
    About this Episode

    You've read it on Facebook, Newspapers, Blogs,...you've seen it and heard on Youtube, Instagram... but why do people say that MLM is a scam or a pyramid scheme...?

    Let me tell you something, I have read enough of those FB posts, Blog posts, newspaper articles and seen and heard enough of those videos to be able to gather the main 6 reasons why people say MLM is a scam. I am sharing these with you in this episode!

    Want to learn the latest and most advanced MLM tactics? Download the FREE MLM Mastery Pack from AceNetworkersAcademyRadio.com

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    Have you have exhausted your list of friends / family to invite? Head to AceNetworkersAcademyRadio.com and download the MLM Mastery Pack. It's a FREE five lesson course where you will learn a mind blowing way to get a never ending flow of prospects that will be willing to join your downline.

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    Have you have exhausted your list of friends or family to invite? Head to AceNetworkersAcademyRadio.com and download the MLM Mastery Pack. It's a FREE five lesson course where you will learn a mind blowing way to get a never ending flow of prospects that will be willing to join your downline.

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    Want to see an example of the simple hack I share with you today? See my LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/marioblanco-acenetworkersacademy

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    For those who are willing to walk the extra mile to find if Network Marketing can work I suggest you read "The 4 Year Career" book. You'll find more info on my website:

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    Have you have exhausted your list of friends / family to invite? Head to AceNetworkersAcademyRadio.com and download the MLM Mastery Pack. It's a FREE five lesson course where you will learn a mind blowing way to get a never ending flow of prospects that will be willing to join your downline.

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    She has allowed me to share this formula as a free download pdf: https://fd426.isrefer.com/go/10Hacks/PP34032766/

    Want to see an example of the simple hack I share with you today? See my LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/marioblanco-acenetworkersacademy

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    Have you have exhausted your list of friends / family to invite? Head to AceNetworkersAcademyRadio.com and download the MLM Mastery Pack. It's a FREE five lesson course where you will learn a mind blowing way to get never ending flow of prospects that will be willing to join your downline.

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    Have you have exhausted your list of friends / family to invite? Head to AceNetworkersAcademyRadio.com and download the MLM Mastery Pack. It's a FREE five lesson course where you will learn a mind blowing way to get never ending flow of prospects that will be willing to join your downline.

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    Have you have exhausted your list of friends / family to invite? Head to AceNetworkersAcademyRadio.com and download the MLM Mastery Pack. It's a FREE five lesson course where you will learn a mind blowing way to get never ending flow of prospects that will be willing to join your downline.