
    About this Episode

    In this conversation Jake and Craig ponder the art of relating to each other and how media, bias, fake news and belief systems are creating barriers in between people and bubbles around individuals. They discuss the nature of “truth” and the role journalism traditionally played in distributing content and what journalism means in today’s world. How do we distinguish the real from the fake?. Craig and Jake ponder the emergence of AI, ethics and the moral responsibility of the designers of the future. The two explore ideas about Virtual Reality and what this world might look like, Jake suspects much like a psychedelic trip. The big question throughout this conversation is how do we relate to people who hold fundamentally different world-views. If progressive actions are what’s needed in today’s turbulent world, then we need to adopt new ways of relating, understanding and educating people on the issues that matter. And finally, amidst all the chaos, how do we find calm so that we can move about in non-destructive ways, creating bridges not barriers. 

    Find Craig:  @saila |www.saila.com

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    Episode 040 - Marco Pecota
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    Turtles All The Way Down
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    Episode 035: Claire Garber

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    Support Medieval Rhyme's Indiegogo Campaign  @ http://bit.ly/2hTDF6D
    Find Jake  