
    Episode 95: The week in ADHD (21)

    enApril 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Mother's Day Savings at Whole FoodsSave 33% on body care and candles, and get a 15 stem bunch of tulips for $9.99 each with Prime during Mother's Day shopping at Whole Foods

      Mother's Day shopping at Whole Foods Market offers unbeatable savings and a wide selection of premium gifts, beautiful flowers, and delicious treats for mom. The discounts include a 33% savings with Prime on body care and candles, and a 15 stem bunch of tulips for just $9.99 each with Prime. Additionally, the podcast, ADHD Adults, discussed their own experiences with ADHD and running the podcast, as well as answering listener questions and exploring the theme of metacognition. Sam had a busy week, and James expressed his appreciation for her contributions to the podcast and the company.

    • Understanding Burnout: Personal Experiences and Coping StrategiesBurnout impacts focus, attention, and effectiveness. Personal experiences shared include guilt over spouse's exhaustion and uncontrollable ADHD symptoms with lack of sleep. Emphasis on self-care, self-acceptance, and judgment-free environments.

      Burnout is a real issue, and it's not just about feeling tired or overwhelmed. It can significantly impact one's ability to focus, pay attention, and function effectively. The speakers, Sam and James, both shared their personal experiences with burnout, and how it affects them differently. Sam expressed guilt for his wife's exhaustion and her long hours on the computer, while also acknowledging his own burnout. James shared how his ADHD symptoms become uncontrollable with a lack of sleep, making it difficult for him to focus and pay attention. They also discussed the importance of self-care, accepting oneself, and creating environments where people can be themselves without judgment. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of recognizing the signs of burnout and taking steps to prioritize self-care and well-being.

    • Childhood experiences and personal quirksBeing self-aware and accepting of one's unique traits and experiences can lead to personal growth and understanding societal norms. Leaving items behind and struggling with focus are common challenges, but being mindful and seeking inspiration from others can help overcome them.

      Everyone has unique experiences and preferences shaped by their childhoods and individual circumstances. The speaker shared his experience of being an introverted child who preferred reading over social activities, which resonated with his wife's behavior towards people outside their home. He also acknowledged the importance of expanding societal norms to accommodate different ways of being. Another topic discussed was the speaker's tendency to leave items behind during his travels. He realized this habit was becoming a problem and vowed to be more mindful. Lastly, the speaker mentioned his recent obsession with chess, which he found particularly challenging for his ADHD. He shared his fascination with watching a friend, Frankie, play chess due to Frankie's intense focus and quick decision-making skills. Overall, the conversation touched on the themes of self-awareness, acceptance, and the importance of understanding one's own needs and limitations.

    • Finding Joy in Hobbies: A Double-Edged SwordHobbies can bring immense joy and satisfaction, but it's essential to balance them with other aspects of life to avoid neglecting important relationships and health.

      Both individuals, in their unique ways, find immense satisfaction in their respective hobbies. For the first person, it's the intense focus and rewarding experience of playing chess. For the second person, it's the sense of accomplishment from working in the garden. However, they both shared the common theme of becoming so engrossed in their activities that they overlooked other aspects of their lives. The first person was so engrossed in his chess game that he didn't even notice when someone was speaking to him. The second person, on the other hand, was so absorbed in her gardening tasks that she neglected spending time with her partner and even ended up damaging their garden bin in the process. Additionally, both individuals mentioned experiencing physical exhaustion and headaches due to prolonged screen time and lack of rest. These issues further highlighted the importance of taking breaks and maintaining a healthy balance between work and leisure activities. In summary, the takeaway is that hobbies can bring immense joy and satisfaction, but it's essential to be mindful of the potential negative consequences and ensure a healthy balance in life.

    • Evaluating the Quality of Evidence for ADHD TreatmentsSmall sample size studies without control groups may not be statistically significant or generalizable to larger populations, so it's crucial to consider the different levels of evidence when assessing ADHD treatments.

      The reliability of research findings depends on the quality of the evidence presented. A study with a small sample size and no control group, like the one Sarah asked about on saffron, may not be statistically significant or generalizable to the larger population. Therefore, it's essential to consider the different levels of evidence when evaluating the effectiveness of various treatments for ADHD. Additionally, the discussion touched on the speaker's personal experiences with screens, work, and dead animals, which seemed unrelated to the main topic but added some lighthearted moments to the podcast.

    • Study on saffron and methylphenidate for ADHD symptoms has limitationsDespite some positive findings, the study's low quality and small sample size make it unreliable. Work with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist for a personalized diet plan for ADHD and compulsive overeating.

      While the study on saffron and methylphenidate for ADHD symptoms showed promising results, its low quality with nonrandomized, nonblinded design and small sample size makes it unreliable. Saffron might help, but it's not a substitute for medication. For individuals with ADHD and compulsive overeating, creating a personalized diet is essential. Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all solution for following a diet effectively for ADHD and compulsive overeating. It's crucial to work with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist to develop a plan tailored to individual needs and preferences. Science doesn't always agree, and making a consensus from studies often involves meta-analyses, which often show no definitive answer for most things.

    • Establishing effective routines for sustainable lifestyle changesFind what works best for individual diet and compulsive eating habits, try different approaches, and be open to change.

      Creating sustainable lifestyle changes, such as improving diet and managing compulsive overeating, requires finding what works best for each individual. Sleep is an essential part of this process, and establishing routines can help. For instance, changing plate sizes or setting specific eating times can make a difference. However, adhering to these changes is crucial, and what works for one person may not work for another. Diets like low carb, low fat, fasting, or calorie restriction all have their merits, but it's essential to find the right fit. Additionally, avoiding "fun stuff" or triggers at home can help manage compulsive overeating. For some, distraction or finding healthier rewards can be effective strategies. Ultimately, no single solution works forever, so it's essential to be open to trying different approaches and putting them on rotation.

    • Understanding Hyperfocus in ADHDPeople with ADHD can get so engrossed in tasks they ignore essential needs, leading to negative health consequences. Using relatable examples can help others understand.

      Individuals with ADHD can experience hyperfocus, which means they become so engrossed in a task or activity that they ignore essential needs like eating, drinking, and using the bathroom. This hyperfocus can lead to neglecting self-care, which can have negative health consequences. It's essential to understand that ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects attention, and explaining it to others is not always the responsibility of the person with ADHD. Using relatable examples, like getting lost in a good book, can help others understand the concept of hyperfocus and why it can lead to neglecting basic needs.

    • Exploring Self-Awareness and Metacognition in ADHDPeople with ADHD may struggle to recognize and describe their emotions and symptoms, highlighting the importance of education and understanding these concepts for better management and overall well-being. More research is needed on alexithymia, a condition related to ADHD that makes emotion identification even harder.

      People with ADHD often struggle with self-awareness and metacognition, which is the ability to think about and understand our own thoughts and behaviors. This was a theme explored in the latest episode of the ADHD Adults Podcast. During the discussion, the hosts shared their experiences with metacognition and how it relates to ADHD. They talked about how it can be challenging for individuals with ADHD to recognize and describe their own emotions and symptoms, even when they are aware of them to some extent. They also discussed the importance of education and understanding these concepts, as it can help individuals better manage their ADHD and improve their overall well-being. Additionally, they highlighted the need for more research and discussion on alexithymia, a condition related to ADHD that makes it even more difficult for individuals to identify and describe their emotions. Overall, the podcast emphasized the importance of self-awareness and metacognition for individuals with ADHD and encouraged listeners to continue learning about these concepts.

    • Understanding the challenges of self-awareness for people with ADHDPeople with ADHD may struggle with self-awareness, but strategies like keeping a diary, seeking help, and focusing on important areas can improve communication and relationships.

      While some people may find it easy to identify and describe their emotions and physical symptoms, others may struggle with this process. This can make it difficult for individuals to communicate effectively with healthcare professionals or loved ones. It's important to remember that everyone has different abilities when it comes to self-awareness, and it's okay if you're not perfect at it. However, there are strategies that can help, such as keeping a mood or symptom diary, asking for help from those close to you, and focusing your metacognitive efforts on areas that matter most to you. Additionally, it's important to note that not all interventions, such as coaching, may be effective for everyone with ADHD, but other forms of therapy and support can be beneficial. Overall, being aware of the challenges that come with self-awareness and taking steps to address them can lead to improved communication, better relationships, and increased personal growth.

    • Exploring the importance of self-reflection and support in managing ADHDSelf-awareness, support, and continuous learning are essential for managing the challenges of ADHD. Reflection, questioning, and seeking resources can lead to better understanding and effective strategies.

      When dealing with self-reflection and understanding the impact of ADHD on one's life, it can be helpful to have someone else ask questions and provide support. This person can be a loved one or a professional coach. The conversation in this podcast highlighted the importance of introspection and the value of asking oneself questions, even if the answers are not immediately clear. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of being aware of one's own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the value of seeking out resources and knowledge to better understand ADHD. The podcast also touched on the importance of metacognition, or thinking about one's own thinking, and how it can be a valuable tool for individuals with ADHD. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-awareness, support, and continuous learning in managing the challenges of ADHD.

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    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    Episode 161 ADHD and Motivation

    Episode 161 ADHD and Motivation

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    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    Episode 160 ADHD and Body Doubling

    Episode 160 ADHD and Body Doubling

    Episode 160 covers the topic of body doubling, a tool many ADHDers use to get stuff done. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the evidence behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections and tips on body doubling, and then we answer your questions in the final section. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with James surging ahead at 10-7 for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in. James gets to practice his little beep-button, Alex is finally a fake Professor and Mrs ADHD has smashed her gyro ball... Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown. Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd. Social media contacts: @theadhdadults Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    Episode 159 ADHD and Higher Education

    Episode 159 ADHD and Higher Education

    In Episode 159 we covers the topic of ADHD and Higher Education. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the evidence behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections on HE and their tips, and then we answer your questions in the final section. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with James surging ahead at 9-7 for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex disappears, Mrs ADHD would only consider professional acting in Stoke-on-Trent and James recreated Jurassic Park for his students...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    Episode 158 ADHD and Dental Health

    Episode 158 ADHD and Dental Health

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    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    Episode 157 ADHD and the Gut

    Episode 157 ADHD and the Gut

    In Episode 157, we cover the topic of ADHD and the gut, including gut issues and gut bacteria. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the science behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections and tips, and then we answer your questions in the final section. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with the scores even at 7-7 for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. James doesn’t poo as he’s a Dracula, Alex’s bidet gets a horrific mention and Mrs ADHD is devastated at the thought of stepping on a frog…

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    Episode 156 ADHD and Neuroplasticity (Can your brain change?)


    The podcast now has a new 'Jingle' (it's not a jingle) and a slightly tweaked structure...

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    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by James Brown and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

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    Episode 155 ADHD and Nutrition

    Episode 155 ADHD and Nutrition

    In Episode 155 we cover the subject of ADHD and nutrition. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the science behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections, and then 'Just The Tip' covers some top tips about ADHD and nutrition. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with Alex 7-5 up for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. James get’s all the iron he needs from the necks of victims, Mrs ADHD will eat anything… except gelatinous stuff (of course) and Alex discloses how bad he was at biology...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theadhdadultspodcast/message

    Episode 154 ADHD and Sexuality

    Episode 154 ADHD and Sexuality

    In Episode 154, we talk about sexuality, a much under-researched area of ADHD. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey spouts the science behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections, and then 'Just The Tip' covers some top tips about ADHD and task switching. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with Alex 7-4 up for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. James gets the numbering wrong (again), Mrs ‘didn’t get a ticket’, and Alex is a basic unit...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theadhdadultspodcast/message

    Episode 153 ADHD and Emotional Intelligence

    Episode 153 ADHD and Emotional Intelligence

    Episode 153 follows on from 145 when we accidentally committed (Alex...) to doing an episode on emotional intelligence. As usual, Alex the Psycho.......education Monkey delivers the science behind the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections, and then 'Just The Tip' covers some top tips about ADHD and task switching. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with Alex 7-3 up for the season, The Metrics Intern continues telling us about the cities we have listeners in, and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. Alex has the emotional inteligence of a wounded sparrow and his clothes mysteriously change mid-episode, Mrs ADHD gets confused by mandrills and nothing of consequence happens to James...

    Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support the podcast you can subscribe to extra content here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    ⁠⁠⁠You can support and get help from the charity that the show raises money for here ⁠⁠

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theadhdadultspodcast/message

    Related Episodes

    Pressing pause to avoid burnout - solo episode

    Pressing pause to avoid burnout - solo episode

    During this one-off solo episode, Kate invites you to welcome in the power of pause and rest - ADHD style - so we can manage our energy and mental health so we can be the best versions of ourselves.

    This is your reminder to slow down and check-in with yourself.

    • ADHD and not knowing when to stop, which often leads to burnout
    • Wanting to do and achieve it all with ADHD
    • Managing your energy and where do you need to rest
    • How you can communicate your feelings of burnout to others
    • The feelings of burnout in the body
    • Tuning into stress in your body
    • What "rest" and boundaries look like for those with ADHD
    • Intentionally recognising how we want to feel and show up in daily life.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner helping overwhelmed yet unfulfilled (many with ADHD like her) women find more calm, balance, health, compassion, creativity and clarity in their lives. 

    Kate has a brand new workshop planned for 12th May at 2 pm UK on: 'Managing Your Nervous System with ADHD' - tickets are limited! Click here to read the details and to book your ticket.

    By using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/tapping) in her coaching practice, Kate guides more ADHD women to rediscover their inner voice, 'tap' into their expansive wisdom and potential, fulfil their desires and realise themselves outside of the overwhelm, inner pressure and family dynamic. She is also a mum to four children and will shortly be writing her first book!

    To download Kate’s new, free guides: 'Suspect you have ADHD...What Next?' and 'The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing' toolkits click here. 

     Or to buy Kate's new workshop  - 'Thriving with ADHD Post-Diagnosis' click here

    Have a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here


    Instagram: @kate_moryoussef

    Facebook: Coaching by Kate UK

    Twitter: @KateMory

    Episode 59 ADHD Burnout

    Episode 59 ADHD Burnout

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    Written by James Brown and Alex Conner.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    Grandma Is Giving Me Guilt Trips…I Need To Set Boundaries

    Grandma Is Giving Me Guilt Trips…I Need To Set Boundaries
    It’s almost impossible to agree with family 100% of the time. Listen as we talk with a man struggling with his relative’s racist tendencies, a college student who keeps getting guilt trips from her grandmother, and a man who’s worried his parents will think less of him if he starts ADHD medication. A close family member is a racist bigot & I don't know how to handle it My grandmother is giving me guilt trips & I need to set boundaries I've struggled with attention issues all my life but I'm scared to go on meds Scattered: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates and What You Can Do About It - Gabor Maté MD "Girl On Fire" - Alicia Keys Let us know what’s going on by leaving a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or visiting johndelony.com/show.  Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp DreamCloud Churchill Mortgage Resources: Questions for Humans Conversation Cards Redefining Anxiety Quick Read John’s Free Guided Meditation Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts anytime, anywhere in our app. Download at: https://apple.co/3eN8jNq These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional medical, counseling, therapeutic, financial, legal, or other advice. The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries (including their respective employees, agents and representatives) make no representations or warranties concerning the content and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning the content including any treatment or action taken by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this show. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified professional expert and specialist. If you are having a health or mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

    EP.136 - Plan B - A Guide to Navigating and Embracing Change with Shannah Kennedy, Life Coach, Bestselling Author

    EP.136 - Plan B - A Guide to Navigating and Embracing Change with Shannah Kennedy, Life Coach, Bestselling Author

    Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz

    EP.136 - Plan B - A Guide to Navigating and Embracing Change with Shannah Kennedy, Life Coach, Bestselling Author

    Shannah Kennedy is one of Australia's foremost strategic life coaches.  She works to transform her clients' careers wellbeing and lives.

    She specialises in executive strategy, transition, values, vision, overcoming burnout and life planning for individuals.

    Her proven expertise enables clients to gain control of their lives in order to achieve their visions and goals and find happiness and fulfilment.

    She is the bestselling author of The Life Plan, a wellbeing specialist, keynote speaker, workshop facilitator and media contributor, and a wife and mother of two.

    Shannah lives and dances with chronic fatigue syndrome and depression and is committed to living her best and most energetic life based on her values and commitment to authenticity.

    Shannah is a master of simplicity and presents the most powerful and essential life and wellness skill sets to transform the way you live and work, create clarity, direction and purpose, and shine a light on the benefits of self-care, self-management and self-leadership.

    In this Podcast Episode 136, Yvette Le Blowitz, Podcast Host sits down with Podcast Guest Shannah Kennedy to find out more about her brand new book Plan B - A guide to navigating and embracing change published by Penguin.

    Change can turn our plans, our lives and our dreams upside down.  Whether you have faced a redundancy, dealt with a break-up, been in an accident, lost a loved one, had a health scare, or been impacted by an economic downturn, your ability to navigate through the change of process and create an alternative plan will be the key to your future happiness.

    Shannah Kennedy, bestselling author of The Life Plan, has created a simple yet powerful four-part guide that is designed to give you the confidence to accept, heal, grow and adapt.

    Full of practical tips and exercises to help you process your emotions, restore and recover, shift your mindset, set clear goals and take control, Plan B is your roadmap to finding happiness once again.

    In Episode 136 - Podcast Guest 

    Shannah Kennedy shares:

    - a little bit about herself

    - what inspired her to write her book - Plan B

    - how to navigate the change process

    - why it's important to make time to heal, grieve and reset

    - how we can move forward with clarity, direction and purpose once again

    - how to adapt to change with confidence, openness and acceptance

    - how to shift your mindset

    - how to set clear goals and take control

    - how to find happiness once again

    - how to make the most of the lockdown

    - how to create a new Life Plan

    - how to embrace the now 

    - practical tips when going through extended lockdowns 

    - her self-care rituals

    Plus we talk about so much more of course - because it's a TALK SHOW......

    Get Ready to Tune into Episode 136 *click here

    Episode 136 - #spaitgirl talk show with Yvette Le Blowitz 

    available on Apple, Spotify, Google, Audible, Libysn - all podcast apps

    search for #spaitgirl on any podcast app or on google 


    Available to watch on Youtube Channel - Spa it Girl or Yvette Le Blowitz

    Press the Play Button Below and subscribe




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    • search via Booktopia our affiliated online book store  *click here
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    Podcast Guest

    Shannah Kennedy 

    Life Coach, Bestselling Author

    Website www.shannahkennedy.com

    Instagram @shannahkennedy


    Podcast Host 

    Yvette Le Blowitz 

    Instagram @yvetteleblowitz

    Website www.yvetteleblowitz.com


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    &  Together "Let's Feel Good From Within"

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    Please note - Affiliated Links included in this spaitgirl.com blog post includes affiliated links with Amazon.com and booktopia.com.au- should you order any books from Amazon.com or Booktopia.com.au via the links contained in this blog post spaitgirl.com will receive a small paid commission fee from the online book stores. 

    Please note - The information in this podcast is a general conversation between the podcast host and podcast guest and is not intended to replace professional medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment or advice from a mental health professional.  Use of any of the material in this podcast show is always at the listeners discretion.  

    The podcast host and guest accept no liability arising directly or indirectly from use or misuse of any of the information contained in this podcast show and podcast episode conversation, or any trauma triggered or associated with it. If you are experiencing depression or any other severe emotional or mental illness please seek medical professional help immediately.