
    Every Man Sees You Naked

    en-usMarch 12, 2015

    Recent Episodes from Dr. Jamie Turndorf

    Encore: Could Simplifying Your Life Improve Your Relationships? with Betsey Lewis

    Encore: Could Simplifying Your Life Improve Your Relationships? with Betsey Lewis
    Do you ever get the feeling that simplifying your life is the answer to what ails you? If you said, yes, then you're going to want to meet Betsey Lewis, who says that the human race is being called to return to a simpler, more spiritual and more compassionate life.

    Betsey believes that the imbalances we see in Mother Earth is the call for all of us to return to ayni—balance.

    Join Dr. Jamie for an eye and heart opening discussion with her dear friend, Betsey Lewis.
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usAugust 20, 2015

    Encore: How to Expand Your Consciousness and Your Heart with NASA Physicist Thomas Campbell

    Encore: How to Expand Your Consciousness and Your Heart with NASA
Physicist Thomas Campbell
    What if everything you were taught to believe about this life and beyond was wrong? And, what if you discovered that your mind and your consciousness is not linked to your brain or body. And that your consciousness will continue to exist after you leave your body? How might this knowledge alter the way you live and love NOW? According to Tom, our physical reality (what we call this life) is an elementary school--a virtual reality learning lab for individuated units of budding consciousness. Think about how much your heart and relationships could expand as a result of your embracing a wider consciousness.

    As we expand our consciousness, you come to see why our relationships are what I call our Love Lab where we are meant to fulfill our one true purpose on earth-- to perfect our ability to love ourselves and others.

    Speaking of love, Tom and I will also be talking about my own eternal love story, which I share in my latest Hay House book, Love Never Dies, and discussing the science that explains how all of our relationships can transcend time and space.

    Join me for a fascinating talk with one of the world’s leading quantum physicists, Tom Campbell, and find out how you can expand your mind and heart to encompass Tom’s Theory of Everything.
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usAugust 06, 2015

    Encore: Are You Ready to Rewire Your Brain for Love? Author Dawson Church, Ph.D.

    Encore: Are You Ready to Rewire Your Brain for Love? Author Dawson Church, Ph.D.
    Did you know that your brain can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy when it comes to your relationships?As Dawson says, "It now seems obvious living in the 21st century that we imprint patterns of relating into our brains from an early age. We then re-enact those patterns endlessly – until we learn to interrupt them."

    Join me for a follow-up interview with Dawson Church, author of the award-winning science book, The Genie in Your Genes and many research studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

    In this show, Dawson is going to show you how to:
    Find your set points for pleasure – and raise them.
    Uncover what your childhood lacked, and repair it.
    Learn to be truly emotionally present with your partner
    Find the hidden obstacles that block you from a delicious relationship
    Set a completely new course for happy and fulfilling relationships in the future
    Rewire your brain for optimal relational skills

    What I’ve seen as a scientific researcher is that even if you have a sordid history of broken relationships, and even if you’ve failed miserably in the past, LOVE IS POSSIBLE.Tune in to find out how you can get off the hamster wheel of heartache and rewire your brain for a lifetime of lasting love.
    Dr. Jamie Turndorf
    en-usJuly 16, 2015

    Could Simplifying Your Life Improve Your Relationships? with Betsey Lewis

    Could Simplifying Your Life Improve Your Relationships? with Betsey Lewis
    Do you ever get the feeling that simplifying your life is the answer to what ails you? If you said, yes, then you're going to want to meet Betsey Lewis, who says that the human race is being called to return to a simpler, more spiritual and more compassionate life.

    Betsey believes that the imbalances we see in Mother Earth is the call for all of us to return to ayni—balance.

    Join Dr. Jamie for an eye and heart opening discussion with her dear friend, Betsey Lewis.

    Size Doesn’t Matter! with Coach and Author David Bennett

    Size Doesn’t Matter! with Coach and Author David Bennett
    Are you vertically challenged?Do you believe that tall guys are luckier in the horizontal Mombo department?If you think your height is short-changing your dating prospects, you'll want to listen to this week's show with David Bennett.David and his brother know what it's like to be passed over in life and love.Tune in to find out how you can stand tall even when you're not actually tall.As you'll discover, feeling tall on the inside is the secret to success in life and love!

    Are You Ready to Rewire Your Brain for Love? Author Dawson Church, Ph.D.

    Are You Ready to Rewire Your Brain for Love? Author Dawson Church, Ph.D.
    Did you know that your brain can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy when it comes to your relationships?As Dawson says, "It now seems obvious living in the 21st century that we imprint patterns of relating into our brains from an early age. We then re-enact those patterns endlessly – until we learn to interrupt them."

    Join me for a follow-up interview with Dawson Church, author of the award-winning science book, The Genie in Your Genes and many research studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

    In this show, Dawson is going to show you how to:
    Find your set points for pleasure – and raise them.
    Uncover what your childhood lacked, and repair it.
    Learn to be truly emotionally present with your partner
    Find the hidden obstacles that block you from a delicious relationship
    Set a completely new course for happy and fulfilling relationships in the future
    Rewire your brain for optimal relational skills

    What I’ve seen as a scientific researcher is that even if you have a sordid history of broken relationships, and even if you’ve failed miserably in the past, LOVE IS POSSIBLE.Tune in to find out how you can get off the hamster wheel of heartache and rewire your brain for a lifetime of lasting love.

    How to Expand Your Consciousness and Your Heart with NASA Physicist Thomas Campbell

    How to Expand Your Consciousness and Your Heart with NASA
Physicist Thomas Campbell
    What if everything you were taught to believe about this life and beyond was wrong? And, what if you discovered that your mind and your consciousness is not linked to your brain or body. And that your consciousness will continue to exist after you leave your body? How might this knowledge alter the way you live and love NOW? According to Tom, our physical reality (what we call this life) is an elementary school--a virtual reality learning lab for individuated units of budding consciousness. Think about how much your heart and relationships could expand as a result of your embracing a wider consciousness.

    As we expand our consciousness, you come to see why our relationships are what I call our Love Lab where we are meant to fulfill our one true purpose on earth-- to perfect our ability to love ourselves and others.

    Speaking of love, Tom and I will also be talking about my own eternal love story, which I share in my latest Hay House book, Love Never Dies, and discussing the science that explains how all of our relationships can transcend time and space.

    Join me for a fascinating talk with one of the world’s leading quantum physicists, Tom Campbell, and find out how you can expand your mind and heart to encompass Tom’s Theory of Everything.

    Do You Want to Be More Focused in Life and Love? with the Legendary Dr. John Gray

    Do You Want to Be More Focused in Life and Love? with the Legendary Dr. John Gray
    If you said "yes" tune in to my discussion with the legendary Dr. John Gray who, for the past 30 years has taught us how we are different and given us new insights into better communication and stronger relationships. Dr. Gray says that we need more than new communication skills and an understanding of our differences to have healthy relationships these days. We also need the nutritional support necessary for positive moods, sustained energy and most importantly, focus. Without focus, communication breaks down in all relationships and frustration increases.

    In the midst of our accelerated progress, our modern society has lost our way. We have a greater consciousness of new possibilities but we feel less connected in our relationships due to our loss of focus.

    Discover what causes ADHD in children and how it is the underlying cause for many health issues later in life, including dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and even Parkinson’s Disease.

    Dr. Gray will also detail the varied forms of ADHD, from hyperactivity to daydreaming and he provides step-by-step protocols for treating a number of common ailments with natural supplements and lifestyle changes.

    Tune in to hear Dr. Gray share an overview of these findings and discover practical strategies for increasing focus, clarity, memory, motivation and sustaining positive moods.

    Could Your Deceased Pet Be Sending You Messages? with Rob Gutro

    Could Your Deceased Pet Be Sending You Messages? with Rob Gutro
    If you've lost of pet you know that the pain is like the loss of a child to pet parents. Join me for an uplifting conversation with Rob Gutro, scientist, ghost hunter and author of "Pets and the Afterlife" who provides proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side.  Gutro will explain how our dogs and cats give us messages from the other side. As he says, "I'm a dog dad who lost two of my own beloved dogs and both have communicated with me, just as your pets are trying to get messages to you."

    5 Steps to Eliminating Depression and Anxiety with Bestselling Author Dr. Aleks George

    5 Steps to Eliminating Depression and Anxiety with Bestselling Author Dr. Aleks George
    Have you been taking pharmaceutical drugs to treat depression or anxiety?

    And are you still feeling depressed or anxious?

    If you said, yes, you could be a victim of the "dirty multi-billion dollar secret" that pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know. Tune in to find out why drugs don't cure depression and anxiety...and discover why drugs can actually make you depressed and anxious. If you're ready for a non-pharma approach to healing your mood, tune in to this week's show with Dr. Aleks George who is going to share proven, drug-free ways to eliminate your depression and anxiety for good!