
    Episode 288 - The Concept of Swinging

    enSeptember 07, 2011

    Podcast Summary

    • Enhance your summer of love with Promescent's pleasure-enhancing toolsDiscover Promescent's line of delay spray, warming arousal gel, and the iconic Magic Wand to prolong and heighten pleasure during summer.

      Summer is the season of passion and pleasure, and there are tools to help enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, including their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help prolong the experience and heighten pleasure for both men and women. Additionally, the Magic Wand, a cultural icon and powerful vibrator, continues to be a trusted source of pleasure and orgasms. To make the most of your summer of love, check out Promescent's offerings at promessence.com/emily and Sex with Emily's selection of Magic Wand products at sexwithemily.com/magicwand. Don't miss out on the exclusive discounts and benefits for supporters of Sex with Emily's Friends with Benefits program.

    • Communication and expectations in relationshipsClear communication and understanding are crucial in building and maintaining relationships. Preferences and social norms can impact dating dynamics, emphasizing the importance of being open and adaptable.

      Communication and expectations are important in relationships. The speaker in this conversation shares her experiences with dating and socializing, expressing her preferences for being pursued by men but also acknowledging the changing social norms. She also mentions her upcoming plans for a night out with a friend in the gay district of San Francisco, emphasizing the joy of being around someone who knows how to have a good time. Another interesting point that comes up in the conversation is the generational difference in dating etiquette, as the speaker reflects on the idea that girls used to not call boys and the impact this can have on the dynamics of a relationship. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of clear communication and understanding in building and maintaining connections with others.

    • Discussing ways for nice guys to succeed in dating without being jerksBuild connection and intimacy through communication and understanding your partner's needs to finish first in bed, be authentic to oneself, and use dating apps and lunch programs strategically for successful dating experiences.

      While women are encouraged to make the first move in dating to help raise confident and socially adept men, there are ways for nice guys to be successful without resorting to being jerks. The discussion also touched on various topics from listener emails, including dating apps, lunch dating programs, and sex tips. One specific sex tip was about how nice guys can finish first, which involves building connection and intimacy through communication and understanding your partner's needs. Additionally, the speakers mentioned their own experiences with dating, including the pros and cons of various dating methods and the importance of being authentic to oneself. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of confidence, communication, and being true to oneself in both dating and relationships.

    • Navigating Complex Dating Lives and Promoting Sexual HealthBeing transparent and communicative in relationships is essential, while promoting sexual health through open discussions and resources can prevent hurt feelings and negative consequences.

      People can lead complex dating lives, and sometimes individuals may engage in dating multiple people without being fully transparent. This can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. For instance, a woman might be dating someone seriously but also have a profile on a dating app, leading her partner to feel betrayed when he discovers this. However, it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and learns from past experiences. In other news, a controversial judge from Intercourse, Pennsylvania, could lose his job for handing out condoms in his courtroom to promote safe sex. Despite some controversy, this action could be seen as an empowering role model for encouraging safe practices and preventing unwanted pregnancies and STDs. Ultimately, it's crucial to have open and honest communication in relationships and to prioritize sexual health and well-being.

    • Sex's Impact on Life and ChoicesSex shapes our lives through relationships, personal decisions, art, and culture. Wait as long as possible, use protection, and prioritize safety and enjoyment.

      Sex is a significant influence in various aspects of life, from relationships and personal decisions to art and culture. Lady Gaga, who believes sex is a driving force behind everything, including her music, encourages young people to wait as long as they can before having sex and to use protection. The speaker shares her belief that sex is a natural part of life and that it influences many of our choices, from what we wear to who we date. She also acknowledges that men and women have different sexual motivations, with men often seeking to attract partners through wealth and success, while women are biologically programmed to look for caretakers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using high-quality condoms and sexual family lube for safe and enjoyable experiences. In summary, sex is a powerful force that shapes our lives in numerous ways, and it's essential to approach it with care, respect, and protection.

    • Owning one's success and authenticitySuccessful individuals who own their lives and work are attractive, but sharing private info publicly can have unintended consequences.

      Successful and confident individuals, who own their lives and their work, are attractive to others. This was discussed in relation to both men and women, with Lady Gaga being cited as an example of someone who embodies this quality despite her unconventional career path. However, the conversation also touched on the potential consequences of revealing personal details online, using the example of a teacher who lost her job after writing about her past as a sex worker. In essence, owning one's success and authenticity can be alluring, but it's essential to consider the potential repercussions of sharing private information publicly.

    • Sex, News, and Sexalone.comThe hosts discussed sex-related news, the launch of Sexalone.com, and the resurrection of Playboy Clubhouses as a TV show.

      The discussion revolved around various topics related to sex and news. The host shared updates about her new website, Sexalone.com, and encouraged listeners to check it out and share their feedback. They also talked about a poll on the sexiest place to be surprised and revealed the results. Another topic was the resurrection of Playboy Clubhouses as a TV show, with a focus on the original one in Chicago and Blondie, the original bunny, who worked there. The host expressed her desire to do a podcast episode from Vegas, as Kevin Smith was planning to start recording a podcast there. Throughout the conversation, the hosts shared interesting tidbits about sex-related news and encouraged listeners to engage in the discussion.

    • Exploring Unique Sexual FantasiesEveryone has different sexual preferences and fantasies, validating individual experiences. Be respectful and open when discussing or exploring these topics.

      Individuals have unique sexual fantasies and everyone's experience and preferences are valid. During a discussion on a podcast, the hosts shared their personal fantasies and encouraged listeners to vote on a poll about their favorite fantasy. The poll options included watching a partner have sex with someone else, having sex in a public place, being dominated during sex, and threesomes. The hosts also shared their own experiences and preferences. Another topic discussed was a listener's dilemma about asking out a colleague he's interested in without appearing inappropriate or overthinking it. The advice given was to just be friendly and normal, and to suggest a casual lunch or drink as a way to get to know them better.

    • Building a Connection with Women: Tips for MenMen should focus on building a friendship or connection before making sexual advances, be respectful and aware of potential risks, communicate openly with partners, and remember that appearances can be deceiving.

      Approaching women and building a connection requires a careful and respectful approach. Men should avoid making overtly sexual advances right away and instead focus on building a friendship or connection first. It's important to be cool, calm, and collected to avoid giving off the wrong signals or creating a potentially uncomfortable situation. Additionally, men need to be aware of the potential risks and consequences of their actions, especially in a professional setting. Regarding sexual performance, some men struggle with lasting long enough during intercourse. This can be a source of frustration and can hinder their ability to form meaningful relationships. It's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Men should explore different techniques and approaches to find what works best for them and their partners. It's also important to communicate openly and honestly with partners about any concerns or issues. Lastly, it's important to remember that appearances can be deceiving, and one should never assume that someone is a "bunny boiler" or a psycho based on their exterior. Everyone deserves respect and understanding, and it's important to approach all interactions with kindness and compassion.

    • Struggling with confidence during sexual experiences? Try these techniquesThe Multi Orgasmic Man book offers techniques to gain control and confidence, past experiences don't define future ones, regular masturbation builds tolerance, and embracing unique masculinity leads to greater confidence.

      Reeves, from the UK, who is struggling with confidence when talking to women and taking them back to his place, may be dealing with psychological issues related to premature ejaculation. The Multi Orgasmic Man book is recommended as it offers techniques to help men gain confidence and control over their sexual experiences. It's important to remember that past experiences don't define future ones, and retraining the mindset can be helpful. Additionally, practicing masturbation regularly can help build up a tolerance and improve sexual stamina. While some people may enjoy sex more when under the influence of alcohol, it's important to remember that being sober can also lead to better sexual experiences as one becomes more sensitive to the sensations. Ultimately, finding a balance and embracing one's unique masculinity, whether it leans more towards the metrosexual or retrosexual end of the spectrum, can lead to greater confidence and fulfilling relationships.

    • Embrace Your Authentic SelfFocus on discovering and accepting yourself, not societal expectations. Confidence is attractive, and everyone eventually settles into their true selves.

      Individuals should focus on discovering and embracing their authentic selves rather than trying to conform to societal expectations or cater to specific preferences. The speaker suggests that the world doesn't necessarily need more sensitive or confident men, but rather individuals who understand and accept themselves. She also shares her personal experiences of dating individuals who complemented her weaknesses and how the older she got, the more she realized that everyone eventually settles into their true selves. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of confidence, which is often seen as attractive to women. Overall, the conversation encourages self-discovery, self-acceptance, and the understanding that there is someone for everyone.

    • Women's Desire for a Confident and Sensitive PartnerWomen value emotional support and validation in a partner, and men can deepen relationships by listening and understanding rather than trying to fix issues.

      Women desire a partner who possesses both confidence and sensitivity. They want a man who can listen and provide emotional support without trying to fix their problems. This balance, referred to as a "hybrid," is what many women seek. It's important for men to understand that women often just want to be heard and validated, rather than having their issues solved. This can lead to deeper connections and more satisfying relationships. Additionally, women appreciate it when men can be open and vulnerable as well. Brunch, it seems, is a favorite meal for many, offering a combination of breakfast and lunch dishes. It's a time for relaxation and socializing, making it an ideal setting for deep conversations and building strong bonds.

    • Exploring the depth of Brunch and SwingersBrunch offers a variety of choices beyond traditional breakfast items, and swingers are diverse individuals who challenge stereotypes.

      Brunch is more than just eggs, bacon, and orange juice; it's a bigger breakfast and a smaller lunch. The love for breakfast food comes from the abundance of choices it offers. Regarding swingers, stereotypes don't always hold true. Swingers come from all walks of life, and they may not look or act as one might expect. Swinging adds excitement to relationships and is not an everyday occurrence for everyone. People have different reasons for getting married, including having children, but the desire for sexual variety is a common human condition. Swingers can have kids without being married. The conversation did not necessarily prove one person's point over the other, but it showcased differing perspectives.

    • The definition and expression of commitment in relationshipsPeople have different beliefs about commitment in relationships, and it's important to consider individual values, desires, and needs when making relationship decisions.

      The definition and expression of commitment in relationships can vary greatly from person to person. Some people believe that being married signifies a lifelong commitment to monogamy, while others believe that being married does not restrict them from having sexual relationships outside of the marriage. The speaker argues that the traditional concept of "till death do us part" may not be realistic for everyone, and that people cheat because they are not satisfied with the limitations of monogamy. However, they also acknowledge that committing to a relationship without cheating is possible and can be fulfilling. Ultimately, the decision to get married or not, and the rules of the relationship, should be based on the individual's values, desires, and needs.

    • Nice guys can finish first by adding unexpected traitsBeing spontaneous, trying new activities, and showing confidence can help nice guys keep things exciting and finish first in relationships.

      Nice guys can finish first by adopting some traits typically associated with bad boys, without becoming a jerk. This can include being spontaneous, trying new activities, and showing confidence. A nice guy can surprise a woman and keep things exciting by suggesting unconventional outings, like taking her to a gun range instead of a predictable dinner date. Another tip is to wait a while before calling her to keep her guessing and maintain interest. The key is to find a balance between being considerate and attentive, while also being unpredictable and confident. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of setting financial goals and focusing on personal growth, suggesting that listeners contribute to his podcast if they can afford it.

    • Striking a balance in winning a woman's heartBe confident, plan ahead, communicate effectively, remember small details, and be genuine and adaptable to win a woman's heart.

      Striking a balance is key when trying to win a woman's heart. Being too attentive can be a turn-off, but not showing enough interest can leave her feeling neglected. Be confident, take charge on dates, communicate effectively, and remember small details about her to make her feel special. Don't be needy or nervous, and avoid asking her what she wants to do. Instead, plan ahead and have a back-up plan. Overall, be genuine, attentive, and adaptable to different situations. Remember, women appreciate a man who can take charge while still being considerate of her feelings and preferences.

    • Showing genuine interest in small detailsGenuine interest, communication, and self-confidence are key to building meaningful relationships.

      Paying attention to small details about a person and showing genuine interest in their likes and dislikes can lead to meaningful connections. An example given was a man remembering that a woman liked the Pixies years ago and surprising her with tickets to their concert. As people age, there's a tendency for women to prefer dating nice guys, but it's important for men to maintain their own hobbies and plans. The discussion also touched on the idea that women may delay sex with someone they truly like, and it's important for men to understand that this doesn't necessarily mean they're being rejected. The conversation also addressed the idea that nice guys don't always finish last and that being kind and confident can lead to success in dating. Overall, the key takeaway is that genuine interest, communication, and self-confidence are important in building meaningful relationships.

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    We are on all major platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Soundcloud, Castbox, and many others. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends.

    Follow @ThinkLoveWife on Instagram and send any questions and topics that you’d like me to discuss.

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    Happy mid-August Ya'll; we're super happy to continue recording remote episodes for you all until we can get back into the studio!!!

    In today's episode, we have a special guest joining us, Thomas Westenholz! Thomas is a trained somatic relationship and sex coach as well as the host of his personal Podcast Zensensa where he interviews leading relationship and sex experts and extracts the best tips and tools for you.

    PS. We just hosted our first ever Picnic Podcast Soiree in honor of our 1 Year Podcast Anniversary and we couldn't be happier! Although it down-poured and all of our attendees got rained on, we made the best out of it! 

    Our life updates (00:00-8:20):

    Our Celeb Talk Includes (08:20-19:00):

    • Chrissy Teigen & John Legend expecting baby No. 3
    • Fashion designer Michael Costello slams Kylie Jenner for not giving credit to up-and-coming fashion designers 
    • Kamala Harris is Biden's choice for VP - First black woman to be nominated for national office by a major party

    Our Girl Talk Includes (19:00-01:24:20):

    • Intimacy vs Love
    • Relationship Satisfaction
    • Elements of safety in a healthy relationship
    • Emotional triggers and conflicts 

    We also share our recommendations for the week (01:24:20-01:30:19)

    Interested? Grab a Cup and Join the Talk!!!!!Follow @celebtalkgirltalkpod @natasha_fig @jayrosexoxo on Instagram @celebtgirltalk on Twitter and don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe!Music by WordSmithCover Art by Ria