
    Nina Hartley: Porn Star, Activist, and Hand Job Expert

    enSeptember 19, 2013

    Podcast Summary

    • Tools and products for enhancing summer pleasureEnhance summer passion with Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel, the iconic Magic Wand vibrator, and Emily and Tony's premium skincare line. Use promo codes for exclusive discounts.

      Summer is the season of passion and pleasure, and there are various tools and products that can help enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, including their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure respectively. Additionally, the Magic Wand, a cult-favorite vibrator, is an iconic symbol of power and unapologetic pleasure. Lastly, Emily and Tony's new premium skincare brand offers products that can help individuals feel more confident and luxurious in their bodies, contributing to a more satisfying sex life. Overall, these tools and products can help individuals make the most of the summer season and take their sex lives to the next level. For exclusive discounts on Promescent and Emily and Tony products, use the provided promo codes.

    • Nina Hartley discusses relationships and spicy sex life on Sex with EmilyListen to Nina Hartley share insights on relationships and spice up your sex life on Sex with Emily podcast. Save money with Ting's pay-as-you-go phone service.

      Nina Hartley, a renowned American pornographic actress, director, sex educator, feminist, and author, shares her insights on maintaining interesting relationships and having a spicy sex life on the Sex with Emily podcast. Emily also promotes Ting, a pay-as-you-go phone service that can save significant amounts of money by eliminating unused service charges and add-ons. By visiting emily.ting.com, listeners can receive a discount on their first device purchase or service credit for bringing their own device. This discussion offers valuable tips for improving relationships and saving money.

    • Sharing Insights on Sex and RelationshipsUnderstand personal values and boundaries, investigate desires guilt-free, find partners with similar values, and practice personal responsibility for a fulfilling sex life.

      Nina Hartley, a well-known figure in the adult entertainment industry, is now focusing on sharing her experiences and insights about sex and relationships with younger generations. She emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own sexual values and boundaries, and encourages young adults to investigate their desires without feeling guilty. Hartley also advocates for personal responsibility and moving past victim mentality, which she believes is crucial for leading a fulfilling sex life. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of finding sexual partners who share similar values and outlooks, creating a sexually open and fulfilling lifestyle. Hartley, who has been in the industry for over 30 years, reflects on her own experiences and the evolution of conversations around sex and sexuality over the past few decades.

    • Respecting the uniqueness of sexual and relational orientationsRecognize and respect differences in sexual and relational orientations, as they shape how we form and maintain relationships. Monogamy is valid for some, but not all, individuals.

      Sexual and relational orientations are deeply personal and unique to each individual. Some people, like the speaker, discover their non-monogamous or polyamorous nature later in life due to lack of language or understanding. Others, much like monogamous individuals, know their orientation from a young age. It's essential to recognize and respect these differences, as they shape the way we form and maintain relationships. The speaker emphasizes that her non-monogamous relationships do not diminish her primary partnership but rather add depth and variety. She views each relationship as a beautiful bead on the string of her life, contributing to the overall harmony of her connections. It's crucial to remember that monogamy is a valid orientation for some, but not all, individuals. Many people may be suffering through monogamy due to societal pressure or misunderstanding. Ultimately, understanding and accepting the diversity of sexual and relational orientations is key to fostering healthy, consensual relationships.

    • Impact of upbringing on approach to relationships and monogamyUnconventional upbringing can shape perspective on monogamy, societal stigma and emotional baggage can hinder exploration of non-monogamous relationships, personal growth and self-awareness are crucial in navigating relationships

      Societal norms and upbringing can significantly impact individuals' approach to relationships and monogamy. The speaker shares her personal struggles with monogamy and how her unconventional upbringing in a feminist, avant-garde household influenced her perspective. She believes that more people could be open to non-monogamous relationships if they were seen as a healthy option, but societal stigma and emotional baggage often prevent people from exploring these alternatives. The speaker also highlights the importance of personal growth and self-awareness in navigating relationships, as many people get stuck in childlike patterns when faced with adult relationship challenges. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of understanding individual differences and creating a culture that supports openness and flexibility in relationships.

    • Personal growth from unconventional experiencesUnconventional experiences and environments can lead to meaningful personal growth, including recognizing and embracing one's desires and strengths, even if they challenge societal norms. Supportive relationships and communities play a crucial role in this process.

      Personal growth and self-discovery often come from unconventional experiences and environments, even if they are challenging or uncomfortable. The speaker shared their experiences with various alternative therapies, sexual liberation movements, and personal struggles, highlighting how these experiences shaped their perspective and led them to find meaning and honor in their own lives. They also emphasized the importance of recognizing and embracing one's own desires and strengths, even if they may not conform to societal norms. Additionally, the speaker's story underscores the significance of supportive relationships and communities in fostering personal growth and exploration.

    • Exploring Unique Sexual Experiences and ChallengesIdentifying and embracing unique sexual experiences and challenges can lead to personal growth and fulfillment, even if it involves unconventional paths like stripping or filmmaking.

      Everyone's relationship to sexuality and pleasure is unique and shaped by their experiences. The speaker shared how they identified as bisexual and exhibitionistic at a young age, discovered pornography and had their first sexual experiences later in life. They also discussed how their intellectual upbringing made it difficult for them to connect with their embodied feelings and fully enjoy sex. Despite these challenges, they eventually found ways to explore their sexuality through stripping and filmmaking. The speaker also challenged the notion that objectification is inherently wrong, emphasizing the importance of personal autonomy and agency in sexual expression.

    • Importance of self-awareness and communication in relationshipsUnderstanding a person's intentions and expressing desires openly are essential for healthy relationships. Education and open communication are crucial in sexual relationships to challenge societal norms and misconceptions.

      Communication and self-awareness are crucial in relationships. The speaker shared her past experience of being in a relationship with a man who had hidden desires and later became abusive. She wished there was a way to know a person's true intentions before getting into a relationship. The speaker also discussed her experience of working as a stripper and how she learned to express her sexuality and teach men about women's bodies. She emphasized the importance of education and open communication in sexual relationships. Unfortunately, she noted that many people rely on mainstream porn for information, which often does not accurately represent women's bodies and desires. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of self-awareness, communication, and education in sexual relationships.

    • Exploring Your Body for Sexual SatisfactionComprehensive sex education and self-discovery can help reduce reliance on pornography by promoting confidence, communication, and personal responsibility in sexual relationships.

      Comprehensive sex education, focusing on safety and pleasure, can help reduce the reliance on pornography. Before engaging in sexual activities with a partner, it's essential to understand your own body and preferences. This includes being comfortable with yourself and knowing how to achieve orgasm. For women, this means spending time alone to explore their bodies and discover what brings them pleasure. For men, it's essential to be able to maintain an erection for at least 20 minutes. Both genders should also learn about anal play, known as the "back porch." By focusing on self-discovery and personal responsibility, individuals can approach sexual relationships with confidence and open communication, reducing the need for unrealistic pornographic expectations.

    • Exploring Anal Sex Beyond PornographyApproach anal sex with an open mind, mutual pleasure, and self-education beyond pornography for a fulfilling experience.

      While porn can provide ideas and inspiration, it should not be the sole source of education when it comes to sex, especially anal sex. The speaker emphasizes that good sex is about mutual pleasure and comfort, and that one should only explore anal sex if they are genuinely interested in it for themselves. The process of preparing for and approaching anal sex involves overcoming cultural and personal barriers, as well as physical preparation through a high-fiber diet. The speaker shares their personal journey of learning to enjoy anal sex, which didn't happen until later in life and in a committed relationship. Overall, the key takeaway is that sex, including anal sex, should be approached with an open mind, a focus on mutual pleasure, and a willingness to educate oneself beyond pornography.

    • Exploring Anal Sex: A Gradual ProcessEffective communication and personal preparation are crucial for enjoying anal sex. Listen to your body's signals, respect your partner's desires, and progress at a comfortable pace.

      Enjoying anal sex requires both partners to be comfortable with their bodies and communicate effectively. The process of learning to enjoy anal sex involves personal introspection, preparation, and gradual exploration. It's essential to listen to your body's signals and progress at a comfortable pace. Movies often portray anal sex as an instant pleasure, but in reality, there's a significant preparation process that's not shown. It's crucial to remember that everyone's body responds differently, and it's essential to respect and listen to your partner's desires and limitations. Communication and patience are key to a positive anal sex experience.

    • Exploring Sexuality in a Healthy WayExploring sexuality is natural, but prioritize healthy relationships, self-respect, and open communication to ensure a positive experience.

      Sexual exploration and enjoyment are important for personal growth and happiness, but it's crucial to prioritize healthy relationships and self-respect. The speaker, who has a history of working in the adult film industry, shares that she only did it because she enjoyed it in her personal life and that she set rules for herself to ensure she was not compromising her education or personal boundaries. She also discusses her experiences with emotional connections and infidelity, emphasizing the importance of open communication and mutual understanding in relationships. Overall, her message is that exploring sexuality is a natural part of life, but it should be done in a healthy and consensual way.

    • Embracing Individuality and AuthenticityStaying true to oneself, even in non-conforming industries, leads to personal growth and fulfilling experiences.

      Being true to oneself, even if it means not conforming to societal norms, is a challenging but essential aspect of personal growth. Nina Spearmint, a porn performer, shared her experiences of growing up feeling different and the importance of staying open-minded and authentic. She also discussed the evolution of the porn industry, from a small, insular community in the 80s and 90s to a more mainstream and digital landscape in recent years. Nina emphasized that the fun and excitement of porn comes from the freedom to express one's sexuality without judgment, and her favorite experiences often involve exploring new boundaries and working with diverse performers. Overall, Nina's story highlights the importance of embracing individuality and staying true to one's values, even in the face of societal expectations.

    • Exploring Female Sexuality: Tips from Porn Star Nina HartleyPorn star Nina Hartley offers practical advice for women exploring their bisexuality and provides insights into the complexities of female sexual anatomy, emphasizing genuine interest and effective techniques for stimulation.

      The porn industry has faced significant challenges since the early 2000s due to digital competition and overproduction of subpar content. This saturation of the market has led to a loss of exclusivity and shock value in porn. For those interested in exploring their bisexuality with women, Nina Hartley recommends her educational tape, "Nina Hartley's Guide for the Bi Curious Woman," which offers practical advice and techniques for exploring female sexuality. Hartley emphasizes the importance of genuine interest and sincere intentions. She also highlights the misconception that a woman's clitoris is a small, button-like structure, when in fact, it is a complex, three-dimensional organ with a shaft, glans, and various other parts. To effectively stimulate a woman, Hartley suggests using hand techniques, focusing on the entire vulva area, and avoiding a direct approach to the clit. Instead, she recommends pressing and wiggling the flesh around the clit to allow it to emerge between the fingers. This approach can lead to a more enjoyable and satisfying experience for both parties.

    • Effective Foreplay and Communication for Women's SatisfactionEffective foreplay includes vulva massage, delayed penetration, oral sex, and communication. Women can benefit from kegel exercises for improved pleasure and sexual health.

      Effective foreplay and communication are key to a satisfying sexual experience for women. The speaker suggests that men should try vulva massage techniques, such as pinching and pulling the flesh around the pubic bone and applying tension to the top of the clit while the woman does her kegels, to help bring her closer to orgasm. The longer men can delay penetration, the more aroused their partner is likely to be. Oral sex is also important for women, and the speaker encourages both men and women to practice kegel exercises for improved sexual health and pleasure. The speaker emphasizes the importance of communication and taking the time to learn and understand your partner's needs and preferences. Additionally, the speaker suggests that men should consider practicing self-pleasuring before going out on a date to help calm down and improve their confidence. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of patience, communication, and learning and practicing various techniques to help bring your partner to orgasm and enhance the sexual experience for both parties.

    • Communicate effectively and show enthusiasm for oral sexEffective communication and demonstration using hands and body parts can enhance oral sex experiences. Maintain good hygiene to boost confidence and enjoyment.

      Effective communication and showing enthusiasm are key to enhancing oral sex experiences for both partners. The speaker suggests that if you're teaching your partner a new technique, make sure you're in a private and clean environment, and use your hands to demonstrate what feels good for you. Sucking the web of their hand can help them understand how to suck on your vulva or penis. Additionally, using your body parts, such as your foot, can provide extra pleasure and allow for better synchronization during oral sex. Lastly, maintaining good personal hygiene and taking care of your body, like getting a pedicure, can increase your confidence and make the experience more enjoyable for both partners.

    • Women taking control of their sexual experiencesWomen can deepen their connection with their partner and feel more in control by setting clear boundaries and exploring alternative ways of intimacy before intercourse, such as mutual masturbation, oral sex, and sex toys. Communication and consent are essential.

      Women have the power to take control of their sexual experiences by setting clear boundaries and exploring alternative ways of intimacy before engaging in intercourse. This can include mutual masturbation, oral sex, and the use of sex toys. By doing so, women can feel more in control and less victimized, while also deepening their connection with their partner. Additionally, exploring different sex toys and finding what works best for each individual can enhance sexual pleasure. Communication and consent are key components of this approach, making the experience safer both physically and emotionally.

    • Stay fresh and clean with Emily and Tony's new productEmily and Tony's new cream-to-powder formula keeps you fresh and clean in sensitive areas, suitable for all genders, available at emilyandtony.com with a 20% discount using code 'Emily'.

      Emily and Tony's new product is a cream-to-powder formula designed for keeping men fresh and clean in sensitive areas, but it's also suitable for women to use in various parts of their body where they want to stay fresh. The product is available at emilyandtony.com, and listeners can use the code "Emily" to get a 20% discount on their first purchase. The hosts emphasized the importance of staying fresh and shared that everyone deserves to feel clean and confident. They made it clear that this product is not just for men, but for anyone who wants to stay fresh and dry throughout the day. So, whether you're a man or a woman, remember to take care of yourself and use the code "Emily" to get a discount on this convenient and effective solution.

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    Harry Jowsey makes his return to Call Her Daddy and he doesn't hold back. He spills the tea on his dating life and reveals that his previous relationship ended due to cheating. He shares his new approach to dating aka Harry is hunting for a wife. Harry proudly declares that he's currently in his "dad era," which includes eating ass, sucking toes and many other wild sexual adventures. Alex and Harry answer questions from the Daddy Gang, providing advice on decoding mixed signals, navigating hookups with friends, dealing with bad texters, maintaining friendships with exes, and much more. Prepare for a wild ride because this episode is filled with hilarious stories, dating wisdom and plenty of laughter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    love lessons and relationship realisations

    love lessons and relationship realisations
    EP58 - I am almost 1 year post long-term relationship breakup! the past year has been such a huge time for my personal growth and I have learnt a lot about myself and relationships that I want to share. whether you are looking for love, fresh out of a breakup or happily single, I think there is something everyone can relate to in this episode. lotsa love as always xxx

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Ex Encounter

    The Ex Encounter
    Halloween Sunday scaries got you down? Well this mini is sure to bring you up. Father Cooper begins by discussing the difficulty of managing your time between your friends and your significant other. Is it wrong to want to spend all of your time with your boyfriend? Are your friends just jealous? All of my struggling Catholics out there - please stand up. Big Al explains how she overcame the strict ideals of sex imposed by the Catholic church and how she currently fucks and sucks guilt free.  So, you’re a virgin? Well if your name isn’t Mary we are dropping the V word all together. Father Cooper discusses what to say to someone if you are having sex for the first time. Are you obligated to tell them? Should you take the secret to your grave? As great as Big Al is at having sex, some may say she is even more skilled at avoiding it. Alex gives a play by play on how to stop a hookup from going all the way while still keeping the mood flirty and fun. SOS – I’m going to see my ex, what do I do?! In this episode, Father Cooper fully breaks down the ex-encounter…what to do, what to say, and one specific move we all want to add to our arsenal. Last, but certainly not least, a tale as old as time…sexting. Big Al discusses how to handle that sext that went a little too far and got a little too freaky. Happy Halloween and enjoy daddies! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices