
    Evolution of Education: Analysing Key Shifts in the Profession

    enNovember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From academic focus to holistic learningThe education system has evolved from a focus on academic ability to catering to the whole child's needs, including sensory, processing, and wellbeing.

      Education has undergone significant changes over the past 150 years, with a greater focus on catering to the needs of the whole child rather than just their academic ability. For instance, there is now more consideration given to learners' sensory needs, processing needs, and wellbeing. This shift can be traced back to the Education Act of 1870, which made education accessible to all and eventually became compulsory in the UK. Prior to this, children often worked long hours in factories and only attended school in the mornings. Education has also evolved with the introduction of technology, making learning more accessible and interactive. Today, initiatives like Primary Maths for Scotland aim to build positive and inquisitive mindsets towards maths, recognizing the importance of a well-rounded education.

    • Education in the Past: A Look BackFrom unenforced compulsory education and Bible stories to structured exams, education in the past showcased significant differences from today's system.

      The education system in the past, particularly in the 1800s and 1950s, was vastly different from what we have today. Compulsory education was not effectively enforced, leading to high truancy rates and large literacy gaps. However, the Education Acts of the 1800s significantly improved literacy rates, increasing from around 60% to nearly 100% in just 30 years. In the 1950s, children's school days began with reciting the Lord's Prayer and Bible stories, and they used slates and slate pencils for writing. The school day also included mental arithmetic, spelling, and reading. Breaks were unsupervised, and there was an entrance exam, the 11 plus, to determine which secondary school a child would attend. These are just a few examples of how education in the past differed from what we know today.

    • Evolution of Education System in EnglandThe education system in England has transformed significantly over the years, with practices like ability seating and physical punishment becoming obsolete, and a focus on individual learning styles and inclusivity taking precedence.

      The education system in England has undergone significant changes over the decades, with methods and practices evolving dramatically. For instance, the seating arrangement in classrooms was once based on ability, with those deemed less intelligent seated at the front and those who were smarter at the back. This practice, which some may find savage or awful, is no longer in use today. Another notable change was the transition from a base 12 to a base 10 system during decimalisation. This shift, which took years for some to adapt to, was a significant evolution in the education system. Additionally, the use of physical punishment such as belting students was common in the past, but is now unheard of. These changes reflect the rapid evolution of education in England, with modern practices prioritizing inclusivity and a focus on individual learning styles.

    • The shift towards holistic child development in educationToday's education focuses on nurturing students as individuals, addressing their social, emotional, and academic needs, and providing emotional support.

      The role of education and the way we view children as learners has significantly evolved over the years. In the past, children were left to figure out their problems on their own with minimal adult involvement, and the focus was primarily on academics. However, nowadays, teachers are expected to not only teach academics but also nurture students as individuals, providing emotional support and addressing their social and emotional needs. This shift in approach towards education has been influenced by societal changes and a growing recognition of the importance of addressing the whole child. Additionally, the way children are dressed and the methods used to teach them have also changed, with ties giving way to polo shirts and more interactive teaching methods. Overall, the evolution of education reflects a greater emphasis on the holistic development of children and a recognition of their unique needs and experiences.

    • Modern teaching goes beyond academics, focusing on students' emotional and social needsEffective teaching addresses students' basic needs before teaching higher-order thinking skills, shaping them into well-rounded individuals, while maintaining a positive classroom atmosphere.

      Modern teaching goes beyond just academics, focusing on nurturing students' emotional and social needs to prepare them for life and work. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Bloom's Taxonomy are essential concepts that emphasize the importance of addressing students' basic needs before teaching higher-order thinking skills. Teachers are not just instructors but caretakers, shaping students into well-rounded individuals. However, balancing these responsibilities can be challenging, and it's essential to prioritize and address students' needs in a timely manner to maintain an effective learning environment. It's crucial to remember that fear should not be a tool for teaching, and creating a positive classroom atmosphere is essential for fostering students' growth.

    • Creating a welcoming classroom atmosphereTaking time to connect with students and create a welcoming environment can significantly improve their learning experience and make them more willing to share their stories and ideas.

      Creating a positive and engaging atmosphere in the classroom can significantly improve students' learning experience and make them more willing to share their stories and ideas. The speaker shares her experience of how she used to rush through her tasks in the morning, not fully giving her attention to students who approached her, and now makes a conscious effort to give them her full attention. She also reflects on her own school experiences and how the old-fashioned, silent classrooms may have discouraged students from sharing their thoughts. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being approachable and engaging, as many students have expressed online that they wish they had teachers like this when they were younger. She also acknowledges that times have changed, and we now have a better understanding of neurodivergence and other learning differences, which was not the case 50 years ago. Overall, the speaker's message is that taking the time to connect with students and create a welcoming environment can make a big difference in their learning journey.

    • Accommodating Unique Learner NeedsEffective teachers adapt to individual learners, challenging traditional norms to create inclusive, empowering classroom environments.

      Effective teaching involves accommodating the unique needs of each learner, even if it means challenging traditional classroom norms. For instance, making eye contact during interactions can be intimidating for some learners, and instead of forcing this behavior, teachers can suggest alternative methods like looking between the eyebrows. Additionally, creating a classroom environment that caters to every learner is a challenging aspect of teaching, especially for new teachers. This requires adapting to each new class and recognizing that every learner is unique, not just a future product for society. Inclusion has evolved from a focus on conformity to an emphasis on nurturing critical thinking skills and personal growth. Practical examples of this shift include incorporating regular brain breaks into lessons, which would have been unheard of in Victorian times. Ultimately, the goal is to create a learning experience that empowers students to explore their passions and reach their full potential.

    • Creating an optimal learning environment for teachers and studentsAddressing teachers' needs, like a broken water tap, can significantly improve the educational experience and overall well-being of the teaching staff.

      Creating a positive and engaging learning environment can make a significant difference in the educational experience. This can be achieved through various means, such as incorporating fun activities, addressing students' needs, and ensuring access to basic necessities. The speaker shares an example of how a broken boiling water tap in their school affected their daily routine and morale, and how it highlighted the importance of addressing such issues for the overall well-being of the teaching staff. This discussion underscores the importance of prioritizing the needs of educators to create an optimal learning environment for both students and teachers.

    • Evolving Education Landscape: Balancing New Practices with Proven MethodsEducators must adapt to new student-centered approaches, prioritize personalized learning, and balance these with proven methods to provide effective education in a rapidly changing landscape.

      The field of education is constantly evolving, with new methods, curriculum, and technologies emerging frequently. This rapid pace of change can be challenging for educators, who must adapt quickly and continuously learn new practices while also maintaining the effectiveness of previous ones. A key shift in education over the past few decades has been a move towards more student-centered, child-led approaches, prioritizing the voice and agency of learners. This focus on personalized learning and pedagogy has brought about significant benefits, including improved general knowledge and a more inclusive education system. However, keeping up with the latest research and trends can be a daunting task for educators, who must balance the benefits of new practices with the value of proven methods. Ultimately, the ability to adapt and learn in an ever-changing educational landscape is a crucial skill for educators to master.

    • Encouraging student communication and choice in learningGiving students dedicated writing time and choice in tasks can enhance learning, foster respectful disagreement, and promote self-directed learning.

      Providing students with dedicated writing time and encouraging open communication can significantly enhance their learning experience. During a recent discussion, it was revealed that many students appreciated the opportunity to write without interruption, and they felt more confident expressing their opinions and suggestions to their teachers. This not only fosters a people-led approach in the classroom but also instills essential skills like respectful disagreement and self-directed learning. Moreover, giving students a choice in their learning tasks can lead to increased engagement and motivation. The implementation of "Terrific Thursdays" or similar initiatives allows students to select their tasks and complete them at their own pace within a designated timeframe. This flexible approach fosters a more personalized learning experience and can lead to improved focus and productivity. Overall, these practices can lead to a more inclusive, student-centered classroom environment, where students feel valued and empowered to take an active role in their learning journey.

    • Reviving forgotten teaching methodsInteractive activities like Jenga and Lego, once considered disruptive, now help build essential social skills for media professionals. Independent tasks, like comprehension boxes, have been reemphasized for their effectiveness. Even once-criticized methods like Cucineer Rods have been revived with a focus on understanding concepts.

      The use of interactive and engaging activities, such as those found in the Lufen scale, can help build essential social skills for media professionals. These tasks, which can include activities like Jenga, Lego, or design challenges, require perseverance and the ability to manage distractions. While some may find these tasks noisy or disruptive initially, media professionals have become accustomed to them and can now complete them efficiently. Furthermore, the importance of independent tasks, such as comprehension boxes, has been recognized and reemphasized in modern education. These tasks, which allow students to work through levels at their own pace, have been in use for some time but have gained renewed attention due to research showing their effectiveness. Another example of a once-discarded teaching method that has made a comeback is the use of Cucineer Rods for teaching mathematical concepts. These rods, which were previously criticized for encouraging memorization rather than understanding, have been reintroduced with a focus on linking colors to numerical values rather than just memorizing colors. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of adapting and evolving teaching methods to meet the needs of students and professionals. While some methods may fall out of favor, they can often be revived with new approaches and research. The balance between interactive activities and independent tasks is crucial for effective learning and skill development.

    • The Evolution of Education: Phonics and BeyondEducation is evolving towards a more student-centered approach, but the role of teachers as facilitators and mentors remains crucial. Human connection and the ability to control knowledge as a unique skill will remain valuable.

      Education continues to evolve, with phonics being a long-standing and recurring aspect, currently experiencing a resurgence in popularity. The future of education may lean towards more individualized learning, giving students more choice and voice, but there will always be a need for teachers to provide guidance and support. However, the increased focus on paperwork, documentation, and tracking progress presents challenges for educators. Despite these changes, the importance of human connection and the ability to control knowledge as a unique skill will remain valuable. Overall, education is shifting towards a more skills-based and student-centered approach, but the role of teachers as facilitators and mentors remains crucial.

    • Paperwork and its impact on teachingTeachers spend significant time on paperwork, adding to their workload, but it serves important purposes like record-keeping.

      Paperwork has become a significant aspect of teaching in the last few years. Teachers now spend a considerable amount of time documenting pastoral notes, interventions, and various other aspects of their work. This trend seems to vary from school to school, requiring teachers to adapt quickly to new expectations. While paperwork serves important purposes, such as providing a record for future reference, it adds to the already heavy workload of teachers. It's essential to stay informed about what is expected and prioritize managing this added responsibility. Connect with us on Instagram, TikTok, or Teach with Mrs. F for further discussions. Tune in next week as we explore the subject of being a student teacher. Remember, Inside Voices is a teacher podcast made by teachers for teachers, and we encourage open dialogue using our Inside Voices.

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