
    Episode #58: Rise Of Superman And Flow Hacking With Steven Kotler

    enApril 04, 2014
    What is the concept of flow according to Kotler?
    How do extreme athletes utilize the state of flow?
    What practices can help individuals achieve a state of flow?
    What advancements in action sports demonstrate flow effects?
    What bonuses come with purchasing Kotler's book early?

    Podcast Summary

    • Optimizing Flow for Peak Performance and Well-beingFocus on challenging tasks, set clear goals, eliminate distractions, practice mindfulness, and engage in joyful activities to enter and sustain a state of flow for improved performance and overall well-being.

      The concept of flow, as discussed in Stephen Kotler's book "The Rise of Superman," refers to an optimal state of consciousness where we feel and perform our best. This psychological state, which has been researched for over 150 years, is characterized by intense focus, merged action and awareness, and a disappearance of self-consciousness. Extreme athletes, such as surfers, solo climbers, and skateboarders, tap into flow to achieve remarkable feats. The good news is that we can learn from these athletes and optimize our own flow to improve our performance and overall well-being. To do this, we can focus on tasks that challenge us, create a clear goal, and eliminate distractions. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and engaging in activities that bring us joy can help us enter and sustain a state of flow. By hacking our flow, we can unlock our full potential and experience the happiness and flourishing that comes with it.

    • The feeling of flow: near-perfect decision makingExperiencing flow can lead to heightened performance, profound experiences, and a sense of being better than ever before

      Experiencing the state of flow, where time seems to dilate and decisions feel effortless, can lead to heightened performance and profound experiences. This concept was discovered by the speaker after recovering from a debilitating illness and being encouraged to go surfing. The sensation of flow, which can be described as near-perfect decision making, can make time seem to slow down or speed up, and can lead to a sense of heightened awareness and feeling better than ever before. The speaker's personal experience and research led him to write about flow in his books and start the Flow Genome Project to educate others about this state.

    • Experience the state of flow through extreme sportsFlow states, triggered by extreme sports, reset the nervous system and enhance performance by releasing neurochemicals similar to psychedelic drugs

      Surfing and other extreme sports can lead to a state called flow, which resets the nervous system and significantly improves performance. The speaker, a science writer, experienced this firsthand after recovering from a chronic autoimmune condition. Flow states produce a cocktail of neurochemicals, some of which are also found in psychedelic drugs, and have been studied extensively in psychedelic research. The speaker was intrigued by the connection and decided to focus on extreme athletes in his book, as they represent nearly exponential growth in human performance with life-or-death limits.

    • Understanding Flow in Extreme AthletesExtreme athletes, like climbers and snowboarders, harness the power of flow to achieve extraordinary feats and enhance overall well-being. By studying their methods, we can apply these principles to various domains to improve focus, skill, and societal progress.

      Extreme athletes, such as those in action sports, have become masters of producing a state of flow in their lives. This is essential for their survival and performance at the highest levels. By studying these athletes and decoding their methods, we can apply the principles of flow to various domains and improve overall societal well-being. These athletes' achievements defy normal expectations, with advancements in surfing and snowboarding being particularly radical. For instance, the biggest wave surfed was only 25 feet in 400 AD, while today it's over 100 feet. Similarly, the longest snowboard jump was 40 feet in 1990, but now it's over 230 feet long. These extraordinary feats can only be explained by the athletes' ability to enter a state of flow, which slows down time and enhances focus and skill. One compelling example is Dean Potter, a world-class climber and base jumper, who managed to save himself from a potentially fatal fall by grabbing an orange rope hanging from a wall, all thanks to the slowed-down perception of time. Overall, the study of extreme athletes and their pursuit of flow can provide valuable insights for individuals and society as a whole.

    • Experience of flow leads to intrinsic motivation and personal growthFlow, a state of complete absorption, releases feel-good chemicals and drives individuals to seek challenges, master skills, and experience personal growth

      Flow, a state of complete absorption in an activity, is the source of intrinsic motivation due to the neurochemical release of feel-good reward chemicals. These chemicals, including dopamine, endorphins, norepinephrine, serotonin, and focused attention, make flow an addictive experience that drives people to seek out challenges and master new skills. Flow leads to personal growth and amplified learning, making it an addiction that propels individuals forward. Flow is not limited to extreme athletes or risk-takers, but is ubiquitous and can be triggered by various situations that grab and hold attention. The misconception that flow is only associated with physical risk is debunked, as emotional, creative, and intellectual risks can also bring on the state. Flow is a powerful tool for optimizing learning and personal development.

    • Exploring the Unique Ways Men Access the Flow StateMen can access the flow state through various means such as creativity, altruism, and high-risk activities. Research is ongoing to understand the science behind flow and how to access it more effectively.

      Men and women may tap into the flow state differently, and the causes of flow can vary greatly from person to person. Huckberry is a go-to online store for many men due to its wide range of classic, rugged, and USA-made products. The speaker personally loves Huckberry for their clothing, camping equipment, and everyday carry items like pocket knives. The way individuals access the flow state is unique, with some finding it through creativity, altruism, or high-risk activities. There is ongoing research to better understand the science behind flow and how it can be accessed more effectively, with applications in various fields such as sports and the military. The brain is known to communicate using neural electricity, or brain waves, during the flow state.

    • Using neuroscience to induce a flow stateNeuroscience advancements, like neural feedback and extreme triggers, help turn off prefrontal cortex for subconscious mind control and performance boost

      The Flow Genome Project is utilizing advancements in neuroscience, specifically neurochemistry and neural anatomy, to create dedicated research and training facilities that use neural feedback and extreme triggers to induce a flow state. During this state, the large portions of the prefrontal cortex turn off, allowing the subconscious mind to take over and boost performance. Technological advancements, such as portable wireless brain training devices and transcranial magnetic stimulation, are being used to access this optimal state more easily and efficiently. This field of study, which dates back to the late 1800s, has seen significant progress in the past 10 years, and the future holds even more exciting advancements.

    • Unlocking the Power of Flow for Enhanced Productivity and CreativityFlow, a state of complete absorption and focus, can significantly enhance productivity, creativity, and overall performance. It leads to a 500% increase in productivity, provides access to intrinsic motivation, enhances creativity, and offers various health benefits.

      Mastering the ability to achieve a state of flow can significantly enhance productivity, creativity, and overall performance for individuals, not just athletes or high-performing executives. Flow, a state of complete absorption and focus, can lead to a 500% increase in productivity, as reported in a study by McKinsey. It also provides access to intrinsic motivation, shortening the path to mastery in any field, and significantly enhances creativity by amplifying pattern recognition and expanding the brain's database of ideas. The benefits of flow extend beyond the moment, potentially training the brain to be more creative over the long term. With creativity being a highly valued skill in today's business world, flow offers a practical solution to effectively teach and improve creativity. Additionally, flow has been linked to various health benefits, making it a valuable tool for individuals seeking optimal performance in all areas of life.

    • Flow: The key to happiness and life satisfactionAchieving a state of flow through engagement in activities leads to enhanced productivity, creativity, and overall well-being, accessible through 15 flow triggers, including psychological, environmental, social, and creative traits, with technological hacks speeding up the process, becoming increasingly accessible to everyone through decreasing costs.

      The key to happiness and life satisfaction lies in achieving a state of flow, which has been extensively researched and validated for the past 30 years. Flow is a mental state of complete absorption and engagement in an activity, leading to enhanced productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. The secrets to achieving flow are not secret, as they are accessible to anyone through resources such as the 15 flow triggers, which include three psychological, three environmental, 10 social, and one creative trait. While technological hacks can speed up the process, anyone can hack flow by building their lives around these triggers, regardless of financial means. The cost of these technologies is rapidly decreasing due to exponential price performance curves, making them increasingly accessible to everyone. The Flow Genome Project aims to open-source flow state research and turn the quest for ultimate human performance into a citizen science project, giving it away for free to everyone. While there may be a temporary gap between those who can afford these technologies and those who cannot, it is expected to be short-lived.

    • Understanding the Flow CycleThe flow cycle consists of struggle, release, flow, and crash. Each stage is necessary for growth and optimal performance, so embrace the struggle and use the release, flow, and crash phases effectively.

      Flow is not a binary state but rather a four-stage cycle. The first stage is struggle, where you put in the effort to learn new skills. This phase can be frustrating and unflowing, but it's essential for growth. The second stage is release, where you take a break from the problem to allow your brain to subconsciously process the information. This triggers the flow state, which brings a surge of neurochemicals and a feeling of being at your best. After the flow state comes a crash, where you may feel exhausted and unproductive. However, this phase is crucial for memory consolidation and learning. Therefore, it's important to stay calm and ignore negative thoughts during this period, following what I call the "hangover rule." By understanding this cycle and where you are in it, you can maximize the time spent in flow and minimize the time spent in struggle.

    • Insights on Unlocking Ultimate Human Performance through FlowDavid Kotler's book 'The Rise of Superman' offers insights on achieving the state of flow for enhanced performance and includes exclusive bonuses for early buyers

      David Stephen Kotler, author of "The Rise of Superman," shares insights on unlocking ultimate human performance through the concept of flow. The book, which is currently in pre-sale on Amazon.com and launches on March 4th, comes with promotional bonuses for early buyers. These bonuses include access to exclusive videos and the Flow Diagnostic tool. By purchasing multiple copies, one can access additional perks. Kotler's book is a recommended read for those interested in enhancing their performance and experiencing the state of flow. For more manly tips and advice, visit the Art of Manliness website at artofmanliness.com.

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    Sharable Links:





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    Want to instantly restore your energy and focus in 2 minutes even if your schedule is crazy? Download (SabrinaRunbeck.com/Energy) your FREE audio exercises and discover for yourself.

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    Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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    Halo Sport stimulates the motor cortex of the brain to help consumers improve more rapidly when exercising and practicing musical instruments.

    Halo Sport 1-minute overview: 
    YouTube video link

    Neuroplasticity 3-minute summary: 
    YouTube video link

    Website: haloneuro.com
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/halo.neuroscience
    Twitter ID: @haloneuro
    Instagram : @haloneuroscience



      To get an exclusive listener discount on Halo Sport, go to gethalosport.com/evolving or use code "EVOLVING" at checkout for $75 off. 

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    · How to increase motivation

    · Chronotype management and the optimal routine

    · Flow state and further research

    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-psychology-podcast/support

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    Episode Summary 

    Entrepreneurship seems to be commonly associated with stigma of crazy hours, high stress, and a constant need for multi-tasking. Ironically, these are three of the most devastating forces to your productivity and success. The reality is that most of us misuse the the most powerful asset we have - our brain!

    James Garrett is the creator of Brain by Design, a coaching and consulting company that translates what scientists know about the brain into practical tools that anyone can use to increase their creativity, decrease stress, and be more productive. James joins us this week to explore the brain-science of entrepreneurship and tackle 7 commonly adopted myths of entrepreneurship and explain how to leverage the power of your brain to boost productivity, creativity, and success.

    Talking Points

    On this episode we discuss:

    • Why hard work is not always the best way to ensure productivity.
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    • How your Brain reacts to Stress. 
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    • The myth of multitasking
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