
    Ex Got Married Days After We Broke Up... Jenna and Seth Pry Dropouts #72

    en-usNovember 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected twists and turns in lifeLife can surprise us with unexpected fame, challenges, and changes. Embrace new experiences and remain open to the unexpected.

      Life can be unexpected and unpredictable, as demonstrated by Jenna's shocking breakup and the unexpected fame that came from sharing a moment at Chick-fil-A on TikTok. Jenna and Seth, siblings who grew up in Tennessee, shared a moment at Chick-fil-A that went viral, amassing over 16 million views on their first video. This success came as a surprise to both of them, with Jenna initially unaware that the video was even posted on TikTok. The experience of unexpected twists and turns in life was further highlighted by Jenna's revelation that her name was changed from Jenna to Jennifer without her consent. Despite the challenges and surprises, they embraced their newfound fame and continue to create content together. This episode of Dropouts serves as a reminder that life can take us on unexpected journeys, and it's important to be open to new experiences, even if they come as a surprise.

    • Unexpected fame from a TikTok videoA viral TikTok video can lead to fame, opportunities, and even dangerous situations, but creating goofy and entertaining content can build a career

      The power of social media platforms like TikTok can lead to unexpected fame and opportunities. A duo, who were still living with their parents at the time, gained significant attention after posting a video, which resulted in millions of views and even helicopters flying over their house. They started posting content regularly, and their second video was filmed at a grocery store. One of them attempted a backflip for a video, which added to their viral success. The pressure of social media and the desire for views can lead to adrenaline rushes and even dangerous situations. It wasn't until later that they realized they could potentially build a career on TikTok by creating goofy and entertaining content.

    • From Skepticism to Success: The Creators' TikTok JourneyThe creators shared their journey from initial skepticism to eventual success on TikTok, discussing their first business partnerships, family reactions, favorite skate tricks, and monetization strategies.

      The creators discussed how they started taking their TikTok presence more seriously around the 2-million follower mark. They recalled their first business partnership with Yubo, and later with Bang Energy. Their families were initially skeptical about their viral success, but eventually came around. The creators shared stories about their favorite skate tricks and how they got into skating. They also talked about how they started making money from TikTok and their parents' reactions. Despite some initial skepticism, their mom was supportive, while their dad remained unconvinced. They shared a video that went viral, featuring Seth's entrance into their room with a chair, which has since become a popular prop in their videos. The creators also discussed their social status in high school, with one being cool and the other not, but eventually making the other cool as well. Through their conversation, it's clear that they've come a long way from their early days on TikTok and have built a successful online presence.

    • Popularity in high school doesn't ensure long-term recognitionGenuine interactions and creative approaches, not popularity, lead to lasting impact and recognition

      Popularity in high school doesn't necessarily guarantee long-term recognition. Jenna, who was once the popular girl and prom queen, is now largely forgotten, while the speaker, who took over as the popular figure later, is still remembered. The speaker gained recognition through genuine interaction with peers, using a creative and non-competitive approach by offering hugs and promoting voting. The impact of having a charismatic sibling was also highlighted, as the speaker's brother, despite being at the school for only a short time, left a lasting impression on everyone. The conversation also touched on the topic of citizenship, as both the speaker and Jenna were born in Germany due to their parents' military service.

    • Identity shaped by birthplace and heritageDuring WW2, individuals with German heritage faced a complex identity dilemma when called to serve against their adopted homeland, highlighting the multifaceted nature of identity and its ties to both birthplace and heritage.

      Identity and loyalty can be complex and multifaceted, especially when it comes to historical events and personal relationships. During the discussion, the topic of military service during World War 2 led to a reflection on the experiences of individuals with German heritage being called to serve against their adopted homeland. This brought up the idea of how one's identity can be shaped by both where they were born and raised, as well as their heritage. Additionally, the conversation touched on the personal experiences of moving out and starting new lives, as well as past romantic relationships. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of identity and the impact of historical events and personal experiences on shaping it.

    • Unexpected breakups can happen over seemingly trivial mattersRelationships can end suddenly and irrevocably, even when both parties believe they're committed and planning for a future together.

      Relationships can end unexpectedly, even when you believe they're solid. This was exemplified in a 2-year relationship where the partner broke up over a FaceTime call during the 4th of July weekend, after taking the ex-girlfriend out for ice cream. The reason given was that he wanted to figure himself out, and they had both thought they were going to get married. Despite the heartbreak, the ex-partner eventually reached out and apologized, but the ex-girlfriend chose not to forgive him. This experience serves as a reminder that no relationship is guaranteed to last, and sometimes people grow apart or make choices that lead them in different directions.

    • The Significance of Mean Girls and Harsh BreakupsFirst impressions aren't always accurate, and sometimes people who seem uninterested or mean initially can later have a significant impact on our lives. Honest communication, even if it's difficult, is essential for healthy relationships.

      First impressions aren't always accurate, and people can be mean or seem uninterested initially but later reveal themselves to be significant in our lives. The speaker shares a story from his middle school days about a girl named Maddie who was initially mean to him but later became his girlfriend. Their relationship lasted for a month, and she ended it by focusing on herself. The speaker reflects on how she gave him a harsh but ultimately effective breakup, which he appreciated for providing closure. He also shares anecdotes about how people labeled them at school and how he felt like an outcast. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of relationships and the importance of giving and receiving honest communication.

    • Sharing Past Experiences and Feeling CoolThey discussed their past experiences, the excitement and consequences, and how some have tried dating apps, while others have reservations. They also reflected on feeling cooler in the past compared to the present.

      The speakers in this conversation shared various anecdotes from their past experiences, including past relationships and mischievous activities during their teenage years. The conversation revealed that they had felt a sense of coolness and excitement during those times, but also faced consequences for their actions. Some of them have since moved on and even tried dating apps, while others have reservations about it. The conversation also touched upon the topic of feeling cooler in the past compared to the present. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' ability to reminisce and share personal stories, as well as their unique perspectives on relationships and growing up.

    • Actions reveal true character in group situationsObserving people's behavior in public and around others is crucial for understanding their true character, as actions can speak louder than words.

      Our actions and words, especially in the presence of others, can reveal more about our true character than our private interactions. A comment made in a group situation led to a misunderstanding and a potentially dangerous situation. The group's reaction and the revelation of Seth's ability to handle a crisis highlighted the importance of observing people's behavior in public and around others as a true judge of character. Additionally, the group's discussion touched on the topic of dating and the tendency to focus too much on a person's words rather than their actions. This can lead to misunderstandings and unhealthy relationships. Overall, the group's conversation emphasized the significance of considering how people present themselves in various social contexts and the importance of being aware of the potential consequences of our words and actions.

    • Trying to End a Toxic Relationship While Living With HimSetting boundaries and prioritizing one's own well-being is crucial in toxic relationships, even if it means making difficult decisions and leaving, despite feeling guilty.

      Relationships can be complicated, especially when it comes to ending them. In this discussion, a woman recounts her experience of trying to end a toxic relationship while living with her ex and his friend. Despite her efforts to make him leave, he continued to make excuses and take advantage of her generosity. Her ex's parents were also present on the trip, witnessing the turmoil but not intervening. The woman felt terrible about the situation and eventually left to live with friends, leaving her ex without a place to stay. Although she tried to help him see the toxicity of the relationship, he continued to hold on, leading to a prolonged and awkward living situation. Ultimately, the woman had to prioritize her own well-being and leave, despite feeling guilty for leaving her ex without a place to go. This experience highlights the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing one's own well-being in relationships, even if it means making difficult decisions.

    • Unexpected expenses at theme parks and misconceptions about cooking skillsTheme park visits can be pricey with additional expenses like fast passes, but the memorable experiences can outweigh the cost. People's cooking abilities can be misunderstood, and assumptions should not be made based on preconceived notions.

      The cost of a theme park visit can add up quickly with additional expenses like fast passes. The speaker initially hesitated but eventually decided to buy fast passes, leading to a significant increase in the overall cost. However, the experience was worth it for her as there was a particular ride that stood out and provided a memorable experience. Another interesting revelation was the misconception about Jenna's ex-boyfriend's cooking skills. While he didn't have a private chef, he did cook meals for the speaker using frozen food from Walmart. The speaker had assumed he was a poor cook but was surprised to find out that he could heat up food and make it edible. Furthermore, the speaker's friends Jared and Seth were revealed to be less than stellar cooks, with Jared's cooking skills being particularly disappointing. The speaker had walked in on him eating pasta, hot sauce, and oyster crackers, which she found to be a low standard for a meal. Lastly, the speaker had initially planned to ask her father to ask her ex-boyfriend to leave her house, but she changed her mind while on a trip to Phoenix and decided to return home instead.

    • Maintaining Trust and Clear Communication in RelationshipsClear communication and trust are vital in any relationship, addressing issues promptly and honestly is essential to prevent tension and unhealthy patterns.

      Communication and trust are crucial in any relationship. The story shared involves a roommate situation where one person repeatedly failed to pay rent, leading to tension and eventual eviction. The speaker tried to address the issue multiple times but was met with excuses and empty promises. Eventually, the parents got involved, and the roommate was asked to leave. The situation could have been avoided if there had been clear and consistent communication about financial responsibilities and trust that they would be met. The incident serves as a reminder that addressing issues promptly and honestly is essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Additionally, the conversation shifted towards discussing red flags in relationships, highlighting the importance of recognizing unhealthy patterns and setting boundaries.

    • Evaluating Women's Cards: Morality, Preferences, and QuirksIt's crucial to respect people's differences, even if they seem unconventional or controversial, as everyone has unique values and preferences.

      The discussion revolved around evaluating various women based on their cards, revealing their interests, fears, and quirks. Hailey Seinfeld, one of the women mentioned, was described as owning a yacht and saving dumpster babies, which sparked debates about morality and personal preferences. Another woman was labeled a "grand wizard" in the KKK, which was met with strong disapproval. The conversation also touched upon various fears, including death and children, and included references to unusual kinks and collectibles. The group acknowledged that everyone's preferences and values are different, and it's essential to respect those differences, even if they seem unconventional or controversial. The discussion underscored the importance of understanding and accepting people for who they are, despite their quirks or perceived flaws.

    • Evaluating Potential Partners: Weighing the Pros and ConsConsider personal values and preferences when evaluating potential partners. Look for positive traits, but also consider potential red flags.

      The discussion revolved around evaluating potential partners based on their unique traits and quirks, as well as their compatibility with personal preferences and values. Some candidates were deemed unsuitable due to red flags such as disrespectful behavior or unconventional hobbies, while others were seen as intriguing or desirable due to their humor, wealth, or altruism. Ultimately, the decision-making process involved weighing the pros and cons of each candidate and considering how they would fit into one's life. For instance, a YouTube celebrity and a professional surfer were considered for their adventurous spirits and financial stability, but their unconventional lifestyles raised concerns. A professional football player was intriguing due to his dual career and love for nature, but his desire to live with his partner and history of posting sex tapes online were deal-breakers. A professional chef, on the other hand, was seen as a desirable partner due to his emotional intelligence, culinary skills, and volunteering at an animal shelter. The conversation highlighted the importance of considering both the positive and negative aspects of potential partners and making informed decisions based on personal values and preferences.

    • Exploring unconventional ways to make a livingThe group discussed various means to earn income, from starting a dog sanctuary to selling feet pictures, while emphasizing the importance of living life on one's own terms.

      The discussion touched on various topics including misconceptions about euthanizing animals, starting a dog sanctuary, the potential of making money through various means like OnlyFans, and the acceptance of unconventional jobs. A red flag mentioned was pushing sex tapes to Facebook, while another was calling someone's mother derogatory names. The group also explored the idea of making money through selling feet pictures and even yellow snow cones. Despite the diverse range of topics, the common thread was finding ways to make a living and living life on one's own terms.

    • A bizarre narrative of shark teeth, bees, and dark fantasiesThe movie 'Teeth' explores themes of consent and personal boundaries through a unique and provocative storyline involving shark teeth in a woman's vagina, bee fetishes, and dark fantasies, challenging viewers to confront uncomfortable topics with humor.

      The movie "Teeth" features a protagonist with shark teeth in her vagina that bite off anything that enters, and the men in the story have a fetish for bees and ejaculate them. This bizarre premise, along with the protagonist's wealth and dark fantasies, creates an intriguing yet disturbing narrative. Despite some questionable elements, such as the protagonist's hobby of killing kittens, the film's themes of consent and personal boundaries are thought-provoking. The conversation also touched upon the topic of fetishes and how they can be a source of fascination or discomfort for different people. Overall, "Teeth" is a unique and provocative movie that challenges viewers to confront uncomfortable topics with a dark sense of humor.

    • Unexpected packages from 'icing' revealed intriguing boyfriendsFriends shared stories of receiving unexpected packages from 'icing', an adult version of Claire's, and the unique and sometimes peculiar characteristics of their assigned 'boyfriends' led to a lighthearted and imaginative conversation

      The discussion revolved around receiving unexpected packages from a company called "icing," which is an adult version of Claire's. The recipients shared the contents of their packages, revealing intriguing and sometimes bizarre characteristics of their assigned "boyfriends." These boyfriends ranged from being a president to a fashion designer and a college English professor who also directed pornography. The conversation was filled with humor and playful banter, as they evaluated and compared their partners based on their assigned characteristics. The group also discussed hypothetical scenarios involving their boyfriends, such as dating siblings or having kinks. Overall, the conversation showcased a lighthearted and imaginative exchange between friends.

    • Discovering Ideal Partners Through Unique QualitiesFinding a compatible partner involves recognizing shared interests and appreciating unique traits, even those that may seem unconventional.

      The discussion revolved around the unique qualities of their ideal partners as described through a deck of cards. Some found partners who shared similar interests, like reading or music, while others appreciated traits such as being on time or having a good sense of humor. However, some cards presented challenges, like a partner who admired Hitler or had tattoos of penises all over their body. Despite these quirks, some found these traits intriguing and decided to go with them. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of finding someone who fits well with one's preferences and values, even if they have unconventional qualities. It's essential to remember that everyone has their unique traits and that accepting and appreciating these differences can lead to fulfilling relationships.

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    If the idea of finding the right doctor stresses you out, then ZocDoc is the app for you! Find top rated, patient reviewed, and in-network doctors today by downloading the ZocDoc app when you visit https://www.zocdoc.com/dropouts

    What's up party people! This week we got the second of the Impractical Joker infinity stones, Joe Gatto! Don't tell Sal but he's secretly Tara's favorite [but that's just between us ;)] Joe takes us on a deep dive through his life before the show, his favorite memories from the show, and what life looks like after the show and all of the exciting new stuff he's working on and doing! Be sure to get tickets to see him live on his Let's Get Into It tour (and speaking from first hand experience, his show is hilarious you don't want to miss out). AND pre-order his children's book coming out which he talks a little bit about in the episode.

    Joe was a fantastic guest and we hope you enjoy him as much as we did!

    All of his links can be found here!


    SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

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    Join over a MILLION people building credit the fastest, easiest, and safest way with Kikoff! Sign up for your Kikoff credit account today and get your first month for just $1 when you go to https://www.getkikoff.com/dropouts Stop wasting money on subscriptions you don't use and sign up for Rocket Money today! Go to https://www.rocketmoney.com/dropouts and download the Rocket Money app. Get your money back! What's up party people! Hopefully you're not 'hungover' this Sunday morning because we've got the one and only Brianna Chickenfry! Bri joins us in the diner this week, the same diner which she stole the idea for the set of her podcast, Plan Bri. She talks all about her come up on social media from throwing up on TikTok to getting picked up by Barstool, to then being one of the biggest names in the podcasting space. We also dive into her relationship with country/folk superstar, Zach Bryan, and talk to her just about what the rest of her life and career looks like. It's a super fun episode and we hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

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    Make money while you're watching your favorite sports with PrizePicks! Download the app today and use code DROPOUTS for a first deposit match up to $100! Pick more. Pick less. It’s that easy! Need event tickets at the last minute? Look no further because Gametime has you covered! Right now when you download the Gametime app, create an account, and use our code DROPOUTS, you can get $20 off your first purchase! Bring your A-Game back in the bedroom by using Hims! Visit https://www.hims.com/dropouts for your personalized ED treatment options. (Hard Mints are chewable compounded products which are not approved by or verified for safety or effectiveness by the FDA. Prescriptions require an online consultation with a healthcare provider who will determine if appropriate. Restrictions apply. See website for details and important safety information. Subscription required. Price varies based on product and subscription plan.) You guys have been asking for it for months now and we finally got the ex-lovers but still best friends on the same episode! Of course we dive into the ins and outs of their relationship, but we also get a little deep this episode where we talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly of putting ourselves and our lives on the internet. On top of that deep talk we also have all the fun and knee slapping moments you've come to expect from a Dropouts episode! We hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

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    Soak up the spring sun and rake in the winnings from Draft Kings Casino! New players can download the app today and use our code DROPOUTS to get $50 in Casino credits when you spend just $5. The crown is yours! If the idea of finding the right doctor stresses you out, then ZocDoc is the app for you! Find top rated, patient reviewed, and in-network doctors today by downloading the ZocDoc app when you visit https://www.zocdoc.com/dropouts Ever lost in the gym or just want more structure and guidance? Then it's time to add FitBod to your workout essentials! Visit https://www.fitbod.me/dropouts to save 25% off your subscription or try the app for free! The summer sun is here to stay, so trust MANSCAPED to keep your pubes at bay! Get 20% off + Free Shipping on their new Performance Package 5.0 when you go to https://www.manscaped.com and use our code: DROPOUTS EarnIn empowers you to live life to the fullest by providing money at the speed of you. Download the EarnIn app and use our code Dropouts under PODCAST when you sign up. Subject to your available earnings, Daily Max, Pay Period Max, and location. See EarnIn.com/TOS for details. EarnIn is a financial technology company, not a bank. Bank products are issued by Evolve Bank & Trust, Member FDIC. And a big thank you to the Omni in New Haven, CT and the Liberty Hotel in Boston for being some of the best hotels we've ever stayed! Seriously, if you find yourself in either of those cities we can't recommend enough that you stay with them! Welcome back to Watch Mongeau! This week Tana joins us again in the diner for another hilarious episode that almost tears us apart. We share our deepest darkest secrets, start going for each others throats, and get a little bit real towards the end but we laugh along the whole way through. We hope you enjoy the return of Tana! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usJune 04, 2024

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    WATCH SAL'S SPECIAL MAY 31st!!! Comedian Sal Vulcano has announced his debut hour-long stand-up special, Terrified, airing globally on YouTube via 800 Pound Gorilla at 8 a.m. PT on May 31st. Check out a trailer below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdEOAIJ7kaM

    What is up party people! This is not an impractical joke, we actually got Sal Vulcano on the pod! We were all pretty ecstatic to have him on but one of us was beaming a little brighter than the others... can you guess who it is? Anyway this is a hilarious episode, Sal was an incredible guest and we can't thank him enough for coming on. Make sure to watch his new special, Terrified, on YouTube on May 31st!

    We hope you enjoy!

    SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usMay 28, 2024

    Between the Sheets... *Dropouts Special Episode* - Dropouts #204

    Between the Sheets... *Dropouts Special Episode* - Dropouts #204

    Did you know you can start a claim with America’s largest injury law firm in just a click? It’s so easy. You can start your claim now with Morgan & Morgan a https://www.forthepeople.com/dropouts Take your meals to the next level with Factor! Head to https://www.factormeals.com/dropouts50 and use our code: dropouts50 to get 50% off your first box PLUS 20% off your next month! Bring your A-Game back in the bedroom by using Hims! Visit https://www.hims.com/dropouts for your personalized ED treatment options. (Hard Mints are chewable compounded products which are not approved by or verified for safety or effectiveness by the FDA. Prescriptions require an online consultation with a healthcare provider who will determine if appropriate. Restrictions apply. See website for details and important safety information. Subscription required. Price varies based on product and subscription plan.) Hey everyone! Thank you for tuning in to another episode of Dropouts. We're currently on tour for our east coast live shows and filmed this week's episode at the Omni Hotel in New Haven, CT and I'm currently uploading this from our hotel in Boston. You might be thinking, "didn't you guys film with Sal Vulcano, where's that episode?" And the answer to that is, it'll come out next week. We still have a fun episode for you all where we crammed all five of us into one king bed and talk about all of the crazy adventures we've had on the road. We hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usMay 21, 2024

    Do You Think We Will Get Married? Dropouts #203

    Do You Think We Will Get Married? Dropouts #203

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    EarnIn empowers you to live life to the fullest by providing money at the speed of you. Get up to $100/day of your pay within minutes of earning it and up to $750 per pay period. Download the EarnIn app and use our code Dropouts under PODCAST when you sign up. Subject to your available earnings, Daily Max, Pay Period Max, and location. See EarnIn.com/TOS for details. EarnIn is a financial technology company, not a bank. Bank products are issued by Evolve Bank & Trust, Member FDIC.

    What's up party people! We're back with another fun themed episode but this week we travel back in time! Maybe idk the timeline is a little fuzzy on this one. This week Zach and Tara talk about their experience meeting Tara's idol, we explore the depths of one of our love lives, and there might be a new Dropouts couple to ship you'll just have to watch and see...We hope you enjoy!


    We sincerely apologize for another shorter episode this week :( As you can see this was shot on the same day as the Mount Everest ep and just for a little context, because of everybody’s schedules we had to shoot two episodes AND a music video all in the same day to make sure we were able to put out our regularly scheduled episodes for you all. I hope you can understand and give us a little grace for that. I also wish I could say that we’d be back to our normally scheduled program next week but to be honest with you, the next time we film will most likely be while we’re in NYC for our East coast live shows! Now, no promises, but that episode may or may not have a very cool guest on it 👀 What I can say for certain is that it’ll still be another week until we’re back in the diner. We always want to give you the best content possible and sometimes life gets busy and hectic and tries to throw a wrench in that plan, and we’re just trying our best to uphold that promise to you all. Thank you for coming along this journey, you truly mean the world to us. Can’t wait to see everybody on tour next week!!

    SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usMay 14, 2024

    This Almost Ended Our Friendship... Dropouts #202

    This Almost Ended Our Friendship... Dropouts #202

    Soak up the spring sun and rake in the winnings from Draft Kings Casino! New players can download the app today and use our code DROPOUTS to get $100 in Casino credits when you spend just $5. The crown is yours! Stop wasting money on your unwanted subscriptions and start saving with Rocket Money! Go to https://www.rocketmoney.com/dropouts to download the Rocket Money app today! If the idea of finding the right doctor stresses you out, then ZocDoc is the app for you! Find top rated, patient reviewed, and in-network doctors today by downloading the ZocDoc app when you visit https://www.zocdoc.com/dropouts

    Thank you to the team at Thurgood Media for creating the back drop for us!https://www.thurgoodmedia.com/ What's up party people! Okay, first order of business we'd like to formally apologize for the shorter episode this week. As you can see we filmed in a special location this week, but with that (and also a few technical issues) came some time constraints that we couldn't avoid. We were also filming a VERY cool project the same day that i think many of you will be excited to see 👀 We always want to provide you all with the best content we can and we hope that this unique location and all the behind the scenes effort we put into every episode and this one in particular, at least somewhat makes up for it... Second order of business, we still have a great episode for you! Despite what the background might say, things start off HOT this episode with some drama between two of our cohosts 👀 You'll just have to see for yourself who's a part of that. Following the drama, Zach and Skyler fill us in on all the wild antics they got into while at Stagecoach. Then to round it all out we dive into an introspective, thought provoking question that you all might want to ask yourselves. It just might make you look at yourself in a different light. We hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    Dropouts Addresses Drama with Unfiltered... Dropouts #201

    Dropouts Addresses Drama with Unfiltered... Dropouts #201

    Soak up the sun of spring and rake in the winnings from Draft Kings Casino! New players can download the app today and use our code DROPOUTS to get $100 in Casino credits when you spend just $5. The crown is yours! Ever lost in the gym or just want more structure and guidance? Then it's time to add FitBod to your workout essentials! Visit https://www.fitbod.me/dropouts to save 25% off your subscription or try the app for free! Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to RocketMoney.com/DROPOUTS We've had them on individually, but now we have the dynamic duo joining us in the diner this week it's Zane and Heath! A lot has changed since we last had either of them on. Zane completed his Xeela transformation and came out the other side like a brand new man, Heath popped the question to Mariah and is no longer a single man (according to his marital status on his taxes), and they started a brand new podcast (now) called Basically Unfiltered with Remi and Alisha! It was great being able to have both of them on at the same time and made for a really fun episode! If you haven't already make sure to check out their podcasts Unfiltered and Basically Unfiltered! We hope you enjoy Be sure to watch their new show Basically Unfiltered! https://www.youtube.com/@UCJR-nbRSN8g4VJMYJDxPY4w SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    Lie Detector Exposes Tara and Zach - Dropouts #200

    Lie Detector Exposes Tara and Zach - Dropouts #200

    Whether you want to see a concert, go to a sports game, or a festival you need to use SeatGeek! Use code DROPOUTS for $20 off your first SeatGeek order. https://seatgeek.onelink.me/RrnK/DROPOUTS Meal prep has never been easier than with Factor Meals! Right now you can get 50% off your first box of Factor by going to https://www.factormeals.com/dropouts50 and use our code: dropouts50 at checkout. Get started today and get after your goals! If you're living without a website, you're living in the past which is why you need SquareSpace! Go to https://www.squarespace.com/dropouts to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. If you have an online business ShipStation is by far the easiest and best way to manage all of your shipping needs! Go to https://www.shipstation.com and use our promo code: DROPOUTS for a 60 day free trial today! This video is brought to you by Fallout. Stream it on Prime Video. Virtual product placement by Rembrand https://www.rembrand.com We can't believe we made it to episode 200, that's almost 4 years straight of putting out a podcast every week! We're so incredibly lucky and thankful to have all of you come with us along this journey. No matter if you started watching from episode 1 or episode 199 we're glad you're here. To commemorate this special occasion we planned a super fun, rollercoaster of an episode for you all. One that celebrates our time together, explores the depths of our friendship, and almost tears us apart... As always we hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

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