
    Harry Jowsey: From Fuckboy to Marriage Material [VIDEO]

    enJuly 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on Life Changes and FriendshipAlex and Harry, longtime friends, shared their life updates and strong bond, with Harry inviting listeners to his new studio.

      During this podcast episode, Alex Cooper welcomed back her longtime friend and frequent guest, Harry Jossie. They reflected on how much their lives have changed since their first podcast together and expressed their deep friendship and admiration for each other. Harry revealed that he had purchased an orange Lambo and invited guests to his house-turned-studio for a more intimate experience. The episode was sponsored by David's Bridal and COSIS, with a focus on finding the perfect fit and high-quality makeup and skincare, respectively. Overall, the episode showcased the strong bond between Alex and Harry and their shared passion for living life to the fullest.

    • Shopify: Turning Browsers into BuyersShopify is an effective global commerce platform that helps businesses increase sales and grow. Balance work and personal life for success.

      Shopify is a powerful global commerce platform that can significantly help businesses turn browsers into buyers. The speaker, Harry Jelsky, has experienced a noticeable improvement in his online merch sales using Shopify. He also shared some personal stories about his life, including his birthday celebrations and his decision to start drinking again after a year of abstinence. Despite some embarrassing moments, he emphasized the importance of having fun and enjoying life. Overall, the discussion highlighted the effectiveness of Shopify in growing businesses and the importance of balancing work and personal life. If you're looking to start an online business, consider signing up for a $1 per month trial period at Shopify.com/unwell.

    • Intentional Dating and Setting BoundariesThe speaker values meaningful relationships and sets boundaries to ensure she only invests time in potential suitors who share her goals for a long-term partnership and marriage.

      The speaker values meaningful relationships and is intentional about who she dates, having learned from past experiences that casual hookups leave her feeling drained. She is focused on finding a long-term partner and getting married, and has set boundaries to ensure she only invests time in potential suitors who share her goals. The conversation also touches on the speaker's past experiences, including a birthday encounter that left her feeling unsure and a friend who attempted to rekindle an old flame. The speaker acknowledges her own growth and progress towards her goals, and expresses her support for her friend's journey as well. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of intentionality and boundaries in relationships.

    • Exploring Sexual Preferences and ExperiencesPeople's sexual preferences and experiences can change over time due to personal growth, new experiences, and external influences. Communication, consent, and respect are crucial in exploring one's sexuality.

      People's sexual preferences and experiences can evolve over time and be influenced by various factors, including personal growth and new experiences. Harry shared how his perspective on eating ass changed from finding it unpleasant to enjoying it, which he attributed to a combination of curiosity, experimentation, and the influence of Ayahuasca. The conversation also touched on the importance of communication and consent in sexual relationships, as well as the idea that taking initiative and surprising one's partner can be exciting and fulfilling. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of being open-minded, communicative, and respectful in exploring one's sexuality.

    • Harry Styles talks about the importance of trust in relationshipsTrust is essential, emotional cheating and messaging others can shatter it, and rebuilding it is difficult.

      Trust is a crucial element in any relationship. Harry Styles shared his experiences of being cheated on in past relationships and how it led to their eventual end. He mentioned that emotional cheating and messaging other people were the causes of the infidelity. Despite his efforts to be a good partner and plan a future together, the trust was broken, leading to the relationships' demise. It's important to note that trust can be easily shattered, and rebuilding it can be a challenging process. Additionally, Harry endorsed COSUS makeup and skin care products, emphasizing their natural look and nourishing ingredients.

    • Misunderstanding mixed signalsConsider context and dynamic of relationship before jumping to conclusions. Women can be clear about intentions and men can be respectful without overstepping boundaries. Social media use doesn't necessarily indicate immaturity or lack of seriousness.

      Mixed signals from a potential partner don't always mean there's a problem. For instance, a man inviting a woman to various activities but not making a move could simply mean he's being respectful and not wanting to overstep boundaries. It's important to consider the context and the dynamic of the relationship. Additionally, women can make their intentions clear by being open and flirty, but not pushy. Lastly, using social media platforms like Snapchat for communication doesn't necessarily indicate a lack of maturity or seriousness in a relationship. It ultimately depends on how both parties use the platform and the intentions behind their interactions.

    • Signs of outdated communication or unreadiness for a serious relationshipBe wary of those who communicate poorly or aren't ready for commitment, as these traits can indicate red flags in a potential relationship.

      If someone is stuck in an outdated mode of communication like Snapchat, it might be a sign that they're not ready for a serious relationship. Additionally, if your best friend confesses their feelings for you but isn't ready to commit due to personal issues, it might be best to move on. Manipulation is a red flag, especially when someone keeps coming back with excuses. When it comes to communication, if someone is amazing in person but barely communicates through text, it might mean they don't prioritize the relationship. Ultimately, it's essential to trust your instincts and not settle for less than what you deserve.

    • The importance of effective communication in relationshipsRespect each other's schedules and boundaries, be open and honest, and remember every relationship is unique.

      Effective communication is key in any relationship, whether it's romantic or friendly. The speaker shared her experience of having a partner who preferred calling over texting, and how she initially felt neglected but later realized he was just busy. She also acknowledged the importance of respecting each other's schedules and boundaries. The conversation also touched on the complexity of being friends with an ex, and the importance of honesty and maturity in such situations. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of open and respectful communication to build and maintain healthy relationships. It's also important to remember that every relationship is unique and requires different communication styles and boundaries.

    • Communication and trust are crucial in relationshipsBe honest, listen, and focus on your feelings in relationships. Misunderstandings can lead to hurt and mistrust, so open and honest dialogue is essential.

      Communication and trust are key in relationships. People can be unpredictable and sometimes mislead, leading to hurt and confusion. However, it's essential to remember that everyone has their reasons for their actions, and it's not always personal. Some people may use tactics like false promises or sharing old photos to manipulate or impress, but ultimately, it's crucial to listen and be honest. In the end, it's important to focus on your own feelings and not waste time on those who don't value or respect you. As for the topic of OnlyFans, it's a personal choice, and both parties should be transparent and respectful about it. Misunderstandings and miscommunications can lead to hurt feelings and mistrust, so open and honest dialogue is essential.

    • Experience of losing trust in a friendshipOpen communication, respecting privacy, and self-acceptance are crucial for building trust and maintaining healthy relationships. Avoiding societal pressure and setting healthy boundaries can help navigate complex situations.

      Trust is a crucial element in any relationship, and betraying that trust can lead to significant emotional pain. The speaker shared an experience where her best friend's girlfriend made fun of her behind her back for her OnlyFans account, causing her to lose trust and feel embarrassed. The speaker also mentioned how the judgment from her family and society added to her feelings of shame and vulnerability. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly in relationships to avoid misunderstandings and build trust. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of respecting each other's privacy and decisions, especially when they are personal and sensitive. Additionally, the pressure to conform to societal norms and please family members can further complicate matters, making it essential to establish healthy boundaries and prioritize self-acceptance.

    • Pressure to stand out in reality shows leads to sending nudesPeople may feel pressured to reveal more than they're comfortable with to get noticed, but it's important to remember everyone has the right to make their own choices and prioritize authenticity and self-confidence.

      In the pursuit of success, some people may feel pressured to show more than they're comfortable with, leading to potentially harmful situations. This was a topic of discussion during a conversation where the individuals shared experiences of sending nudes to stand out when applying to reality shows. They joked about the absurdity of the situation and the lengths some people go to in order to get noticed. However, they also acknowledged that it's important to remember that everyone has the right to make their own choices, even if they don't align with societal norms. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity and self-confidence, and the understanding that people will always find ways to make money off of others' vulnerabilities.

    • An unexpected modeling gig leads to humorous and revealing conversationsCommunication, consent, and adaptability are crucial in sexual encounters, as demonstrated through an unusual modeling experience.

      The speaker had an unusual experience during a modeling gig, where they received an excessive amount of explicit content from applicants, leading to a humorous and unexpected outcome. The speaker also shared their personal preferences and experiences related to sexual activities, revealing a range of turn-ons and turn-offs. Despite the unexpected nature of the situation, the speaker maintained a lighthearted and open-minded attitude throughout the conversation. Ultimately, the experience served as a reminder of the importance of communication, consent, and adaptability in sexual encounters.

    • Open communication and trust in relationshipsDiscussing sensitive topics openly and respecting boundaries can prevent misunderstandings and build trust in relationships.

      Communication and trust are crucial elements in any relationship. The speaker shared an experience where his partner tried to secretly record him while he was asleep, which made him feel violated and mistrustful. He emphasized that had they discussed it openly when they were awake, the situation might have been different. The conversation then shifted to discussing sexual preferences and the importance of open communication during intimate moments. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding each other's needs and preferences to enhance the sexual experience. He also mentioned the importance of consent and respecting boundaries. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication, trust, and respect in any relationship.

    • Communication and Understanding in Sexual RelationshipsOpen communication and mutual consent are crucial in sexual relationships. Men should accept women's preferences and periods, focusing on emotional connection rather than appearances or circumstances.

      Communication and understanding are key in sexual relationships. The speaker expresses various preferences and experiences, acknowledging that some women may feel embarrassed or concerned about their periods. However, they believe that men should be open and accepting, focusing on the emotional connection rather than physical appearances or circumstances. The speaker also discusses the importance of consent and boundaries, emphasizing that sexual activities should be discussed openly and agreed upon by both parties. Ultimately, the speaker values the emotional and physical intimacy in a relationship, prioritizing communication and understanding over performative loud noises or taboo subjects.

    • A fan's attempts to connect with Iggy AzaleaDespite rejection and unwanted attention, a fan remains hopeful and persistent in pursuing connections with admired figures.

      The speaker was expressing his attraction to a celebrity, Iggy Azalea, and his attempts to connect with her through various means, including direct messages and voice notes. However, his efforts were met with little response or rejection. The speaker also discussed a past incident where he was mistakenly identified as dating Khloe Kardashian, leading to unwanted attention. He expressed the challenge of dating outside of the entertainment industry due to the highs and lows and potential insecurities that come with it. Despite these setbacks, the speaker remained hopeful and continued to pursue connections with people he admired.

    • Unexpected encounter with a famous womanEncounters with influential individuals can leave lasting impacts, inspiring personal growth and deeper connections.

      Sometimes people encounter surprising and exciting experiences with famous or influential individuals, and these encounters can leave a lasting impact. In the discussed conversation, a person recounted an experience with a famous woman who initially rejected him but later allowed him to spend the day with her. The experience left him feeling awestruck and deeply connected to her. The conversation also touches on the theme of personal growth and moving beyond past behaviors, as the person reflects on his past actions and expresses a desire to be more selective and intentional in his relationships. The woman's confidence and independence were particularly noteworthy to him, and he felt a strong connection to her as a result. Overall, the conversation highlights the unexpected and transformative nature of human connections.

    • Importance of open communication in relationshipsStaying focused on personal growth, genuine connection, and honest communication are essential for healthy relationships.

      Communication is key in maintaining a healthy relationship. The speaker expresses frustration with her boyfriend's inconsistency and lack of openness about his feelings towards her. She also shares her experiences with other women, highlighting the importance of genuine connection and honesty in romantic encounters. Additionally, the speaker discusses her career goals and aspirations, emphasizing the importance of staying focused on personal growth and development. Despite the challenges in her current relationship, she remains hopeful and determined to find a meaningful connection based on mutual respect and understanding.

    • Support from a friend during a breakupFriendship and support can lead to new opportunities after a breakup and help individuals move forward.

      Friendship and support can help individuals move forward after a breakup and even lead to new opportunities. During a conversation, Harry and Alex discussed the possibility of Harry becoming the next Bachelor, with Alex offering to host the show. They joked about the potential insecurities of the contestants and reminisced about their own past experiences. Harry shared that he had received several job offers shortly after his breakup, which he saw as a sign that he had made the right decision. They also talked about Harry's upcoming acting projects and expressed their excitement for his return to the spotlight. Throughout the conversation, the bond between Harry and Alex was clear, with their unwavering support and encouragement for each other.

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