
    Episode 225 - Archetype of the Wave: image of energy and motion

    enAugust 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The wave as a symbol of the unconscious's dynamic natureDreams about waves can represent the release of repressed emotions or unresolved conflicts, requiring the ego's awareness and response for understanding.

      The wave is a powerful symbol in Jungian psychology, representing the movement of energy in the psyche. Waves, whether gentle or turbulent, serve as evidence of the unconscious's dynamic nature. Dreams about waves, particularly tidal waves, can signify the release of repressed emotions or unresolved conflicts. The ego's response to this unconscious energy is crucial for understanding the dream's meaning. The wave's symbolism extends beyond the personal realm, appearing in various forms in science, art, and literature. By reflecting on the wave as a symbol, we can gain valuable insights into the complex workings of the psyche.

    • Dreams of tidal waves represent the power of the unconsciousDreams of tidal waves symbolize the overwhelming power of the unconscious and the ego's struggle to cope. They can evoke feelings of urgency, helplessness, and awe, and represent destruction and upheaval.

      Dreams featuring tidal waves or natural disasters can symbolize the overwhelming power of the unconscious and the ego's struggle to cope with it. This can be seen as a metaphor for the self, a raw and primordial divine energy that can "sweep away" our ego's defenses and bring us back to a primal state. The dreamer's response to this intervention can vary, from trying to ascend to a higher level of thinking to being swept away by the force of the unconscious. These dreams can evoke feelings of urgency, helplessness, and awe, and can be seen as a reminder of the power of nature and the unconscious mind. The image of a tidal wave can also correlate with the tarot card of the Tower, representing destruction and upheaval, and can be a symbol of the ego's defeat in the face of the self.

    • Surfing the Unconscious: Timing, Availability, and RespectCultivate awareness and respect when engaging with the unconscious, allowing it to provide energy while maintaining conscious control.

      The relationship between the conscious ego and the unconscious self can be compared to surfing. Surfing requires timing, making oneself available to be carried by the wave's energy, and surrendering to it while maintaining a conscious standpoint. This metaphor applies to engaging with the unconscious, where we must be vigilant, attuned, and respectful. Surfers are highly awake and attuned to the ocean's subtle factors, and we should strive to cultivate a similar awareness when dealing with our unconscious. The power of the unconscious is much greater than us, and we must position ourselves to avail ourselves of its energy while remaining mindful and respectful.

    • Navigating life's challenges like skilled surfersStaying self-aware, respecting forces, and navigating uncertainty helps us ride life's challenges like skilled surfers

      Life's challenges, much like the power of the ocean, can engulf us and leave us feeling helpless and disoriented. This can manifest in various forms, from smaller, everyday experiences to deeper, more complex psychological issues. In the face of these challenges, it's essential to find our footing and maintain our balance, much like skilled surfers riding the crest of a wave. This requires a healthy dose of self-awareness, respect for the forces at play, and the ability to navigate the turbulent waters of uncertainty. Whether it's a job loss, a psychotic episode, or an overwhelming wave of emotion, the key is to stay afloat and eventually find our way back to solid ground.

    • The balance of opposites and periodicity of rising and fallingUnderstanding the wave metaphor can lead to greater peace and resilience by embracing the balance of opposites and the inevitable churning process in life

      The wave metaphor, whether applied to emotions or physical phenomena, represents the essential balance of opposites and the periodicity of rising and falling that is fundamental to existence. This concept, derived from physics and quantum mechanics, is reflected in the natural world where waves mix nutrients, temperature, and energy, and impact and change environments. In our personal lives, we may be tempted to view adversity as the new standard, but understanding the value and inevitability of the churning process can help us accommodate it more skillfully. Embracing the wave as a normal part of life can lead to greater peace and resilience.

    • Navigating negative emotions and challenging situations with the knowledge of their temporary natureEven in the darkest moments, remember that negative emotions and challenging situations are temporary, just like the changing of the seasons, and we have the power to overcome and find renewal.

      Negative emotions and challenging situations are temporary, just like the rise and fall of the tides and the changing of the seasons. This knowledge can help us navigate the choppy waters of adulthood and manage negative emotions, especially during times of depression. We can also draw inspiration from mythologies and stories of gods and goddesses, such as the ancient belief in the night sea journey of the sun, which reminds us that even in the darkest moments, there is a cyclical return to peace and light. The story of Sedna, an Inuit underworld goddess, also illustrates the idea that even in our darkest moments, we have the power to overcome and eventually find life-giving renewal. Remembering this can help us harden ourselves during difficult times and maintain hope for a brighter future.

    • Uncovering the Influence of the UnconsciousThe unconscious shapes our lives through deep archetypes and energies, influencing us even when they seem hidden. By understanding dreams and the language of the unconscious, we can tap into valuable insights and guidance.

      The unconscious, represented by the wave, holds deep and powerful archetypes and energies that shape our lives. These archetypes, such as the divine feminine, may seem to disappear or fall into darkness, but they continue to influence us. Myths and stories from various cultures, like the myths of Sophia, Sedna, and Aphrodite, illustrate this concept. The unconscious also challenges us to stay awake and engaged, much like navigating small waves on a jet ski. It offers us valuable insights and guidance, as seen in Charles' transformative dream experience. By learning to decipher the language of our dreams and unconscious, we can tap into this inner wisdom and make progress towards our goals.

    • Understanding the symbolism of dreams during significant life changesDreams reflect inner emotions and experiences, particularly during times of change and loss. They can represent inner struggles and discoveries, providing insights into our psyche and helping us navigate life's challenges.

      Dreams can reflect our inner emotions and experiences, particularly during times of significant change and loss. The dream of a 28-year-old woman about paddle boarding with her ex and a fire engulfing the mountain may symbolize the contrasting feelings of pleasure and sadness she is experiencing after a recent breakup. This dream could represent her inner struggle to come to terms with the loss and move forward, as well as her discovery of her own power and strength. The Saturn return, a time of personal growth and transformation, may amplify the intensity of these feelings. Overall, dreams can provide valuable insights into our psyche and help us navigate life's challenges.

    • Understanding the pain of loss in relationshipsWomen must prioritize their needs and learn to put themselves first, even when relationships end unexpectedly. Older adults in dreams may symbolize outgrown aspects of the psyche, and trusting intuition can help navigate adversity.

      Relationships can bring profound losses, and it's essential to acknowledge the pain that comes with them. In the dream discussed, the dreamer had imagined a future with her boyfriend, only for it to be abruptly ended. This loss was compounded by the boyfriend's actions, which kept her from helping older people in need. The dream symbolizes the importance of women learning to prioritize their own needs and put themselves first. The ex-boyfriend, who had hurt her deeply, was now playing the role of encouraging her to save herself. This paradoxical situation highlights the challenge women face in finding their inner fire and standing up for their needs. The dream also hints at the idea of the anima and animus, the inner masculine and feminine energies, working together to help navigate adversity and overcome challenges. The older adults in the dream may represent aspects of the psyche that the dreamer has outgrown, and their struggle in the water underscores the importance of trusting one's intuition and inner wisdom to move forward.

    • A call towards growth from uncomfortable dreamsUncomfortable dreams can lead to personal growth by challenging us with new experiences and pushing us beyond our comfort zones.

      Dreams, even those that involve pain and darkness, can hold valuable wisdom and call us towards growth. The dream of the lake and the fire may represent the end of a comfortable, yet potentially stagnant phase of life, and the call towards something new and potentially dangerous, but ultimately transformative. The impulse towards the perverse or self-destructive can be present in these moments, but the dreamer's fascination and reverence towards the unknown can lead to profound personal growth. The opposition of fire and water in the dream symbolizes a cataclysmic experience that holds the divine and the potential for a life-changing outcome. The dreamer's initial reaction may be to approach with caution, but the underlying positive telos is one of fascination and wanting to get closer to the unknown.

    • A forest fire symbolizes transformation and destruction in a dreamDreams about forest fires represent the necessary destruction of old expectations and fantasies for new growth, but also the importance of acknowledging and remembering this process of change, while being patient and allowing natural cycles of growth and healing to unfold.

      The dream symbolizes a significant transformation in the dreamer's life, represented by a forest fire. The fire symbolizes the destruction of old expectations and fantasies, which can be dangerous and intense, but also necessary for new growth. The dreamer's desire to take a picture of the destruction reflects the importance of acknowledging and remembering this process of change. However, the psyche may not be ready to fully understand or contain the emotional intensity of the situation yet. It's important to recognize that this process takes time and that the landscape of one's life will never be exactly the same after going through such a transformation. The dream serves as a reminder to be patient and allow the natural cycles of growth and healing to unfold in their own time.

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    Two Red Books: The Shared Imaginal Realms of Jung and Tolkien

    How can the shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien empower us to navigate our personal journeys and transform our understanding of self and community?

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    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/shared-imaginal-realms-of-jung-and-tolkien/ 

    Rebecca Tarnas is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her research includes depth psychology, archetypal studies, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She is an editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology and author of Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Readers Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (https://a.co/d/7zIUX4K). She is researching and writing a biography of Stanislav Grof, a co-founder of transpersonal psychology.

     For more information about Becca, check out her website: https://beccatarnas.com/


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    Encounters with Light: Jung's near-death experiences

    How can near-death experiences challenge and expand our understanding of consciousness and its connection to the transcendent?

    Carl Jung's near-death experience profoundly deepened his understanding of the psyche and its connection to the universal consciousness, reinforcing his belief in life beyond physical existence. During this transformative episode, he observed Earth from a distance, encountered mystical figures, and experienced a temple-like structure within a meteoric stone, enriching his theories on the collective unconscious and archetypal imagery. This experience left an indelible mark on his professional theories and personal philosophy, intensifying his exploration of human consciousness and the continuity of life after death.

     Universally consistent across cultures, Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are marked by out-of-body sensations, encounters with entities or deceased relatives, and environments filled with light, highlighting a shared psychological process at the boundary between life and death. Research efforts have effectively verified these phenomena, especially those corroborated in clinical settings, which challenge traditional views on consciousness. The transformative impacts of NDEs are profound, often leading to a diminished fear of death, increased spirituality, and a broader sense of self that integrates with universal consciousness. Open discussions enrich our understanding of NDEs within various cultural and historical contexts and provoke deeper reflections on consciousness as potentially expansive and eternal, aligning with modern and ancient perspectives on the human experience.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:  https://thisjungianlife.com/near_death_experiences/

    Prepare to discover what profound transformations can occur as one hovers between life and death; how psyche might extend beyond the physical realm, suggesting our consciousness is capable of surviving bodily limits; which elements of near-death experiences (NDEs) resonate across different cultures; whether personal transformations following NDEs typically lead to significant life changes; why NDEs captivate scientific and spiritual communities, as they offer a glimpse into the potential expanses of human consciousness and provide a narrative that can bring solace and meaning…and so much more.


    Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/  

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    MARTYR COMPLEX: Selfish or Selfless?

    MARTYR COMPLEX: Selfish or Selfless?

    How can understanding different aspects of martyrdom help us navigate personal sacrifices and societal expectations in our search for a meaningful life?

    Individuals with a martyr complex often seek validation for their pain and suffering, which can be a source of protection and nurturing. It can also be a form of manipulation where personal suffering is used to influence or control the reactions of others. This behavior can be harmful, leading individuals to persist in unhealthy relationships or dangerous situations under the guise of nobility or duty. It is important to distinguish between healthy self-sacrifice and detrimental martyrdom by gaining a reflective understanding of our motivations and aligning our actions with healthy self-sacrifice. Resolving the complex involves examining personal motives, societal values, and psychological health to foster healthier ways of being and interacting in the world.

    Prepare to discover…what complexities and interpretations surround the concept of martyrdom, revealing its multifaceted nature in both historical and personal contexts; how individuals interpret and internalize the idea of suffering and sacrifice through personal experiences and cultural narratives, shaping their worldview and psychological responses; which factors contribute to someone being viewed as a martyr, including the interplay of religious, cultural, and personal elements that influence the perception of sacrifice; whether the actions associated with martyrdom are motivated by genuine selflessness, psychological needs, or external influences, examining the blurred lines between heroism and victimhood; why the theme of martyrdom resonates deeply across different cultures and epochs, serving both as a source of inspiration and a tool for social and political change…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/martyr-complex/


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    Related Episodes

    Episode 52 - Precognitive Dreams

    Episode 52 - Precognitive Dreams

    Listeners contributed examples of precognitive dreams for this episode. Lisa, Joseph, and Deb discuss theoretical concepts and listener dreams from various vantage points: the intuitive capacity of the unconscious, the synchronous intersection of matter and psyche, and activation of an archetype. These and other ways of knowing are beyond the scope of ego and call us to the realization that the ego, as Jung said, is a part of and connected to something larger that is ultimately mysterious. Jung compared this process to the plants called rhizomes. Their horizontal underground stems which put out lateral shoots and flowers that pop up, as into consciousness, at various intervals. Jung also likened precognition to weather forecasting, likely possibilities subject to a variety of manifestations.

    Listeners’ Precognitive Dreams Discussed (not necessarily in order)

    1. I was at a Subway (sandwich shop) and I was buying a $5 Footlong (sandwich). When I was checking out the person at the register said my total was $11.20. I ended up not buying the sandwich and left the restaurant. That was the end of the dream. The very next day my friends and I were playing a game called “What do you Meme” and this was my first time ever playing the game. There are 250 pictures and 250 random captions and the point of the game is to give a picture a caption. I chose 5 caption cards at random and the very first card I chose was captioned: When your $5 Footlong Subway sandwich turns out to be $11.29. Mind you, there were 250 cards for me to choose from and that’s the very fist one I picked!
    2. Approximately 30 years ago I had a dream (that) haunts me to this day…I was 21 or so and my brother 19. He left for active duty in the army. For a week or so, I had very odd vivid dreams regarding him. The most prevailing theme of the dreams was death. The final dream of that time period was me opening my apartment door, the person knocking fell through my doorway, holding their face, writhing in pain, and having short dark hair. Moments later, more knocking began, I called through the closed door, requesting to know who it was…it was my brother trying to enter with a gun…I held the door closed…while looking over my shoulder at the individual squirming in pain on the floor, asking if he/she was OK. This dream occurred in March of that year. Later in that same year in August, we planned a trip out of town so I thought I would make contact with a friend in that area, to possibly meet at some point to catch up on things. I called her number, her husband answered…I asked to speak with MJ and he remained silent for a moment. He then stated MJ had died in March of a suicide. MJ had short dark hair, as the person did in my dream. A gun was involved in both her suicide as well as my dream. And the dream occurred in March, the month she killed herself.
    3. In the dreams I suddenly realize that I am about to give birth. I casually find an available place to lie down—a table, a couch, or a picnic blanket. I give birth quickly without any effort or pain, and two toddlers, a boy and a girl, run around the table, couch, or picnic blanket joyfully yelling, “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy”! I had twins, a boy and a girl. I had the first of these dreams before pregnancy was even confirmed, and did not know I was carrying twins until my 7th month; their sex was known only at birth.
    4. I am an Indigenous Australian woman. I was taken away from my birth mother at the age of 4 months. Fostered, then adopted by Scandinavian parents at 4 years old. I left home at 18 and pursued a career as a community advocate, married and have 2 children. The laws changed in Australia when I was 30 so that I was able to gain my original birth certificate and some small bits of information about my birth mother. The dream commenced my journey to find my birth family. I dreamt of 7 women in the desert, red earth country, in line next to each other with digging sticks. They were all singing a song in language I did not understand. They were digging in unison searching for yams. I was feeling so serene and full of joy. Then I dreamt of all these older men and women smiling and speaking to me in language I did not understand. They at the end of the dream conveyed a sense of urgency, a job I must do. Through my phone calls that day I found my birth mother and my eldest sister. My mum lives 2 streets from me. Since that day 27 years ago I have found all my family. I am at peace.
    5. I have had tons of precognitive dreams throughout my life, The past 5 years they have been happening more. The most recent two was after I had had my first pregnancy. I miscarried the baby at 12 weeks and was really torn up about it. My partner and I were separating and I was just overall confused with my entire life at that point and very suicidal. One night I had a dream of a little boy, maybe 8 or so, and he told me, “Wait until December.” Asked him why but he would just keep telling me to wait. That it was important and he promised everything would be okay. I had that dream in September. And it left me with such a feeling that I can’t describe. It was very powerful, so I waited for December. Nothing happened. By then I had somewhat healed from the miscarriage and was doing well living on my own. My partner and I were separated but still seeing each other but agreed a relationship wasn’t right at the moment. Fast forward to February and my period is late. So I take a pregnancy test and it comes up negative. I save it for whatever reason and continue on. A few weeks later I still don’t have my period, which isn’t out of the ordinary for me, but I feel weird. I look at the pregnancy test I took a few weeks prior and see the faintest second line. Of course I cried. I couldn’t believe it. When I went in to get my first ultrasound they told me I conceived sometime in December. It made me smile. I believe that is what the little boy was telling me to wait for. While I was pregnant I would have dreams of the same little boy. But as I got farther in my pregnancy he got younger in my dreams. I could see his face and I knew his name and everything. I knew I was having a boy but asked the ultrasound techs not to tell me because I wanted a gender reveal party. When I was 8 months pregnant we did the reveal and just like I had guessed, it was a boy! And when I finally gave birth, he had the same face of the little boy I always saw in my dreams. The same boy who told me to wait until December.

    The Dream:

    I was standing in front of a house - my house (although it did not resemble my actual house). It was the first time I had been round the front of the house, as usually, I would enter via the back door. I had run out of space in my back garden for more plants, and so I was excited to discover all this space at the front of the house, for planting. However, all of the available planting space was in the shade or under cover of some sort. There was a nice area right in front of the house, but it sloped downwards towards the house so it would be tricky to plant there. In addition, I thought that area was too close to the house to plant a tree, in case it interfered with the foundations. Just next to this sloping ground I noticed that at the point where the sunshine did actually reach the ground, some beautiful bluebells were growing.

    Episode 120 - Creativity: Drawing from the Inner Well

    Episode 120 - Creativity: Drawing from the Inner Well

    The root of create, “to bring something into being out of nothing,” echoes divine creation. Ideas arise from mysterious sources, yet creativity is such an intrinsically human function that Jung considered it one of five human instincts, together with hunger, sexuality, activity, and reflection (a function of consciousness).

    Positive circumstances foster creativity: the ability to engage imagination, seek novelty, hone competency, and pursue autonomous, intrinsically rewarding activities. Stress inhibits new possibilities, and rigid societies and personalities fear creators, as new ideas and images challenge the status quo. Creativity can also be quashed from within, and one’s internal cynic, doubter, and deflator often shows up disguised as reason. It takes confidence and courage to surmount uncertainty, obstacles, and potential disappointment.

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” What wants to come into the world through you?



    I dreamt last night that my agent (and very good friend) had died, but while she was dead, she was still conscious! She was walking around and we were chatting, but she knew she was dead, too. Over what seemed like a few days she was decaying and there was a smell, but we were still in this one room, chatting. I remember feeling slightly scared, and would hold my breath around her.

    She knew she would have to be buried soon. And there was a sense of us getting ready for that. But the burial never happened. There was no goodbye or funeral - or perhaps I just woke up.



    Rollo May. The Courage to Create (Amazon).

    Linda Leonard. The Call to Create (Amazon).

    Marie Louise von Franz. Creation Myths (Amazon).

    Allan B. Chinen. Various books on fairytales (Amazon). 


    Mind Meld 64 | Emanations From the Unconscious with Jungian Psychologist Dr. Michael Daine

    Mind Meld 64 | Emanations From the Unconscious with Jungian Psychologist Dr. Michael Daine


    Dr. Michael Daine is a licensed Psychologist and former Assistant Director at the C.G. Jung Institute of Houston. His philosophy and practice a synthesis of myth, mysticism and modern medicine that focuses on inward-facing work.


    Episode 181 - Self-Reflection: What Was I Thinking?

    Episode 181 - Self-Reflection: What Was I Thinking?

    Jung says, “There is another instinct, different from the drive to activity and so far as we know specifically human, which might be called the reflective instinct.” Self-reflection is correlated with consciousness and is arguably humankind’s unique and essential competency: a meta-cognitive capacity that is aware of its own awareness.

    If this is lacking, we may share the fate of Narcissus, who fell in love with his image, mirrored in silvery water--but every time he sought an embrace, his loved one retreated. Because he was unable to reflect on his reflection, Narcissus wasted away from psychic starvation. Many of today’s cultural forces make image supreme and tempt us to identify with reflections and appearances. Instead, we can choose to turn inward and observe ourselves, using consciousness to unite outer and inner worlds, feeling, and thinking. Only seeing into ourselves can clarify motivation, make meaning conscious, and bring our scattered parts into harmony and wholeness. 


    “I had a dream that I was in a half-abandoned house; it looked old and needed to be renovated. It was spacious with many rooms and corridors. My younger son, four years old, was by my side. He was occupied with something, and I was getting frustrated as I needed to go to the toilet to relieve myself (to do #2). I was getting frustrated as he wasn’t listening, and my urge was becoming greater. I left him behind and started looking for a toilet. I was entering some rooms, and they looked like abandoned, old, destroyed, non-functioning toilets. I realized that I can’t take it any longer, so I decided that the next door I open, I will relieve myself. I opened the door and the room looked disgusting: some feces were just on the floor. I don’t remember seeing an actual toilet; everything looked as if it was abandoned many years ago (e.g., paint peeled off the walls, dust). I stepped into some shit, and somehow it landed on my cheek (I didn’t feel too disgusted but more annoyed, as I just needed to receive myself.  I felt “I can’t hold it any longer,” as I started to squat, about to relieve myself. The floor collapsed, and I started to fall down. I had to grab onto something with my hands and to pull myself…and woke up (feeling a bit scared).” 


    Classical Tales of Mythology: Heroes, Gods and Monsters of Ancient Rome and Greece by Thomas Bulfinch



    Learn to Analyze your own Dreams:  https://thisjungianlife.com/enroll/

    Lisa will be giving a zoom presentation on dreams for Oregon Friends of Jung on October 15. Link to sign up is here.

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    If you like our work, please consider supporting it! See how you can help at support.hiddenbrain.org. And to learn more about human behavior and ideas that can improve your life, subscribe to our newsletter at news.hiddenbrain.org.