
    Episode 80-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura

    enOctober 17, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Spring cleaning leads to unexpected savingsSpring cleaning can save money on wireless and lead to personal growth through new content discoveries

      Spring cleaning not only brings a sense of clarity to your living space, but it can also lead to unexpected financial savings. For instance, discovering more affordable wireless plans, like Mint Mobile's $15 a month offer, can result in significant savings. Additionally, engaging with thought-provoking content, such as Bill Burr's comedy specials, can inspire personal growth and new perspectives. Overall, spring cleaning offers a chance to declutter both physically and financially, and to discover new sources of entertainment and enlightenment. Remember, you can save money on wireless and enjoy great comedy by visiting mintmobile.com/mom and checking out allthingscomedy.com.

    • New comedy events and book release from Bill Burr and Joe DeRosaFans of Bill Burr and Joe DeRosa can attend their live shows or read their new book 'Cheat Code' for fresh comedy content. Al Madrigal is also taping a new special and performing live.

      There are several comedy events coming up featuring some well-known and funny comedians. Bill Burr and Joe DeRosa have written a book called "Cheat Code" which is available on Amazon. Al Madrigal is taping his new 1-hour special for Comedy Central in Austin, Texas on October 25th, and free tickets can be obtained from his website. Burr himself will be performing at Rumors Comedy Club in San Diego on October 19th and 20th, and in November, he will be at Crackers Comedy Club in Downtown Indianapolis. Al Madrigal is known for his relatable stories about family life, and one of his stories involves his kid's soccer coach being a "cholo." Burr also mentioned a short film based on their book, "Cheat Code," which led to their collaboration. Overall, it's an exciting time for comedy fans as they can look forward to new material from these talented comedians.

    • Acting with Intellectual Disabilities: Balancing Authenticity and RespectActors must approach roles with intellectual disabilities with sensitivity and authenticity to avoid perpetuating stereotypes and disrespecting the community.

      Playing the role of a person with intellectual disabilities in movies is a common trend among actors, often leading to award recognition. However, the discussion also touches upon the sensitivity and complexity of portraying such roles authentically and respectfully. The quote "You don't go full retard" from the movie Tropic Thunder highlights the challenge and potential pitfalls of taking on such roles. The actors involved in the conversation reflect on their own experiences playing characters with intellectual disabilities and the unique challenges and rewards that came with it. While some argue that playing a character who is not intelligent but believes they are, is a tricky and intriguing role, others emphasize the importance of avoiding stereotypes and portraying these characters with respect and authenticity.

    • Discomfort and Offense in Media Depictions of Vulnerable IndividualsMedia depictions of sensitive topics and use of offensive language can be disturbing and offensive to some viewers. It's important to consider the potential impact on individuals and strive for respect and sensitivity.

      The use of offensive language and depiction of sensitive topics, such as mental health and sexuality, can be disturbing and offensive to some viewers. The discussion highlights the discomfort some people feel when they perceive that vulnerable individuals are being taken advantage of or exploited for entertainment. It's important to consider the potential impact of such content and strive for respect and sensitivity towards all individuals, including those with disabilities or mental health challenges. Additionally, there is a growing trend towards accessing healthcare services, including sexual health treatments, remotely and conveniently, which can help address the needs of individuals with busy schedules or mobility issues.

    • Personalized ED treatment offers and podcast awardsHims offers personalized ED treatment with consultation, DoorDash provides alcohol discounts, and listeners can vote for 'Your Mom's House' in the Stitcher Awards

      There are various offers and promotions available for different needs. Hims.com/ymh provides personalized ED treatment options with a required consultation, while DoorDash offers 25% off up to $15 value on a $35 minimum subtotal for alcohol orders. The Stitcher Awards is an opportunity for listeners to vote for their favorite podcasts, including "Your Mom's House." These offers and opportunities provide convenience, savings, and recognition. Additionally, the conversation touched on some unusual topics, such as a past experience and a comedic tour with Chewy Marv and Dove. The tour involved a famous little person named Chewy Marv, who is known for his appearances on Chelsea Lately, and Dove, a well-known comedian. The conversation ended with a reminder to vote for "Your Mom's House" in the Stitcher Awards.

    • Importance of clear communication in travel arrangementsBe transparent about travel times, costs, and logistics to ensure a positive experience for all involved.

      Communication and transparency are crucial when it comes to planning and executing tours or any kind of travel arrangements. In the story shared, the comedians were not informed about the extensive driving hours they would face during their tour in Iowa. This lack of information led to frustration, exhaustion, and even a meltdown from one of the comedians. It's important for organizers to be upfront about travel times, costs, and other logistical details to avoid misunderstandings and dissatisfaction. The comedians in this story were not prepared for the long drives, and it significantly impacted their experience. To avoid similar situations, it's essential to provide clear and accurate information beforehand.

    • Friend Dove's Decision to LeavePeople may promise actions but fail to follow through, illustrating the importance of personal convictions and staying true to oneself.

      People often don't follow through on their words, especially in high-pressure situations. The speaker shares an experience where a friend, Dove, chose to leave a situation despite others urging him to stay. Dove had personal reasons for leaving, while the speaker, due to financial constraints, couldn't afford to do so. The speaker admires Dove for his decision and finds Chewy Bravo, a famous figure in their circle, to be an interesting and funny person. The discussion highlights the contrast between what people say they would do and what they actually do in practice.

    • From electromechanical assembler to comedian, Chewy Bravo's past jobs shaped his work ethicChewy Bravo's diverse work experiences before fame instilled a strong work ethic and determination to achieve his dreams

      Chewy Bravo, known for his appearances on Chelsea Lately, was a hardworking individual before his stardom. He worked various jobs including being an electromechanical assembler, having a janitorial service company, and even working in the fields picking grapes. These experiences shaped his perspective and gave him a strong work ethic. Despite the challenges of these jobs, Chewy remained determined and always held onto his big dreams of having a nice house by the beach. Now, he enjoys the fruits of his labor and the love and adoration of his fans. Through it all, Chewy has remained humble and grateful for his journey.

    • Chewy Bravo's Unique Connection with FansChewy Bravo, a living puppet, experiences intense fan love, often being treated as a human being despite being a puppet. Fans' admiration brings Chewy joy and humanizes him, despite occasional discomfort.

      Chewy Bravo, a well-known LP (living puppet), experiences immense fan love and affection during his public appearances. Fans are so captivated by him that they express their admiration through physical touch and heartfelt expressions. Chewy himself enjoys the attention and finds it humanizing, despite occasional uncomfortable advances. A unique aspect of this dynamic is that fans often forget that Chewy is a puppet and treat him as a human being. The discussion also touched upon Chewy's potential romantic life and his growing beard, which sparked various opinions and suggestions from the speakers. Overall, the conversation emphasized the extraordinary connection between Chewy and his fans and the unique experiences that come with his public persona.

    • Unexpected connections in TacomaThe speaker found surprising connections with old acquaintances during his comedy show in Tacoma, highlighting the unpredictable nature of life and human relationships.

      The speaker had a successful comedy show in Tacoma, where he was surprised by the large turnout of mothers. He shared some unexpected connections he made after the show with people he knew from his past, including a former classmate who went to high school with a prostitute from a reality show. The speaker also expressed his discomfort with white people rapping and men playing the acoustic guitar and singing. Despite some awkward moments, he enjoyed his time in Tacoma and plans to reach out to an old acquaintance. Overall, the speaker's experiences show the unexpected and sometimes embarrassing connections that can be made in life.

    • Requesting a Podcast Guest via Social MediaFans can use social media to collectively request an interview with a desired podcast guest, potentially increasing the chances of their request being granted.

      The group is encouraging fans to use social media, specifically Twitter, to request an interview with a specific guest, Jigolo Brace, on a podcast called "Mom's House." The group believes that if they can collectively ask him to appear, he may eventually agree due to the overwhelming number of requests. They also shared their appreciation for Zane, a writer known for her erotic novels targeted towards a black audience, and discussed the humor and descriptive nature of her writing. The conversation ended with a shared memory of discovering Zane's work in a bookstore during a past relationship.

    • Humorous discussion about adult content and language challengesThe importance of clear communication and shared experiences in fostering humor and connection between individuals.

      The discussed podcast episode involves the hosts engaging in humorous banter about adult content, specifically referencing the Zane Sex Chronicles. They joke about their preferences and make light-hearted comments, with one host sharing an impression of her sister's unique Starbucks orders. The conversation also touches upon the challenges of understanding different languages and the importance of clear communication. Despite the adult nature of the topic, there is no indication of hate speech or discrimination towards any particular group. The hosts find humor in their shared experiences and the quirks of everyday life.

    • A Woman's Love for Customized OrdersSome people have specific preferences and aren't afraid to ask for modifications to suit their taste, inspiring others with their creations, but it can be challenging for service staff.

      Some people have unique preferences when it comes to ordering food and drinks, and they aren't afraid to ask for modifications to suit their taste. The speaker in this conversation shares stories about a woman who orders customized drinks at Starbucks and meals at restaurants, often requesting additional ingredients or substitutions. Her orders are quite extensive and involve a lot of customization, which can be challenging for baristas and kitchen staff. However, the woman's enthusiasm and love for her drinks and meals are evident, and she shares them with others, inspiring them to try her creations. The conversation also touches upon the topic of oversharing on social media and the importance of being mindful of what we share online.

    • Projecting the right image online for datingBe mindful of excessive selfies, narcissistic posts, and repetitive content to create a well-rounded online presence for dating

      The way we present ourselves online, particularly on social media, can significantly impact how others perceive us, especially when it comes to dating. Oversharing narcissistic photos, thousands of repetitive selfies, and excessive drinking pictures can give off the wrong impression and potentially deter potential suitors. It's essential to be aware of the image we project online and consider how others might view it objectively. Instead, focus on creating a well-rounded online presence that showcases various aspects of our personality and interests.

    • Managing Your Online Presence on Social MediaBe mindful of the content you share on social media, as it can impact personal and professional lives. Avoid excessive or inappropriate content, and maintain a balance between personal experiences and professional image.

      Individuals should be mindful of the content they share on social media platforms like Facebook, as it can significantly impact their personal and professional lives. Employers and potential partners may use social media to form opinions about a person, and inappropriate or excessive content can be a deal-breaker. It's essential to maintain a balance between sharing personal experiences and professional image. Avoid sharing too many pictures of pets, drunken moments, or overly personal content. Also, be cautious about sharing too many pictures or details about children, as it may raise privacy concerns. Ultimately, individuals have control over their online presence and should monitor and adjust their content accordingly.

    • Negative impact of oversharing on social mediaLimit personal information on social media to maintain a positive and authentic online presence, avoiding negative emotions and passive-aggressive posts.

      Being overly active on social media and sharing excessive personal information can negatively impact how others perceive us. Oversharing about personal matters, fights with friends, and negative emotions can make us appear unstable or untrustworthy. It's essential to remember that social media is a public platform, and employers and potential partners may be viewing our content. Instead, focus on presenting a positive and authentic version of ourselves, limiting personal information to a reasonable extent. Additionally, avoid passive-aggressive posts or broadcasting negative emotions to maintain a healthy online presence.

    • First Impressions and Online Presence in DatingBe mindful of online presence and self-improvement to attract positive relationships. Avoid broadcasting negative or unappealing content.

      First impressions matter, especially when it comes to dating and personal image. A person's online presence, including their social media profiles, can significantly impact how potential partners perceive them. In the discussion, the speakers expressed concern over broadcasting negative or unappealing content, such as financial struggles or unhealthy habits. They also shared a humorous anecdote about David Lynch's character in Louie, who has notably bad teeth, and how Lynch's obsession with teeth adds an ironic layer to the situation. The speakers concluded by emphasizing the importance of self-improvement and seeking professional help when necessary, such as finding a good dentist. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of being mindful of one's online presence and taking care of oneself to attract positive relationships.

    • Simplifying Complex Music and Expressing Oneself Through ArtCreativity involves making something new from existing elements, whether it's simplifying complex music or expressing oneself through art. Even if it doesn't result in financial success, the act of creating is a valuable and worthwhile pursuit.

      Creativity often involves making something new out of existing elements, and sometimes that means simplifying complex ideas or structures. In the context of music, this could mean taking a longer piece and condensing it down to a shorter, more digestible format. For example, turning a 26-bar verse into a 4-bar hook. This process can be challenging, but it requires a deep understanding of the underlying structure and meaning of the original material. In the end, the goal is to create something meaningful and memorable that resonates with listeners. Another important aspect of this discussion was the idea that art, including music, can serve as a form of expression or communication. The phrase "If it's not, I'm a song to sing a buck" suggests that the speaker is willing to put their heart and soul into their art, even if it doesn't always result in financial success. This underscores the idea that creativity is a valuable and worthwhile pursuit, regardless of the outcome. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of creativity, simplification, and expression in music and art. Whether it's writing a song, composing a melody, or creating a visual masterpiece, the process involves taking existing elements and making something new and meaningful out of them. And, even if the end result doesn't bring financial success, the act of creating and expressing oneself is a reward in and of itself.

    Recent Episodes from Your Mom's House with Christina P. and Tom Segura

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    America's Favorite Pig Rachel Feinstein | Your Mom's House Ep. 766
    Check out Rachel Feinstein's new special "Big Guy" streaming now on Netflix! This week on Your Mom's House Podcast, we hit the ground running with a Fart Simpson banger about McDonalds, before Tom opens up the episode with a clip of a cool dudes really cool Sunday plans. Tom also tells Christina all about his insane trip to Abu Dhabi. Christina and Tom welcome comedian and vile pig Rachel Feinstein, on the pod. She talks her latest Netflix Special, "Big Guy", the godless things she does, her life married to a firefighter, and the benefits of being a comic parent. She, Tom, and Christina also chat about gassy husbands, their foul mouthed kids, spanking fetishes, Red Lobster head, succubus defense, and dive into a long curated gauntlet of Christina's TikToks! Try it out, man. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 766 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Chris Distefano Has A Pride Month Crush | Your Mom's House Ep. 765

    Chris Distefano Has A Pride Month Crush | Your Mom's House Ep. 765
    Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really sweet birthday shoutout for a TMY Studios staff member and immediately change the vibe with some very cool opening clips. They next discuss the trend of tattooed freckles and fake straight white teeth, before debating a question that has swept the internet, "man or bear?" Then, we welcome our guest, comedian Chris Distefano who has been doing some moving around New York recently and is still traumatized from his guest spot on YMH Live all those years back. Chris has some thoughts on straight farts, self-acceptance, and saving lives. Chris Distefano also may or may not have a little crush on an actor from the Netflix show Baby Reindeer. All that plus some TikToks! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 765 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Happy Juneteenth! (From Some Whites) | Your Mom's House Ep. 764

    Happy Juneteenth! (From Some Whites) | Your Mom's House Ep. 764
    SPONSORS: - Visit https://squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM What's up, CHOMOS?!? Happy Juneteenth to all who observe. This week Tommy Bunz and Christine From Mom's House are riding solo and have got a lot of wild things to cover! They open the show with an irritable felon trying to ace a job interview. The Main Mommies next review some arson allegations of a TLC member, check out a "you know what I'm sayin" compilation from a past episode of The Danny Brown Show featuring the Insane Clown Posse, and get a hands-on (nose-on?) take of how bad the stench of women's prisons can get. We are also treated to a crazy Christina hotel story, stories of her hot head stepdad, another legendary Top Dog anecdote, the pitfalls of gender studies in foreign countries, an appreciation of public shaming, plus some more booger emails, some TikToks, and much more. Enjoy! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 764 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    No Bull w/ Johnny Pemberton | Your Mom's House Ep. 763

    No Bull w/ Johnny Pemberton | Your Mom's House Ep. 763
    SPONSORS: - Visit https://coorslight.com/summermusic to see how Coors Light can amplify your summer. - Download DoorDash and use code YMH24 to get 25% off up to $15 value when you spend $35 or more on drinks through DoorDash. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really cool opening clip of a vintage smut film featuring a very forward bus driver. Christina continues her investigations into Tom's digestive deviations and they read some follow up emails regarding a past clip of an Indian military ball bag exam and adults who eat boogers. Tom also gets a special shoutout from his neighbor Ted Cruz. Johnny Pemberton joins the Main Mommies fresh off the hype from his role in Amazon's adaptation of "Fallout". Tom, Christina, and Johnny discuss Pasadena, leaving notes on people's cars, HOA's, Disney adults, shits & giggles, and sharp minds. They also check out some horrible or hilarious clips, some TikToks curated by Christina, and an update from a guy who crashed his flying machine. I love you. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 763 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Pooping on the Tires Set w/Shane Gillis & Matt McCusker | Your Mom's House Ep. 762

    Pooping on the Tires Set w/Shane Gillis & Matt McCusker | Your Mom's House Ep. 762
    SPONSORS: - Get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/momshouse What's up, chomos?!? Tim and Kristin are back and open the show being serenaded by classic cool guy, Bill Tapley aka The Third Eagle. They check in on what he's been up to lately before truly opening the show with a clip from a bad guess on "Wheel of Fortune". Christina also gets to the bottom of some mysterious things going on with Tom's bottom. The Main Mommies are next joined by a couple of white guys named Matt McCusker and Shane Gillis, who you may know from Matt & Shane's Secret Podcast, Tires, and a few other neat things. Tom and Christina welcome them to the show some incredibly thoughtful gifts, before they get into a conversation about teachers, hippies, Bridgerton, and blowing up toilets on the set of "Tires". Matt and Shane next meet the Double Soul Shaman and get a double dose of clips via Christina's Curations and some choice Horrible or Hilarious selections. They also check out some back adjustments, fat girl pride, and celebrity farts. Enjoy! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 762 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Shart Heard Round The World | Your Mom's House Ep. 761

    The Shart Heard Round The World | Your Mom's House Ep. 761
    SPONSORS: - Download the Doordash app and use promo code YMH24 - Get 20% Off + Free Shipping, with the code YMH at https://Manscaped.com - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @trueclassic at https://trueclassictees.com/YMH Here's the deal man, we are back once again with Tommy Bunz and Chistine from Mom's House riding solo! Tom's got some dental updates that you'll be able to hear for yourself and opens the show with a clip of a very giving lover. Before Christina gets too grossed out, Tom offers her the spotlight to share a shart story for the ages. The Main Mommies next talk about a recent trip to Italy and review some of the most fattening treats for all the Disney Adults out there. Tom also receives a very kind uplifting video message about a certain body part that's sure to warm the heart. We also dive into the comments section of an IG influencer nicknamed Baby Head, watch some clips of people making huge mistakes, and discuss the topic of "adult recess". TA TA THERE! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 761 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Raised by a MILF w/ Nick Thune | Your Mom's House Ep. 760

    Raised by a MILF w/ Nick Thune | Your Mom's House Ep. 760
    SPONSORS: - Go to https://www.squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really cool guy with a really cool chicken joke before get into some benefits of how bad Christina's memory is. Tom and Christina also talk about overhearing confrontations from much more volatile marriages and show some video clips of their cool bathroom. Then, we welcome our guest, comedian Nick Thune who is currently touring with fellow comedian Nate Bargatze and he's looking quite fashionable these days. Nick and the Main Mommies talk about pop music, bread, parenting, accents, sitcom acting, Apatow comedies, hot moms, and things kids do that are just super annoying! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 760 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Happy Birthday Tom Segura! | Your Mom's House Ep. 759

    Happy Birthday Tom Segura! | Your Mom's House Ep. 759
    SPONSORS: - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code YMH for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). https://Gametime.co - Head to https://policygenius.com/YMH to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. What’s up, chomos?! We open the show with a real banger of a track and because Tommy Bunz celebrated a birthday a little while ago, this week we’re going to get around and celebrate it! The YMH producers gathered a team of special well wishers and put together a birthday shoutout for Tom to watch including the likes of RPC, The King, Gene & Nick Simmons, and even Ernie Hudson just to name a few. Other fun stuff covered in this episode include, choosing a life partner, women’s prisons, #FartWalk, swearing in other languages, and we also found a dating site for Disney adults! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 759 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Coming Up In May w/ Harland Williams | Your Mom's House Ep. 758

    Coming Up In May w/ Harland Williams | Your Mom's House Ep. 758
    SPONSORS: - Download DoorDash and get 25% off your next alcohol order of $35 or more, up to $15 off max value. For eligible users only. Terms apply. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Get Coors Light delivered straight to your door with Instacart by going to https://coorslight.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://Shopify.com/momshouse Put down Grandpa's cough medicine, it's a new episode of Your Mom's House with Tim and Kirsten! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P open the show by being serenaded by Gary Busey. They go off on some gross food video clips, before following up on an underdog story that happened because of some knucklehead soccer players in Thailand. They also do some accent work and look up the meanings behind some English words with French origins. Comedian and podcaster Harland Williams joins the Main Mommies and his hair is looking great! He's got a new movie coming out and he shares some fun stories from his very first movie role in "Dumb and Dumber". They also talk about the new plus size section at Target, "Terminator 2", aging, Naked Martin, and some natural health benefits from the Double Soul Shaman. And just to butter him up, Harland also reacts to some classic Horrible or Hilarious clips! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 758 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ian Fidance | Your Mom's House Ep. 757

    The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ian Fidance | Your Mom's House Ep. 757
    SPONSORS: - Get up to 60% off your subscription at https://Babbel.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. Hi Mommies! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P have some new music tastes to talk about before opening the show with a guy who has a size question for all the ladies out there. They then show a video clip of their fully customized bathroom. This is the kinda guy ya gettin. Tom also plays a snippet from an old YMH episode where he predicts how his nose would turn out as an older man and then plays a clip of an old man senator having fun with some old timey words. Comedian and podcaster Ian Fidance joins the Main Mommies and he recently dropped a new comedy special "Wild, Happy & Free" which led to him filling out his childhood fantasy of being a ghostbuster and filming at the firehouse from the movie. Ian debates Tim and Kristin about his bisexuality, specifically the male kind, and determine if it's cap. They check-in with the Double Soul Shaman, check out Christina's new footwear choices, and play a quick would you rather, before getting into some of Christina's infamous TikTok curations. Are bi dudes cap? Chime in below! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 757 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    “We created a family here … ”

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    12. Let’s Get Friendly with Jack - creativity, life paths and the next great Australian novel

    12. Let’s Get Friendly with Jack - creativity, life paths and the next great Australian novel

    Today we’re bringing in a special guest, someone very close to the show and my heart. The wonderful Jack - one of our co-writers and podcast inspos - joins the podcast to talk creative pathways, reflecting on your younger years, our inner child and our concepts for the next greatest Australian novels.


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    James & Claudia Altucher Choose Themselves: Musings On Relationships, The Power of Vulnerability & Creating Success Doing What You Love

    James & Claudia Altucher Choose Themselves: Musings On Relationships, The Power of Vulnerability & Creating Success Doing What You Love
    I'm so intimidated. This week Julie and I are joined by the dynamic duo of the Choose Yourself era themselves, James and Claudia Altucher — a prolific couple changing the world with insights that are empowering millions to live more dynamic, authentic lives. When someone fires off a long list of occupations in conversation, my instinct tells me that person probably isn't great at any of them. James is not that guy. Abundant in talent. A true polymath with just the right amount of self-deprecation and pitch perfect comedic timing. Blogger, bestselling author, podcaster, public speaker, investor, entrepreneur, columnist, and humorist, he seemingly does it all. Oh yeah, he's also a nationally ranked chess master. James had made millions, lost millions and made millions again. Maybe he'll lose it again. I don't know. He’s started and run something like 20 companies. Then there's a slew of venture capital, hedge, angel and sundry other funds he ran. Maybe he still runs them. I don't know that either. In fact, I don't understand any of it. James' Altucher Confidential is one of the most widely read blogs on the internet, amassing over 15 million readers since its 2010 inception. The James Altucher Show debuted as the #1 podcast on all of iTunes last year. I think he's written 13 books. It could be 16. I can't keep track. He writes faster than I can read. My favorite is the Wall Street Journal Best Seller Choose Yourself. A primer for anyone seeking firmer control of destiny, it's a prescient and highly entertaining look at how new and unprecedented tools, technology and economic forces have suddenly emerged to make it possible for individuals to create art, careers, success, fulfillment and change the world without permission from the gatekeepers of yore. When you finish that book, then read The Power of No — also a Wall Street Journal Best Seller. Two things you need to know about this book: (1) it's really great; and (2) learning how and when to say no is, like, really important. Wait, there's a third thing: it was co-authored by James' wife Claudia. In many ways James' perfect match, the Argentinian-born Claudia is also a widely acclaimed multi-hyphenate. Writer, podcaster and yoga aficionado, she has written or co-written three books, including the recently released Become An Idea Machine. You can find her Yoga Podcast on iTunes and read her musings at ClaudiaYoga.com. But I don't know how much longer she can keep this up because any day now she's going to be named the new CEO of Twitter. Am I joking? Read this and you tell me. I had James on my podcast a while ago. Then I did his podcast. Then Julie did Claudia's podcast. They fell in love. I was already in love with James. The only thing? None of us had ever met in person. Until now. Wonder twin powers activate! I'm not sure whose podcast we did. We just hit record and started freestyling. I thought we were interviewing James and Claudia but now I think I have it all backwards. Enjoy! Rich