
    Episode #189 ... Everything that connects us is slowly disappearing. - Byung Chul Han pt. 2

    enOctober 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Brave New World vs 1984: Which is More Relevant Today?Philosopher Byung Chol Han argues Brave New World's control through comfort and conformity may be more reflective of our digital age than 1984's overt surveillance.

      While George Orwell's 1984 is a well-known example of a dystopian future with an all-encompassing surveillance state, philosopher Byung Chol Han argues that Aldous Huxley's Brave New World may be a more accurate representation of our current digital Panopticon. In Brave New World, people live under a unified global state, are conditioned and engineered by the government for specific roles, and are given a drug called Soma to keep them compliant and calm. Han believes this metaphorically describes our world, where people are made dependent on technology and voluntarily give up their privacy. Han's ideas, which challenge simplified political narratives, haven't received widespread media attention due to the lack of English translations and their complexity. However, for a show driven by an ideology of curiosity, exploring thinkers like Han is essential.

    • The Impact of Individualism and Technology on Society's BondsByung Chol Han warns of the disappearance of constructive negativity due to narcissism, authenticity, and technology, leading to a society where people focus on themselves and reject community bonds, making it harder for society to come together.

      Byeong Chol Han sees the rise of narcissism, authenticity, and technology as major contributors to the disappearance of constructive forms of negativity that bind and connect society. Han argues that when people are constantly told they are projects to be optimized and commodities that need to improve their market value, they become inwardly focused and skeptical of community bonds. As a result, they may reject social norms, traditions, and rituals that communities often participate in. This rejection can lead to a society where people consider the existence and opinions of others less, making it more difficult for society to come together. Byung Chol Han's perspective challenges us to consider the impact of individualism and technology on our society and the potential loss of important social connections.

    • Rituals as temporal technologies for social cohesionRituals help recognize interconnectedness and foster social harmony, essential for maintaining social cohesion and understanding.

      The use of social rituals, such as not swearing in public or being polite in a grocery store, may seem arbitrary and unnecessary to some individuals, especially those with a narcissistic perspective. However, from a broader societal perspective, these rituals serve an important function in binding people together and maintaining social cohesion. According to Byung Chol Han, rituals can be thought of as "temporal technologies for housing oneself." They help us recognize our interconnectedness and the importance of cooperation in the fragile social experiment that is human society. While it may be tempting to dismiss these rituals as mere impositions, it's essential to consider their role in fostering social harmony and understanding. The disappearance of such rituals, amplified by technology, could have detrimental consequences for our collective well-being.

    • Rituals provide structure and meaning to our livesRituals help turn time into something meaningful by marking transitions, offering closure, and fostering deeper connections within communities

      According to Han, rituals serve as essential temporal technologies that provide structure and meaning to our lives by marking the passage of time and signaling transitions between different stages and moments. They offer a sense of closure and allow for the development of deeper connections within communities through the cultivation of constructive negativity, which takes time to build. From a philosophical perspective, rituals help turn time into something more than just an endless succession of unrelated moments by providing a sense of narrative and meaning to our lives. Without rituals, life can become stagnant and lack closure, leaving individuals stuck in limbo and unable to fully engage in new experiences. Therefore, rituals play a crucial role in our lives by providing a sense of stability and continuity, allowing us to make sense of our experiences and move forward in a meaningful way.

    • The loss of rituals and truth in society is a concernRituals provide structure and context, while truth and knowledge are becoming fragmented and surface-level. Constant information bombardment fragments perception and produces anxiety.

      According to Byung Chol Han, the loss of rituals and truth in society is a significant concern. Rituals provide structure and context to our lives, helping us make sense of moments and experiences. Truth and knowledge, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly fragmented and surface-level due to the constant stream of information. In former societies, information was considered sacred and given time for contemplation and consideration within a larger narrative framework. However, in today's information age, the stream of information rushes past the truth, leaving no time for meaningful reflection or constructive negativity. This constant bombardment of unverified, contingent information fragments perception and produces anxiety rather than illuminating reality. Han encourages us to appreciate the difference between our modern information-saturated lives and the way almost all other human beings have ever lived, where external information was considered the word of God.

    • The Disappearance of Constructive NegativityThe lack of time and trust in information sources is leading to a crisis of meaning and identity as individuals struggle to establish a sense of self in a rapidly changing world, erasing cultural boundaries and traditions.

      In today's fast-paced world of information, people are more susceptible to fake news and conspiracy theories due to the lack of time to verify and connect the dots between stories. This constant influx of information creates an environment where constructive negativity, such as contemplation and hesitation, are disappearing. This negativity was once crucial for creating trust, integrity, and social bonds. Without it, people are desperate for a narrative and may even create their own or latch onto unsound ones. This phenomenon, according to Han, is contributing to a crisis of meaning and identity, as the erosion of cultural boundaries and traditions leaves individuals feeling lost and uncertain about who they are. This neoliberal ethos of questioning outside rituals and norms, when applied to culture, leads to globalization and the erasure of individual cultures and identities. In essence, the disappearance of constructive negativity is undermining our ability to establish a sense of self and meaning in a rapidly changing world.

    • Recognizing and valuing differencesBy recognizing and valuing differences, we can maintain a healthy balance in society and avoid becoming a narcissistic inwardness in a homogenized world.

      According to Byung Chul Han, the push for globalization and homogenization can lead to a loss of healthy boundaries between truly different cultures. Instead, Han advocates for the concept of "eros," which represents the relation to the entirely other and acknowledges real differences. This recognition of differences is crucial for healthy human relationships and a balanced society. Without it, a society risks becoming an unhealthy and narcissistic inwardness. Eros, as Han defines it, is not just about love and desire, but about sitting with the discomfort of the other's total difference and trying to understand them as they are. By recognizing and valuing differences, we can maintain a healthy balance and avoid the pitfalls of a homogenized world where everyone is just a narcissistic version of themselves.

    • The importance of communities in democracy and their role in marginalized groupsIn a functioning democracy, communities play a crucial role in organizing marginalized groups and improving their circumstances. However, the rise of information and decline of truth, along with positive power and shallow technology, make it challenging for people to engage in meaningful dialogue and form productive consensus.

      According to Byung-Chol Han, the preservation of differences and communities is crucial for a functioning democracy. Historically, communities have provided the leverage point for marginalized groups to organize and improve their circumstances. However, in today's world, the rise of information and the decline of truth, combined with the dominance of positive power and shallow technology, have made it difficult for people to be reasonably informed and engage in productive conversations. Instead, we have communication without community, where information is abundant but meaningful dialogue is lacking. This excess of positivity also raises questions about the value of trust and privacy in a society that values transparency above all else. Han argues that we must critically examine the costs of prioritizing positive virtues and consider the importance of negative elements, such as constructive negativity, in fostering productive discussions and consensus.

    • Embrace your inner 'idiot' and resist instant gratificationSlow down, contemplate, and accept mental limitations to foster deeper connections with the world

      In our digitally-driven world, the ease of access to information and instant gratification can lead to a loss of deeper, more meaningful experiences. Author Hanif Abdurraqib encourages us to embrace our inner "idiot" and resist the pressure to constantly optimize and consume. This means slowing down, contemplating, and accepting our mental limitations. By doing so, we can foster a more thoughtful and connected relationship with the world around us. The negative friction and challenges that come with seeking knowledge in the physical world can actually enhance our subjective experience as individuals. So, next time you're tempted to buy that rare book on Etsy instead of going to the library, consider the potential benefits of embracing the "idiot" within and embracing the journey.

    • The value of experiencing negative emotionsEmbracing negative emotions can lead to wisdom and meaningful experiences, despite societal labels

      Embracing negative emotions and experiencing life's struggles, rather than constantly seeking comfort and instant gratification, can be a valuable and meaningful experience. Society may label this behavior as foolish or idiotic, but perhaps there's wisdom in allowing ourselves to feel and learn from a full range of emotions. Next time on the podcast, we'll continue exploring this theme and more. Stay tuned for the next episode, releasing in 6 days on 9th October. Thank you for joining me on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I look forward to our next conversation.

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