
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected opportunities from insignificant experiencesBeing open to opportunities and having potential can lead to significant outcomes. The real purpose of auditions or trials might be to evaluate the performer.

      Unexpected opportunities can arise from seemingly insignificant experiences. The speaker shares a personal anecdote about how he got a chance to perform on a main panel show after doing well in a run-through, just like how Pele started his football career with a juggling act on a TV show. Both situations illustrate how being open to opportunities and having potential can lead to significant outcomes. The speaker also touches upon the idea that sometimes, the real purpose of auditions or trials is to evaluate the performer, rather than the other way around.

    • Feeling the sting of being surpassedLegendary figures like Pele may struggle to let go of past glories when surpassed by new talents, but it's important to respect their achievements and appreciate their contributions to their fields.

      Despite the passing of time and the emergence of new talents, it's natural for legendary figures like Pele to hold on to their past glories. The conversation between the two individuals reveals that Pele, a soccer icon, has been feeling the sting of being surpassed by newer players. The speaker acknowledges the difficulty of letting go and moving on when one's place in the spotlight is taken by someone else. The conversation also touches upon the importance of respecting the past and the achievements of those who came before. The speaker encourages listeners to show appreciation for Pele's contributions to soccer, even as they celebrate the accomplishments of current players. The conversation also highlights the evolution of the entertainment industry, with a focus on the growing importance of gender equality in booking panel show guests.

    • Debuting on a panel show: A nerve-wracking experienceMaking a debut on a panel show can be nerve-wracking, but it's an opportunity to get noticed and build a comedy career. Self deprecation is important, but be prepared for the edit. Previous unknown status can lead to better performance.

      Making your debut on a popular panel show can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially when following in the footsteps of well-known comedians. The speaker shared his experience of appearing on a panel show, where he tried to be self deprecating but also couldn't believe he was on TV. He was surprised when he received comments that he was just laughing at other people's jokes, despite not saying anything notable in the edit. The speaker also mentioned that his earlier non-transmitted panel show appearance was better, as he played up the fact that no one knew him there. Overall, the experience of making a debut on a panel show can be a challenging one, but it's an opportunity to get noticed and build a comedy career.

    • Starting out on panel shows: A daunting experienceStarting out on panel shows can be intimidating, with the pressure to fit in and perform. It takes time to establish yourself and adapt to the show's format.

      Starting out in comedy and performing on panel shows can be a daunting experience. It feels like a massive undertaking when you're first starting out and have only had a non-televised pilot go well. The pressure to fit in and perform can be overwhelming, especially when you're surrounded by established comedians and hosts. Mickey Flanagan, Richard Adeoli, Jason Manford, David Mitchell, and others were all part of the panel show experience for the speaker. However, they were stalwarts in the industry, and the speaker felt like an outsider. The speaker made jokes about not being recognized and felt that Sarah Harding, a reality TV star, took pity on him instead of understanding his self-deprecation. The experience was painful, with Spencer Matthews and others cutting him off mid-story, leaving him feeling embarrassed and humiliated. The speaker took advice to heart and kept talking, but it didn't go well, and no one spoke to him afterward. Ian Sterling, a friend of the speaker, also had a rough time on the show. The difference between starting out and being a known quantity in the industry is that when you're starting out, the show wants you to fit into their format, and they don't accommodate your style. They're not booking you based on your material. It's a specific skill to perform well on panel shows, and it takes time to establish yourself. The speaker has since performed on many panel shows but recognizes that it's a unique challenge when you're just starting out.

    • The experience of stand-up comedy is unpredictable and subjectiveNew performers face the challenge of winning over crowds quickly and dealing with rejection, but it's important to believe in oneself and keep pushing forward.

      The experience of performing stand-up comedy can be unpredictable and subjective. The perception of how a performance goes can vary greatly between the performer and the audience. Sometimes, a performer may feel they had a terrible show, while those in the audience might have enjoyed it immensely. Conversely, a performer might believe they had a great show, only to find out that the audience didn't connect with their material. This phenomenon is due in part to the fact that audiences make quick judgments about comedians they don't know, and performers often face the challenge of winning over the crowd within the first 30 seconds. The unpredictability of stand-up comedy can be particularly challenging for new performers, who may feel the pressure to win over the audience quickly and deal with the rejection that comes with not connecting right away. Despite the challenges, it's important for performers to believe in themselves and trust their abilities, rather than relying on gimmicks or shortcuts to gain entry into comedy clubs. Ultimately, the experience of stand-up comedy is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, and performers must learn to embrace the ups and downs and keep pushing forward.

    • Mistaken Exit at The GleeDespite initial nerves and mistakes, persistence and learning from experiences can lead to growth and improvement in comedy performance.

      Even early in his comedy career, the speaker faced challenges and made mistakes, such as walking off the stage from the wrong side during a successful gig at The Glee in Birmingham. Manchester audiences had a fondness for cocky southern comedians, and the speaker had taken time off work to perform there. Despite initial nerves and uncertainty, he managed to deliver a successful 10-minute set. However, in his excitement, he failed to notice Michael Legge, the MC, signaling for him to leave the stage from the other side. Realizing his mistake, the speaker was left stranded backstage, unable to exit gracefully. This experience, while embarrassing at the time, likely contributed to his growing confidence and comedic skills.

    • Anxiety and nerves are common in stand-up comedyExperienced comedians face anxiety and nerves, and setbacks like accidentally going off stage or being undermined before a set can occur, but it's important to keep going and have faith in abilities once on stage.

      Performing stand-up comedy involves dealing with anxiety and nerves before going on stage, and even experienced comedians can have moments of feeling like they're bombing on stage or dying in front of an audience. The speaker shared a story about an incident where he accidentally went off the wrong side of the stage during a gig, causing confusion and awkwardness. He also talked about a time when another comic unintentionally undermined him before his set, making him feel even more nervous and anxious. Despite these challenges, the speaker emphasized that such experiences are a part of the job and that it's important to keep going and have faith in one's abilities once on stage. He also noted that the feeling of performing in front of a sympathetic audience, where the laughter feels insincere, can be worse than bombing on stage. Overall, the experience of stand-up comedy involves a mix of excitement, fear, and resilience, and the ability to bounce back from setbacks is essential.

    • Unexpected roast during podcast recordingBe prepared for the unexpected during podcast recordings or public interactions and embrace the humor in unexpected situations.

      The experience of recording a podcast with friends can lead to unexpected and humorous situations. During a recording session, the speaker was roasted by some kids, who looked so much like one of his friends that there was a risk of confusion. The speaker was taken aback by the resemblance and the roast session turned into a primary school-like experience. This incident highlights the importance of being prepared for the unexpected when recording podcasts or engaging in public interactions. It also underscores the power of a strong public persona and the potential impact of a good roast. Despite the initial shock, the speaker took it in stride and acknowledged the humor in the situation.

    • Comparing People Can Lead to Surprising ReactionsComparisons between people can be perceived as insults and cause offense, so it's important to consider the potential reactions before making them.

      Making comparisons between people, especially if they resemble each other, can lead to unexpected and sometimes unwelcome reactions. The speaker shared an experience where someone commented that his wife looked like his mom, resulting in a heated reaction from his mom. He also mentioned receiving numerous messages from people claiming that their friend or acquaintance looks like him. The speaker emphasized that such comparisons, especially if they are not flattering, can be perceived as insults and can cause offense. He advised caution when making such comparisons and encouraged people to consider the potential consequences before making them. The speaker also shared a humorous anecdote about two men being mistaken for each other, but emphasized that the situation could have turned out differently if the men were not both open-minded and good-natured about the comparison. Overall, the takeaway is that comparisons can be a sensitive issue, and it's important to consider the potential reactions before making them.

    • The Nostalgic Value of Physical PhotographsThe rise of digital media has changed how we value and interact with physical photographs, but their emotional significance remains.

      The significance of physical photographs and the memories they hold has changed with the rise of digital media. The speaker shared a personal story about losing a cherished photo of him with boxer Frank Bruno and the impact it had on him. He also mentioned how people now take many pictures but don't often revisit them like they used to with physical albums. The conversation then shifted to emails and addressing some feedback from followers. Despite the conversation's detour, the initial topic of the nostalgic value of physical photographs still holds relevance in today's digital age.

    • Misunderstandings in Professional RelationshipsClear communication and understanding are essential for maintaining healthy professional relationships. Preconceived opinions can cloud judgment, but open dialogue and apologies can help resolve misunderstandings. Effective time management involves setting clear communication and boundaries.

      Communication and understanding are key in maintaining relationships, even in professional settings. The speaker in this conversation expresses frustration over a misunderstanding with a colleague, who reported a playful conversation as serious information. This miscommunication led to the speaker feeling disrespected and misunderstood. However, the situation was eventually resolved through open dialogue and apologies. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of not letting preconceived opinions cloud one's perception of others. They acknowledge that people can change and grow, and that it's important to give people the benefit of the doubt. The speaker also shares their experience with the time-consuming nature of managing emails and requests for attachments, highlighting the need for clear communication and boundaries in managing workload.

    • The importance of taking calculated risks and continuous growthBe open-minded, learn from mistakes, and take small steps towards your dreams while maintaining a secure foundation. Believe in yourself and back yourself like a horse in a race.

      It's important to be open-minded and willing to change, even when things are going well. The speaker, Jim, shares his struggle with deciding whether to stay content or take risks to expand his life. He receives advice from his friend, Chin, who encourages him to take small steps towards his dreams while maintaining a secure foundation. Chin believes in Jim's ability to succeed and urges him to back himself, just like a horse running in a race. The conversation highlights the importance of admitting mistakes, learning from them, and moving forward as a human being. Jim's friend, Tom, also expresses his admiration for Chin's insightful analysis and advice. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the value of self-belief, taking calculated risks, and continuous growth.

    • Addressing listener feedback on 'Romtom' podcastTom and Jin consider listener feedback and adapt their content to cater to different preferences, creating a 'scat special' episode for those who enjoy 'poo talk' while continuing regular episodes for others.

      The podcast "Romtom" hosts, Tom and Jin, have received mixed feedback regarding the amount of "shit talk" in their episodes. Some listeners find it hilarious and enjoy it, while others find it off-putting and prefer the regular content. To cater to both groups, Tom suggested creating a "scat special" episode dedicated entirely to "poo talk," which would be separate from the regular episodes and bonus content. This decision was made in response to the feedback received and to alleviate the pressure of constantly coming up with new content. Additionally, Tom shared a personal story about how listening to the podcast brings him joy, similar to how his wife watches romantic comedies to lift her spirits. Overall, the hosts aim to provide entertaining content for their audience while being open to feedback and adapting to their preferences.

    • Assumptions can lead to misunderstandingsAvoid jumping to conclusions and instead try to communicate effectively to clarify any misunderstandings.

      Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and potential loss of customers. In the discussed situation, a man laughing at a woman while she was jogging assumed she didn't recognize him as the owner of the cafe she frequents. However, it's important to remember that we don't always know how or if others recognize us, especially in unexpected contexts. The woman's reaction could have been due to various reasons, and assuming the worst led the man to potentially lose her as a customer. Therefore, it's crucial to avoid jumping to conclusions and instead try to communicate effectively to clarify any misunderstandings.

    • The woman's reaction to being seen jogging was more complex than it seemedEmpathy and understanding are crucial when dealing with body image issues and the fear of being judged in public. Approach situations with sensitivity and open-mindedness to avoid misunderstandings.

      The situation between the woman and the coffee shop owner, Phil, is more complex than it initially seemed. While the woman's reaction to being seen jogging may have been driven by self-consciousness and embarrassment, it's unclear whether she recognized Phil or not. The discussion between Tom and Jake reveals that both men have struggled with body image issues and the fear of being judged in public. They also acknowledge the importance of empathy and understanding in these situations. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the need for more information and a clearer perspective before jumping to conclusions. The heated exchange between Tom and Jake shows that it's important to approach such situations with sensitivity and open-mindedness.

    • Reflecting on personal growth and making a positive impactReflect on personal growth, strive to make a positive impact, and focus on spreading positivity and love.

      Our actions and experiences in life are what truly define us as individuals, rather than material possessions. It's important to reflect on our personal growth and ask ourselves if we're pushing ourselves to be the best versions of ourselves. We should strive to make a positive impact on the world and consider how we want to be remembered. I apologize for the confusion earlier regarding my email address, and I appreciate everyone's understanding. In closing, let's focus on spreading positivity and love, rather than sending unnecessary pictures. This simple reflection can add value to our daily lives and help us live more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

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    Wolf and Owl
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    Wolf and Owl
    enJune 07, 2024

    S3 Ep 27: Friday Bonus & Love Tickets

    S3 Ep 27: Friday Bonus & Love Tickets
    At last, a long promised bonus episode to ease you into the weekend. So it’s straight onto your emails, which this week are about idiot hecklers, Tom’s music tastes, concerning TikTok algorithms, stand-up show ticket swaps, a case of mistaken identity and more thoughts on Tom’s free ‘rail pass of love’ idea. Plus, a massive shout out to Michael Hutchinson for compiling this ‘Romesh Recommends’ Spotify Playlist. which compiles almost every track that Rom’s ended the pod with. Listen here: Romesh Recommends Thanks for all your messages - keep them coming at wolfowlpod@gmail.com Instagram - @wolfowlpod TikTok - @wolfowlpodcast YouTube - www.youtube.com/WolfandOwlPodcast Merch & Mailing List - https://wolfandowlpod.com A Shiny Ranga Production For sales and sponsorship enquiries: HELLO@KEEPITLIGHTMEDIA.COM Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Wolf and Owl
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    Matthew Steven Rife was born in 1995 and is an American stand up comedian and actor. He started early, entering a school talent show at the age of 14 after being encouraged by a friend. Finding this to be a success, he went professional the next year at age 15. Using TikTok, he managed to consistently go viral with his stand up and "red flag" crowd work. He then entered the arena full time, using social media to grow his name before producing three straight-to-YouTube comedy specials from 2021 to 2023. This year, he debuted his first Netflix special, "Natural Selection."



    - Links -


    For Matt Rife:


    On X https://x.com/mattrife?s=20


    On Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2mKA8JTOCeodl9bEK7w42Q


    On Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@matt_rife?lang=en



    Full Specials:


    “Only Fans” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzgFwZEAHZQ


    “Matthew Steven Rife” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AwsR1iqsuE


    “Walking Red Flag”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HkmMXprPwI&t=768s


    Watch “Natural Selection” on Netflix now!