
    Everyday Products That Are Making You Sick, Fatal Conveniences, Living Plant Based, Invisible Toxins and Ways to Detox Your Life w/ Darin Olien

    enOctober 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the Hidden Harm in Everyday ItemsCommon products may contain harmful toxins affecting our health and hormones. Practical tips and safer alternatives help reduce exposure.

      Our daily use of common products may be harming our health and hormones without us even realizing it. Darren Ohlin, a superfood hunter and author of "Fatal Conveniences," shares his personal experience of discovering the impact of toxins in everyday items on his father's health and his own. From deodorant to furniture, these hidden toxins can affect fertility and contribute to environmental detriment. Darren offers practical tips for reducing exposure to these chemicals and recommends safer alternatives. He also discusses the legacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s work on this issue and shares his thoughts on the carnivore versus plant-based diet debate. Ultimately, becoming aware of the potential harm in common products and making small changes towards healthier alternatives can lead to significant improvements in overall wellness.

    • Understanding Invisible Risks and Choosing Natural AlternativesBe aware of invisible risks from industrialized products and opt for natural alternatives like natural diamonds and clean, vegan skincare for positive impacts and support for vulnerable communities and wildlife.

      Our modern world continues to produce and consume products without adequate testing or understanding of their long-term effects on our health and the environment. From industrialized food and water to electromagnetic fields and laboratory-grown diamonds, these invisible risks can undercut our efforts to optimize our lives. Meanwhile, natural alternatives, like natural diamonds and clean, vegan skincare, offer positive impacts and support for vulnerable communities and wildlife. As consumers, it's essential to be aware of these risks and make informed choices. For instance, consider the difference between laboratory-grown and natural diamonds, or try Osea's Undaria exfoliate and glow duo for clean, vegan, and cruelty-free skincare. By making conscious decisions, we can protect ourselves, our families, and the world around us.

    • Healthy meat sticks with natural ingredientsChomps offers protein without additives or sugar, ethically sourced and eco-friendly, helping dieters and those with allergies while promoting health and sustainability.

      Chomps meat sticks provide a healthy source of protein without unhealthy additives or sugar, making them a great option for those following low-carb, keto, or allergy-friendly diets. Chomps is committed to ethical sourcing and using natural ingredients, making them a responsible choice for both health and the environment. The discussion also touched on the importance of facing challenges and turning them into opportunities for growth. A "fatal convenience" refers to seemingly insignificant daily habits that may have negative health effects, and the conversation promised to explore ways to identify and avoid these. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of being aware of the choices we make and their impact on our health and wellbeing.

    • Chemicals in everyday products pose health risksDespite being banned in some countries, harmful chemicals like aluminum salts in deodorants and monoglycerides/diglycerides in food preservation remain common in US products. Consumers should be aware and advocate for stricter regulations.

      Our modern conveniences, while making life easier, often contain harmful chemicals that have not been extensively tested for safety, especially in the US. These chemicals, when used regularly, can accumulate and negatively impact our health. One example given was aluminum salts in deodorants and the use of chemicals like monoglycerides and diglycerides in food preservation through Apeel. These chemicals have been banned in some countries due to safety concerns but are still prevalent in the US market. It's crucial for consumers to be aware of these potential risks and push for stricter regulations to ensure the safety of everyday products.

    • Regulatory agencies prioritize profits over public safety, leading to harmful substances in consumer productsRegulatory agencies may allow harmful substances in consumer products, undermining trust and potentially harming health, especially in personal care items where women are exposed to an average of 127 chemicals daily.

      Regulatory agencies, while they may have good people working for them, often prioritize profits and corporate interests over public safety. This backwards approach to regulation can lead to the release of potentially harmful substances into consumer products, such as food and personal care items. These substances, which include chemicals like PFAs, PFOs, PTFEs, phthalates, and parabens, can interact with food and cannot be easily washed off. When these substances are not proven safe, consumer trust in regulatory agencies is undermined. In the bathroom alone, women are exposed to an average of 127 chemicals daily through their deodorants, shampoos, conditioners, and other personal care items. It's crucial for consumers to be aware of these issues and seek out alternative, safer options to protect their health.

    • Exposure to Harmful Chemicals in Personal Care and Shower WaterInstall a shower filter to reduce chemical exposure, use natural and less frequent shampooing, and save money with Ibotta during Thanksgiving

      Our daily use of personal care products and shower water can expose us to harmful chemicals, leading to a body burden over time. These chemicals, including parabens, emulsifiers, and endocrine disruptors, can accumulate in the body and are linked to health issues. A simple solution to reduce exposure is to install a shower filter to purify the water. Additionally, using natural and less frequent shampooing and conditioning can help minimize the use of potentially harmful products. For Thanksgiving, consider using the Ibotta app to get cash back on groceries and other items for your feast, helping you save money during the holiday season. Remember, small changes in our daily routines and shopping habits can make a significant impact on our health and wallet.

    • Small lifestyle changes for better health for you and your petSwitching to fresh, healthy pet food and natural personal care products can boost energy levels, improve coat quality, and promote overall health for pets, while reducing potential health risks for humans.

      Making small changes in your lifestyle, such as switching your dog's food to a fresh, healthy option like Farmer's Dog, or using natural and non-toxic alternatives for personal care products like deodorant, can have significant positive impacts on both your own health and that of your pets. The speaker shared her personal experiences with the benefits she's seen in her dogs' energy levels, coat quality, and overall health since switching to Farmer's Dog. She also emphasized the importance of being conscious of what we put in and on our bodies, and the potential health risks associated with certain ingredients commonly found in deodorants and other personal care products. By making informed choices and opting for natural alternatives, we can enhance our lives and promote better health and wellbeing for ourselves and our pets.

    • Empowering yourself to make small changes for better healthEducate yourself, opt for natural alternatives, and make informed decisions to promote better health and reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.

      Individuals have the power to make small, meaningful changes in their daily lives to promote better health and reduce exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. This can include using natural alternatives to common products, such as coconut oil instead of sunscreen with carcinogenic compounds, or opting for refillable, plastic-free toothpaste. Another key takeaway is the importance of self-education and self-advocacy in maintaining one's health. Instead of relying on external sources to look out for us, it's essential to do our own research and make informed decisions about the products we use and the lifestyle choices we make. By making small changes and integrating new knowledge, we can create a ripple effect that leads to improved health and well-being. Additionally, it's important to remember that we don't have to be overwhelmed by the information and choices available to us. Starting with small steps, such as reading a page in a book or trying a new product, can lead to significant progress over time. So, let's take charge of our health, have fun, and make a positive impact on ourselves and the world.

    • Plastic consumption and health risksShift towards natural and sustainable alternatives to minimize health risks from plastic consumption, such as using glass containers, stainless steel water bottles, and non-toxic cookware.

      Our consumption of plastic and its related chemicals, particularly in the context of food and beverages, poses significant health risks. These risks include the intake of endocrine disruptors and other harmful substances, which can negatively impact our endocrine systems and potentially lead to various health issues. Plastics, such as those used in water bottles, food containers, and even in the lining of cardboard cartons, can leach these chemicals into the contents they hold. Additionally, non-stick cookware and heat-resistant materials, like PFAS, can also contribute to our exposure. To minimize these risks, consider shifting towards more natural and sustainable alternatives, such as glass containers, stainless steel water bottles, and non-toxic cookware. By making small changes in our daily habits, we can reduce our exposure to these harmful substances and prioritize our health and wellbeing.

    • Exposure to Harmful Forever Chemicals and Their Health ImpactsFilter or distill drinking water, use glass bottles, and avoid products with stain-resistant or waterproof coatings to minimize exposure to harmful forever chemicals like PFAS, which can lead to potential health issues. Education and testing are also important in understanding the impact of these chemicals and taking steps to limit exposure.

      We are being exposed to harmful forever chemicals, such as PFAS, through various sources including water, food packaging, and even the clothes we wear. These chemicals, which don't break down easily, accumulate in the environment and in our bodies, leading to potential health issues. To minimize exposure, it's recommended to filter or distill your drinking water, use glass bottles instead of plastic, and avoid products with stain-resistant or waterproof coatings. These simple changes can help reduce your intake of these harmful chemicals and protect your health. Additionally, access to testing and education are crucial in understanding the impact of these chemicals on our bodies and taking steps to limit exposure.

    • Consider long-term effects of choices for health and environmentEducate yourself, share info, stand in truth, and collectively act for positive change in health and environment.

      We have the power to make a difference in our health and the environment by being aware of the consequences of our actions and choices. The speaker emphasizes the importance of looking beyond our immediate needs and considering the long-term effects of our decisions, especially when it comes to the use of harmful chemicals. He encourages listeners to educate themselves and share information with others to create a ripple effect of change. The speaker also highlights the importance of standing in the truth and speaking out against industrial pollution and other detrimental practices, as exemplified by figures like Robert F. Kennedy. Ultimately, the human spirit and collective action can lead to positive change, and access to information through platforms like podcasting can help spread awareness and knowledge.

    • Valuing transparency and evidence in health and wellbeingBoth Darren and Joe Rogan prioritize truth, common sense, and questioning potential toxins in their health journeys, inspiring others to take control of their wellbeing despite complexities and challenges.

      Individuals who are deeply committed to seeking the truth and living a healthy lifestyle value transparency and evidence when it comes to the safety of products and practices. Darren, who had a profound experience in finding herbs in the wild, respects Joe Rogan's dedication to uncovering the truth, even if their views on certain topics differ. They both believe in common sense and question the wisdom of exposing ourselves to potential toxins. Darren's travels around the world, including his experience collaborating with Zac Efron on a Netflix show, have reinforced his belief in the importance of taking control of one's health and wellbeing. Despite the complexities of politics and the challenges of getting accurate information, they remain optimistic that people can make informed choices and create positive change.

    • Discovering Nutrient-Dense Foods: BarukasExploring exceptional foods like Barukas supports personal health, threatened ecosystems, and ethical sourcing.

      The speaker is passionate about showcasing exceptional individuals and their solutions that benefit both personal health and the environment. He has discovered a nutrient-dense nut called Barukas, which is not only nutritious and delicious but also supports a threatened savanna ecosystem and its people. The speaker, who is plant-based, believes in eliminating the middleman and obtaining nutrients directly from plants, as the body is efficient at upcycling amino acids. He finds joy in integrating this philosophy into his lifestyle and has dedicated years to discovering the most nutrient-dense foods in the world. Sourcing from responsible and ethical sources is also important to him, whether it's for plant-based foods or ethically-raised meat.

    • Empowering ourselves in our food systemsSupport local farmers, reduce reliance on industrialized farming, grow nutrient-dense foods, advocate for policies, and make conscious food choices.

      We all have the power to make a difference in our food systems, from growing our own food to supporting local farmers and advocating for regenerative practices. The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting closer to our food sources and reducing our reliance on industrialized, monocropped farming and mass-produced meat. He also suggests growing nutrient-dense foods like sprouts at home and advocating for policies that subsidize healthy food and eliminate food deserts. The speaker encourages listeners to take control of their lives and make conscious choices about their food and why they're consuming it. To learn more, check out Darren O'Leary's website and social media channels, or tune in to his podcast.

    • Announcing a giveaway for Bloom GreensFollow the channel, share, and leave a review to enter the giveaway for a chance to win Bloom Greens.

      During this episode, I announced that I will be selecting one lucky commenter to receive Bloom Greens. To enter, make sure you hit the follow button so you don't miss my weekly episodes. If you enjoyed the conversation, I encourage you to share it and leave a review. However, please keep in mind that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for various products and services. It's important to note that individuals on the show may have a financial interest in the products or services discussed. Overall, the main goal is to provide valuable content and potentially reward those who engage with the show. Don't forget to tune in next week for another insightful episode!

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    Dr. Mark Hyman on The Truth Behind Metformin, Gut Health, PCOS, Fertility Issues, Hormone Health & Ozempic
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    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 10, 2024

    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition

    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition
    Ep. #105 I’m here today on the Pursuit of Wellness as a thirty year old! This milestone fills me with excitement and confidence as I embrace this new chapter. With a supportive community by my side and a harmonious balance between work and play, I'm ready to share the wisdom gained in my twenties and the aspirations shaping my thirties. Whether you're navigating your twenties or thirties like me, join me on this insightful episode as we explore growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of wellness. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Visit clearstemskincare.com and use code POW at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to RocketMoney.com/POW Head to eightsleep.com/pow and use code POW to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe and Australia Topics Discussed 02:13 - Not being dictated by your skin or what other people think 04:17 - Dong the things you want to do 05:36 - Letting go of obsessing 07:19 - Enjoying the health and wellness journey 09:25 - Being vulnerable in relationships 16:30 - Ditching doom scrolling and spending less time on social media 18:00 - Trusting your intuition 19:39 - What Mari is bringing into her thirties 26:16 - Excitement for the new decade
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 06, 2024

    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship

    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship
    Ep. #104 Imagine waking up every day feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck—that was Daisy Keech’s reality, battling mold toxicity and relentless acne. In this episode of Pursuit of Wellness, Daisy shares her journey from the soccer field to health clinics, discovering issues like candida and a detoxification gene mutation. Moving to Los Angeles, Daisy found solace away from the Hype House’s party culture, leading to a fulfilling career in real estate and home renovation. She candidly discusses her ongoing skincare struggles, experimenting with various treatments and coping with the emotional toll. Amid serious health discussions, we also enjoy lighter moments about matcha, Bloom products, and a humorous take on a potential mold cleansing program. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Daisy's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Bite is offering our listeners 20% off your first order. Go to trybite.com/POW or use code POW at checkout to claim this deal.  Right now, my listeners can receive 40% off Earth Breeze just by going to earthbreeze.com/pow to cut out single-use plastic in your laundry. This week from June 3rd - June 9th you can get 20% off on all Stainless Steel Cookware. Plus, if you visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT you can take 10% on all other products. Again, visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT or use code PURSUIT at checkout for Caraway Home products and an automatic 20% off Stainless Steel Cookware. Caraway. Non-Toxic cookware made modern. Show Links: The Candida Diet CLEARSTEM LYMA Laser Illuminare Makeup King Coffee Topics Discussed 02:43 - Daisy’s wellness journey  08:22 - The Candida Diet 12:49 - Sugar sensitivity and brain fog 13:58 - Fat loss and glute growth   16:54 - Personal growth and self-discovery journey  21:32 - Life transformation through real estate development 29:38 - Choosing the right partner  32:50 - Ance, skincare, and self-value 40:15 - Tallow skincare trends and experiences  43:41 - Skin reactions to makeup products 45:28 - Reactions to mold  47:41 - What’s next for Daisy
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 03, 2024

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi
    Ep. # 103 This week, we're catching up after my big 30th birthday bash in Mexico! From life lessons learned in my 20's to tackling estrogen dominance and detoxing, we're dishing out all the juicy details. Plus, we're serving up some nutrition tips for all the ladies out there. Stay tuned for insights on gut health, skincare, and a rapid-fire Q&A session!  Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Fi's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Listeners of my show can save $250 by going to mylifeforce.com/pow that’s mylifeforce.com/pow. Give Lifeforce a try and find out what the healthiest version of yourself is capable of Save 15% and get free shipping on your Starter Kit when you use code POW at www.branchbasics.com Use code POW15 at checkout for 15% off your entire order at www.vionicshoes.com when you log into your account. 1 time use only. Vionic Shoes. Wearable well-being for your feet Show Links: Acre Resort Inositol Powder  Sol & Sky Sunscreen Topics Discussed 01:07 - I’m officially 30!  03:39 - Birthday trip to Mexico  06:51 - Life Lessons from my 20s  07:46 - Estrogen dominance 10:37 - Detoxing estrogen  15:21 - Nutrition & recipe tips for women   18:41 - Getting to the root of my acne  24:14 - Gut issue treatment  29:37 - Having compassion for myself  32:01 - Antibiotics  33:13 - Ozempic updates  35:02 - Rapid Fire Q + A 43:16 - Horsegirls 44:21 - Sunscreen Recommendations
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enMay 30, 2024

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