
    Episode 26: How can biomass crops improve the environment?

    en-caNovember 30, 2021

    About this Episode

    Biomass crops, like switchgrass and miscanthus, are used for agriculture products and biofuel production. These crops can improve soil health while removing carbon dioxide from the air. Sowthini Vijayakumar, a PhD candidate in the School of Environmental Sciences, is trying to find a practical solution to decrease atmospheric carbon through the conversion of agricultural land to biomass crops. She joins E’layna and Tahlia on the podcast to discuss her research in this area.

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    Episode 26: How can biomass crops improve the environment?

    Episode 26: How can biomass crops improve the environment?

    Biomass crops, like switchgrass and miscanthus, are used for agriculture products and biofuel production. These crops can improve soil health while removing carbon dioxide from the air. Sowthini Vijayakumar, a PhD candidate in the School of Environmental Sciences, is trying to find a practical solution to decrease atmospheric carbon through the conversion of agricultural land to biomass crops. She joins E’layna and Tahlia on the podcast to discuss her research in this area.

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    The Why & How Podcast
    en-caMay 11, 2021

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    Note: Meagan received permission to visit and work with farms/farmers and followed policy set by the University of Guelph Research Ethics Board. The research discussed in this episode, and all animal research at the University of Guelph, is done in adherence to the University of Guelph Animal Care Policy and Procedures.

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