
    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of ADHD Adults Podcast during ADHD Awareness MonthThe ADHD Adults podcast, hosted by James Brown and Alex Connor, made a positive impact during ADHD Awareness Month by sharing valuable advice, entertaining banter, and creating a supportive community for those with ADHD, leading to increased understanding and acceptance of the condition.

      The ADHD Adults podcast, hosted by James Brown and Alex Connor, has made a significant impact during ADHD Awareness Month 2022. They were joined by Sam Lee for their YouTube broadcasts, despite some technical difficulties and joking around. James shared his recent health challenge with aspirational pneumonia, while Alex expressed his well-being. They received letters from listeners, including one from Robert in Kidderminster who made a lighthearted joke about wanting help, and Milan, who praised the podcast for its valuable advice and entertaining banter. Milan shared her experience of receiving an ADHD diagnosis at the age of 41 and expressed gratitude for the podcast's role in helping her understand and accept her condition. The podcast's positive influence extends to Milan's husband as well. The team's efforts to improve their Discord forum by bringing in new members have resulted in a more effective and less chaotic platform for the ADHD community. Overall, the podcast's impact on listeners' lives and their own dedication to spreading awareness and understanding of ADHD make it a valuable resource for those affected by this condition.

    • Challenging Myths About ADHDADHD affects 90% of adults undiagnosed, challenging myths about the condition can reduce stigma and help those with ADHD feel less diminished.

      The podcast discussed the damaging effects of persistent myths about ADHD and the importance of challenging these myths to reduce stigma and help those who may not have the social power to do so. A common myth addressed was the belief that ADHD is only for diagnosed individuals, when in reality, around 90% of cases in adults are likely undiagnosed. The belief that ADHD is overdiagnosed was also touched upon, but not fully explored. The podcast emphasized the importance of raising awareness and challenging these myths to help those with ADHD feel less diminished. The discussion was part of ADHD Awareness Month and the podcast's international growth. The hosts acknowledged their own struggles with ADHD and the challenges they face in producing the podcast. Overall, the podcast highlighted the need for understanding, acceptance, and accurate information about ADHD.

    • Underdiagnosis of ADHD in adultsDespite common belief, a large number of adults with ADHD remain undiagnosed and undertreated. The complex diagnostic process and stigma surrounding ADHD contribute to this issue. Raising awareness and making the process more accessible can help identify and support those in need.

      Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is significantly underdiagnosed and undertreated, particularly in adults. According to the discussion, only a quarter of a percent of adults and 2.5% of children are diagnosed and medicated for ADHD, indicating a large number of undiagnosed cases. The process of getting a diagnosis is complex and involves overcoming various barriers, including convincing a general practitioner (GP) to refer you to a psychiatrist and dealing with private clinics. Despite the common perception of overdiagnosis, studies from different countries show that about 9 out of 10 people who reach the assessment stage receive a positive diagnosis. This highlights the importance of raising awareness and making the diagnostic process more accessible to help identify and support those who may be struggling with ADHD symptoms.

    • Understanding the Role of Medications in ADHD TreatmentADHD medications, particularly stimulants, have proven effective for managing symptoms, but alternative methods like supplements or microdosing should be approached with caution due to lack of regulation and known side effects.

      While there are various opinions and beliefs surrounding ADHD and its treatment, it's important to acknowledge the historical existence and effectiveness of medications for managing ADHD symptoms. The stigma against pharmaceutical interventions can lead people to explore alternative methods, such as supplements or microdosing, but it's crucial to approach these options with caution and recognize their limitations. Everything, including supplements, is made up of chemicals, and the difference between regulated prescription drugs and unregulated supplements lies in their clinical testing and known side effects. While personal choices regarding treatment are respected, it's essential to be truthful about the evidence supporting different methods and the risks involved. Ultimately, for the majority of people with ADHD, prescribed medications have proven to be effective, particularly stimulants, and understanding their mechanisms of action provides validation for their legitimacy.

    • Medication doesn't make people robotsMedication for ADHD can help individuals focus and work more effectively, leading to productivity gains and improved task enjoyment, despite subtle effects that may go unnoticed.

      Medication, specifically for conditions like ADHD, is not turning people into robots as some may believe. Instead, it can help individuals focus and work more effectively, even if they don't feel any immediate changes. The subtle effects of medication can lead to significant improvements in productivity and enjoyment of tasks, as some individuals may not be aware of the changes due to their condition's impact on their metacognition. It's essential to understand that everyone's experience with medication is unique, and it's crucial not to dismiss the benefits based on personal feelings or assumptions.

    • ADHD Medication: More Functional but Not a CureADHD medication can improve symptoms but doesn't cure the condition. Personal choice and understanding limitations play a role.

      While medication for ADHD can make individuals more functional and improve certain symptoms, it does not cure the condition entirely. People may still experience poor working memory, occasional emotional outbursts, and other ADHD symptoms. Moreover, not all ADHD medications are stimulants, and some antidepressants can also be used. However, the stigma surrounding ADHD medication and the belief that it's a pharmaceutical invention to sell drugs contribute to medication hesitancy. It's essential to remember that personal choice plays a significant role, and some individuals may prefer a diagnosis without medication. Overall, medication can be beneficial for managing ADHD symptoms, but it's essential to understand its limitations and potential side effects.

    • Challenging Myths Surrounding Mental Health Conditions like ADHDMental health conditions, including ADHD, are neurodevelopmental disorders with a significant genetic component, not the result of bad parenting or personal failure. Proper diagnosis and evidence-based treatments can lead to better outcomes. Approach mental health issues with empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

      Many myths surround mental health conditions, including ADHD, which can lead to misunderstandings, blame, and stigma. It's important to understand that mental health conditions, including ADHD, are not the result of bad parenting or a personal failure. Instead, they are neurodevelopmental disorders with a significant genetic component. Using proper diagnosis and evidence-based treatments, such as medication and therapy, can lead to better outcomes. It's crucial to approach mental health issues with empathy, understanding, and acceptance, rather than blame or shame. Parents, in particular, play a vital role in supporting their children with neurodivergent conditions and helping them navigate the challenges that come with it. Let's continue to challenge the myths and promote accurate information and understanding about mental health conditions.

    • The harmful myth of ADHD being just 'naughty' behaviorADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, not a sign of laziness or bad parenting. It requires proper understanding, patience, and accommodations.

      The belief that children with ADHD are just "naughty" or that they can simply "try harder" is a harmful myth. This perspective not only stigmatizes those with ADHD but also prevents them from receiving the necessary support and accommodations. The speaker shared a personal story about a friend whose family refuses to acknowledge her child's ADHD, making her feel like a bad parent. Moreover, the idea that individuals with ADHD can just "try harder" is akin to the myth of Sisyphus, who was forced to push a rock up a hill only for it to roll back down. Living with ADHD is an ongoing struggle to function and keep up with daily life. It's essential to recognize that ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder and requires proper understanding, patience, and accommodations.

    • Feelings of shame and fraudulence in people with ADHDPeople with ADHD face unique challenges in completing tasks, leading to feelings of shame and fraudulence. Remember, it's okay to seek accommodations and support to alleviate these feelings.

      People with ADHD face unique challenges in completing basic tasks, which can lead to feelings of shame and fraudulence when compared to others. The use of the phrase "try harder" can be particularly unhelpful, as those with ADHD are already putting in significant effort. The lack of an internal PA, or executive function, can make even simple tasks feel insurmountable. This can lead to feelings of embarrassment and the belief that there must be something inherently wrong or lacking within oneself. It's important to remember that these feelings are not justified and that everyone faces their own unique challenges. Embracing the reality of living with ADHD and seeking out appropriate accommodations and support can help alleviate the shame and frustration that often accompany this condition.

    • Myths about ADHD can cause harmMyths about ADHD can damage self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being by triggering negative emotions and reinforcing self-doubt

      The persistent myths about ADHD can be deeply harmful and trigger negative emotions, such as anger and self-doubt, for those living with the condition. These myths can prevent people from seeking a diagnosis, damage relationships, and even lead individuals to question their own worth. For some, the myths can feed into existing insecurities and reinforce the belief that they are not trying hard enough or are simply making excuses. The impact of these myths can be significant and far-reaching, negatively affecting individuals' self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being.

    • Dispelling Myths about ADHD in a Chaotic PodcastThe ADHD Adults podcast, though chaotic, aims to dispel myths about ADHD and provides a supportive community on Discord for those feeling isolated.

      The ADHD Adults podcast episode 52, featuring "missus ADHD," was described as chaotic and shambolic. Despite this, the hosts aimed to dispel myths about ADHD. They also mentioned their online community on Discord, encouraging listeners to join for support and connection, especially for those feeling isolated without a close ADHD community. The podcast is a charity and invites donations to expand their charitable work. The hosts also mentioned their Twitter and Instagram accounts for more information on the podcast and community. Overall, the podcast and Discord community aim to provide a space for those with ADHD to connect and find understanding and support.

    Recent Episodes from The ADHD Adults Podcast

    Episode 162 ADHD and School

    Episode 162 ADHD and School

    Episode 162 completes our double-fister on education, this time focusing on ADHD and school. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the research behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections on school and their tips, and then we answer your questions in the final section. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with James embarrasingly ahead 12-7 for the season whilst The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in. Alex shows his green credentials by recycling a joke, James wears a hat and Mrs ADHD tortured supply teachers...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    Episode 161 ADHD and Motivation

    Episode 161 ADHD and Motivation

    Hot on the heels of Episode 160 on body doubling, comes the related topic of ADHD and motivation for Episode 161. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the science behind the ADHD and motivation, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections and tips, and then we answer questions that have been sent in. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with James 11-7 up for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. Mrs ADHD will read anything out you write in the script, Alex loses it over a baked potato and James selects the wrong microphone (again)…

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    Episode 160 ADHD and Body Doubling

    Episode 160 ADHD and Body Doubling

    Episode 160 covers the topic of body doubling, a tool many ADHDers use to get stuff done. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the evidence behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections and tips on body doubling, and then we answer your questions in the final section. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with James surging ahead at 10-7 for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in. James gets to practice his little beep-button, Alex is finally a fake Professor and Mrs ADHD has smashed her gyro ball... Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown. Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd. Social media contacts: @theadhdadults Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

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    Episode 159 ADHD and Higher Education

    Episode 159 ADHD and Higher Education

    In Episode 159 we covers the topic of ADHD and Higher Education. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the evidence behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections on HE and their tips, and then we answer your questions in the final section. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with James surging ahead at 9-7 for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex disappears, Mrs ADHD would only consider professional acting in Stoke-on-Trent and James recreated Jurassic Park for his students...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

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    Episode 158 ADHD and Dental Health

    Episode 158 ADHD and Dental Health

    Episode 158 of The ADHD Adults Podcast covers the topic of ADHD and dental (and oral) health. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the evidence behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections and dental health tips, and then we answer your questions in the final section. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with James finally winning at 8-7 for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. James get’s 'once' and 'nonce' mixed up, Mrs ADHD gets gingivitis and halitosis mixed up and Alex mentions his love bridge...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

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    Episode 157 ADHD and the Gut

    Episode 157 ADHD and the Gut

    In Episode 157, we cover the topic of ADHD and the gut, including gut issues and gut bacteria. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the science behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections and tips, and then we answer your questions in the final section. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with the scores even at 7-7 for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. James doesn’t poo as he’s a Dracula, Alex’s bidet gets a horrific mention and Mrs ADHD is devastated at the thought of stepping on a frog…

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

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    Episode 156 ADHD and Neuroplasticity (Can your brain change?)

    Episode 156 ADHD and Neuroplasticity (Can your brain change?)


    The podcast now has a new 'Jingle' (it's not a jingle) and a slightly tweaked structure...

    Episode 156 covers the topic of ADHD and neuroplasticity, or how the brain can change well into adulthood. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the evidence behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections and tips, and then we answer your questions in the final section. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with Alex 7-6 up for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. James gets angry about the ‘jingle’, Alex liked Carlsberg Special Brew and Mrs ADHD forgets which podcast this is...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theadhdadultspodcast/message

    Episode 155 ADHD and Nutrition

    Episode 155 ADHD and Nutrition

    In Episode 155 we cover the subject of ADHD and nutrition. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the science behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections, and then 'Just The Tip' covers some top tips about ADHD and nutrition. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with Alex 7-5 up for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. James get’s all the iron he needs from the necks of victims, Mrs ADHD will eat anything… except gelatinous stuff (of course) and Alex discloses how bad he was at biology...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theadhdadultspodcast/message

    Episode 154 ADHD and Sexuality

    Episode 154 ADHD and Sexuality

    In Episode 154, we talk about sexuality, a much under-researched area of ADHD. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey spouts the science behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections, and then 'Just The Tip' covers some top tips about ADHD and task switching. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with Alex 7-4 up for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. James gets the numbering wrong (again), Mrs ‘didn’t get a ticket’, and Alex is a basic unit...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠You can submit a message, question or future topic to the podcast here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theadhdadultspodcast/message

    Episode 153 ADHD and Emotional Intelligence

    Episode 153 ADHD and Emotional Intelligence

    Episode 153 follows on from 145 when we accidentally committed (Alex...) to doing an episode on emotional intelligence. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the science behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections, and then 'Just The Tip' covers some top tips about ADHD and task switching. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with Alex 7-3 up for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. Alex has the emotional inteligence of a wounded sparrow and his clothes mysteriously change mid-episode, Mrs ADHD gets confused by mandrills and nothing of consequence happens to James...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠You can submit a message, question or future topic to the podcast here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theadhdadultspodcast/message

    Related Episodes

    474 | Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction with Emily Sussman

    474 | Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction with Emily Sussman
    Emily Sussman joins Eric on the podcast today to talk about mindfulness and reducing stress!  Emily, who is a mom and also has ADHD, has over 20 years of experience empowering others, uses mindfulness daily, and is a certified instructor in mindfulness-based stress reduction.  When asked why she practices daily, Emily says, “It’s like breathing!  You must breathe to survive, hence: mindfulness.”  In this episode, you’ll hear about what a “resource” room was, how Emily became an advocate, her experiences going through special education - both as a kid and as a parent, and why saw less success for neurodiverse brains in public schools.  Then, you’ll hear Emily’s definition of mindfulness, how she got started, the struggles she faced through schooling and learning, and then walks us through a meditation!  Get in touch with Emily: LinkedIn   Email:    Other Questions/Topics Answered in this Episode: [00:01:11] Introducing Emily & an ADHD moment  [00:02:48] How did Emily get into mindfulness-based stress reduction?  [00:05:19] As a kid who went through special education, how is it for Emily now, navigating as a parent? [00:07:16] Emily’s observations from public school to alternative schooling  [00:11:51] Emily shares how ADHD was the final piece of the puzzle  [00:21:32] What is Emily’s definition of mindfulness?  What is mindfulness-based stress reduction?  [00:26:55] Happiness and how mindfulness gave Emily a sense of purpose  [00:27:16] Emily shares a relatable ADHD struggle about explaining, expressing, and perspective  [00:28:17] What is a body scan meditation?  Why is it helpful?  [00:31:39] “There’s no such thing as clearing your mind!”  [00:32:56] Eric shares the importance of self-care, experiencing the benefits, and the impact of repetition [00:41:31] Prefacing a mindfulness meditation and suggestions before beginning  [00:45:27] Emily leads us through a meditation [01:00:17] Wrapping up and closing thoughts  Resources & Honorable Mentions: “Once you begin to come out of your shell, that’s when you’re going to start feeling good about yourself, that’s where you’re gonna learn how to learn, and then you find your passion.” - Emily  Check out the Other Podcasts on the ADHD reWired Podcast Network: ADHD Essentials with Brendan Mahan Hacking your ADHD with Will Curb ADHD Diversified with MJ Siemens ⭐️ Registration for our spring season is happening now! Learn more about our award-winning intensive online coaching and accountability groups at coachingrewired.com!  If you’re ready to get your ADHD reWired, that’s coachingrewired.com to start your pre-registration process so you can join us for our last spring 2023 registration event on Thursday, March 23rd at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern! ⭐️

    Embracing Curiosity: Thriving in the Journey of Mental Wellness with Dr. Mandi Hudson

    Embracing Curiosity: Thriving in the Journey of Mental Wellness with Dr. Mandi Hudson


    In this episode of "Cool Change," host Chuck Allen engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Mandi Hudson, a psychiatrist and academic leader. Together, they explore the importance of curiosity, setting boundaries, and embracing the journey in personal and professional life. Dr. Hudson shares her insights and experiences, shedding light on mental wellness, authenticity, and the complexities of the field of psychiatry.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Embracing Curiosity:

    • Curiosity is a powerful tool that fosters growth, change, and meaningful connections.
    • Remaining open and curious about ourselves, others, and the world enhances self-awareness and deepens relationships.
    • Asking "why" in a non-judgmental way allows us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and others.

    2. The Journey as the Destination:

    • The focus on reaching goals and destinations often overlooks the beauty and significance of the journey itself.
    • Paying attention to the moments, connections, and experiences along the way enriches our lives and helps us find joy in the present.
    • The journey, with all its ups and downs, shapes us and allows for personal growth and authenticity.

    3. Challenging Misconceptions:

    • Mental health and wellness are complex, and there is no single narrative or easy solution.
    • It is crucial to recognize that various factors contribute to societal issues such as the opioid epidemic or homelessness.
    • Avoid oversimplifying complex problems and instead approach them with an open mind and a willingness to understand different perspectives.

    4. Mental Health in Medical Education:

    • Dr. Hudson aims to create a different learning experience for her students, focusing on holistic wellness alongside academic excellence.
    • Encouraging students to prioritize mental health and self-awareness leads to better outcomes for both the individuals and their patients.
    • Building authentic, whole-person physicians requires addressing mental health as a core component of overall well-being.

    Recommended Resources:

    1. Books:

    • "101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think" - A thought-provoking collection of essays challenging conventional thinking and encouraging personal growth.
    • "Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver - A fiction book offering social commentary and providing insight into the lives of severely ill and traumatized teens.

    2. Author:

    • Brene Brown - Known for her work on vulnerability and authenticity, Brown offers valuable insights into self-discovery and personal growth.


    Dr. Mandi Hudson's expertise and passion for mental wellness and psychiatry shine through in this engaging conversation. Listeners are encouraged to embrace curiosity, appreciate the journey, challenge misconceptions, and prioritize mental health in their own lives.

    Through Dr. Hudson's unique approach to medical education, she inspires future physicians to become compassionate, self-aware healers who understand the importance of mental wellness in achieving overall well-being.

    Bullying, ADHD, and Dyslexia. Oh my!

    Bullying, ADHD, and Dyslexia. Oh my!

    We talked about and shared the following resources today: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/bullying-prevention 

    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    Inside the ADHD Expo: Transformative Journey Towards Overcoming ADHD Challenges

    Inside the ADHD Expo: Transformative Journey Towards Overcoming ADHD Challenges

    October is ADHD Awareness Month! Get ready for an exclusive episode of the ADHD Support Talk Radio Podcast as Tara joins Lynne Edris to discuss the ongoing 14th Annual Online ADHD Awareness Expo, an event that's lighting up the ADHD community until October 31st. Tara will provide exceptional insights into the Expo's highlights, its exceptional guest speakers, and the wealth of resources available to help you thrive with ADHD. Don't miss this dynamic conversation that could change the way you approach ADHD management. Tune in now and make the most of the Expo before it concludes on October 31st.

    Sign up now for the ADHD Awareness Month Expo at:


    Tara has been known and celebrated in the ADHD community for decades of practical and long-lasting shifts in tens of thousands in her communities. The creator of ADDClasses.com, The ADHD Awareness Expo and ADHD Support Talk Radio Tara is one of the longest-standing leaders in the field. Over the years she has also honed her natural skills as an empath. She now also combines the rare gift of sight and energetic knowing and her latest project is Empath Now a resource to help Empower Empaths.


    Podcast Co-Host Lynne Edris s a Productivity & ADHD Coach who helps distracted professionals from all over the world learn to accomplish what they intend and take control of their days with ease so that they can perform at the level of their abilities and have more time, more energy and more bandwidth for what matters most to them.  Lynne is a woman, wife, and mom with ADHD herself, so she understands the struggles and challenges of living with ADHD. She has gone from living in the constant state of chaos, overwhelm, and under-performance that adults with ADHD know far too well, to living a life of more success and fulfillment than she once dreamed possible. Her passion is to help others fulfill their own potential and start “firing on all cylinders” in all areas of your life. You can learn more about Lynne at www.CoachingADDvantages.com, and text keyword “MYQUIZ” to 33777 to take her Online Productivity Quiz and identify your productivity type and get to the root of what gets in the way of your productivity and follow through, so that you stop struggling, take control of your time and your life, and show up like the incredible person you really are more easily and more consistently! You can also take the quiz at www.ProductivityBreakthroughQuiz.com or productivitybreakthroughquiz dot com.

    ADHD Support Talk Radio is an award winning Podcast for Adults with ADD / ADHD. Co-hosts Tara McGillicuddy and Lynne Edris are joined by Adult ADHD experts and they cover important topics related to Adult ADD / ADHD. Podcast guests include Dr. Edward Hallowell, Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, Dr. Ari Tuckman, Laurie Dupar, Terry Matlen and many more.

    Tara McGillicuddy is the Producer, Owner and Co-host of the ADHD Support Talk Radio Podcast. You may contact Tara with general questions or feedback about the podcast,

    Lynne Edris is the Co-host of the ADHD Support Talk Radio Podcast. You may contact Lynne with feedback about her episodes.


    We may be an affiliates for products we mention or recommend. If you purchase those items through our links we will earn a commission.

    Diagnosing ADHD

    Diagnosing ADHD

    How is ADHD diagnosed? What are healthcare providers looking for and what kind of things are they going to ask me during the assessment process? What does the telemedicine version look like?

    Journalist and mental health advocate Lindsay Guentzel dives into the topic with Dr. Gregory Harms, a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in diagnosing ADHD both with ADHD Online and through his private practice in Chicago. 

    Episode Links

    Take part in one of ADHD Online's free webinars. 

    June 29th: Learn How to Organize Your Home with Lisa Woodruff

    More info here. 

    Social Media Profiles

    Instagram: @lindsayguentzel @adhdonline @refocusedpod

    Twitter: @lindsayguentzel @adhd_online @refocusedpod

    For more information on ADHD Online and ADHD assessments, medical management and teletherapy. 

    Email Lindsay: podcast@adhdonline.com.