
    Episode 32

    enJuly 14, 2021
    What are the key factors for successful podcast recording?
    How can communication impact podcast scheduling and attendance?
    What lesson did Tom share about the significance of small things?
    How did the restaurant experience affect the speaker's mood?
    What does the conversation reveal about friendship during challenges?

    • Communication and Organization in PodcastingEffective communication and organization are essential for successful podcast recordings. Clear communication and respecting agreed-upon start times are crucial for a productive and professional experience. Despite challenges, maintaining a positive attitude and being adaptable are key to achieving podcasting success.

      Effective communication and organization are crucial for a successful podcast recording. The speakers in this conversation discuss their experiences with scheduling and attending podcast recordings, highlighting the importance of clear communication and respecting agreed-upon start times. Despite some challenges, they emphasize the importance of persevering and maintaining a professional attitude towards their work. Additionally, they reflect on the personal growth and learning experiences that come with producing a podcast, even during difficult moments. Overall, this conversation underscores the value of dedication, collaboration, and adaptability in achieving podcasting success.

    • Unity and Hope at the Euro 2020 Final, Despite Disappointing OutcomeThe Euro 2020 final brought people together, but racist reactions towards young players after England's loss marred the unity and hope. It's important to respect and support players, regardless of the outcome, and celebrate teamwork and diversity.

      The Euro 2020 final brought people together despite the disappointing outcome for England. The speaker shared his experience of watching the match with family and the sense of unity and hope before the game. However, the mood shifted after England's loss, and the speaker felt dismayed by the racist reactions towards the young players who missed penalties. He emphasized the importance of respecting and supporting players, regardless of the outcome, and celebrating the camaraderie and diversity of the team. The speaker also highlighted Gareth Southgate's leadership in creating a team where no player was bigger than the collective, making the racist attacks even more disappointing. Overall, the Euro 2020 final was a bittersweet experience, but the speaker cherished the sense of unity and hope it brought before the disappointing ending.

    • Racism casts a shadow over Euro 2020 final for people of colorDespite progress towards inclusivity, instances of racism detracted from Euro 2020 final experience for people of color, but majority of England fans embrace diversity and support team.

      The Euro 2020 final brought up complex feelings for many people, particularly those of color, due to experiences of racism both during and after the game. Despite the overall positive atmosphere surrounding England's inclusive team and the tournament as a whole, instances of racism and negative behavior towards players and fans of color cast a dark shadow over the experience. The prevalence of social media and the amplification of these incidents can make it feel like a larger issue than it may be, but it's important to remember that the vast majority of England fans embrace inclusivity and support their team regardless of race. The frustration lies in the fact that such incidents detract from the progress and positivity that the team and the tournament represent. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on the progress and the positive aspects, like the diverse team and the historic run to the final, rather than getting bogged down in negativity.

    • Intense Emotions and Blame After England's Euro LossSports outcomes don't solve global issues, nuanced opinions are valid, and intense emotions should be balanced with perspective.

      The England soccer team's loss in the Euro 2020 final was a source of intense emotion for many people, with some quick to blame manager Gareth Southgate for the defeat. However, it's important to remember that sports outcomes don't have the power to "cure the world," and that there's room for nuanced opinions. Southgate can be admired as a great manager while still being criticized for specific decisions. The final against Italy was a tense and exciting match, and England's reaching the penalties was an achievement in itself. Tom Cruise's presence at the game was a symbol of those who were more interested in being seen than in the football itself. Overall, the discussion highlights the intense passion and binary thinking that can surround sports events, and the importance of keeping a balanced perspective.

    • Fear of the unfamiliarFirst-time experiences can be scary and uncomfortable, leaving individuals feeling out of control and vulnerable. Fear of falling, fear of embarrassment, and unfamiliar sensations can make even short experiences distressing.

      Unfamiliar experiences can be intimidating and overwhelming. The speaker shares an experience of riding on the back of a motorbike for the first time with someone who was in a hurry. The speaker felt scared due to the unfamiliar situation, the weaving in and out of traffic, and the fear of falling. The speaker's perception of scale and distance was affected, and they held on tightly, feeling ridiculous but unable to process how to lean with the rider. The rider tried to calm the speaker down and keep them warm, but the speaker felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. Despite the short duration of the ride, the speaker felt scared and hated every second of it. The experience was compared to feeling like Donkey Kong in Mario Kart. The speaker was going from a gig to a panel show and had to get there quickly, but their fear of the unfamiliar situation and fear of admitting their fear made the experience distressing.

    • Anxiety and Fear in PerformingAccepting limitations and communicating openly can help manage anxiety during performances. Unhealthy coping mechanisms like excessive caffeine intake should be avoided.

      Everyone experiences anxiety or fear before performing or attending events, and it's important to acknowledge and address these feelings rather than ignoring them. In the conversation, the speaker shared an experience where he had to bail on a live show due to anxiety, and the host was understanding and accommodating. The speaker also mentioned how he tried various methods, such as Red Bull, to wake himself up and perform better, but ultimately failed. The takeaway here is that it's essential to accept our limitations and communicate openly with those around us when we're feeling overwhelmed or unable to perform at our best. Additionally, relying on unhealthy methods like excessive caffeine intake can have negative consequences. Instead, finding healthy coping mechanisms and seeking support from others can help us navigate through challenging situations.

    • Neglecting physical health harms mental well-beingMaintaining healthy habits like eating well, exercising, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep are essential for mental and emotional well-being. Neglecting these habits can lead to negative thoughts and feelings of losing control.

      Taking care of one's physical health is crucial for maintaining mental well-being. The speaker shares his personal experience of how neglecting healthy habits like eating well, exercising, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep can lead to feelings of darkness and even a sense of losing control. He also discusses the negative impact of excessive drinking and how it can have long-term consequences, such as damage to the liver. The speaker emphasizes that these habits are essential for keeping the "inner prick" or negative thoughts at bay. He also shares his own struggle with maintaining these habits and the negative consequences that come with letting them slip. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of prioritizing physical health for mental and emotional well-being.

    • Navigating the social challenges of giving up alcoholGiving up alcohol can lead to unexpected social isolation and the need to explain decisions to others, requiring coping strategies and understanding of social dynamics.

      Giving up alcohol can lead to unexpected social challenges. The speaker shares his experience of feeling the need to explain his decision not to drink to others, which can be time-consuming and awkward. He also discusses how he felt like an outcast at social events, particularly when others were drinking. The speaker tried to compensate by focusing on other things, like working out, but still felt like he was missing out on the social aspect of drinking. He also mentions the disappointment of ordering poppadums at an Indian restaurant and being the only one not drinking. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of understanding the social dynamics of not drinking and finding ways to cope with the potential isolation that can come with it. It's not just about the decision to give up alcohol, but also about navigating the social landscape that comes with it.

    • Indian meal preferences and experiencesSpeaker enjoys Indian meals with poppadums and mango chutney but finds them too small, dislikes chopped onions and unnecessary salads in takeaways, and cherishes memories of attending a cricket match in Sri Lanka.

      The speaker has a strong affinity for poppadums and mango chutney during Indian meals but faces the issue of the poppadums being too small to hold an adequate amount of chutney. They also share their dislike for chopped onions and the unnecessary inclusion of a salad in takeaway meals. The speaker expresses their desire to eat a large quantity of poppadums during meals and finds the idea of having an Indian meal quite appealing. They also share a story about attending a cricket match in Sri Lanka and being invited to join due to another person's absence.

    • Unexpected joys from simple pleasuresUnexpected experiences and acts of kindness can bring immense joy and strengthen relationships.

      Unexpected experiences and simple pleasures, like a surprise curry from an open restaurant after a long day, can bring immense joy and make even the most challenging situations feel worthwhile. The speaker shared a heartwarming story about how an Indian restaurant stayed open for him and his friend after a day of unexpected events, and how the experience left them feeling elated and grateful. The act of kindness from the restaurant staff added to the overall positive experience, creating a memorable moment for the speaker. It's a reminder that sometimes, the smallest gestures can make a big difference in our lives. Additionally, the conversation between the two friends revealed the importance of connection and support in difficult times, and how shared experiences can strengthen relationships.

    • Sharing unique preferences and insecuritiesUnderstanding and being supportive of each other's quirks and insecurities is crucial in relationships.

      Everyone has their unique preferences and insecurities. In the discussion, the speakers shared their experiences of having different favorite football players and body image issues. Lisa, a fan of Jack Grealish, described him as an attractive player with an impressive physique. On the other hand, the speaker felt self-conscious about his own body shape and was insecure about his lack of a prominent bottom half. The conversation also touched upon the importance of communication in relationships and the importance of being understanding and supportive of one another. Anonymous listener shared their appreciation for the podcast and opened up about their own experiences of shyness and using alcohol as a defense mechanism. They also mentioned feeling self-conscious about their body shape, sharing that they were often referred to as an "orange on a toothpick." It's important to remember that everyone has their quirks and insecurities, and it's essential to be kind and understanding towards ourselves and others. The conversation also highlighted the importance of communication and support in relationships.

    • The Impact of Nicknames and Banter on Self-PerceptionNicknames and banter can affect self-perception, but it's essential to find a balance between standing up for oneself and not being overly sensitive or confrontational. Remember, everyone has insecurities, and it's crucial to build up self-confidence and self-esteem.

      Nicknames and banter can have a significant impact on how we perceive ourselves and how we feel about ourselves. While some people may not mind or even find it amusing, others may feel hurt or self-conscious when faced with such comments. The power of these words lies in how we choose to interpret them. It's essential to remember that everyone has insecurities, and it's natural to want to be accepted and liked by others. However, it's crucial to find a balance between standing up for ourselves and not wanting to come across as overly sensitive or confrontational. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide how much weight they want to give to such comments and to find ways to build up their self-confidence and self-esteem. The speaker shared personal experiences of being on both ends of the spectrum, and it's clear that the impact of words can be profound. It's essential to be mindful of the power of our words and to strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.

    • Joey B's email brings joy and inspires Shoaib's glasses gameJoey B's email boosts Shoaib's self-esteem and inspires healthy competition between them, with a shared appreciation for Freddy and Rom's glasses and a mutual dislike for assumptions about Joey B's background.

      The friendship between Joey B and Shoaib is built on mutual admiration and healthy competition, particularly when it comes to their glasses choices. Joey B's email brought joy and excitement to Shoaib, boosting his self-esteem and inspiring him to up his own glasses game. The conversation also revealed their shared appreciation for Freddy and Rom, as well as their shared dislike for assumptions about Joey B's background. The dream about directing a Shakespearean play with Tom added an element of humor and lightheartedness to their exchange. Despite their friendly banter, they both acknowledged that Tom's glasses game is on a different level, and they continue to inspire each other to step up their style.

    • Frustration towards excessive reverence for Shakespeare's worksQuestion societal reverence for Shakespeare, explore his works critically, and consider historical bias in evaluation

      While Shakespeare is widely revered in literature, there are valid arguments questioning the need for excessive reverence towards his works. The speaker expresses frustration towards the blind adoration of Shakespeare's works and compares it to the unnecessary veneration of outdated objects, such as the first car ever invented. He believes that Shakespeare was a decent playwright in his time but argues that progress and changing tastes make it unnecessary to forcefully study his works. The speaker also touches upon Shakespeare's reportedly questionable business practices and suggests that his works may have been overhyped due to historical bias. Ultimately, the speaker encourages critical thinking and personal exploration of Shakespeare's works rather than blindly accepting the societal reverence for them.

    • Comedians Tom and Sean Hogan Share Tips on Dealing with Creative Challenges with ADHDTom and Sean Hogan, both comedians with ADHD, shared their experiences and tips on overcoming creative challenges, such as anxiety and writer's block, through trusting oneself, mental preparation, and having a supportive partner.

      Both Tom and Sean Hogan, two comedians, shared their experiences and tips on dealing with creative challenges, specifically writing material, despite having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Tom revealed his struggle with old cars and how he overcame his anxiety by having a "vibe" of what to talk about and trusting himself to be funny. Sean, on the other hand, shared his struggles with writing stand-up material and how he learned to give himself less pressure and focus on mental preparation and research instead of forcing himself to write word for word. They both emphasized the importance of having a supportive partner or friend, like Tom's partner Ron, who helps them prepare and boosts their confidence. Ultimately, they encouraged each other to embrace their unique creative processes and not be too hard on themselves when their brains get distracted or overwhelmed.

    • Exploring Different Comedy Writing MethodsComedians have unique approaches to writing material, from meticulous planning to spontaneous performance, find what works best for you.

      There is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating comedy material. Some comedians, like Milton Jones and Gary Delaney, write their jokes meticulously and forensically, while others, like the speaker, prefer to find the funny on stage through conversation. The speaker shared his experience of going on stage with just a few words written down and the risks involved if it doesn't go well. He also mentioned that some comedians write out their material word for word on a laptop. Ultimately, it's essential to find the method that works best for each individual comedian. The speaker also shared an unconventional method he's tried, which is doing stand-up to a wall. He admitted that he's only been able to do it a couple of times due to self-consciousness but found it to be helpful. He also mentioned that his partner, Lisa, doesn't give him advice on his material as she knows him too well. The conversation shifted to the new episodes of Rob and Ron versus and the speaker's recent use of the catchphrase "take it to the max." He also mentioned a potential collaboration with Nike and Adidas. The conversation ended with the speaker discussing his inconsistent golf skills and his upcoming golf lesson.

    • Being honest in relationshipsHonesty builds trust and fosters healthier relationships. Address underlying feelings and communicate effectively to prevent bigger issues.

      Honesty is the best policy, especially when dealing with sensitive situations in relationships. In the discussion, a person expressed their anxiety about working with an ex-girlfriend, whom they hadn't told their current girlfriend about. They sought advice on how to handle the situation. The consensus was that honesty was the best approach, even if it might be uncomfortable. The conversation also touched on the importance of communication and understanding potential reactions from one's partner. It's essential to address any underlying feelings or concerns before they escalate into bigger issues. Honesty builds trust and fosters healthier relationships.

    • Addressing relationship complexities and not neglecting life's small detailsBe honest about feelings and address complex relationship situations promptly, while also not forgetting the importance of small details in daily life

      It's important to pay attention to both the big and small aspects of life. The discussion touched upon a complex situation where a person was dealing with feelings for someone else while in a relationship. The speaker advised being honest and addressing the situation as soon as possible, rather than ignoring it. They also emphasized the importance of not forgetting about the smaller details in life, just as one might forget to wear socks and end up with blisters. The conversation served as a reminder that focusing solely on the big moments can lead to overlooking the smaller, yet significant aspects of life.

    • Appreciating the small things in lifeRecognizing the value of seemingly insignificant items like socks can bring joy and make a difference. Keep an open mind to new perspectives.

      We should appreciate the small things in life, just like how a sock, although seemingly insignificant, can make a difference. During a recent conversation, Tom shared an insightful moment about acknowledging the importance of even the smallest items, such as socks. This idea was not about dismissing the significance of larger things like clothing, but rather recognizing the value of the seemingly insignificant. Tom's words left a lasting impression, and we plan to explore this concept further in an upcoming bonus set. Additionally, during the conversation, Tom mentioned that we would be having a live show soon, and we'll be sure to let everyone know the date as soon as it's confirmed. For more updates, be sure to follow us on Instagram @wolfalpod. And if you have any feedback, opinions, or issues, please don't hesitate to email us at wolfalpod@gmail.com. Overall, the conversation reminded us of the importance of recognizing the value of the small things in life and to keep an open mind to new perspectives. We hope you'll join us again on our meandering journeys. Take care, and peace out!

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    Wishing you all the best, 

    Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

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    S01 EP10: Isy Suttie
    ROB BECKETT & JOSH WIDDICOMBE'S 'LOCKDOWN PARENTING HELL' - S01 EP10: Isy SuttieJoining us in the studio this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) during the lock down and beyond is the brilliant comedian, actor, writer, and world renowned voice-over artist, Isy Suttie. Enjoy. Rate and Review. Thanks. xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how:EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.ukTWITTER: @lockdownparent A 'Keep It Light Media' Production Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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