
    Ethical Investing with Brianne West, Founder and CEO of Ethique

    enJune 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing Investments with ShareSite: Comprehensive View and IntegrationShareSite offers a comprehensive investment management solution, supporting over 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds, and integrating with over 200 platforms, allowing users to monitor financial performance and receive analyzed reports, dividend gains, and currency fluctuations.

      ShareSite, an online investment dashboard, is revolutionizing the way investors manage their portfolios. With support for over 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds, and integration with over 200 platforms, ShareSite provides a comprehensive view of financial performance, including analyzed reports, dividend gains, and currency fluctuations. Plus, a special deal is available for those who want to share their portfolio with friends. The hosts of Girls That Invest, Sim and Sonia, discussed their week, with Sim attributing her positive week to her focus on her health and vitamin D levels. In the upcoming episode, they will be interviewing Breanne West, the CEO and founder of Atique, a successful sustainable clean beauty brand.

    • A business with a mission to eliminate plastic bottles from cosmetics industryStarting a business with a mission to eliminate plastic bottles and prove ethical practices can lead to financial success, by improving supply chains, businesses can make a significant impact.

      Business can be a powerful force for positive change, as demonstrated by our guest today. She started her business 10 years ago in her kitchen with a mission to eliminate plastic bottles from the cosmetics industry and prove that ethical and sustainable business practices could still lead to financial success. Her passion for science, animals, and social and environmental issues drove her to create a business that aligned with her values. She believes that by examining and improving supply chains, businesses can make a significant impact, as most organizations are not fully aware of who makes the products they purchase. This is just one example of how business can contribute to solving the social and environmental challenges we face.

    • Businesses can make a difference in people's lives and communities by addressing unfair practices and ensuring fair wagesBusinesses need to shift their mindset towards sustainability and ethical practices, addressing root causes instead of just superficial efforts.

      Businesses have the power to make a significant impact on people's lives and communities around the world by addressing unfair practices and ensuring fair wages in their supply chains. However, there is a prevalence of unethical practices, including human trafficking and slavery, and many businesses fail to take responsibility for the entirety of their supply chains. This results in a lot of greenwashing and ethics washing, where businesses focus on marketing efforts rather than addressing the root causes of environmental and ethical issues. To make a real difference, businesses need to adopt a mindset shift and take small steps towards sustainability and ethical practices, rather than just focusing on superficial efforts like planting trees for every order. It's important to consider the entire impact of a business's products on the environment and communities, and strive for net positive outcomes.

    • Running a successful business ethically and sustainablyDonate a portion of sales or profits to charity, disregard traditional rules that don't align with values, and contribute positively to communities and the world for successful ethical business.

      Running a successful business ethically and sustainably is possible, and it's not necessary to compromise your values or treat people unfairly to achieve growth. The speaker, who has built a profitable business called Atiq, shares how they've donated a portion of their sales or profits to charity since the beginning, despite being told it wasn't feasible for a startup. They also emphasize that businesses don't need to strictly follow traditional rules or advice that may not align with their values. The speaker acknowledges that there are people who may resist ethical business practices, but they believe the trend is shifting towards a more compassionate and values-driven business environment. Overall, the message is that businesses can thrive while making a positive impact on their communities and the world.

    • The power of a strong team and shared values in implementing sustainable business practicesA strong team and shared values can help overcome the challenges of implementing sustainable business practices, even in industries where it may not be the norm. Financial literacy and open discussions about money are important for individuals and businesses to thrive.

      Having a strong team and shared values can make the challenges of implementing sustainable business practices easier, even if it requires inspiring others in the industry and among consumers. The speaker commends the interviewee for their efforts in this area and shares their own background of growing up without a strong money mindset, which they began to understand later in life. They emphasize the importance of financial literacy and the impact of not discussing money growing up. Despite the challenges, the speaker finds empowerment in going to work every day knowing that everyone is aligned in their values and goals.

    • Accept payments directly from an iPhone with Tap to PayTap to Pay on iPhone simplifies business transactions, enabling quick, efficient payments, increasing revenue, expanding reach, and enhancing customer experience. Business leaders must also prioritize financial literacy for successful growth.

      Every business transaction holds significant value beyond just the exchange of goods or services for payment. For business owners, it represents the culmination of their hard work, dedication, and commitment to their customers. A game-changing solution, Tap to Pay on iPhone powered by Stripe, simplifies this process by enabling contactless payments directly from an iPhone, without requiring additional hardware. This innovative solution caters to businesses of all sizes, enabling them to accept payments quickly and efficiently, increasing revenue, expanding reach, and enhancing customer experience. Another important takeaway from the discussion is the significance of financial literacy for business leaders. Ignorance of financial obligations and responsibilities can lead to trouble. However, through proper education and understanding, finance becomes an essential tool for helping the environment, communities, and driving business growth. It's crucial for business leaders to be financially literate and in the know of their company's financial situation.

    • Understanding Business Finances and Ethical InvestingFounders should manage their business finances while outsourcing tasks, identify trends, make informed decisions, and avoid pitfalls. Ethical investing requires belief in intentions and recognizing change can be difficult. Personal wealth and business experiences provide valuable lessons for other companies.

      Founders should have a solid understanding of their business finances while also outsourcing accounting tasks to experts. Knowing the ins and outs of your business can help you identify trends, make informed decisions, and avoid potential pitfalls. Additionally, ethical investing is important for creating positive change, but finding ethical companies can be challenging. It's essential to believe in the intention of most organizations but recognize that changing directions can be difficult. Founder's personal wealth is often tied up in their business, and they can learn valuable lessons from their experiences to help other companies grow. The best way to learn is by taking action and making mistakes, but seeking advice and resources can also be beneficial.

    • Looking beyond surface-level claims for ethical businessesAsk questions, scrutinize companies' supply chains, labor practices, and carbon footprint. Be wary of buzzwords and industries with destructive histories. Authentic change takes time and effort, so hold companies accountable for their actions.

      When it comes to finding ethical businesses, it's crucial to look beyond surface-level claims and ask questions. Companies that genuinely prioritize a net positive impact on the world will be transparent about their supply chains, labor practices, and efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. Be wary of industries that have historically been destructive and avoid companies that use jargon without substance. Companies like Meta, which claim to be carbon neutral but have not yet achieved it, should be scrutinized closely. Always ask for proof and don't be swayed by buzzwords. It's important to remember that authentic change takes time and effort, and it's our responsibility as consumers to hold companies accountable for their actions.

    • Businesses can contribute to sustainability through investments and community projectsBusinesses have the power to positively impact the environment by investing in renewable technologies and community projects, inspiring future generations to adopt sustainable practices.

      Businesses, even large corporations, have the capacity to contribute positively to the environment by investing in renewable technologies and community projects, such as tree planting initiatives. This conversation with a sustainability-focused CEO provided valuable insights into the role businesses can play in promoting sustainability and the importance of looking to industry leaders for guidance. It's crucial to recognize that the future, specifically the year 2050, is not a distant concept but a reality we will soon face. As individuals, we can learn from these examples and make informed decisions based on the knowledge we gain. Remember, Girls That Invest does not offer personalized investing advice, but we strive to provide educational resources and foster a community where we can discuss and learn together.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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