
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Language Learning, Job Hunting, and Unexplained ExperiencesRosetta Stone offers immersive language learning without English translations, LinkedIn connects businesses with top talent, and unexplained experiences can challenge our beliefs.

      Improving language skills, especially for frequent travelers, can greatly enhance personal and professional experiences. Rosetta Stone, a trusted language learning program with a 30-year history and 25 languages offered, provides an organic and effective way to learn through immersion without English translations. It also includes speech recognition features for accurate pronunciation practice. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a valuable resource for hiring professionals, including those not actively seeking new opportunities. The platform hosts over 70% of users who don't visit other leading job sites, making it an essential tool for businesses looking to find top talent. Lastly, Jack Corbett, host of NPR's Planet Money TikTok page, shared a surprising story about how his skepticism towards the paranormal changed after an unexplained experience. This episode, titled "Frequency Illusion," explores Jack's encounter with hexes, astrology, and economic theories on Otherworld.

    • Challenging assumptions through personal experiencesEncountering experiences that defy our understanding can challenge our beliefs and assumptions, broadening our perspective.

      Our assumptions about people can be challenged when they share experiences that defy our expectations. Jack Corbit, a producer for NPR's Planet Money TikTok, shared a surprising story about how his skepticism towards the paranormal was shattered after moving into a new apartment in Silver Lake, Los Angeles. Before the incident, Jack was a skeptical person who believed that everything could be explained by science or rational reasons. However, an unexplained event in his new apartment changed his perspective. Jack's story serves as a reminder that our beliefs and assumptions can be challenged when we encounter experiences that defy our understanding. It's important to keep an open mind and be willing to consider new perspectives. Jack's experience also highlights the power of storytelling in challenging our beliefs and broadening our understanding of the world around us.

    • The outdated concept of the stock market's circuit breaker systemThe circuit breaker system in the stock market is ineffective in helping the economy or the market during downturns, and economics is unpredictable with events like GameStop stock surge and NFTs, while social media can be a source of both education and conflict, and confirmation bias can influence our perception of the world.

      The stock market's circuit breaker system, which halts trading to give traders a break during market downturns, is an outdated concept that doesn't actually help the economy or the stock market. Economics can be unpredictable and full of unexpected events, such as the GameStop stock surge and the rise of NFTs. Social media platforms like TikTok can be a source of both education and conflict, with some videos going viral and sparking intense debates. Confirmation bias, or the tendency to focus on information that confirms our beliefs while ignoring contradictory evidence, is a common cognitive bias that can influence our perception of the world. The speaker shared an example of this bias through a TikTok skit about seeing the number 232 everywhere. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexity and unpredictability of economics and the role of social media in shaping our understanding of it.

    • Confirmation bias: Focusing on what confirms our beliefsConfirmation bias can cause us to overlook contradictory evidence and only focus on what aligns with our beliefs, potentially leading to misunderstandings and negative consequences.

      Confirmation bias can make us focus so much on our preexisting beliefs that we tend to ignore evidence that contradicts them. This was illustrated in a conversation about a sketch and personal experiences with the number 232 and the Farmers Almanac. The Farmers Almanac example showed how people hold onto their beliefs despite outside evidence, remembering only the times when it aligns with their beliefs. Similarly, in the context of TikTok, astrology and horoscopes were discussed as examples of confirmation bias, where people remember and believe in the horoscopes that resonate with them, disregarding those that don't. This can lead to misunderstandings and backlash, as seen in the reaction to a video about astrology. Overall, confirmation bias can lead us to ignore evidence and focus only on what confirms our beliefs, potentially leading to misunderstandings and negative consequences.

    • Unexpected attention and controversy on social mediaGood intentions on social media can lead to unexpected controversy. Embrace opportunities to reach larger audiences, focus on positive aspects, and prioritize therapy and open communication.

      Social media can bring unexpected attention and controversy, even with good intentions. In the discussed situation, a video about the Otherworld podcast was reposted on NPR's Instagram, leading to angry comments from TikTok Witches. The podcast host, although concerned, tried to keep things in perspective and focus on the positive aspects, such as the opportunity to reach a larger audience. Another important takeaway is the value of therapy and open communication. The podcast episode featured a discussion about therapy and its benefits, emphasizing that bottling up emotions can lead to negative consequences. The sponsor, BetterHelp, offers an online platform for individuals to connect with licensed therapists and work through their concerns. Lastly, the conversation touched upon the podcast Sofia with an f, which covers topics like sex, life, mental health, and relationships. The crossover between Otherworld and Sofia with an f showcased the diversity of podcast genres and the importance of stepping out of comfort zones to explore new perspectives. Springtime also serves as a reminder to update wardrobes and indulge in affordable luxury through Quince, which offers high-quality, ethically-made items at affordable prices.

    • Investing in a high-quality cat litter and using LinkedIn for hiringInvesting in a superior cat litter reduces odors, potential health risks, and ensures safety. LinkedIn is a valuable tool for hiring professionals, especially those who may not be actively seeking new opportunities.

      Investing in a high-quality cat litter like Pretty Litter can make a significant difference in reducing unpleasant odors and potential health concerns for both cats and their owners. Unlike cheap alternatives, Pretty Litter is ultra-absorbent, lightweight, low dust, and long-lasting. Additionally, its color-changing crystals provide early indications of potential health issues. The speaker's personal experience of using a cheap litter and the unexpected injury highlights the importance of investing in a reliable and effective cat litter. Furthermore, LinkedIn is an essential platform for hiring professionals, especially those who may not be actively seeking new opportunities. The speaker's unexpected injury served as a reminder of the importance of being vigilant and taking necessary precautions to ensure safety and well-being. In summary, investing in a high-quality cat litter and utilizing LinkedIn for hiring can lead to improved living conditions and peace of mind.

    • Experiencing the Unexplained: A Sleepwalking IncidentSometimes unexplained experiences can leave us feeling uneasy and scared, even if we try to rationalize or forget about them. These experiences can be particularly unsettling if they recur in the same place or involve seemingly supernatural elements.

      The speaker experienced a vivid and unsettling incident where they believed they had sleepwalked and written the number 666 in the bathroom, but couldn't fully remember the details or explain it logically. This experience left them feeling uneasy and scared, and they struggled to come to terms with it due to the lack of clear explanation or solution. The incident was particularly unsettling because it happened in the same bathroom where they had previously written the number, and the next morning, they found their laundry detergent in the same spot. Despite the unexplained nature of the event, the speaker tried to forget about it and even sought reassurance from others, but the experience continued to haunt them.

    • A man's unexplained injury and strange occurrences lead him to suspect a haunting or curseSuspecting supernatural forces for unexplained injuries and occurrences can be a result of the power of the mind, and sometimes, the explanation may be more mundane

      An unexplained injury and strange occurrences in a person's living space can lead them to believe they are being haunted or cursed. In this case, a man named Jack experienced a deep bruise on his leg that he couldn't explain, and despite a thorough search of his apartment, he couldn't find any cause. He began to suspect supernatural forces and reached out to his family for advice. His mother suggested cleansing the apartment with sage, and his landlord shared a story about a previous tenant who had left the place in disarray and reportedly brought negative energy. Jack then took steps to protect himself, such as setting up salt on the floor to detect sleepwalking and taping his door to check for openings. However, he couldn't find definitive answers and eventually moved out of the apartment. Jack's experience highlights the power of the mind to create fear and anxiety, and how sometimes, the explanation for strange occurrences may be more mundane than supernatural.

    • Understanding Human Behavior in Economics and AstrologyBoth economics and astrology aim to understand human behavior, with Keynesian Economics viewing people as irrational and requiring government intervention, while Chicago School Economics believes in self-interested individuals leading to optimal outcomes.

      Economics and astrology, two seemingly unrelated fields, share surprising similarities in understanding human behavior and the workings of their respective systems. The discussion revolves around the contrasting ideologies of Keynesian Economics and the Chicago School of Economics, represented by two economists in a TikTok video. Keynesians, following John Maynard Keynes, view people as "animal spirits" driven by irrational impulses, requiring government intervention for social good. Chicago School economists, on the other hand, believe in self-interested individuals leading to an "invisible hand" guiding the economy towards optimal outcomes. Despite their differences, both sides acknowledge the complexity of human behavior and the need for a framework to understand it. The speaker's exploration of this topic helped her reconcile her past feelings about astrology and find common ground between seemingly disparate disciplines.

    • Personal story of unexplained event leaves speaker questioning life's mysteriesLife's mysteries can't always be explained, finding comfort in accepting the unknown and having supportive friends.

      Life is full of unexplained phenomena and human attempts to find logical explanations for them often fall short. The speaker shared a personal experience of an inexplicable event in her apartment, which left her questioning various possibilities. Despite the uncertainty, she found comfort in the realization that many aspects of life, including economics and spirituality, are not as straightforward as they may seem. The speaker also acknowledged that our attempts to control and understand the natural world and human behavior can be futile. Ultimately, she emphasized the importance of accepting the unknown and the value of having real friends who support us through unexplained experiences.

    • Exploring the Intersection of Belief Systems and EconomicsJack Corbett's story illustrates the blurred boundaries between belief systems and economics, emphasizing the importance of understanding context, communication, skepticism, and open-mindedness.

      The boundaries between belief systems, particularly those involving the supernatural and economics, can blur and intersect in unexpected ways. Jack Corbett's story serves as a reminder of this, as he shared his experience of being accused of hexing after writing the number 666, which led him to explore the world of economics and the concept of frequency illusion. Despite the confusion and misunderstandings, Corbett handled the situation with grace and learned valuable lessons. It's important to remember that different beliefs and practices, whether rooted in astrology, economics, or any other field, should not be judged harshly without understanding their context. This episode of Otherworld also highlights the importance of communication, skepticism, and open-mindedness when encountering unfamiliar situations.

    Recent Episodes from Otherworld

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    Episode 84: Them: Part Three “7 Portals”
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    enJune 24, 2024

    Wendy & Solveig [Patreon Preview]

    Wendy & Solveig [Patreon Preview]
    Last year, during the first interview with Solveig, I learned that she had a reading with Wendy coming up. This was early 2023, and I was still just getting to know Wendy (the clairvoyant from the "Ball of Light" episodes) and having trouble wrapping my head around her in general. Then I met Solveig, and it was just so much to process at once. I thought it would be interesting to sort of test them both by recording this reading and ensuring that Wendy knew nothing about Solveig or her story going into it. I also wanted to do this because there were things Wendy had told me in the past that were very similar to some of the things Solveig had told me. To hear the full episode, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 20, 2024

    Episode 83: Them: Part Two “Sisters”

    Episode 83: Them: Part Two “Sisters”
    In part two, Solveig continues the story of her night after coming back from the water. The following morning, she and Sara spend the entire day walking around the town, trying to process what happened. Weeks later, Solveig's sister Cara gets brought into the situation after she begins experiencing some strange things herself. This is Part 2 of an ongoing series titled "Them" To hear bonus episodes and videos of Otherworld, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 17, 2024

    Episode 82: Them: Part One "Meet Us"

    Episode 82: Them: Part One "Meet Us"
    After a young Norwegian woman named Solveig experiences a series of frightening events in her college dorm, she calls her mom in hopes of finding reassurance and comfort. To her surprise, Solveig's mom reveals that she has been experiencing the same things herself, and even more. Solveig's mom urges her to take a train to visit her in the Norwegian countryside, where she will explain the situation in more detail and introduce her to a mysterious 19-year-old girl who has apparently become involved in it. This is Part 1 of an ongoing series titled "Them" To hear bonus episodes and videos of Otherworld, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 10, 2024

    Interview with Shannon Taggart

    Interview with Shannon Taggart
    Shannon Taggart is an American photographer and artist known for her work exploring themes of spirituality, mysticism, and the supernatural. She is particularly recognized for her book Séance which documents the practice of Spiritualism, a religious movement that believes in the possibility of communication with the spirits of the dead. Although she originally began as an artist with no interest in the paranormal, Taggart's fascination with Spiritualism began in 2001 when she started photographing in Lily Dale, New York, a town known for its psychic community. If you want to hear more conversation between Jack & Shannon Taggart, we will be posting a second part on the Otherworld Patreon shortly. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 28, 2024

    Episode 81: The Front Line

    Episode 81: The Front Line
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    enMay 20, 2024

    Episode 80: Three Green Lights

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    While visiting his father as a teenager, William witnesses three green lights emerge from the forest and come towards him. He describes the feeling of being stalked and overcome like prey by these lights. Years later, he thinks this may have something to do with the dark emotional state he was going through at the time of this experience. Want more episodes? For bonus episodes and videos, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 13, 2024

    Chicken Whackers Pt 3 [Patreon Preview]

    Chicken Whackers Pt 3 [Patreon Preview]
    In this follow up to the chicken whackers series, we speak to a reporter from the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel about her research. Then we speak to a woman from Grand Junction named Alex who became homeless along with her brother at the age of 15. She learned about the Chicken Whackers the very first night she spent living on the streets. To hear the full episode visit www.patreon.com/otherworld To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Episode 79: The Chicken Whackers Pt. 2

    Episode 79: The Chicken Whackers Pt. 2
    In part 2 of Keegan’s story, he and his friend Grant attempt to leave Grand Junction by hopping a train with the help of a stranger they just met. During this attempt, they begin experiencing a bizarre set of events that they believe may be connected to a group they heard rumors about called "The Chicken Whackers". Warning: This episode contains some content that may be disturbing to some listeners, including descriptions of assault, drug use, and death. Want more episodes? For bonus episodes and videos, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Episode 78: The Chicken Whackers Pt. 1

    Episode 78: The Chicken Whackers Pt. 1
    A man named Luke originally reached out to the show on behalf of his younger brother. His brother Keegan left home to hitchhike and travel the country, which eventually turned into living on the street for years. When the family finally got Keegan off the street, he had many stories, but there was one in particular that he was nervous and afraid to discuss, involving a mysterious group called "The Chicken Whackers". This story was very different from our normal submissions, which is why we liked it. This first part is mostly Keegan's backstory, what it's like living on the street, and how dangerous it can be. Part 2 will be out in just a few days. Want more episodes? For bonus episodes and videos, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Investing In Water

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    Become a Subscriber and listen to the episode ad-free on Spotify or your preferred podcasting app. Only $4.99 per month plus tax. Subscribe here.

    Thanks to Blinkist and Policygenius for sponsoring the episode.

    For more information on this episode click here.

    Show Notes

    Beyond the Signing by Laura Paskus—Water Education Colorado

    Where the Water Goes: Life and Death Along the Colorado River by David Owens

    What Happens When The Colorado River Runs Dry—Science Friday

    Editorial: There is no drought by The Times Editorial Board

    New Mexico’s coming megadrought highlights farmers’ control of water by Cody Nelson, Capital & Main—New Mexico Political Report

    Arizona | The Economic Contributions and Impacts of U.S. Food, Fiber, and Forest Industries—University of Arkansas Department of Agriculture

    U.S. Southwest, Already Parched, Sees ‘Virtual Water’ Drain Abroad by Diana Kruzman—Coyote Gultch

    Brazil’s Worst Water Crisis in 91 Years Threatens Power Supplies by Walter Brandimarte and Gerson Freitas Jr—Bloomberg Green

    Does Arizona really use less water now than it did in 1957? by Andrew Nicla—azcentral.

    Arizona’s Groundwater Management Act at Forty: Tackling Unfinished Business by Kirsten H. Engel, Esther Loiseleur, Elise Drilhon

    Michael Burry, Real-Life Market Genius From The Big Short, Thinks Another Financial Crisis Is Looming—by Jessica Pressler—Intelligencer

    Global water crisis: Investing in water—Fidelity

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    China says relations with the U.S. should move on from “zero-sum finger-pointing” as Beijing calls for the removal of “unreasonable curbs on co-operation”. Early U.S. futures are mixed despite President Biden’s $1.9tn stimulus plan passing the Senate before it heads back to the House. Brent crude tops $70 a barrel for the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic, while WTI hits a 2-year high after Saudi oil facilities suffer a drone attack claimed by Iranian-backed Houthi fighters in Yemen. And the U.S. and EU agree to a tariff truce over a 17 year subsidy wrangle between Boeing and Airbus.

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    How To Invest Based on Cycles

    How To Invest Based on Cycles

    This episode edits and remasters two earlier episodes on investing based on cycles to focus on timeless investing principles.

    Topics covered include:

    • What are different types of cycles
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    • How luck and skill play a role in investing.
    • Why it is better to invest based on calibrating risk rather than prediction.

    For more information on this episode click here.

    Show Notes

    Weiss Research

    Weiss Research SEC Action

    Foundation For The Study of Cycles

    Fluke: The Math and Myth of Coincidence by Joseph Mazur

    A Spectral Analysis of World GDP Dynamics – Andrey V. Korotayev and Sergey V. Tsirel

    Howard Marks – Yet Gain?

    Mastering The Market Cycle by Howard Marks

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    A Winter Walk And Talk About Macro, Economics & Health

    A Winter Walk And Talk About Macro, Economics & Health

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