
    Done with Dieting with Elizabeth Sherman

    Welcome to 'Total Health in Midlife,' the essential podcast for women ready to redefine their health journey. Hosted by Elizabeth Sherman, a Master Certified Life & Health Coach, Nutritionist, and Women's Health Specialist, this show is a guiding light for those experiencing the change of midlife to the exciting threshold of the next chapter —be it an empty nest, retirement, or a personal rediscovery. Each episode is a blend of empathy, expertise, and encouragement. Elizabeth understands the unique challenges faced during this life phase, from evolving family dynamics to the physical and emotional changes that come with aging. She guides listeners through topics like hormonal balance, mental clarity, emotional resilience, and holistic wellness, all tailored for the midlife woman. By listening, you'll gain practical strategies, heartfelt insights, and empowering knowledge to take charge of your health. 'Total Health in Midlife' is more than just a podcast—it's a community where every episode feels like a conversation with a wise friend who truly gets it. This is where you'll find the motivation to embrace the change you desire, the inspiration to prioritize self-care, and the support to craft a fulfilling, healthy future. Make 'Total Health in Midlife' your next binge-worthy podcast and join a sisterhood of women journeying together towards a healthier, balanced, and empowered life. Visit https://elizabethsherman.com/habits to download the 8 Basic Habits that Healthy People Do Guide & Checklist to start your journey focusing on the basics of good health for your body today!
    enElizabeth Sherman177 Episodes

    Episodes (177)

    164: I Know What to Do. I’m Just Not Doing It!

    164: I Know What to Do. I’m Just Not Doing It!

    My journey from a health professional battling with my own vices to someone who preaches wellness wasn't an overnight transformation. It began with a heart-wrenching wake-up call during my mother's illness and led me down a path of discovery—realizing that knowledge alone isn't enough to foster the change we seek. 

    That's why we're unwrapping the complex layers that lie between understanding health and living it, highlighting the indispensable role of personalized coaching. By sharing my own experiences, I aim to illuminate how tailored insights and accountability can revolutionize our approach, turning information into action for a healthier, more fulfilling life.

    This episode isn't just about what to do; it's about setting goals that resonate and creating a vision that sticks. We dissect the SMART framework to show how effective goal-setting can lead to remarkable achievements when aligned with personal values. 

    As we explore the need for regular check-ins and customized coaching strategies, we also tackle the psychological roadblocks, such as stress and body image, that can derail our progress. I invite you to consider how overcoming limiting beliefs through reframed thinking can clear the path toward your health aspirations. 

    Join us on this transformative journey, and let's forge a roadmap to your well-being together.

    Chapter Summaries

    Bridging the Gap (0:00:05)

    Personal transformation, the gap between knowledge and action, the importance of coaching, and seeking a healthier path.

    Health Goals Through Personalized Coaching (0:19:19) 

    Setting meaningful goals aligned with values, addressing psychological factors, and reframing limiting beliefs for personal health coaching.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/164

    163: Men's Midlife Health w/ Craig Spear

    163: Men's Midlife Health w/ Craig Spear

    What happens when the invincibility of youth starts to fade, and the reality of aging and health decline sets in? Can men truly embrace self-care and emotional vulnerability as they cross over the age of 40? 

    Join us as we navigate these thought-provoking questions with the unique insights of our esteemed guest, Craig Spear, a renowned men's health and weight loss coach. 

    Craig Spear, once a professional athlete and now a passionate advocate for men’s health, shares his journey and his mission to help men, particularly those over 40. He dives into his experiences of creating inclusive gym environments and explores the emotional pain and fears many men face that lead them to seek help. 

    With Craig’s expert guidance, we uncover the obstacles around self-care and emotional engagement, offering pragmatic advice on overcoming these hurdles. This deep-dive conversation unravels the complexities around defining optimal health and how it varies for each individual.

    My final segment with Craig explores the essential health tips specifically designed for men over 40. He shares valuable insights from his podcast, ‘Man in the Arena,’ among other resources he offers. We address the challenge of managing emotions without resorting to harmful coping mechanisms such as overeating, overdrinking, or overworking. 

    This episode proves to be a goldmine for those seeking to understand the unique health challenges men confront, especially as they age. You don’t want to miss this enlightening episode, packed with insights and practical tips for achieving optimal health.

    About Craig Spear

    Meet Craig Spear, a former CFL player turned Ironman athlete, Entrepreneur, and Weight Loss Coach. As he reached his 40s, Craig noticed a decline in his health and decided to take charge. 

    Recognizing the power of a solid plan and support, he created ‘The Spear Method,’ a tailored approach designed to assist men over 40 in losing weight and shifting their mindset towards healthier living. 

    Craig's journey from sports to wellness entrepreneurship serves as an inspiring narrative, and he now invites others to connect with him to embark on their own transformative health and weight loss journeys. 

    If you're ready to prioritize your well-being, Craig Spear is here to help you create your next success.

    Chapter Summaries

    Men's Health and Weight Loss Coaching (0:00:04)

    Craig Spear is a men's health and weight loss coach for men over 40, with a degree in Kinesiology and Psychology and CFL experience, creating an inclusive gym environment and now offering virtual coaching.

    Health Coaching for Men Over 40 (0:06:58)

    Craig Spear helps men facing physical and emotional pain to achieve optimal health.

    Navigating Emotions and Vulnerability in Men (0:17:37)

    Men discuss internal resistance, shame, vulnerability, and emotion management to promote self-care.

    Health Tips for Men Over 40 (0:30:36)

    Men's health coach Craig Spear shares how to overcome fears and reach optimal health, discussed on his podcast Man in the Arena.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/163

    162: Why I Don't Log My Food

    162: Why I Don't Log My Food

    I remember the exact moment when I realized that my food diary had become my prison. Every calorie counted, every nutrient tracked, I was trapped in a relentless cycle where my self-worth hinged on my meal choices. 

    Welcome to a heartfelt episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast, where I take you through my transformative journey from the meticulous world of food logging to the liberating practice of intuitive eating. Together, we'll explore how to break free from the shackles of the food diary and learn to trust our body's natural cues to lead us toward a healthier, more joy-filled way of eating.

    Throughout the episode, I dive into the hidden dangers of food logging perfectionism, weaving in stories of individuals like my client Jerry, whose struggle with habit tracking brought light to the necessity of self-compassion in our eating journey. 

    We'll discuss the power of adopting a beginner's mindset and how to use food logging as a stepping stone toward greater self-awareness and growth, rather than a strict measure of virtue. I'll guide you through the complex emotions that often accompany eating habits and share strategies on how to foster resilience and self-compassion as we navigate our relationship with food.

    Join me as I discuss finding a sustainable balance in our food choices, where treats are no longer the enemy and moderation becomes our friend. I'll share insights into the transition from rigid tracking to savoring meals and how to include the foods we love without an ounce of guilt. 

    By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the tools to cultivate a peaceful, satisfying eating experience that honors your health goals and celebrates the joy of eating. Unwrap those earbuds and let's embark on this journey to food freedom together.

    Chapter Summaries

    Ditching Food Logging for Intuitive Eating (0:00:04) 

    Food logging can negatively impact our relationship with food and self-worth, but intuitive eating offers a healthier, more balanced approach.

    The Pitfalls of Food Logging (0:06:12) 

    Nature's moral compass: Avoid perfectionism in food logging, adopt a beginner's mindset, and focus on internal satisfaction.

    Food Logging and Mindset Shifts (0:20:58) 

    Food logging can be emotionally challenging, but mindset shifts and photo tracking offer sustainable alternatives.

    Finding Balance in Food Choices (0:34:37) 

    A mindful and balanced approach to eating, including treats without guilt, trusting the body's cues, and savoring meals with peace and satisfaction.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/162

    161: People Pleasing & Self-Care

    161: People Pleasing & Self-Care

    Are your health habits taking a backseat to your people-pleasing tendencies? 

    Break free from the cycle with me, Elizabeth Sherman, as I tackle the subtle ways saying 'yes' too often can negatively impact your well-being. As I share my personal experiences and professional insights, I shed light on the often-overlooked connection between people-pleasing behaviors and personal health choices. 

    From the family table where we silence our dietary preferences to the workplace, where we overcommit at the cost of our exercise routines, we explore the ramifications of not voicing our needs. Join me to learn how to set boundaries and choose self-care without an ounce of guilt.

    This episode is a heart-to-heart for anyone, particularly women in midlife, who feels the tug-of-war between caring for others and caring for oneself. As we navigate the complex landscape of hormonal changes, energy management, and food choices, we underscore the importance of self-respect and self-compassion during this transformative time. 

    I dive into personal growth, boundary setting, and ways to infuse joy into your daily life. It's more than a conversation; it's a movement towards living authentically and prioritizing your health and happiness. So, tune in and take the first step towards reclaiming the life you deserve.

    Chapter Summaries

    People Pleasing's Impact on Health Habits (0:00:04) 

    People pleasing impacts health habits, but prioritizing self-care is necessary for lasting change and empowerment.

    People-Pleasing's Impact on Health and Happiness (0:05:30)

    People-pleasing can harm our health goals by neglecting our needs and prioritizing others, leading to resentment and imbalance.

    The Impact of People-Pleasing on Health (0:17:32)

    Childhood people-pleasing can lead to self-abandonment, but self-care and boundaries can reclaim self-worth, especially for women in midlife.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/161

    160: Ex-Good Girl with Sara Fisk

    160: Ex-Good Girl with Sara Fisk

    As I navigated the waves of midlife, I found myself shedding the layers of a people-pleaser, much like the leaves fall from the trees in autumn. It's a transformation that many women can relate to, and it's exactly why I invited Sara Fisk, the voice behind the Ex-Good Girl Podcast, to join me in a heart-to-heart conversation about this significant phase of life. 

    We explored the often rocky terrain of midlife and women's health, discussing how to practice self-care authentically and how to deal with the sometimes dismissive medical community when it comes to menopause. Our chat brought to light the need for self-awareness as we navigate the societal shifts and personal changes that come with this stage in life.

    Our relationship with food is as complex as the most intricate of dances, and Sara and I took a moment to step into the rhythm of this topic. We shared our personal stories, revealing the cultural pressures that have shaped our views on food and body image. 

    Through our conversation, it became evident that our dietary choices are reflections of how we care for ourselves, and we should make them based on our satisfaction, not on the desire to conform to external expectations. We peeled back the layers of emotion that often accompany our eating habits, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries for a balanced and mindful approach to both our plates and our feelings.

    Wrapping up our heartfelt dialogue, we turned our attention to the power of self-advocacy and the critical role of embracing personal desires when it comes to our health and wellness. Sara and I underscored the importance of having a supportive community, especially as we face the challenges and transitions of midlife. 

    We shared how coaching can serve as a guiding light through these times, offering encouragement and a space for celebrating personal victories. Leaving our listeners with gratitude, we hoped to inspire and support everyone on their unique journeys toward health and self-discovery.

    About Sara Fisk

    Sara Bybee Fisk is a Master Certified Coach and Instructor who teaches women how to tame the rampant people-pleasing, perfectionism, and codependency that is causing them so much frustration and resentment. 

    She is an anxious optimist and born-again feminist who listens to more books than she sits down to read. She loves a good hike, good dark chocolate, and good conversations. 

    Her big dreams include learning to sail and to sing and dance like JLo and helping thousands of women create the big, juicy lives they want to be living. She is a wife and mom of 5 and she enjoys those roles most of the time. 

    Chapter Summaries

    Navigating Midlife and Women's Health (0:00:03) 

    Midlife, self-care, and breaking free from people-pleasing habits are discussed, along with the transformative potential of this life phase.

    Developing a Healthy Relationship With Food (0:14:03)

    Food, love, and body image are intertwined in our culture, influenced by societal pressures and misconceptions about labeling foods.

    The Relationship Between Food and Emotions (0:18:10) 

    Nature's impact on our emotional well-being, setting boundaries with food and people, and the journey towards self-awareness.

    Exploring Self-Awareness and Embracing Personal Desires (0:28:48)

    Self-compassion, body acceptance, and setting boundaries for personal empowerment about food and emotions.

    The Importance of Self-Identity and Self-Care (0:36:16) 

    Midlife transitions for women involve identity crisis, societal pressures, and the importance of self-love and setting boundaries.

    Exploring Relationships and Midlife Health (0:42:05)

    Nature's impact on self-advocacy, people-pleasing, and food in midlife transitions, and the importance of boundaries, self-care, and asking for help.

    Supporting Health and Wellness Goals (0:48:50)

    Prioritizing health, having a support system, and the benefits of coaching for achieving dreams and tackling challenges.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/160

    159: Fault vs Responsibility

    159: Fault vs Responsibility

    I remember the moment I realized that my health was not just a product of my genetics, but a canvas I could paint with my choices and actions. It was a profound transformation from feeling like a helpless bystander in my own body to becoming the artist of my well-being. 

    On this episode of Total Health in Midlife, I, Elizabeth Sherman, invite you on a journey to unlock the potential of a mindset geared towards health empowerment. 

    We'll unearth why we often feel trapped by our genetics and upbringing, and how acknowledging our role in creating our health narratives can lead to profound change. Get ready to challenge old beliefs and embrace the effort it takes to achieve your health goals.

    As we peel back the layers of self-pity and victimhood, we discover the resilience of taking personal responsibility for our well-being. Whether you're navigating injuries, health diagnoses, or the everyday challenges that life throws your way, there's a path to a brighter, healthier future. 

    In this heart-to-heart, we discuss adapting with grace and strength and forging a compassionate alliance with your body. By the end of our time together, you'll be equipped with insights and practical advice that will inspire you to craft a life marked by vitality and fulfillment. 

    So, press play and join us as we step into a space of confidence, self-acceptance, and thriving health.

    Chapter Summaries

    Unlocking Your Health's Full Potential (0:00:05) 

    Mindset shifts from self-pity to empowerment in health, acknowledging effort and calorie balance, and overcoming the victim mindset.

    From Victim to Health Responsibility (0:05:47) 

    Taking responsibility for our health journey, adapting to injuries and diagnoses, and empowering ourselves to prioritize well-being.

    Building a Thriving Future (0:19:31) 

    Prioritize well-being, embrace health and self-acceptance, take responsibility for the future, and find fulfillment on a transformative journey.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/159

    158: The Ripple Effect of Self-Care

    158: The Ripple Effect of Self-Care

    I'll never forget the day I realized self-care wasn't just about me. It was during a particularly hectic week when, despite the chaos, I took time for a morning walk and it astonishingly transformed my entire day, making me more present for my family and more productive at work. 

    In this episode, we'll traverse the misunderstood landscape of self-care, especially during the transformative midlife years. Join me, Elizabeth Sherman, as I debunk the myth of self-care as a selfish luxury and reframe it as an essential practice that radiates benefits well beyond oneself. 

    I'll share stories and insights drawn from my coaching experiences that illuminate how investing in our well-being enriches every role we play—from parenting to professional endeavors.

    We'll also examine Maria's inspiring narrative, showcasing how integrating simple health habits like hydration, quality sleep, and mindful eating can catalyze profound improvements across various facets of life. I'll provide you with actionable strategies to seamlessly incorporate self-care into your busy schedule, how to shed the unwarranted guilt around taking time for yourself, and the importance of establishing a legacy of health. 

    By the end of our journey, you'll be equipped with the understanding that each small step towards self-care is a leap towards a more vibrant and fulfilling life, not just for you, but for everyone whose lives you touch.

    Chapter Summaries

    The Ripple Effect of Self-Care (0:00:04) 

    Self-care is not selfish, it benefits all aspects of life and we deserve to prioritize our well-being.

    Small Steps Improve Health (0:11:13) 

    Physical, mental, and emotional health are interconnected, and small changes can lead to sustainable improvements in well-being.

    The Ripple Effect of Prioritizing Health (0:18:42)

    Small health changes have a cumulative effect on well-being, including walking, hydration, vegetables, mindful eating, and quality sleep.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/158

    157: Listening to Your Body with Lisa & Stephanie

    157: Listening to Your Body with Lisa & Stephanie

    Ever wondered how two ordinary women, Lisa and Stephanie, navigated their struggles with weight and body image? 

    Join us as they share their inspiring stories, from discovering intuitive eating and the Feel Good Sisterhood to overcoming menopause setbacks. You'll be captivated by their resilience in the face of adversity and their pursuit of self-confidence and body positivity. 

    We break away from the common gym culture and delve into the importance of finding enjoyable, sustainable forms of exercise. Be inspired by our guests' experiences with a year-long program, where they learned to redefine their relationship with food and movement, supported by a sisterhood of women on the same journey. 

    Listen, as we unpack emotional eating, explore the complex mind-food connection, and reveal how to make healthier choices without succumbing to guilt and immediate cravings. 

    To wrap up, we celebrate the triumphant health transformations of Lisa and Stephanie, illustrating how aligning healthy eating habits can positively impact their lives. They share how the program has not only helped them navigate perimenopause symptoms but also instilled in them a sense of control over their relationship with food. 

    Lastly, we dissect the role of vulnerability and flexibility in pursuing health goals. So join us, and let the personal stories and lessons of our brave guests inspire you to embark on your health journey.

    Chapter Summaries

    Finding Strength and Self-Confidence in Health (0:00:05)

    Lisa and Stephanie share their struggles with weight, body image, and health, and how they found support through intuitive eating and Elizabeth's podcast.

    Benefits of Walking and Non-Gym Exercise (0:16:36)

    Women share doubts about committing to a year-long fitness program, emphasizing enjoyable movement and the role of play.

    Transformation and Support in a Program (0:22:43) 

    Stephanie and Lisa credit a year-long program for improving their relationship with food, reducing emotional eating, and creating lasting changes in their lives.

    Understanding and Overcoming Emotional Eating (0:36:38)

    Participants share experiences of connecting mind and food choices to avoid emotional eating and make healthier decisions.

    Healthier Eating and Lifestyle Impacts (0:41:51)

    Lisa and Elizabeth share their journey with food and body image, discussing struggles, positive effects, and newfound freedom through the program.

    Vulnerability and Flexibility in Pursuing Goals (0:52:43)

    Setting and achieving goals in health and fitness, embracing vulnerability, understanding the why, and finding what works for each individual.

     Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/157


    156: Health Span vs Lifespan

    156: Health Span vs Lifespan

    How would you redefine aging? 

    This episode is all about that - not just adding years to your life, but adding life to your years. We dive into the intriguing contrast of health span versus lifespan and underline the importance of proactive health management for a vibrant future. 

    Hear firsthand stories of individuals thriving in their later years and those facing challenges, drawing attention to the long-term impact of our daily habits on our health and finances.

    Leaping simply surviving to thriving, we discuss the power of physical activities, mental and emotional well-being, and independence in living a fulfilling health span. 

    Have you ever wondered about the real impact of investing in your health? Discover how mindset, habits, and health coaching can pave the way for a healthier, happier future. 

    Remember, every step counts when it comes to a fulfilling health span. So, are you ready to make those choices that lead to vibrant aging?

    Chapter Summaries

    Thriving in Aging (0:00:04) 

    Healthspan vs. lifespan, living well, small changes, thriving, physical activities, mental and emotional well-being, independence, long and healthy life.

    Invest in Health for Vibrant Future (0:12:20) 

    Investing in our health has long-term benefits, mindset is crucial, and health coaching offers empowerment.

    The Importance of Health and Aging (0:20:32) 

    Healthspan and lifespan are discussed, emphasizing the importance of living better and making healthy choices at any age.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/156

    155: Total Health in Midlife Introduction

    155: Total Health in Midlife Introduction

    Are you ready to ditch the diet culture and quick fixes, and embrace a richer, more meaningful definition of health and wellness in midlife?

    Welcome to Total Health in Midlife, a podcast that goes beyond the surface level to explore a holistic approach to well-being. We'll challenge traditional weight-loss narratives and explore the science of aging, self-care, and extending our health span.

    What does it truly mean to be healthy in midlife? 

    It's not just about the physical, it's about creating a robust, fulfilling life for ourselves and the future. We'll explore the undeniable importance of self-compassion, developing a healthy relationship with ourselves, and fostering connection with our communities.

    Join me as we unpack essential topics like menopause, feminism, and social justice through the lens of health and well-being. We'll dive into the power of self-care, navigate the challenges of aging, and discover how self-compassion can be a game-changer in our health journey.

    Tune in to Total Health in Midlife and redefine your vision for a healthy, satisfying midlife and beyond.

    Chapter Summaries:

    Redefining Health in Midlife (0:00:04) 

    Prioritizing holistic well-being, mental and emotional health, and preparing for a fulfilling future.

    Total Health and Wellness in Midlife (0:10:41)

    Exploring self-care, healthy aging, retirement, menopause, feminism, community, and self-compassion.

    Get ready to unlock a richer understanding of health and wellness and empower yourself to thrive in midlife and beyond.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/155

    Bonus Episode: Your Healthiest Year

    Bonus Episode: Your Healthiest Year

    Step into a new era of achieving lasting health goals and bid farewell to the cycle of repetitive resolutions that vanish faster than holiday decorations in January. I'm thrilled to invite you to a special bonus episode. If you've ever felt the frustration of unmet health objectives, this episode will help you as we move into 2024 with renewed motivation and direction.

    As a seasoned expert in women's wellness, personal training, nutrition, and life coaching, I'm here to equip you with the tools needed to make your health aspirations stick. Let's ensure that your resolutions extend far beyond the excitement of New Year's Eve confetti this year.

    In this expansive episode, we'll shatter the mold of generic health advice and dive into tailored strategies designed to resonate with your unique lifestyle. With over 17 years of expertise, I specialize in addressing the distinctive challenges faced during midlife. Together, we'll explore the impact of stress on our health, discover ways to sustain motivation throughout the year, and uncover the secrets to defying the trend of 'Quitter's Day.'

    This episode is a comprehensive blueprint for a year of attaining and surpassing your wellness goals. Join me as I illuminate the path forward, guiding you toward a year filled with achievement and empowerment.

    Chapter Summaries

    Reimagining Resolutions

    I am acknowledging past resolution failures, offering hope for lasting change in 2024, and teasing sustainable health strategies.

    Introduction to New Beginnings

    I explore the excitement of the New Year and discuss the process of setting up plans and goals.

    Overcoming Resolution Pitfalls

    Addressing the flaws of New Year's resolutions, understanding 'Clean Slate Events,' and discussing the challenges of maintaining resolutions beyond January.

    Get  more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/2024


    • Unlock the mindset-shifting potential of considering a year-long focus toward optimal health, rejecting rigid timelines, and embracing joy while crafting personalized, sustainable habits.

    • Discover strategies for realistic health goals and resilience in the 'Your Healthiest Year' live class, tailored for women in midlife.


    Goal Setting Series 4: Maintaining Motivation

    Goal Setting Series 4: Maintaining Motivation

    "Motivation is not merely a fleeting spark but a flame we can tend to.” 

    Join me as I dive into the intricate realm of sustaining motivation, navigating its fickle nature, and discovering the tools to keep it burning bright even on the darkest days. 

    Through shared experiences and proven strategies, this episode will empower you to conquer slumps and find delight in the journey. Unpacking the potency of profound emotions and cherishing seemingly small victories, you will learn practical tools to fuel your drive while chasing your aspirations.

    I also want to give a big shout-out to all of you who have been on this journey with me throughout this goal-setting series. Your continuous drive to push forward, celebrate victories, and believe in yourselves is both inspiring and empowering. 

    It's worth remembering that it's not solely the attainment of your goals that matters, but the joy and fulfillment derived from them. 

    So, let's continue to pursue this journey of health, vitality, and resilience. Listen in for more enlightening conversations and don’t forget to keep your goals fun and your motivation high!

    Chapter Summaries

    Maintaining Motivation (0:00:05) 

    Maintaining motivation in midlife through sustainable habits, finding joy, and celebrating small victories.

    Inspiring and Empowering Health and Well-Being (0:16:20) 

    Thank you for joining me on a journey of health and vitality, celebrating wins, and setting fulfilling goals.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/goal-setting-4


    Goal Setting Series 3: Navigating Obstacles

    Goal Setting Series 3: Navigating Obstacles

    What if the hurdles in our lives could become the stepping stones to our ultimate goals? 

    Buckle up as I explore an enriching dialogue about overcoming challenges in the goal-setting process, specially designed for you. I tackle the universal struggle of managing your time, offering concrete strategies for getting past this obstacle and making time for what it is that you want.

    In the episode, I offer a comforting reminder of the resources and support available to you. 

    This isn't just about overcoming hurdles, it's about transforming obstacles into sources of growth and resilience. 

    So, let's do this together, learning to embrace challenges, remain focused, and ultimately, achieve our goals.

    Chapter Summaries

    Navigating Obstacles in Goal Setting (0:00:03) 

    Nature's obstacles in goal setting for midlife women, time management, proactive preparation, and staying focused during busy periods.

    Resources and Support for Overcoming Obstacles (0:18:07)

    Time management, setting boundaries, and joining a supportive community can help overcome obstacles and achieve goals.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/goal-setting-3


    Goal Setting Series 2: Understanding and Overcoming Myths

    Goal Setting Series 2: Understanding and Overcoming Myths

    What if the major roadblocks hindering your progress are not your capabilities but the myths surrounding goal-setting you've subscribed to? Join me, as we debunk common misconceptions about goal setting, especially those that might be wreaking havoc in your midlife transition. 

    Together, we'll uncover the truths and reshape our perspective towards setting goals - those that are not only achievable but also fulfilling. Let's move away from the overwhelming belief of making sweeping changes all at once or solely relying on willpower, and instead, focus on making small yet sustainable changes that harmonize with your current life situation.

    Are you ready to challenge the widely held beliefs that often trap us in a cycle of frustration and disappointment? Tune in as I share insights and practical strategies for setting goals that align with who you are and the unique circumstances of your life. 

    I explore the importance of setting realistic goals, the power of baby steps, and the necessity of understanding your current life circumstances in setting goals. We're not just debunking myths but empowering you to make meaningful strides in your journey toward lasting success. 

    Remember, this journey is not a race, and your goals are yours alone, so they should resonate with you, not some societal norms or expectations. So, let's rise above the fog of misconceptions and set a clear path toward our true desires!

    Chapter Summaries

    Setting Achievable and Fulfilling Goals (0:00:03)

    Overcoming myths about goal setting: realistic goals, seeking support, and small steps lead to progress.

    Debunking Goal-Setting Myths, Overcoming Obstacles (0:11:45)

    Debunking myths about goal setting empowers us to make realistic, sustainable changes aligned with our current circumstances.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/goal-setting-2

    Goal Setting Series 1: Setting Realistic Goals

    Goal Setting Series 1: Setting Realistic Goals

    Are your goals often oversized and unrealistic, leading to feelings of failure and disappointment when you can't meet them? 

    Join me as I redefine goal setting in the context of midlife, focusing on the power of achievable, behavior-focused goals that lead to lasting change. I share personal experiences and insights, shedding light on the necessity of meeting ourselves where we currently are in life. 

    We challenge the norm, demonstrating that it's entirely okay, and even necessary, to adjust and evolve our goals as we grow, highlighting the importance of flexibility in this process.

    I also talk about common goal-setting myths, debunking them one by one. I illuminate the value of adaptability and the power of taking small, deliberate steps towards your future. 

    I invite you to journey with me, transforming your aspirations into attainable realities, and making this year a year of true growth and fulfillment. Get ready to change your perspective on goal setting and align your goals with your life! 

    Tune in, and let's shape an amazing day together.

    Chapter Summaries

    Setting Realistic Goals (0:00:04) 

    Align goals with life stages, use behavior goals for lasting change, and break the cycle of feeling overwhelmed in setting ambitious goals.

    The Power of Realistic Goal Setting (0:08:01) 

    Focus on behaviors, embrace failure, and adapt goals as you grow. Start small and be flexible.

    Achieving Goals (0:20:15)

    Overcome myths in goal setting, adjust and adapt, join the Facebook group, practical tips for achieving goals.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/goal-setting-1

    Prioritizing Yourself vs The Virtuous Caregiver

    Prioritizing Yourself vs The Virtuous Caregiver

    Are you feeling the pressure of creating the perfect holiday experience? Ready to break free from the myth of the virtuous caregiver and the associated holiday stress? 

    Join me as I debunk this damaging myth and provide practical strategies to simplify your holiday agenda. I address the self-imposed and external pressures that come with the holiday season and how they can impact your health. Discover how your worth isn't tied to your holiday hustle and why it's vital to put your well-being back on the priority list.

    Listen in as I explore the concept of creating peace and connection during the holidays. I help you identify the tasks that truly matter and those that you can strike off your holiday to-do list. Uncover how to create an anchor of desired feelings that will guide your decisions and allow you to genuinely enjoy the season. 

    I also dive into the importance of prioritizing self-care during the holidays, providing you with tools to recognize when you're feeling overwhelmed and giving you permission to step back and focus on yourself. 

    Let's redefine the holiday season and reclaim your peace, presence, and authentic joy.

    Chapter Summaries

    Debunking Virtuous Caregiver Myths (0:00:05)

    I discuss self-imposed and external pressures, simplifying our holiday agenda, and our worth not being tied to how much we do.

    Creating Peace and Connection During Holidays (0:12:14) 

    Identify tasks to reduce stress and cultivate peace, calm, and connection during the holidays.

    Prioritizing Self-Care During the Holidays (0:24:04) 

    Self-care, reducing stress, connection, love, and joy during the holidays are discussed to help manage to overwhelm.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/154


    Holiday Health Bare Minimums

    Holiday Health Bare Minimums

    Haven't we all been there? Trapped in the holiday chaos, stretching ourselves too thin to cater to everyone else's needs, but ours? 

    This episode peels back the layers on a game-changing strategy for the holidays - the idea of bare minimums. These are small, easy changes that can keep us sane and healthy amidst the festive frenzy. 

    I debunk the myth that the holiday season is just another time of the year and expose the invisible workload that often accompanies this special period. I aim to ensure you don't vanish into the to-do list. 

    I then dig deeper into the bare minimum concept during the holiday season. These are non-negotiable habits that serve as your health safety net while keeping you grounded amid the holiday whirlwind. I lay out practical tips to establish and maintain these personal habits, no matter how wild things get. 

    I wrap up the episode and shed light on the importance of integrating these bare minimums into your holiday routine. I share insights on how to ensure these habits stick and how to leverage personal motivations to stay on track. I also serve up tips on how to make the holidays slightly easier and get the most out of your downtime. 

    Trust me, prioritizing your health and well-being during the festive season is crucial, and finding the right balance amidst the holiday bustle is possible. Tune in and let's navigate this holiday season together healthier and saner.

    Chapter Summaries

    Navigating the Holidays (0:00:07)

    Identify non-negotiable habits to navigate holiday chaos, prioritize love and connection, and create bare minimums for sanity and health.

    The Importance of Bare Minimums (0:07:47)

    I emphasize the importance of bare minimums to stay healthy during the holidays and discuss their power to maintain balance.

    Setting and Sticking to Holiday Minimalism (0:14:25) 

    Create bare minimums this holiday season with practical tips, eight basic habits, pitfalls to watch out for, and self-kindness.

    Holiday Health (0:26:04) 

    We prioritize health and well-being, discuss ways to make habits stick, and share tips to make the holidays easier.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/153


    Is It Rude? Or Boundaries?

    Is It Rude? Or Boundaries?

    Are you feeling caught between wanting to please others and wanting to prioritize your health and well-being this holiday season? 

    Listen in as I discuss the often tricky issue of setting boundaries, particularly during social events. Learn about mindset shifts and techniques to help you manage social pressures without sacrificing your well-being. I'll share relatable stories from some of our clients, Lisa, Sarah, and Amy, who have all grappled with these challenges, offering invaluable lessons for all of us.

    Join me as I navigate the tricky topic of saying 'NO,' exploring why society pressures us to always agree and be polite, and the damaging effects this can have on our health and autonomy. I'll also share insights on how to prioritize your own needs during the holiday season and how to say NO without guilt. 

    This episode is all about taking back control and prioritizing your well-being. So, if you're ready to navigate this holiday season with more grace and less stress, this episode is for you.

    Chapter Summaries

    Setting Healthy Boundaries and Saying No (0:00:08) 

    Set boundaries this holiday season without sacrificing well-being by shifting your mindset and using techniques to navigate social pressures.

    Saying No (0:16:02) 

    Saying no without guilt, setting boundaries, and prioritizing needs are discussed to understand why people push for a 'YES.'

    Prioritizing Yourself During the Holiday Season (0:27:41) 

    Prioritize needs, set boundaries, say no without guilt, and enjoy the holiday season.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/152

    The Mental Offload with Shawna Samuel

    The Mental Offload with Shawna Samuel

    Ever feel like you're constantly bombarded by societal expectations and pressures, especially as a woman? Well, you're not alone. 

    I recently had an eye-opening chat with Shawna Samuel, the founder of Mental Offload, and we dove into this hot topic, exploring how imperative it is to subtract these pressures to reclaim our time and energy. Shawna's insights on shedding the perennial need to please others, to make space for self-care and personal growth, are just the wake-up call we all need.

    Navigating the labyrinth of household chores and responsibilities often brings its own set of challenges. The talk with Shawna brought to light the concept of weaponized incompetence, and how it's often entwined with maternal gatekeeping. These patterns can strain relationships, but more importantly, they can impact our ability to trust and allow space for our partners to learn. We dug into how we can shift these dynamics and embrace a more balanced, equitable approach at home.

    Finally, we took a hard look at the mental load that women, particularly women of color, carry. This emotional and mental burden is often underappreciated, yet it can steal precious time from self-improvement and skill-building. Shawna shared practical advice on how to offload this mental load, making decisions about travel, childcare, and self-care that put you first. 

    Listen in and discover how to challenge societal norms, advocate for your personal space, and set the path for a life that's balanced and fulfilling.

    About Shawna Samuel

    Shawna is an executive leadership & productivity coach for women and the host of The Mental Offload podcast. She’s the founder of The Mental Offload, which specializes in helping women balance demanding jobs and busy family lives, without losing their minds. Shawna has led teams across 20 global markets in her professional life and holds an MBA from Yale in addition to Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching. She lives with her husband and 2 children in Paris.

    Chapter Summaries

    Subtracting Struggles for Women's Success (0:00:01) 

    We discuss expectations from society, how to take back our time and energy, and the importance of saying no.

    Challenges With Delegating Household Chores (0:17:25) 

    We examine weaponized incompetence, maternal gatekeeping, and how expectations can impact trust and learning.

    The Mental Load and Gender Equality (0:24:01) 

    We examine the emotional and mental toll of appearance expectations on women of color, and how this can lead to gender gaps.

    Minimizing the Mental Load for Women (0:46:48) 

    Put ourselves first to reduce mental load, advocate for space and time, and make decisions on travel, childcare, and self-care.

    Offloading the Mental Load (0:56:36) 

    Women reduce mental load, reduce expectations, and prioritize self-care to improve emotional and mental well-being.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/151

    Setting Goals and Missing Marks: A Raw Recap

    Setting Goals and Missing Marks: A Raw Recap

    Here's a powerful notion to consider: What if falling short of your goal was the best thing that could happen to you? 

    In this episode, I recount the highs and lows of the past year, celebrating the podcast milestones and embracing the detours, like rebranding and unforeseen setbacks. 

    If your expectations are tied to societal norms, let's shake them up a bit. Personal freedom is at the core of our discussion as we wade through the waters of change and personal growth. I reassess my goals and champion the idea of embracing life's imperfections. So, prepare yourself, the journey to personal growth isn't about perfection but more about resilience in the face of adversity. 

    Lastly, I have a heart-to-heart about celebrating small behavioral victories over grand end goals. It's easy to get disheartened when we don't meet our lofty goals, but what if we shift our focus to smaller, more attainable behavioral changes? 

    Imagine the joy of having more energy, sleeping better, or even relishing a simple walk. It's time to drown out the inner critic and tune into the voice of self-love and encouragement. So join us, and let's raise a toast to our little victories on the path to optimal health. 

    Let's redefine success, together.

    Chapter Summaries

    Goal Setting and Overcoming Setbacks (0:00:00) 

    Reflecting on highs and lows, we discuss why pivoting is important, celebrating wins, and setting up for success.

    Celebrating Behavioral Wins and Transformations (0:10:37) 

    Focusing on behaviors and habits, celebrating small wins, and self-discovery are key to a successful health journey.

    Navigating Change and Personal Growth (0:18:36) 

    Taking a step back to reassess goals and freeing from rules leads to personal growth, pushing through fear and self-doubt for success.

    Small Wins Lead to Big Victories (0:32:14) 

    Celebrate successes, reach out for help, and silence self-criticism to achieve goals.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/150