
    Episode #074 ... Hegel Returns

    enDecember 17, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Hegel's ideas in depthThe 'Philosophize This' podcast host, Steven West, is dedicating more time and effort to understanding Hegel's philosophy and plans to provide more context to make ideas meaningful for listeners.

      The host of the "Philosophize This" podcast, Steven West, has been delving deeper into the works of philosophers, including Hegel, and has been spending an extensive amount of time researching and understanding their ideas. He feels a responsibility to do justice to the thinkers and their works, even if it means taking a departure from the usual philosophical discussions on the show. This deeper exploration has led him to realize that the problem wasn't with his understanding of Hegel, but rather with the initial planning of the Hegel episodes, which included some that went against the show's usual format of providing context to make information meaningful. The host of the podcast emphasizes that this show is not about spewing random facts, but rather about giving context to make ideas meaningful and memorable to listeners. Therefore, moving forward, listeners can expect a mix of episodes, some focusing on a single philosopher and some providing broader context and exploration of philosophical concepts.

    • The Power of IdeasHegel's ideas, which influenced history, remind us of the potential power and impact of new ideas

      The ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a philosopher from the early 1800s, have had a profound impact on how we view the world today. Hegel's ideas, which involve the process of arriving at new ideas and analyzing their worth, are indirectly responsible for shaping human actions and history. Ideas, like seeds, have the potential to grow into something bigger and transform the world. Hegel's ideas, which were once just seeds, have now grown into a vast tree that influences our beliefs and actions. It's a reminder of the power of ideas and their ability to shape the course of history. So, the next time you come across a new idea, consider its potential for growth and the impact it could have on the world.

    • Challenging Kant's view of human natureHegel questioned the assumption of a fixed human nature, opening up new ways of thinking about individual freedom and societal structures, leading to significant philosophical and political developments.

      Our understanding of human nature and its implications for individual freedom and societal structures can greatly differ based on philosophical perspectives. Hegel challenged Kant's view of human nature as a constant battle between reason and desires, arguing that it's not a fixed, unchanging aspect of being human. Instead, Hegel questioned the assumption that human nature can be defined in such a static way. Through his analysis, Hegel found exceptions to this rule in various cultures and time periods, including ancient Greece before Socrates. This challenge to Kant's view opened up new ways of thinking about individual freedom and societal structures, ultimately leading to significant philosophical and political developments in the 20th century. In essence, the way we perceive human nature and its implications for freedom and societal structures can have profound impacts on our world.

    • Socrates and the dialectic thesisHegel's dialectic thesis encourages us to challenge our beliefs and be open to change, leading to personal and cultural growth.

      Our individual sense of morality and beliefs may not be inherent to our human nature but rather conditioned by our culture and time. Socrates, who challenged people's beliefs in ancient Athens, was seen as corrupting the youth and was sentenced to death for it. However, Hegel argues that Socrates was justified in his actions as they led to cultural change. This process of conflicting interests leading to a synthesis, or a new way of thinking, is called the dialectic thesis by Hegel. It describes not only cultural or political change but also individual changes in our lives. For example, our food choices can be influenced by various factors, and the synthesis may come from the clash between these competing interests. Hegel's perspective encourages us to challenge our beliefs and be open to change, even if it feels uncomfortable or controversial at first.

    • Embracing the ongoing process of changeUnderstanding the world requires recognizing the constant shift between opposing ideas and being open to new perspectives

      That understanding the world and making sense of complex cultural shifts may not be as simple as identifying two opposing ideas and finding a middle ground. According to Hegel's dialectic, this process is ongoing, with each synthesis becoming a new thesis that is eventually challenged by a new antithesis. Instead of trying to understand the world by analyzing it at a specific point in time, Hegel suggests that the key to understanding it lies in recognizing the process of constant change. In our daily lives, this might mean being open to new perspectives and recognizing that our choices and priorities may shift based on various competing interests. Whether it's deciding what to eat or grappling with larger cultural shifts, embracing the process of change can help us make sense of the world around us.

    • Understanding the process of change is crucial for personal and societal growthHegel's philosophy encourages us to see ourselves as active agents in the world, shaping our own futures while being mindful of the larger historical context, leading to greater self-awareness and freedom.

      Learning from the discussion about Hegel's philosophy is that the world is constantly changing and understanding this process of change is crucial for personal and societal growth. Hegel believed that everything, including ourselves, is moving towards total self-understanding, which is almost synonymous to freedom in his perspective. This idea challenges the notion that the world and human actions are random and beyond our control. Instead, Hegel suggested that we are all part of a larger historical process that is ultimately leading to greater self-awareness and freedom. This perspective has far-reaching implications for our understanding of history, politics, and personal growth. It encourages us to actively engage with the world around us, question our values, and strive for greater self-understanding in order to contribute to the ongoing process of change. In essence, Hegel's philosophy invites us to see ourselves as active agents in the world, shaping our own futures while being mindful of the larger historical context.

    • Understanding historical context for true freedomRecognize societal norms shape beliefs, strive for self-knowledge, and challenge status quo when necessary, all while being aware of historical context for informed decisions.

      According to Hegel, true freedom lies not only in questioning the status quo but also in understanding the historical context that shapes our beliefs and values. People in the past, such as those living before Socrates, were limited by their cultural and societal norms and didn't have the means or the need to question them. However, Hegel encourages us to be aware of this and to recognize that many of our beliefs are conditioned by our environment. We should strive for total self-knowledge, which includes understanding the historical context of our beliefs, to achieve true freedom. It's important to remember that what is socially acceptable today may be viewed as barbaric in the future, and it's crucial to be aware of this constant change. By recognizing the historical context of our beliefs, we can make informed decisions and challenge the status quo when necessary. This awareness brings a sense of calm, as we understand that the process of historical change is ultimately heading towards a greater good.

    • Understanding reasons behind values and actions for true freedomHegel's philosophy encourages recognizing interconnectedness and role in ongoing process of change for deeper freedom

      According to Hegel, true freedom goes beyond the ability to do whatever we want without restrictions. Instead, it involves understanding the reasons behind our values and actions, and recognizing that everything, including seemingly opposing forces, is part of the process of constant change towards total freedom. This perspective, which is a hallmark of Hegel's philosophy, offers a deeper and more nuanced understanding of freedom than the traditional definition of freedom as the absence of restrictions. By embracing this perspective, we can achieve a state of peace and self-awareness, making it harder to get angry about external circumstances. In essence, Hegel's philosophy encourages us to see the interconnectedness of all things and to recognize our role in the ongoing process of change.

    • Are our choices truly autonomous?Philosopher Herbert A. Siegel questioned if we're free when external influences impact our decisions, highlighting the complexities of modern life and the role of societal pressures and convenience in shaping our choices.

      Our choices and behaviors may not be as autonomous as we think, and external influences, such as societal pressures and convenience, can significantly impact our decisions. This idea was explored by philosopher Herbert A. Siegel, who questioned whether we can truly be considered free if our thoughts and actions are influenced by these external factors. As we continue to delve deeper into this topic, we'll explore how the complexities of modern life and the ease of insulating ourselves from various options can make it difficult for us to make the best decisions for ourselves. This raises the question of whether we are the best judges of what we want and what will make us happy, or if external factors should play a larger role in shaping our choices. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking discussions on this topic.

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    John Vervaeke: Website | Patreon | Facebook | X | YouTube

    Ethan Kobayashi-Hsieh: LinkedIn


    The Vervaeke Foundation


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    Time Codes


    00:00:00 — Dr. John Vervaeke introduces returning guest Ethan Kobayashi-Hsieh.

    00:01:04 — Ethan discusses transitioning from theoretical to practical work.

    00:01:57 — Ethan shares his Sapiential Processing Framework via a screen presentation.

    00:03:08 — Ethan talks about the fourth iteration of his framework.

    00:04:00 — Discussion on recursive awareness of interpretive bias.

    00:08:22 — Vervaeke draws an analogy between Darwinian theory and Mendelian genetics.

    00:10:08 — Vervaeke explains dialogical processing as an antidote to confirmation bias.

    00:16:13 — Ethan demonstrates an exercise to shift perspectives in actors.

    00:17:47 — Vervaeke introduces the notion of the notice invariance heuristic.

    00:23:09 — Vervaeke stresses the transformative aspect of spiritual experiences.

    00:25:26 — Both discuss the concept of 'notice invariance.'

    00:30:16 — Vervaeke talks about his work on rituals.

    00:31:40 — Conversation on deliberate critical reflection for self-organizing criticality.

    00:38:00 — Ethan delves into the theatrical context of speaking.

    00:39:50 — The concept of presence is debated.

    00:45:41 — Ethan discusses introspection and adjustment for personal growth.

    00:46:37 — Introduction to the default mode network by Ethan.

    00:49:06 — Ethan defines his work as part of a meta curriculum.

    00:50:28 — Insights on the cognitive mechanics of performance and parasitic processing.

    00:54:55 — Kobayashi-Hsieh urges listeners to fight paralysis through self-awareness.

    00:55:36 — Vervaeke wraps up with a reminder of Socrates’ multifaceted wisdom.


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    Unlocking the Secrets of Creativity and Wisdom with Dr. John Vervaeke, Kevin Bowers, and Ethan Kobayashi-Hsieh

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    John Vervaeke: Website | Patreon | Facebook | X | YouTube

    Ethan Kobayashi-Hsieh: LinkedIn

    Kevin Bowers: X | Email


    The Vervaeke Foundation


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    00:00:00 — Dr. John Vervaeke sets the stage for the ensuing discussion on creativity and wisdom.

    00:01:24 — Kevin Bowers begins his introduction and shares how creativity has significantly shaped his career.

    00:03:00 — Bowers dives into how Dr. Vervaeke's work has enhanced his understanding of creativity and wisdom.

    00:07:52 — Dr. Vervaeke introduces the pivotal themes of consilience and fittedness in creativity.

    00:10:13 — Kevin Bowers discusses the concept of fittedness in creativity, marking a transformative stance in life.

    00:17:05 — Bowers introduces the idea of authenticity as it relates to creativity and identity.

    00:18:41 — Dr. Vervaeke explores the risks and rewards of self-transcendence within the context of creativity.

    00:26:43 — Ethan Kobayashi-Hsieh expands on the fluid nature of the creative process.

    00:30:22 — Dr. Vervaeke probes into Ethan's ideas on identity formation versus persona adoption.

    00:33:40 — Vervaeke suggests that creativity can enhance our ability to evolve wisely.

    00:39:15 — Vervaeke discusses the concept of faith and its intricate relationship with creativity.

    00:42:20 — Dr. Vervaeke tackles the issue of people self-identifying as non-creative.

    00:47:57 — Kevin Bowers dismisses the notion that creativity is exclusively for artists.

    00:51:27 — Kevin advocates for a shift in perspective towards creativity as a part of nature.

    00:56:27 — Kevin emphasizes that creativity is accessible and can be practiced by everyone.

    01:01:03 — Dr. Vervaeke discusses the concepts of wisdom and self-deception.

    01:08:00 — Dr. Vervaeke elaborates on the idea of creativity as fitting and appropriate novelty.

    01:17:53 — Kevin Bowers talks about the distinct roles of the artist and the judge in the creative 


    01:21:50 — Ethan Kobayashi-Hsieh offers a poetic conclusion on the power of observation.

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    D.C. Schindler: Website 

    Ken Lowry: YouTube | Substack | X 

    John Vervaeke: Website | Patreon | Facebook | X | YouTube


    The Vervaeke Foundation



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    [00:00:00] John Vervaeke introduces the episode and his guests, Ken Lowry and D. C. Schindler.

    [00:02:18] Vervaeke and Dan Chiappe's book project is revealed: exploring the psychology, cognitive science, and philosophy around reason and rationality.

    [00:04:33] The main topic of the episode is introduced: a daring reconceptualization of God, reason, freedom, and Geist.

    [00:07:33] D.C. Schindler delves into Hegel's nuanced relationship with Christianity, providing intellectual scaffolding for the dialogue.

    [00:09:52] Schindler's description of Hegel's concept of spirit underscores the social nature of consciousness.

    [00:16:17] Vervaeke touches on the critique of Hegel by Stanley Rosen, introducing alternative viewpoints.

    [00:19:40] Hegel's often-overlooked relationship with nature is put under the spotlight.

    [00:24:28] Vervaeke introduces 'niche construction' in biology, challenging Darwinian notions and tying back to the concept of 'home'.

    [00:27:51] The psychological and social implications of 'home' are unpacked by Vervaeke.

    [00:30:59] Schindler highlights the role of the hearth, tying it back to human development and spirituality.

    [00:33:15] Vervaeke delves into the hypnotic nature of fire and its evolutionary relevance.

    [00:37:35] D.C. Schindler posits the necessity of an 'absolute' in community formation, adding another layer to the discussion.

    [00:40:00] Hegel's master-slave dialectic and its connection to freedom are introduced by Schindler.

    [00:45:01] Ken Lowry discusses the modern definition of freedom and how it undermines the concept of community and interpersonal relationships.

    [00:48:00] Vervaeke dissects the flaws in associating freedom with economic choice.

    [00:53:20] Freedom and forgiveness are seamlessly tied together by Vervaeke.

    [01:00:47] Schindler’s critique of Aristotle through Plotinus adds depth to the discussion on the concept of 'good'.

    [01:08:42] The Aristotelian notion of nature is explored by Schindler, touching upon the idea of intrinsic motion.

    [01:13:29] Schindler gives a poetic touch, with the essence of beauty being the 'surprise from the other'.

    [01:17:48] Ken Lowry highlights the importance of reflecting on concepts like freedom, rationality, and love.