made an ungodly sound during his wake in the 1850s, leading the congregation to believe he was a vampire. They took matters into their own hands, driving a stake through his heart, placing a heavy stone slab on top, and chaining him down to prevent him from rising again. The grave, which is still standing, has become a popular tourist attraction. While the story may be open to interpretation, it highlights the enduring power of folklore and the human fascination with the unknown. If you have a ghostly tale to share, consider sending it to Ghost Hunts Podcast at ghosthunspod@gmail.com. In other news, the Ghost Hunts team has a little mind game for their listeners, inviting them to participate in a math puzzle. The team also mentioned their plans for a listener story special and encouraged listeners to submit their own ghost stories. As always, for more ghostly content, head over to patreon.com/ghosthunts.

    • Speakers look forward to performing in ManchesterThe speakers are excited for their upcoming tour stop in Manchester and invite fans to join them at the Frog and Bucket comedy club, nearly sold out. They also mention their upcoming Ghost Hunters appearance and share their love for their fans.

      The speakers are excited about their upcoming tour, which includes a stop in Manchester. Despite some past personal reservations, they have a newfound appreciation for the city and are looking forward to performing there. They encourage their audience to join them at the Frog and Bucket comedy club, which is nearly sold out. They express their love for their fans and wish them well. Additionally, they mention their upcoming appearance on Ghost Hunters and their anticipation for that experience. They invite their audience to share their thoughts and how much they would pay for the merchandise. Overall, the speakers are enthusiastic about their upcoming events and invite their fans to be a part of the experience.

    Recent Episodes from Ghost Huns

    EP83: Malaria and Strep

    EP83: Malaria and Strep

    This week Big Suze has strep and Hannah discusses her health kick. Book recs include The Hunting Party & The Stalker and we find out what happened when hannah met Kerry Catona!

    Stories this week:

    Hannah has a tale about clicking fingers outside a window

    Big S tells us about a college crush that has ... come back 

    Creep of the week is from Paris - thank you hun - we always knew hannah was a ghost...


    WE ARE COMING TO EDINBURGH FRINGE - TIX BELOW! https://linktr.ee/ghosthunspod 

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    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! Sign up here:


    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 24, 2024

    EP82: Leash my son up, Jebbifer

    EP82: Leash my son up, Jebbifer

    It's a BONANZA THIS WEEK cos we're feeling so generous. Creeps APLENTY for you huns. Big S and Hannah got pissed in Richmond yesterday and are in good spirits today - on the menu we have:

    - Brenda and a spirit who won't let go...

    - Grizzly tale from Big S about a sister who isn't all she seems....

    - Hannah takes us to meet Samantha Amber and Jenny in a cabin in the WOODS (stunning)

    - Something in the woods calls back from H

    - Big S tells us about the mad bastards Atticus and  imaginary Jeb 

    - Hannah finishes with a story with a cautionary message - DON'T OPEN THE DOOR 

    Creep of the Week is from Tegan! Ty HUN - we won't think about MJ the same!! 

    We of course end with an urban legend from Japan.




    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! 

    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 17, 2024

    EP81: The Orange Man

    EP81: The Orange Man

    This week Big Suze is off to the tarot mountain and Hannah kicks us off with a Halloween story about a man in a mask... 

    We then get a KidsAreCreepyAF story about a psychic child, a tall man in Tweed is following you backwards, an unsettling tale from Sulham Hill in BERKSHIRE, Hannah tells us about a spooky figure in a field and of course... our creep of the week is...

    from Susannah! All we'll say is.. footprints in the snow... ty hun!

    We finish with some cartomancy (suzie reads hannah's future with a deck of playing cards. v legit).





    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! 

    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! Sign up here:


    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 10, 2024

    EP80: Burglarising

    EP80: Burglarising

    This week we hear about Hannah's saucy inappropriate dream, our gorgey Oxford show and a ghostly reccomendation (haunted castle anyone?), the huns went on holiday and we let you hear a sneak peak into our time at SHREWSBURY PRISON (it got proper scary). 

    Stories to get your heart nice and icy include - a wife shivering outside, Isabella and Chloe on a big night out to the club and a train journey that is deeply disconcerting...

    Creep of the Week is from GRACE! Ty hun! We'll call this one... "let me out"...

    ENJOY HUNS xoxo




    EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 03, 2024

    EP79: Thrashing Around

    EP79: Thrashing Around

    We hear about the outcome of the wax, whether men should wear leggings and Big Suze nearly dies when falling off her chair. Almost. 

    Dive in this week for a story about a haunted flat in Kensington... Hannah tells us a story about Marina and her thrashing and BIG S regales us with a creepy story about people who go missing in the rain. Drip drip drip. 

    Creep of the Week is from E - it's a spooky short story!

    Finally - more spirit writing... let's all get haunted. 

    ENJOY huns xoxo



    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! 

    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 27, 2024

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    The huns went on a Big Night Out and we find out about how many wines were drunken. Expect hungover chaos energy on this one. No change there then. 

    Big S kicks us off with a story about a couple taking the back roads... and Hannah takes us to South Korea for a terrifying school story... 1..2...1..2... 

    Creep of the week is from Debbie in Australia (soz for accents in advance Deb) and her experience of a road trip to the Picton Tunnels. 

    We cover all sorts this eppy - getting a wax on your period, a review of the horror film BagHead and does anyone know of the Creepers books?? 

    Hannah rounds it off with a story about Scarecrow (it's giving Goosebumps).

    Finally - We Get Haunted So You Don't Have To (WGHSYDHT) (really rolls off the tongue) - we attempt to contact a dead celeb. 

    ENJOY huns xx



    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! 

    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 20, 2024

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    This week Suzie is ratty and Hannah is worried about putin and her KeysPersePhone. The huns are shattered and knackered so expect weird hyper vibes in the studio.

    We kick off with a very strange story about sneaking into high school reunions.... (we apol in advance for the horrific accents scattered throughout this eppy), a tale about a hearse drive-by and a gorge Creep of the Week by Maggie from Argentina!!

    Finally BS predicts how Hannah's weekend is gonna go through the use of ONE TAROT card... it gets creepy as fuck guys.

    Stay safe and spookeh


    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 13, 2024

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    It's EPPY 76 huns (we get it wrong in the intro - our brains have melted... soz.) We get a nice update about BigS and her boobs, Hannah is being dead sexeh and generally things are Very Funny. Hilarious. We hear about a breakfast mugging and whilst we are here, please don't stop making brownies Terri.

    Stories this week - a text exchange between Dad and son, a whatsapp ghost story from Emma, a riddle about how a cheating husband story ends, Big Suze tells us a short spooky story concerning suicide(TW) which Hannah debunks and our Creep of the Week is from Lileth (names have been changed) about a TRUE CRIME case-ongoing story. Ty for sending it in!

    We end with an electronic ouija board... what do we find?

    Oh, and the huns end-end with some war-mongering.

    ENJOY!!!! xoxo

    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    EP75: Lynn's Origin Story

    EP75: Lynn's Origin Story

    This week there' a lot of tit and toilet talk. It's outrageous. But amongst the filthy chaos, we ALSO bring you the spooks.

    First up is Part 2 of the crow story (will Madison ever be found?), Hannah tells a story about a haunted toilet, stranger danger in a car park, another haunted toilet, an ACTUAL TRUE CRIME TOILET HORROR and a gorgey Creep of the Week from Kate! Ty hun - expect shadowy bedroom horror.... no thank yew Elliot.

    We round off with more telepathy and we hope you enjoy HITW xxx

    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    EP74: "Burn her"

    EP74: "Burn her"

    The huns discuss scams, Baby Reindeer and dogging. The episode also gets very witchy (history, accusations and hexes).

    Grab a mug of something strong and settle in for some creepy tales of a spooky murder house (lyca? don't even know her), a history lesson from Hannah about witches and Helen Duncan who was imprisoned for being a witch in the 1940s, Part 1 of a story about the gifts of CROWS and finally we round off with a chilling one about the nice neighbours next door....

    Enjoy huns!


    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    💬 Did you enjoy this podcast episode? Tell us all about it in the comment section below!

    On his podcast, he discusses all sorts of topics, including what made him successful and some of his core tenants for living life and managing successful businesses.
    ➡️ He is often joined by Chris Connel and Colt Amidan who are dear friends and successful business people in their own right.

    The Power Move podcast stands to be one of the top sources of knowledge and insights, specifically into real estate and entrepreneurship out there! Not to mention tons of coverage of topical events and insights into our non-commercial lives as well…
    ➡️ Learn and burn Entrepreneurship from serial entrepreneur John Gafford and his band of mayhem makers. From stripper poles to the oval office, business lessons are everywhere.

    If that sounds interesting to you, make sure to subscribe to my channel and don't forget to hit the bell icon to never miss a Podcast! 🔔

    💯 About John Gafford:

    After appearing on NBC's "The Apprentice", John relocated to the Las Vegas Valley and founded several successful companies in the real estate space.
    ➡️ The Gafford Group at Simply Vegas, top 1% of all REALTORS nationwide in terms of production.
    Simply Vegas, a 500 agent brokerage with billions in annual sales
    Clear Title, a 7 figure full service title and escrow company.
    ➡️ Streamline Home Loans - An independent mortgage bank with more than 100 loan officers.
    The Simply Group, A national expansion vehicle partnering with large brokers across the country to vertically integrate their real estate brokerages.

    ✅ Follow The Power Move with John Gafford on social media:

    Instagram ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/thejohnmgafford
    Facebook ▶️ https://www.facebook.com/gafford2/

    🎧 Stream The Power Move Podcast with John Gafford Episode here:
    Listen On Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7cWN80gtZ4m4wl3DqQoJmK?si=70ad5ca4f51e4acc
    Listen On Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-power-move-with-john-gafford/id1582927283

    ☑️ Featuring:

    Chris Connel - Esquire - https://www.connelllaw.com
    Colt Amidan - Director of Commercial Real Estate at Simply Vegas - https://www.amidangroup.com


    Holy F/ck We Can Do Hard Things

    Holy F/ck We Can Do Hard Things

    Friends.. here is a 7min pep talk/mini boost of energy for anyone who needs it right now.

    Sometimes life gets hard. Like really F/ng hard. But guess what.. humans are resilient AF and so so so capable of doing hard things. There is magic in turning towards the things that make us uncomfortable. Maybe today is a day you do something scary or face that "thing" you've been avoiding.

    Make sure to connect with me on IG HERE if you want to follow along for when new episodes are released or you can sign up for my email list HERE (and get a free meditation while you're at it!) plus get the goods as I release meditations, programs, episodes or special coaching offers/retreats. 

    P.S. If you are enjoying these - show me some love and leave a review or share with your friends.. it means more than you know- truly.

    Lots of love. CB x