
    Episode 112 - Midlife Crisis: Renewal or Stagnation

    enMay 21, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding dreams during midlife for personal growthMidlife is a time for exploring inner world, deciphering personal dream code, and harnessing it for optimal life improvement through programs like Dream School. Carl Jung viewed it as a time of immense potential for individuation and selfhood.

      Dreams are a window into the innermost recesses of the soul, and understanding them can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. Midlife marks a significant turning point in this journey, as we transition from focusing on external achievements to exploring our inner world. This period can bring feelings of disillusionment and a search for meaning. Joining a program like Dream School can provide the guidance and community needed to decipher the personal dream code and harness it for optimal life improvement. Carl Jung, a pioneer in this field, viewed midlife as a time of immense potential for individuation and coming into one's unique selfhood. So, whether you're climbing the mountain of external achievements or standing on solid ground in midlife, remember that the inner journey is just beginning.

    • Navigating Midlife Transitions: Conscious Choices and the UnconsciousMidlife transitions involve sacrificing old priorities, immersing in the unconscious, and discovering autonomy for personal growth and development.

      Midlife transition is a significant time of consciousness-raising, where individuals move from being carried by cultural expectations to making conscious choices about their unique journey. This process can be fraught with anxiety and inner turmoil as individuals grapple with existential questions and the need to develop new values and directions. Jung's experience of midlife transition, marked by his confrontation with the unconscious, illustrates the struggle and profound impact of this transition. It involves sacrificing old priorities and values, immersing oneself in the unconscious, and discovering the autonomy of the psyche. This process can be challenging and painful, but ultimately leads to personal growth and development.

    • Discovering our greater self through individuationMidlife can be a time for personal growth and exploration of our inner world, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

      Our lives are influenced by an inner world that we may not be consciously aware of, and this realization can lead to a spiritual awakening or a reconnection with the unlived aspects of ourselves. Jung believed that every individual has a greater self, which includes the ego, unconscious psyche, soul, and soul, and that recognizing this can help us become who we were meant to be. This process, known as individuation, involves discovering and developing the opposite functions of our personality, which can lead to a shift in perspective and even a reversal of roles or values. In essence, midlife can be a time for personal growth and exploration of our inner world, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

    • Failures as opportunities for growthFailures can lead to personal growth and self-discovery, despite initial discomfort and fear of uncertainty. Trust in the unconscious mind's ability to guide us through these experiences.

      Life experiences, whether they result in success or perceived failure, hold the potential for growth and self-discovery. According to Jung, the unconscious mind is wise and powerful enough to guide us through these experiences, even if they may feel like setbacks. Failures, in particular, can serve as catalysts for exploring the unlived aspects of ourselves. Machado's poem encapsulates this idea, describing failures as opportunities for personal growth and the creation of something new and valuable. The fear of leaving the comfort of known structures and facing doubts and risks can be the hardest part of this journey, but it's also an essential part of living a meaningful and authentic life. Jung warned against making a career out of our inferior functions and becoming too attached to our personal attitudes and social positions, which can lead to a diminution of personality. Embracing the uncertainty and complexity of life's events and trusting in the self's ability to orchestrate growth can lead to a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.

    • Midlife reorientation and the unconsciousDuring midlife, the unconscious may demand reorientation, leading to resistance and external regression. Yielding to the unconscious can result in personal growth.

      During midlife, individuals may experience a demand from the unconscious to reorient, which can be frightening and lead to resistance. This resistance can manifest as a regressive restoration of the persona, where one may seek to hold onto symbols of youth or success through external means, such as buying a fancy car or material possessions. However, the real issue lies within, between the ego and the unconscious. The unconscious's demands can initially feel like a paralyzing poison, but yielding to it and attending to the inner life can lead to eccentricity and a deeper sense of meaning. As Jung wrote, "the demands of the unconscious act at first like a paralyzing poison on a man's energy and resourcefulness," but ultimately, it is the key to personal growth.

    • Embrace individuality and curiosity in later lifeAs we age, focus on leaving a positive impact, embrace unique qualities, and avoid becoming ossified for a fulfilling and authentic later life

      As we age, we have the opportunity to embrace our individuality and curiosity, rather than conforming to societal expectations. This idea is inspired by the notion that elders should be "nuttier" and more connected to the wildness of life, as expressed in the quote from Sophia Cycles' Twitter account. This perspective aligns with Erickson's stages of psychosocial development, specifically the stage of generativity versus stagnation in midlife, where individuals focus on leaving a positive impact on the world. By embracing our unique qualities and experiences, we can avoid becoming ossified and instead, remain vibrant and engaged with life. This approach offers hope and the potential for a fulfilling and authentic later life.

    • Finding solace and reinvigoration through inner focusInvest in experiences that bring inner growth, like art or union analysis, to avoid stagnation and desiccation in midlife.

      Navigating midlife challenges can lead to endless reinvigoration if we choose to take the inner road. This was evident in the story of Harry Wilmer, a man who found solace in making childlike yarn paintings during his confinement in World War 2, and continued to create art throughout his life. His soulful creations moved those who saw them, reminding us of the importance of recognizing and nurturing the soul. Jung warned that without this inner focus, we risk becoming stagnant and desiccated, our convictions becoming platitudes and our ideals starchy habits. Instead, we should invest in experiences that bring us closer to ourselves and others, like union analysis, and embrace the joy and transitions that life brings. So, as Lisa from This Union Life Podcast reminds us, this is it - the only life we'll get, and we should make the most of it by focusing on our inner growth.

    • A dream of caring for wounded aspects of selfDreaming of caring for developmentally disabled people and a transforming creature symbolizes the importance of nurturing wounded or neglected parts of oneself for growth and healing.

      This dream reflects the dreamer's inner journey of caring for and nurturing wounded or developmentally delayed aspects of herself. The dream begins with the dreamer walking with a group of her clients, who are developmentally disabled, symbolizing her role as a caregiver. She discovers a small, round, brown object that transforms into a living creature, representing an aspect of herself in need of her attention. Throughout the dream, she tries to protect and soothe the creature, even as it undergoes various stages of growth and suffering. The final transformation of the creature into a beautiful, luminous bird symbolizes the potential for healing and growth, despite the initial struggles and challenges. This dream resonates with the idea of caring for the inner self, as Jung did through his introspective work, and highlights the importance of attending to the wounded parts of ourselves in order to promote healing and growth.

    • Exploring hidden depths and complexitiesDreams can reveal profound insights about ourselves and others, even from the past. Appreciate the interconnectedness of life's forms and the importance of transformation.

      Dreams, even those from the past, can offer profound insights and perspectives that may not have been fully understood at the time. The dream discussed in this conversation is believed to represent the dreamer's clients, who may appear developmentally delayed and suffering in their outer lives. However, their inner lives could be full of enormous spirituality and luminousness, which the dreamer may now be able to perceive after her own personal growth and suffering. The dream also highlights the idea of transformation and the importance of holding onto small moments and discoveries, no matter how seemingly insignificant they may appear at first. The recurring imagery of the creature with black, red, and white feathers, and the progression from a nut-like form to a bird-flower, further emphasizes the idea of transformation and the interconnectedness of life's various forms. Ultimately, the dream invites us to reexamine our perceptions and assumptions, and to appreciate the hidden depths and complexities of ourselves and others.

    • A spiritual journey of transformationDreams can represent the transformation of negative energies into spiritual experiences, but it's crucial to integrate these experiences into daily life instead of relying solely on external means.

      That dreams, particularly this dream, can represent the transformation of primal and problematic energies into spiritualized experiences. The dreamer's journey from encountering a nut, a tiny creature, a wounded bird, to a spiritual dove, reflects the process of metamorphosis and persistence through difficult times. However, the dream's ending raises questions about how the dreamer will integrate this experience without letting it become a spiritual bypass. The mundane elements of the dream, such as the survey and the need for a phone to capture the moment, highlight the importance of integrating spiritual experiences into everyday life, rather than relying solely on external means to hold onto them. The dream also serves as a reminder that when faced with challenges, it's essential to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

    • A transformative dream with a white bird and zinnia flowersThe dream of a transformative process, symbolized by a white bird with zinnia flowers, may reflect the psyche's journey towards a more integrated and whole self.

      The dream discussed could be interpreted as a reflection of the dreamer's psyche going through a transformative process, represented by the appearance of a white bird with zinnia flowers growing out of its feathers. This dream may indicate a breakdown or a psychotic element, but its clear narrative structure, organized progression, and allusion to alchemical operations suggest that the psyche has gone through a collapse and rebuilt itself, leading to a more integrated and whole image. The dream's multiple possibilities and the presence of various images, like the pinky-sized thing, fetal cat, and bird, could represent different stages of this transformative process. Ultimately, the dream's meaning may depend on the dreamer's own interpretation and personal context.

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    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/self-sabotage/ 

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

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    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

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    HERE'S SOMETHING SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. Buy Your Ticket Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.

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    Two Red Books: The Shared Imaginal Realms of Jung and Tolkien

    Two Red Books: The Shared Imaginal Realms of Jung and Tolkien

    How can the shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien empower us to navigate our personal journeys and transform our understanding of self and community?

    In exploring the uncanny shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien, author Becca Tarnas uncovers a profound intersection of depth psychology and mythopoeic literature, revealed in their seminal Red Books. Amid the early 20th century's upheaval, both authors undertook personal and universal journeys into the psyche, employing active imagination to engage archetypes such as the shadow, anima, and hero. Their works, brimming with symbolic meaning and mirroring profound psychological truths, beckon us to contemplate transformation, individuation, and the potency of the feminine principle within. By crafting intricate narratives and psychological insights, Jung and Tolkien charted the inner landscapes of human experience, underscoring the universal struggles and spiritual depths that bind us all. Their exploration of nature, the environment, and the darker facets of the psyche showcase the transformative power of literal and metaphorical journeys, guiding us toward enlightenment and self-realization.

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    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/shared-imaginal-realms-of-jung-and-tolkien/ 

    Rebecca Tarnas is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her research includes depth psychology, archetypal studies, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She is an editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology and author of Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Readers Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (https://a.co/d/7zIUX4K). She is researching and writing a biography of Stanislav Grof, a co-founder of transpersonal psychology.

     For more information about Becca, check out her website: https://beccatarnas.com/


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    Encounters with Light: Jung's near-death experiences

    How can near-death experiences challenge and expand our understanding of consciousness and its connection to the transcendent?

    Carl Jung's near-death experience profoundly deepened his understanding of the psyche and its connection to the universal consciousness, reinforcing his belief in life beyond physical existence. During this transformative episode, he observed Earth from a distance, encountered mystical figures, and experienced a temple-like structure within a meteoric stone, enriching his theories on the collective unconscious and archetypal imagery. This experience left an indelible mark on his professional theories and personal philosophy, intensifying his exploration of human consciousness and the continuity of life after death.

     Universally consistent across cultures, Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are marked by out-of-body sensations, encounters with entities or deceased relatives, and environments filled with light, highlighting a shared psychological process at the boundary between life and death. Research efforts have effectively verified these phenomena, especially those corroborated in clinical settings, which challenge traditional views on consciousness. The transformative impacts of NDEs are profound, often leading to a diminished fear of death, increased spirituality, and a broader sense of self that integrates with universal consciousness. Open discussions enrich our understanding of NDEs within various cultural and historical contexts and provoke deeper reflections on consciousness as potentially expansive and eternal, aligning with modern and ancient perspectives on the human experience.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:  https://thisjungianlife.com/near_death_experiences/

    Prepare to discover what profound transformations can occur as one hovers between life and death; how psyche might extend beyond the physical realm, suggesting our consciousness is capable of surviving bodily limits; which elements of near-death experiences (NDEs) resonate across different cultures; whether personal transformations following NDEs typically lead to significant life changes; why NDEs captivate scientific and spiritual communities, as they offer a glimpse into the potential expanses of human consciousness and provide a narrative that can bring solace and meaning…and so much more.


    Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/  

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    MARTYR COMPLEX: Selfish or Selfless?

    MARTYR COMPLEX: Selfish or Selfless?

    How can understanding different aspects of martyrdom help us navigate personal sacrifices and societal expectations in our search for a meaningful life?

    Individuals with a martyr complex often seek validation for their pain and suffering, which can be a source of protection and nurturing. It can also be a form of manipulation where personal suffering is used to influence or control the reactions of others. This behavior can be harmful, leading individuals to persist in unhealthy relationships or dangerous situations under the guise of nobility or duty. It is important to distinguish between healthy self-sacrifice and detrimental martyrdom by gaining a reflective understanding of our motivations and aligning our actions with healthy self-sacrifice. Resolving the complex involves examining personal motives, societal values, and psychological health to foster healthier ways of being and interacting in the world.

    Prepare to discover…what complexities and interpretations surround the concept of martyrdom, revealing its multifaceted nature in both historical and personal contexts; how individuals interpret and internalize the idea of suffering and sacrifice through personal experiences and cultural narratives, shaping their worldview and psychological responses; which factors contribute to someone being viewed as a martyr, including the interplay of religious, cultural, and personal elements that influence the perception of sacrifice; whether the actions associated with martyrdom are motivated by genuine selflessness, psychological needs, or external influences, examining the blurred lines between heroism and victimhood; why the theme of martyrdom resonates deeply across different cultures and epochs, serving both as a source of inspiration and a tool for social and political change…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/martyr-complex/


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    Freebies From Today’s Episode

    Get a Sheri Salata’s free Companion Workbook to The Beautiful No by going to jjvirgin.com/thebeautifulno.


    Main Points From Today’s Episode

    1. Sheri Salata served as the Executive Producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as the Co-President of Harpo Studios and the Oprah Winfrey Network. After dedicating twenty years to the career of her dreams, she decided it was time for a life transformation.
    2. Sheri's book, The Beautiful No, is an inspiring story of her middle-of-life reinvention. Sheri's motto is that it's never too late to make the rest of your dreams come true!
    3. Radical self-care, including feel-good practices, needs to be a top priority. Feeling good is the beginning of being able to dream new dreams.


    Episode Play-By-Play

    [0:55] How JJ met Sheri Salata

    [2:01] Sheri Salata’s career briefing

    [2:30] Sheri’s inspiring new book, The Beautiful No  

    [3:19] Listener shout-out 

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    [4:58] JJ and Sheri knew they were going to be friends when they first met. 

    [6:50] JJ can’t get enough of Sheri’s book, The Beautiful No.  

    [8:50] Reframing mid-life to middle of life

    [10:05] What prompted Sheri’s middle-of-life reinvention? 

    [11:15] Sheri started working for Oprah Winfrey in an entry-level position at age 35.

    [12:00] It’s never too late to make the rest of your dreams come true!

    [13:55] How to open yourself up to new possibilities

    [15:30] Radical self-care needs to be a top priority.

    [16:04] Feeling good is the beginning of being able to dream new dreams!

    [18:22] Why self-care is selfless, not selfish

    [19:48] Why your contribution to the world is your happiness 

    [20:12] How Sheri transformed her “to-do” list to a “to-be” list

    [21:52] Being busy as a state of unconsciousness 

    [24:49] JJ’s self-care routine 

    [26:22] You have to take a look at how you’re spending your time. 

    [28:54] The biggest shifts that Sheri has made in her life

    [31:13] In the middle of life, you have the opportunity to make sure that your glory days are ahead of you. 

    [31:42] How to get Sheri’s free companion workbook to The Beautiful No

    [33:12] JJ’s action step from today’s interview that you can put into place today 

    [33:50] Start by picking one thing that you’re going to master. 

    [34:52] Upliftment starts with you! 


    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Beautiful No: And Other Tales of Trial, Transcendence, and Transformation, by Sheri Salata

    JJ Virgin Sleep Candy

    Become part of JJ’s community

    JJ Virgin Official Facebook page

    JJ Virgin on Instagram

    JJ Virgin on YouTube

    Episode 170 - Letting Go: When Is It Time?

    Episode 170 - Letting Go: When Is It Time?

    In the first half of life, we strive to develop ego strength and achieve our dreams. To want, will, and work is worthwhile and adaptive--until a life dream, relationship, or identity fades or fails. Should we hang in and hang on - or let go? When does perseverance become pointless, or hope turn rancid in refusal to accept disappointment, defeat, or depression?

    In letting go, we relinquish our hard-won, heroic “I” and yield to an encounter with the unconscious. Jung says that although “I was afraid of losing command of myself…I let myself drop.” He came to realize that “This identity and my heroic idealism had to be abandoned, for there are higher things than the ego’s will, and to these one must bow.” Jung discovered, as may we, that in letting go something greater can meet and sustain us. 


    “I’m in a dining room. It’s in an older house with rooms like boxes for different purposes. There is the requisite brown wood dining room table. I’m not sure I should be in there. It feels old and used, and the air feels stale. I look up at there is a plain dark four-blade fan. It’s motionless. But I’m awe-struck by the ancient golden raven perched on the fan blade closest to me. I immediately knew it was the ancient raven. It was looking at me. It was large and had multiple layers of ancient golden feathers. Some big. Some small. Its many golden feathered tail hung down from the fan like a peacock. We just stared at each other. I knew deep inside this ancient raven was connected to me.” 


    C.G. Jung. Memories, Dreams, Reflections

    Randolphe M. Nesse, M.D. Good Reasons for Bad Feelings


    Learn to Analyze your own Dreams:  https://thisjungianlife.com/enroll/

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    Lastly, Julia briefly wraps up the 17-part Negative Emotions mini-coaching journey within Series 1: Defining - Assessing - Visioning - just so we can see where we are before we embark on our next exciting step.

    " May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!"

    All free Coaching Tools - https://happiness-matters.coach/free/

    Subscribe to Julia's blog

    Learn more at http://www.happiness-matters.coach
    or start coaching with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HappinessMattersCoach/

    2673 Dreams are Yours to Create

    2673 Dreams are Yours to Create

    Dreams are yours to create and construct. Choose to make yourself better today, so tomorrow can be the best of what's to come. 

    Create your now even when you are having a bad day. Even when the storms take away your enthusiasm. Even when hope seems a little diminished.

    Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    You do not have to let go of what holds your heartbeat.

    But for some reason, we hold others' truths closer to our hearts than our own.

    Part of maturity and gaining wisdom is noting what holds you hostage and what sets you free.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Dreams are yours to create!

    So why are you choosing someone else's plan for your life?

    We ask our children what they want to be when they grow up. But we can't even answer that question for ourselves. And if we do, we hide behind what's impossible.

    Can you see what impossible really stands for?

    I'm possible!!

    You can do absolutely anything you set your mind to.

    • You can be that mom who is at all the games and dance recitals.
    • You can be that mom who volunteers when everyone else complains.
    • You can be that mom who stands up when everyone else is running away.

    Yet one thing you do better than anyone else is letting the guilt of what you think you can't do lead your every day.

    Rise up!

    You have been called to greatness! So don't shrink back.

    This is a beautiful journey you're on; it's your life!

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!" ~ Kristianne Wargo

    So let's talk about your dreams.

    In these next few moments, what do you want to do today to impact your tomorrow?

    Because what you decide today creates your tomorrow.

    Stop whining when you can be shining!

    Create your now!

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #Inspiration #CreateYourNow #DailyMotivation

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo






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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.