
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing comedic freedom and resilience in the face of backlash.Comedy is about bringing happiness and laughter, and it is important to trust one's comedic instincts while not letting the outrage of a small group overshadow the purpose of comedy.

      Comedic expression should not be limited by censorship or apologies. Matt Rife, a comedian, faced backlash for a joke and instead of succumbing to guilt and apologizing, he responded with wit and humor. He emphasized that comedy is about making people laugh and sharing thoughts that bring happiness. Rife's style of spontaneous wit and interaction with the audience carries a high risk but also a high reward. Comedy requires quick thinking and trusting one's initial comedic instincts. The rebellion against Rife's joke may only involve a few thousand people in a world of 8 billion, highlighting the need to balance perspective and not let the outrage of a small group overshadow the purpose of comedy.

    • Prioritizing personal happiness and ignoring negative opinions.Focus on your own happiness and don't let the opinions of others derail your path. Remove yourself from negative situations and prioritize your own well-being.

      It's important for individuals to focus on their own happiness and not let the opinions of others affect them. Comedian Matt Rife highlights that the small majority of people who are upset with him are likely not his target audience anyway. He emphasizes that if someone doesn't vibe with him or his comedy, they can simply remove themselves from the situation and explore other things in life. This mindset can be applied to various situations where negative opinions or criticisms arise. It's crucial to prioritize personal well-being and not let the thoughts or actions of others derail one's own path to happiness.

    • Matt Rife: From Crowd Work to Comedy EvolutionMatt Rife's innovative use of crowd work on YouTube allowed him to connect with his audience in a unique way while preserving his prepared material, but he also recognized the need for growth and continues to evolve as an artist.

      Matt Rife has found success by utilizing crowd work in his comedy shows. He has created a unique strategy of posting crowd work specials on YouTube, which allows him to share a one-of-a-kind experience with his audience without burning through his prepared material. By focusing on crowd work, he has been able to engage with his fans in a personal and interactive way. However, he also recognized the limitations of this approach, as it can interfere with the flow of a prepared show. This led him to close the chapter on his crowd work and grow as a comedian, exploring new styles of comedy. Despite his years of experience, Rife acknowledges that he still has much to learn and is constantly evolving as an artist.

    • Rediscovering the Simplicity and Charm of Small TownsThe simplicity of small towns encourages genuine human connection and reminds us to appreciate the little things and meaningful connections in life.

      Small towns often hold a charm and simplicity that can be refreshing and meaningful. Despite the lack of big city amenities and technological advancements, these towns can provide a close-knit community and a sense of belonging. Matt Rife's experience in his small hometown reminds us that sometimes we get too caught up in the fast-paced, technology-driven world of big cities, where detachment and disconnection prevail. The simplicity of small towns encourages real human interaction, kids playing outside, and genuine conversations at the local gas station. It's a reminder that what truly matters in life is often found in the little things and the meaningful connections we make with others.

    • Chasing Dreams and Embracing Opportunities: Matt Rife's Inspiring Comedy JourneyStepping out of our comfort zones and seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected success; never underestimate the power of pursuing your dreams and exploring beyond your surroundings.

      Matt Rife's journey in comedy highlights the importance of pursuing one's dreams and seeking opportunities beyond the limitations of one's surroundings. Growing up in a Midwestern town, Matt Rife recognized the ceiling on his aspirations and knew he had to venture out to explore what else the world had to offer. Through the power of social media, he connected with established comedians and secured guest spots on their shows. This led to crucial opportunities and mentorships, such as DL Hughley and Ralphie May, who played significant roles in shaping his career. Matt's determination, willingness to learn, and ability to handle distractions have taken him far. His story reminds us that stepping out of our comfort zones and seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected success.

    • The Power of Persistence and Resilience: A Comedian's Journey to SuccessNever give up on your dreams - perseverance, seizing opportunities, and refusing to surrender, even in challenging circumstances, can lead to success.

      In short, one big takeaway from this conversation is the importance of persistence and resilience in pursuing your passion. Matt Rife shares his experience of starting out in comedy at a tough comedy club, where he had to win over the audience in the first few minutes or risk being booed off stage. Despite facing age restrictions and limited opportunities, he continued to hang around comedy clubs, gaining more stage time and eventually booking TV appearances. His dedication and consistent effort led him to opportunities with MTV and further success in acting, producing, and developing. This story highlights the value of perseverance, seizing opportunities when they arise, and refusing to give up on your dreams, even in challenging circumstances.

    • The Power of Constraints: Fueling Creativity and Sharpening Wit.Embracing constraints can lead to unexpected growth and creative breakthroughs, as demonstrated by Matt Rife's experience in comedy.

      Constraints can actually fuel creativity and help sharpen one's wit. Matt Rife's experience being constrained to only making jokes about being the white guy on a comedy show forced him to think on his feet and come up with clever responses. This constraint likely contributed to his success in crowd work, where he has to deliver funny responses in the moment based on what the audience is saying. Overcoming his shyness and self-consciousness on stage required confidence, even if it was initially fake. Rife's journey shows that sometimes pushing ourselves within certain constraints can lead to unexpected growth and creative breakthroughs.

    • The Power and Responsibility of Humor as a Defense MechanismUsing self-deprecating humor allows individuals to maintain control in the face of criticism, but it is essential to balance humor to avoid being excessively harsh. Comedians face cancellation pressures unfairly due to the thin line they walk between being funny and offensive.

      Using humor as a defense mechanism can be a sophisticated way to handle criticism and bullying. Matt Rife shares his experience of using self-deprecating humor to deflect mean comments, which allowed him to maintain a sense of control. Jordan Peterson acknowledges that this defense mechanism is not false but rather a clever way to respond to barbs. He highlights the importance of being able to handle humor with the right balance to avoid being too mean or aggressive. Additionally, the conversation addresses the power and responsibility that comes with being a comedian, as the audience expects you to be funny but not excessively harsh. The thin line that comedians walk can make it challenging to navigate cancellation pressures, highlighting the unfairness they often face.

    • The psychological function of comedy and its unique role in pushing boundaries and sparking uncomfortable conversations in a niche field.Comedy allows individuals to confront fears, engage in uncomfortable conversations, and master societal taboos, but it is not for everyone. Social media has amplified the misuse of accusations for attention, revealing a larger issue in the digital age.

      Comedy serves a psychological function by allowing us to confront the forbidden and master our fears. Comedians push boundaries and play with disaster, providing an opportunity for audiences to engage voluntarily in uncomfortable conversations. Comedy is not a mainstream art form like film or music, but a niche field that thrives on the unique environment and context it creates. It's important to understand that comedy is not for everyone, and individuals have the choice to participate or leave. However, social media has given undue access to status to those who misuse accusations for attention, highlighting a larger problem in today's digital age.

    • The Impact of Social Media and the Power of HumorSocial media promotes attention-seeking behavior and has the potential for reputational damage. But humor can be a powerful tool, allowing us to acknowledge and transcend adversity, demonstrating resilience and recovery.

      Social media has amplified the desire for attention and the potential for reputational damage. Jordan Peterson highlights the problem of individuals gaining excessive attention on social media platforms, regardless of their actual abilities or status. Matt Rife agrees, expressing frustration with the prioritization of individuals and the wastefulness of complaining online. However, the conversation also delves into the nature of humor and the significance of being able to make light of tragedy. Peterson suggests that humor can signal an understanding of the severity of a situation while simultaneously transcending it. This ability to find humor in the face of adversity is seen as a sign of resilience and recovery.

    • Using Humor as a Healing Tool and Connecting through ComedyHumor can help individuals heal, foster connection, and provide relief from challenging subjects, despite criticism from those who fail to understand its value.

      Making light of dark situations through humor can be a powerful tool for healing and transcending difficult experiences. Comedians, like Matt Rife, are able to address sensitive topics and establish boundaries right from the start, allowing audiences to decide if their style of humor resonates with them. By finding a way to laugh about challenging subjects, individuals can prevent these topics from negatively occupying their minds and energy. Moreover, humor can foster connection and support, as demonstrated by how Rife's friends used dead grandfather jokes to help him cope with his loss. Ultimately, using comedy to navigate serious and taboo subjects shows mastery and can offer relief to those who find solace in laughter, despite the criticisms from the "woke" types who misunderstand its value.

    • The Power of Genuine Laughter in ComedyThe reaction of the majority to a joke is a better indicator of its moral worth than the opinions of a few individuals, allowing comedians to decide whether to appeal to a broader audience or stay true to their artistic intent.

      Comedy is a powerful tool that strikes a part of our being that can't be faked. When a joke is genuinely funny, it elicits a real laugh, and that honesty is what makes comedy so impactful. Jordan Peterson and Matt Rife discuss the importance of gauging audience reactions and relying on the genuine laughter of the majority as an indicator of a joke's moral worth. They emphasize that comedy is subjective, and while the objective is to appeal to as many people as possible, a joke can still be funny even if it only resonates with a few individuals. It's up to comedians to decide whether to tailor their jokes to a broader audience or stay true to their artistic intent. Ultimately, the spontaneous reaction of the multitude carries more weight than the opinions of those who rely solely on their ideological judgment.

    • The Complexities of Comedy and OffenseLaughter is subjective, and offense is often selective. Differentiating between genuine offense and performative outrage is crucial in the age of social media.

      When it comes to comedy and audience reactions, what makes people laugh isn't always just about the joke itself. Comedians like Matt Rife aim for the most audience laughter, but there are other elements at play. Sometimes, it's the shock value or breaking societal taboos that elicit a humorous response. However, it's important to note that choosing to be offended or upset is often a personal and selfish act. Many people only take offense when something directly affects them, ignoring other jokes or sensitive topics that may not pertain to them. In the age of social media, it's also essential to differentiate between genuine offense and people claiming offense on behalf of hypothetical others. Additionally, success, including comedian success, often takes time and a lot of hard work, despite the perception of sudden fame.

    • Leveraging Fame for Personal Gain: A Ugly Game of Pretense and Self-Centeredness.Laughing at oneself fosters a healthier sense of humor. Let's embrace the ability to make fun of ourselves, like British humor does, rather than exploiting others for personal gain.

      Leveraging someone's fame or success for personal gain is an ugly and pathetic game. It involves complaining about the person publicly while pretending to be compassionate. By doing this, individuals steal some of the person's social capital for their own self-centered motives. Platforms like TikTok offer various creative opportunities, but some people choose to chase clout by attaching themselves to someone else's popularity. However, it's important to remember that making jokes at a group's expense should be done with an open mindset, willing to make jokes about oneself as well. Laughing at oneself and being able to make fun of oneself is a valuable quality that fosters a healthier sense of humor. British humor, known for its ability to poke fun at oneself, serves as a great example in this regard.

    • Comedy Unleashed: A Platform for Fearless Comedy in LondonEmbracing freedom of speech in comedy leads to genuinely funny shows, highlighting the importance of pushing boundaries and standing firm against cancellation attempts.

      Comedy Unleashed in London is a prime example of a truly open discourse event where comedians can make jokes about anything without fear of cancellation. This group, led by Andrew Doyle, embraces the freedom of speech and allows UK comedians to showcase their talent without restrictions. The shows are known for being genuinely funny because the audience understands and appreciates the comedic boundaries. This type of platform encourages creators to explore different kinds of humor, much like a porn website where users know what they are getting into. Ultimately, it highlights the importance of not being afraid to push the envelope and the potential benefits of standing firm in the face of cancellation attempts.

    • The damaging impact of anonymity and lack of consequences online.Online behavior is often more negative and hurtful due to the false sense of safety and anonymity provided by the internet, leading to wasted time and energy in criticizing others.

      The internet allows people to hide behind anonymity and lack of consequences, leading to a culture of online bullying and cancel culture. While in the real world, most individuals understand the basic decency of not verbally attacking others, the internet provides a false sense of safety and emboldens people to speak without restraint. This disconnect between online and real-life behavior can result in harmful and hurtful comments online that would never be spoken face-to-face. Furthermore, those who engage in online shaming and canceling often invest a disproportionate amount of energy and time into criticizing others, which ultimately becomes a waste of their own lives.

    • The Benefits of Social Media Outrage for ComediansControversy can attract new fans to a comedian's work, as humor often outweighs political correctness. By refusing to apologize and appealing to a broader audience, a comedian can gain more fans than they lose.

      Social media outrage can actually be beneficial for a comedian's career. Matt Rife's controversial joke and subsequent misdirected apology generated a lot of attention and outrage on platforms like Twitter and TikTok. However, instead of turning off his existing fans, the controversy actually attracted new ones who found his response funny. This shows that there is a significant portion of the audience that values humor over political correctness. By refusing to apologize in principle and appealing to a broader realm of people, Rife gained more fans than he lost. The extremities of the outrage, with the left being outraged and the right supporting him, balanced each other out, ultimately bringing his work to the attention of a whole new demographic.

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    Katharine Birbalsingh is Headmistress and co-founder of Michaela Community School and former Chair of the Social Mobility Commission. She is known as “Britain’s Strictest Headmistress”, following the ITV documentary about Michaela. Michaela’s Progress 8 score placed the school top in the country the last two years. In 2023, OFSTED graded the school as “Outstanding” in every category. Birbalsingh read “Philosophy & Modern Languages” at the University of Oxford and has always taught in inner London. She has made numerous appearances on television, radio, and podcasts and has written for several publications. Birbalsingh has also written two books and edited another two, the last of which is “The Power of Culture,” which is about Michaela.  Birbalsingh was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2020 and Honorary Fellow of New College, Oxford in 2021.


    This episode was recorded on June 15th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


    On X https://x.com/miss_snuffy


    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


    Website for the Michaela Community school in Wembley, London. Here you can sign up for a visit www.michaela.education 

    457. God, Marxism, and the Fall of the West | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, a Senior Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at The Harvard Kennedy School, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the bestselling author of “Infidel” (2007) and “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now” (2015). Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, Hirsi Ali strove to live as a devout Muslim during her early life, but in 1992, fled to the Netherlands to escape a forced marriage. She became a citizen and went on to study at the University of Leiden. From 2003 to 2006, Hirsi Ali served as an elected member of the Dutch parliament and then moved to the U.S., where she founded the AHA Foundation to protect and defend the rights of women from harmful traditional practices. In 2024, Hirsi Ali founded Restorationbulletin.com, where she explores the forces of subversion plaguing Western society.



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    For Ayaan Hirsi Ali:


    On X https://twitter.com/Ayaan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Restoration Bulletin https://www.restorationbulletin.com/

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    Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist, filmmaker, and bestselling author. He is the author of the Genius trilogy of books, including the New York Times bestseller “Genius Foods” and the Wall Street Journal bestseller “Genius Kitchen.” He hosts The Genius Life podcast, one of the top health and wellness podcasts in the U.S. His appearances on The Today Show, The Rachael Ray Show, The Doctors, and The Joe Rogan Experience have made him a respected and well-known voice in the field. His debut film Little Empty Boxes, a project 10 years in the making and the first film to document the science of dementia prevention, is available for pre-order now at LittleEmptyBoxes.com.


    This episode was recorded on June 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Max Lugavere:


    Pre-Order “Little Empty Boxes” (Film)  http://littleemptyboxes.com


    On X http://x.com/maxlugavere


    On Instagram http://instagram.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on YouTube (podcast) http://youtube.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on Spotify (podcast) https://open.spotify.com/show/5WkdjiVLo1kp3alPfFZItS?si=e0189092486a4653

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    Paul Kengor, Ph.D., is a professor of political science at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania, and editor of The American Spectator. He’s a New York Times bestselling author of more than 20 books, including “The Devil and Karl Marx” and “The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism,” which is the basis of the new movie “Reagan,” starring Dennis Quaid. Kengor is a renowned historian of the Cold War, communism, and Reagan presidency.


    This episode was recorded on June 7th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


    ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson



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    For Paul Kengor:


    On X https://twitter.com/DrPaulKengor


    The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Karl-Marx-Communisms-Infiltration/dp/1505114446


    The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Crusader-Ronald-Reagan-Fall-Communism/dp/0061189243

    God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life (Book) https://www.amazon.com/God-Ronald-Reagan-Spiritual-Life/dp/006057142X 

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    John Spencer is an award-winning scholar, professor, author, combat veteran, national security and military analyst, and internationally recognized expert and advisor on urban warfare, military strategy, tactics, and other related topics. Considered one of the world’s leading experts on urban warfare, he served as an advisor to the top four-star general and other senior leaders in the U.S. Army as part of strategic research groups from the Pentagon to the United States Military Academy.


    This episode was recorded on June 4th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


    ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson



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    For John Spencer:

    On X https://twitter.com/SpencerGuard?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Website https://www.johnspenceronline.com/


    Understanding Urban Warfare (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Urban-Warfare-Liam-Collins/dp/1912440350


    The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender (Online guidebook) https://www.johnspenceronline.com/mini-manual-urbandefender


    Urban Warfare Project (Podcast) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-warfare-project/id1490714950 

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    Eric Peter Kaufmann is a Canadian author and professor of politics from the University of Buckingham. He was appointed in October 2023 following his resignation from his post at Birkbeck, University of London, after two decades of service, citing political differences. He is a specialist on Orangeism in Northern Ireland, nationalism, and political and religious demography.



    - Links -


    “The Third Awokening” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D459XT8N/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1IRUVF15JQLKQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hX4h5NrOyN1lCkRuKp4UM-I2wmwiOo7jUKUzhijCGUqplpOicK_sf92FtJ-RfvQCkLb-J3v7R1LQttqtXd5p5aWQAk85EIH09e3OkVAOcMs_NnMSC3RjN7eb80EPEy9BQ68ymHIEb7YchloiwzoiKXIrEl-vfbGxutr5w4AInTpEZKg8-dJcRmaR_aptULkpp81Ls-j0vvPn2q_MWHEQTjxAoJ5MPzlk5VvsAe_R7Wo.dZIyu_PWY2izuf3jBSYhx-wobgzxqiUuNJYOKjrbgmM&dib_tag=se&keywords=Eric+kaufmann&qid=1715744487&sprefix=eric+kaufmann%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-3


    Entitled “Taboo” in outside of the U.S. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taboo-Making-Produced-Cultural-Revolution-ebook/dp/B0CKFD8Z16


    University of Buckingham course - Woke: the Origins, Dynamics and Implications of an Elite Ideology https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/courses/occasional/woke/?_gl=1*5vuahc*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTMzNzMwNDE3Ny4xNzE2ODQ3MjIy*_ga_PWEL0GXNN9*MTcxNjg0NzIyMi4xLjAuMTcxNjg0NzIyMi4wLjAuMA..


    Centre for Heterodox Social Science https://www.heterodoxcentre.com/


    Website www.sneps.net


    On Twitter https://twitter.com/epkaufm?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor  

    452. The Loudest Woman in Comedy | Roseanne Barr

    452. The Loudest Woman in Comedy | Roseanne Barr

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    Roseanne Barr is an American podcaster, writer, producer, actor, and standup comic. She was awarded both an Emmy and a Golden Globe for her hit show “Roseanne” which ran for nine seasons. She has written two books, ran for president once, and recently taken up podcasting with her son, as well as a voice acting role in the DW+ show Mr. Birchum.



    - Links -

    Website https://www.roseannebarr.com/?_sm_nck=1


    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/roseannebarr 


    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@roseannebarr 

    The Sins of Adam and the True Nature of Eve

    The Sins of Adam and the True Nature of Eve

    This is a special release from the We Who Wrestle With God Tour in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discusses how worldview operates as a useful story, why might doesn't make right, how chaos manifests as infinite possibility without aim, the biblical role of women, and the original sins of Adam.

    451. Navigating Belief, Skepticism, and the Afterlife | Alex O'Connor

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    Alex O'Connor is a philosophy-oriented YouTuber, podcaster, and public speaker with over 750,000 subscribers on YouTube. He graduated in 2021 from St. John's College, Oxford University, with a BA in philosophy and theology. In 2023, he launched the “Within Reason” podcast, which has featured guests including Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Slavoj Žižek, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Rory Stewart, amongst others. He has debated issues of religion, ethics, and politics with figures including Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Douglas Murray, and Piers Morgan.


    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Alex O’Connor:


    On X https://twitter.com/CosmicSkeptic?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


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    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cosmicskeptic


    On Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@CosmicSkeptic 

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    Hey everyone!


    My name is Alex E Kheyson, and I want to welcome you to the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast, wish you the best of luck and determination on your exciting and often challenging personal development and professional growth journey.


    Can I ask you for a big favor? Could you please leave your honest feedback about the topic, content, level of interest and engagement after listening to this episode of the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast. Also, please let me know if you found this episode especially helpful in your existing situation, based on where you are today in your life and career.  I appreciate your support in helping me to create and share topics and information with each episode that is actionable and relatable to those listening and following this show. 


    Some of the key questions and points that I cover in this episode are:


    • What does it take to move the needle and to create change to keep moving forward towards goals and plans that we want to achieve in life
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    • Only you know that your limits are and what you are capable of achieving - so why be satisfied with mediocre performance?




    I hope you enjoyed listening and find this episode useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please share this episode if you know someone who may benefit from listening to it. Thanks again!

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    O-Ring Of Fire
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    Friend Shout outs in this episode:
    Back In the Scene

    The Happy Corner

    What's going down in downtown J-Town

    First Break Song:
    Misbehavin' (1989)
    Aimee-Leigh and Baby Billy

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    Johnny Cash

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    Twitter: @SecretLives666
    Email: SecretLivesOfficial@gmail.com

    Rachel Darling
    Instagram: @darling_rachel_
    Twitter: @darling_rachel_
    Snapchat: @BabooFace

    Andy Victory
    Instagram: @Andrew_Victory
    Twitter: @Andrew_Victory
    Snapchat: @Andrew_Victory

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    Ep.67 Mr. Burrito, The Viking and Blue Eyes

    Ep.67 Mr. Burrito, The Viking and Blue Eyes

    Caution! This episode of The Forbidden Triangle podcast includes sexual content. Please enjoy this saucy content with headphones and preferably on a walk. Symptoms include... uncontrollable laughter, bottom lip biting, desire to download dating apps, updating your roster, applying for therapy, manifesting swoon-worthy dates, indulging in smut, and feeling hot and bothered. Timestamp (26 mins) Enjoy the ride.