
    Episode 42: Seeing A New Reality with Hololens at CWRU

    enDecember 28, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • CWRU School of Medicine uses HoloLens for innovative medical educationCWRU School of Medicine integrates Microsoft's HoloLens technology into their medical education, offering students a unique perspective through immersive dissection boot camps and continuous learning experiences.

      Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, is utilizing innovative technology, specifically Microsoft's HoloLens, to enhance medical education. The technology is used in an immersive 2-week dissection boot camp for new students and continues to be reinforced throughout their education. The HoloLens experience is hard to describe but offers a unique perspective that complements traditional methods of learning anatomy. Doctor Mark Griswold, a physics PhD and professor of radiology at CWRU and University Hospitals, is the driving force behind this project. His research in MRI and magnetic resonance fingerprinting, as well as his leadership at the Interactive Commons, have positioned him as a pioneer in combining expertise from various fields to solve complex problems. Together with Doctor Lina Maeda, the associate dean for admissions, they are two of the school's standout figures, leading the way in integrating technology into medical education.

    • Microsoft's Surprise Solution for Digital Anatomy Learning at Case WesternCase Western University partnered with Microsoft to teach anatomy digitally using HoloLens, Microsoft's mixed reality headset, instead of cadavers.

      The partnership between Case Western University and Microsoft began in 2014 when the university was looking to teach anatomy digitally without using cadavers. Mark, who has a radiology background, was tasked with finding a solution. They explored various technologies but none compared to a cadaver. One of their advisors, Craig Mundy, who was head of Microsoft Research at the time, invited them to see a new technology Microsoft was developing. They went to Redmond expecting to see a virtual reality headset but were instead introduced to HoloLens, a mixed reality headset that changed their perspective. Microsoft, which was not viewed as a high-end tech company at the time, surprised them with this innovative technology, leading to the implementation of hollow anatomy using HoloLens at Case Western.

    • Experience the magic of HoloLens: Ancient Rome and Mars demosHoloLens offers a revolutionary, disorienting yet exhilarating experience through immersive demos of ancient Rome and Mars, opening doors to endless possibilities in education and various fields.

      The HoloLens, a mixed reality headset, provided unprecedented immersive experiences through demos of ancient Rome and Mars, leaving those who tried it feeling like their world had been upended with endless possibilities. Microsoft recognized the potential of this technology for education and partnership, leading to a transformative collaboration. The first-hand accounts of the experience describe a feeling of being transported to new worlds, disrupting perspectives and opening doors to vast opportunities in various fields. For those unfamiliar, HoloLens presents a three-dimensional, holographic environment that interacts with the real world, offering a revolutionary and disorienting yet exhilarating experience.

    • Experience digital objects in the real world with Microsoft HoloLensMicrosoft HoloLens is a mixed reality headset that lets users interact with digital objects in real life, enabling new ways of communication and collaboration through immersive experiences

      The Microsoft HoloLens is a mixed reality headset that superimposes digital information into the real world through a transparent display. It's a self-contained device that allows users to see and interact with digital objects as if they were in the physical world. The real power of this technology comes when multiple users experience the same digital object in the same space, enabling new ways of communication and collaboration. The HoloLens also works remotely, allowing users to feel present with each other even when they're miles apart. The device includes speakers and microphones for two-way communication and allows users to hear and locate sounds in their digital environment. The HoloLens challenges the concept of where virtual meetings and interactions take place and opens up new possibilities for digital communication and collaboration.

    • Virtual and mixed reality technology can bridge social isolationVirtual and mixed reality technology can bring joy and connection to older populations and those in healthcare settings, and has low bandwidth requirements for wider access, potentially revolutionizing the way we connect.

      Technology, specifically virtual and mixed reality, has the potential to bridge social isolation and bring people closer together, particularly for older populations and those in healthcare settings. This could lead to significant societal implications, including increased connection, understanding, and happiness. For example, the ability to virtually co-exist in a room with someone, even if not physically touching, could bring immense joy to individuals who are currently experiencing loneliness and isolation. This technology also has relatively low bandwidth requirements, making it accessible to a wider audience. The possibilities extend to various applications, such as classrooms, where students could learn from anywhere in the world as if they were in the same room. While we are not yet fully utilizing these technologies for these purposes, the potential is vast and could revolutionize the way we connect with each other.

    • Mixed Reality in Education: A Revolutionary ApproachMixed reality technology enhances anatomy education by making it faster, cheaper, and more effective, even in remote settings. Students prefer remote learning, and the technology can revolutionize education by expanding reality and providing immersive experiences.

      The use of advanced technologies like mixed reality in education, particularly in the field of anatomy, has proven to be faster, cheaper, and more effective than traditional methods. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of these technologies, enabling remote learning and reaching students in educationally disadvantaged areas. Studies have shown that hollow anatomy, which is already effective, becomes even more so when taught remotely. The technology allows faculty members to teach from anywhere in the world, making education more accessible. The response to the sudden shift to remote learning was swift and successful at Case Western Reserve University, with students preferring the remote format and first-year medical students not missing a day of class. The use of mixed reality technology has the potential to revolutionize education by expanding students' reality and providing immersive learning experiences. The skepticism towards these technologies, especially from those with a traditional educational background, can be overcome by trying the technology firsthand and experiencing the transformative effects.

    • Experience medical education in 3D with HoloLensHoloLens technology enhances medical education by offering a more comprehensive and transformative learning experience through 3D visualization, faster learning, and integration of radiology and physical diagnosis.

      The use of HoloLens technology in medical education offers a more comprehensive and transformative learning experience compared to traditional cadaver dissection. The HoloLens allows students to understand anatomical relationships and pathophysiology in three dimensions, enabling faster learning and the integration of radiology and physical diagnosis into the curriculum. The faculty speaker shared his personal experience of initially being skeptical but being pleasantly surprised by the technology's ability to bring the human body to life in a way that memorization cannot match. The reactions from students and faculty have consistently been positive, with awe and excitement being common responses upon trying the HoloLens for the first time. The technology's ability to transport users out of their everyday reality and provide a unique learning experience makes it a valuable addition to medical education.

    • Exploring anatomy through holographic modelsHolographic anatomy models offer an engaging and interactive learning experience, with effective instruction methods including in-person pod teaching and group instruction, and a new feature called the 'magnifying glass' allowing for manipulation of smaller sections.

      The use of holographic anatomy models in education provides a unique and engaging learning experience that allows for flexibility and interaction. The models quickly become real in the room, revealing their value even as projections of light. Initially, teaching methods were limited due to the early stages of the technology, but now, two effective modes of instruction have emerged: in-person pod teaching and group instruction. A new feature, called the "magnifying glass," allows students to manipulate smaller sections of the hologram, adding a haptic element. Although the technology is still being refined, it offers a powerful and non-psychopathic way for students to learn normal anatomy, with the understanding that pathophysiology will be explored in other areas of study.

    • Revolutionizing medical education with HoloLensMicrosoft HoloLens technology enhances medical education by offering a more effective and immersive learning experience, with advancements expected to integrate radiology scans and improve learning outcomes.

      Hollow Anatomy, a new technology using Microsoft HoloLens, is revolutionizing medical education by providing students with a more effective and immersive learning experience compared to traditional methods. Currently, the technology is limited due to resource constraints, but advancements in technology within the next five years are expected to allow for the integration of radiology scans into the device. This will enable students to identify disease processes and plan for advanced surgical procedures. Case Western Reserve University is the first medical school in the United States to adopt this technology, and it has already gained interest from other prestigious institutions such as Oxford University and Northwestern University. The technology has been shown to significantly improve students' learning outcomes, making it an invaluable tool for educational institutions, particularly those with limited resources. The potential applications of this technology extend beyond medicine, with the potential to change every job in America.

    • Revolutionizing Medicine with HoloLensHoloLens technology enhances surgical planning, enables remote collaboration, and improves communication in medicine, leading to faster, more efficient procedures and better patient care.

      HoloLens technology is revolutionizing the field of medicine, particularly in complex surgeries like stereotactic neurosurgery. This technology allows teams of physicians from different locations to collaborate in real-time, planning and performing surgeries that previously required lengthy in-person meetings. The use of HoloLens for surgical planning has already resulted in faster and more efficient procedures, such as SEG plans, which involve the placement of multiple electrodes in the brain. Additionally, the potential for telemedicine to be enhanced by HoloLens, allowing doctors to virtually transport themselves into a patient's room, could lead to even more convenient and effective consultations. Furthermore, the ability to convert 2D images into 3D holograms can improve communication between doctors and residents, leading to better decision making and a more informed patient experience. Overall, HoloLens technology has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of medical procedures and collaboration among healthcare professionals.

    • Using 3D holographic models in healthcare reduces anxiety and improves communication3D holographic models in healthcare can decrease patient anxiety, enhance communication, and lead to improved outcomes and increased efficiency.

      Using 3D holographic models in healthcare can significantly improve patient outcomes by reducing anxiety and ensuring better communication between patients and medical teams. This was demonstrated in a complex cancer surgery case where a patient's anxiety levels decreased dramatically after seeing her own 3D model, leading to improved mental preparedness and faster recovery. The process involved a collaborative effort between the patient, medical team, and technology, resulting in a more confident and informed patient experience. The potential benefits of this approach extend beyond individual cases, with the potential for improved surgical outcomes and increased efficiency in healthcare delivery. This technology is still in its early stages, but its transformative impact on the healthcare industry is undeniable.

    • University's support for innovative projectsThe University's commitment to fostering an environment for creativity and innovation has led to groundbreaking projects, like the fusion of anime and anatomy.

      The University's forward-thinking approach and support for innovative projects has set the stage for leading advancements in the field. Mark, with his vision, creativity, and drive, has been instrumental in pushing boundaries and creating amazing projects, such as the fusion of anime and anatomy for educational purposes. However, it's important to note that this team effort would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of Suish Barats and the entire team of anatomists, programmers, and artists. The success of these projects is a testament to the University's commitment to embracing change and fostering an environment that encourages creativity and innovation. I, for one, am excited to see where this journey takes us next.

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

    HOST: Christian Essman


    Competency-related Resources:

    Other AAMC Resources

    • 2023 AMCAS Workbook
    • Medical School Application Guide: The Official Guide to Medical School Admissions 
    • The Medical School Admission Requirements™ (MSAR®):  is an online database that enables you to browse, search, sort, and compare information about U.S. and Canadian medical schools. You can save notes, favorites, and see how your MCAT, GPA, and completed coursework matches each medical school’s current first-year class and admission requirements.
    • The Premed Navigator: A monthly free newsletter with important dates, information, and tips for applicants and pre-meds.
    • Aspiring Docs Diaries: A blog with pieces written by premeds, med students, and residents.
    • The free Virtual Medical School Fair, held in the Spring and Fall each year, which features several information sessions and typically about 90-100 medical schools from across the United States and Canada.
    • The Fee Assistance Program which benefits include significantly reduced registration fee for the MCAT exam, MCAT prep products, a 2-year subscription to MSAR, AMCAS application with up to 20 medical school submissions, and fee waiver for the PREview professional readiness exam.

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

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    During this virtual gathering, Christian Essman will share his knowledge and expertise on the intricate world of medical school admissions. As a seasoned professional in the field, he has guided countless students through the challenging journey of getting into medical school. With his wealth of experience and insider insights, Christian will provide invaluable advice, strategies, and tips to help you navigate the complex admissions process successfully.

    The event will be structured as an interactive Q&A session, allowing participants to ask Christian anything related to med school admissions. Whether you have inquiries about crafting an outstanding personal statement, preparing for interviews, selecting the right medical schools, or seeking guidance on how to stand out among other applicants, Christian will be there to offer his expert advice and address all your concerns.

    THURSDAY, JUNE 15th @ 7:00 pm EST



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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool


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    Kalte Ohren by Alex (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. https://dig.ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/59612 Ft: starfrosch & Jerry Spoon


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    Black cat Funky by reusenoise (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial  (3.0) license. https://dig.ccmixter.org/files/reusenoise/56513 

    Music: Soaring over the sea by Darkroom (c) copyright 2022 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/mactonite/65379 


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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu    

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



    *FREE! AAMC Virtual Medical School Fair - March 28 & 29, 2023

    MSAR - Medical School Admissions Requirements Guide

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    CONTACT: rwjapadm@rwjms.rutgers.edu 


    Music: Soaring over the sea by Darkroom (c) copyright 2022 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/mactonite/65379 

    Episode 64: Catching Up with Dr. Lina Mehta on Admissions-related Topics

    Episode 64: Catching Up with Dr. Lina Mehta on Admissions-related Topics

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu   

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



    Would you like us to speak to your pre-med group?  Email us at allaccess@case.edu and we’ll try to work out something with you!  

    Dr. Mehta’s Current Book Recommendations:

    From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life

    The Immortal Life Henrietta Lacks

    Christian’s Current Book Recommendations: 

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    Project Hail Mary


    Music: The Vendetta by Stefan Kartenberg (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/JeffSpeed68/58628 Ft: Apoxode


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    Join me for an informative conversation with the Assistant Dean of Admissions, Dr. Dustin Fulton, from UTHSC.  As one of two public allopathic medical schools in the State of Tennessee, it is a popular destination for many premed students.  The College has a strong commitment to training physicians who plan to go into primary care practice. Throughout the 4-year curriculum, students are exposed to primary care options through preceptors and master clinicians in the first two years and during clerkships, electives and junior internships in the clinical phase of the curriculum. They also have an accelerated 3-year curriculum offers a conditional acceptance into a primary care residency program at UTHSC upon completion of the MD degree. 

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please!  It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu   

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 




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    Episode 62: 2022-23 Mid-Cycle Check-In

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu   

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



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    Saturday, November 12, 2022   |   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT   |   Nashville, TN

    AAMC FACTS - Applicants, Matriculants, Enrollment, Graduates, MD-PhD, and Residency Applicants Data

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