
    Everyone’s Lying - Your 20’s Actually Suck [VIDEO]

    enJanuary 21, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on Matt's absence and his snoringThough missing her partner, the speaker finds relief from his snoring and advocates for communication to overcome small issues in relationships.

      Even in the midst of missing her partner's presence and companionship, the speaker finds solace in not having to deal with his snoring. During Matt's absence while he's making multiple movies, the speaker has been home alone and has been reflecting on her feelings towards his snoring. She acknowledges missing him in many ways but reveals that she doesn't miss the snoring, as it keeps her up at night. The speaker expresses her frustration towards men who snore, as they seem to fall asleep faster, and shares her solution to the problem - taking matters into her own hands and using a pillow to wake him up. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of communication and understanding in a relationship, even in the smallest of issues like snoring.

    • Sleep Preferences and Partner BehaviorsSpeaker values personal space during sleep hours and dislikes partner's snoring, unwanted touch, golfing attire, and excessive drinking.

      The speaker has specific sleep preferences and dislikes certain behaviors from her partner, such as snoring and unwanted physical touch, which make it difficult for her to get a good night's rest. She also mentioned her discomfort with Matt's golfing attire and his excessive drinking. Despite these issues, she expressed that she does love him and enjoys his affection in other contexts, such as during sex or while watching movies together. However, she emphasized the importance of personal space during certain hours of the day and the need for a clear boundary between sleep and intimacy.

    • Finding joy in challenging timesEven during difficult periods, discovering new passions and connecting with loved ones can bring happiness and personal growth.

      Even during challenging times, people find ways to adapt and find joy in their experiences. The speaker in this conversation has been going through a period of separation from her partner and has been spending her nights alone, but she has been finding solace in her dogs, her work, and her love for reality TV. She also shared her honest opinions about the popular show "The Real Housewives of Utah," which has been a topic of conversation among her colleagues during a company retreat. Despite missing her partner, she has been thriving and discovering new things about herself. It's important to remember that everyone goes through ups and downs in life, and finding ways to cope and enjoy the little things can make all the difference.

    • Finding Joy in Singledom and Reality TVThough the speaker enjoyed her newfound freedom and binge-watching reality TV, she found it unenjoyable when high, highlighting the importance of mindful consumption and personal preferences.

      The speaker found joy in her newfound freedom from her fiancé, allowing her to watch reality TV without interruption and appreciate the simplicity of being single. However, her viewing experience was disappointing when she tried to watch "Real Housewives" high, as the constant screaming made it unenjoyable. Despite her love for reality TV and binge-watching, she couldn't finish the episode. The speaker emphasized that she is not married, despite being called so online due to her frequent use of the term "husband" when referring to her fiancé. She also expressed her dislike for the term "fiancé," finding it cringeworthy, and instead preferred to call him her boyfriend or husband. Overall, the speaker's monologue showcased her emotional journey through a breakup, her love for reality TV, and her unique perspective on relationships and labels.

    • Understanding Different Types of LonelinessAcknowledge temporary and overwhelming feelings of loneliness, address difficult emotions, and use tools like Shopify for business growth and Sei for natural makeup.

      It's important to acknowledge and understand the differences between various types of loneliness we experience in our lives. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling lonely while cooking dinner at home, missing her partner who is far away. She contrasts this temporary feeling with the overwhelming loneliness she experienced in her past when living alone in New York. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of addressing and talking about difficult emotions, even if they don't fit the brand image at the time. Additionally, she promotes Shopify as a helpful tool for growing businesses and Sei as a clean and sustainable makeup brand for achieving a natural, glowing look.

    • Myth of best years in 20sDon't stress about having the best years of your life in your 20s. Embrace uncertainty and use it as a time for growth and self-discovery.

      The belief that one's 20s are the best years of their life is a common myth. The speaker argues that this period can be unstable and challenging, with financial instability, uncertain friendships, and confusion about identity and relationships. The pressure to have the best time of your life during your 20s can add to the stress, as you may feel like you're not living up to expectations. The speaker emphasizes that it's normal to not have everything figured out during this time, as you're transitioning from dependence to independence and discovering who you truly are. So, instead of focusing on the pressure to have the best years of your life during your 20s, embrace the uncertainty and use it as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

    • Navigating the twenties: figuring it outIt's normal to feel lost and stressed in your twenties. Remember, it's okay to not have it all figured out yet and consider focusing on self-reflection and validation instead of societal pressures.

      It's normal to feel lost and stressed during your twenties. Social pressures and constantly shifting trends can make it difficult to figure out who you are and what you want. The speaker shares that while they had some incredible experiences during this time, they also struggled more than they thrived. They encourage those currently in their twenties who might be feeling overwhelmed to remember that it's okay to not have it all figured out yet. The speaker also reflects on how going out to clubs or engaging in other trends might not bring lasting happiness and can leave one feeling empty and lonely. They encourage a pause for reflection and validation for those feeling down about their circumstances.

    • Be intentional about your social media consumptionCurate your online experiences by focusing on creators and people who make you feel good, and be mindful of the impact on self-esteem and mental health. Not everything on social media is authentic, so be wary of influencers and false images. Prioritize your well-being in your 20s.

      It's important to curate our social media consumption carefully and focus on following creators and people who make us feel good about ourselves, rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others or being influenced by unauthentic content. The speaker shares their personal experience of feeling genuinely connected to a few YouTube creators in the past and how the influx of content and people on the internet has made it harder to curate our online experiences. They suggest going to the following page instead of the "for you" page, and being mindful of the impact social media can have on our self-esteem and mental health. They also remind us that not everything we see on social media is authentic and to be wary of influencers and people who may present a false image. The speaker emphasizes that our 20s can be a challenging time, and it's important to remember that they are both the best and the worst of times. Overall, the message is to be intentional about our social media use and to prioritize our mental and emotional well-being.

    • A time for self-discovery and growth in your 30sEmbrace self-discovery, improved self-awareness, and better decision-making in your 30s. Prioritize self-care, acknowledge challenges, and focus on personal growth.

      Entering your 30s doesn't have to be a source of anxiety or fear, despite societal pressures. Instead, it's a time for self-discovery, growth, and improved self-awareness. This period brings an increased ability to discern what brings happiness and fulfillment, leading to better decision-making and stronger relationships. However, it's essential to acknowledge that there will be challenging days, but these should be compared to the struggles faced in your 20s. Additionally, self-care and prioritizing your time and energy are crucial. Regarding health concerns, it's important to approach them with an open mind and not let societal expectations dictate your feelings or reactions. Lastly, remember that everyone's experiences are unique, and it's essential to focus on your personal growth and happiness.

    • Personal struggles with food and dietary restrictionsThe emotional connection to food can make maintaining dietary restrictions challenging, and balancing personal relationships and professional commitments adds complexity.

      Food and the enjoyment of it is a deeply personal experience. The speaker grew up with a father who was an avid home cook, instilling in her a love for various flavors and seasonings. However, she struggles with dietary restrictions, specifically gluten, and finds herself longing for the ease of having an allergy to something else. Despite this, she continues to convince herself that she doesn't truly have a gluten allergy and grapples with the idea of giving up her favorite foods. This struggle highlights the emotional connection many people have with food and the challenges that come with maintaining a restrictive diet. Additionally, the speaker's upcoming trip to London to visit her partner underscores the importance of balancing personal relationships and professional commitments.

    • Surprise Trip to London for Partner ConnectionPrioritize time for loved ones, even amidst a busy schedule, and make intentional efforts to strengthen relationships through shared experiences.

      The speaker is making a conscious effort to prioritize spending time with her partner before their wedding, despite being busy. She booked a surprise trip to London to spend time with him and reconnect, as London holds significant meaning to their relationship. The speaker also mentioned her excitement for the upcoming wedding and how her perspective has shifted since her first wedding-related podcast episode. She expressed that it's important to be intentional and make time for loved ones, even amidst a busy schedule. Additionally, she shared her excitement for being a part of her partner's movie set in London and looking forward to creating new content for her podcast. Overall, the speaker's actions and words convey a sense of joy, excitement, and commitment to her relationship and upcoming wedding.

    • Ask me anything about weddings!Embrace diverse opinions, prioritize self-care, and stay tuned for exciting wedding content and potential drama.

      The speaker is planning to create a wedding-focused episode for her followers, encouraging them to ask any questions they may have. She emphasizes the importance of having different opinions and reminding everyone that it's okay to disagree. Additionally, she suggests taking care of oneself with self-care routines and possibly using edibles for relaxation. The speaker also mentions her excitement for an upcoming guest on her show and hints at potential drama. Overall, she expresses her love for her audience and signs off with a playful reference to the movie "Farewell to Arms."

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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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