
    Exclusive: Kate Forbes

    enApril 01, 2023
    How does LinkedIn benefit small businesses in hiring?
    What challenges did Hamza Yusuf face as new SNP leader?
    What insights did Kate Forbes share about the leadership election?
    What is notable about Hamza Yusuf's cabinet composition?
    How does Kate Forbes view political debate in Scotland?

    • Discovering Qualified Candidates on LinkedInLinkedIn is a crucial platform for small businesses to find qualified candidates, with over 70% of users not visiting other job sites and offering access to both active and passive job seekers.

      LinkedIn is a valuable resource for small businesses looking to hire professionals. It's like looking for your car keys in a fish tank to ignore LinkedIn when trying to find qualified candidates. Over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other leading job sites, making it an ideal platform to find both active and passive job seekers. Additionally, 1800flowers.com is known for delivering smiles through their heartfelt gifts, and Quinn's offers high-quality travel essentials at affordable prices with ethical manufacturing practices. Moving on to the interview, former Scottish government officials discussed the recent SNP leadership election and Hamza Yusuf's first minister's questions. The session was disrupted by protesters, making for a challenging first appearance. Despite the disruptions, it provided an opportunity for the new leader to showcase his communication skills and address pressing issues. Furthermore, Kate Forbes, a candidate for the SNP leadership, shared her thoughts on the election and her experiences. She emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and maintaining faith during challenging times. Overall, the discussion provided valuable insights into Scottish politics and the experiences of key figures involved.

    • First Minister's Questions: Hamza Yousuf's DebutHamza Yousuf's first FMQs session was competent, but areas for improvement include avoiding scripted responses and maintaining a consistent tone.

      During the first minister's questions session between Hamza Yousuf, Anas Sarwar, and Douglas Ross, everyone performed relatively well, but there are areas for improvement. Anas Sarwar continued his focus on health issues to criticize Hamza Yousuf's tenure as health secretary. Hamza Yousuf, in his first appearance at FMQs, prioritized avoiding errors and seemed in command of his brief. However, there were noticeable instances of script reading and a mismatched tone in response to a serious question from a backbencher. These areas need improvement as the public perceives the tone of FMQs and looks for competence and confidence from their leaders. Overall, it was a good start for Hamza Yousuf, but there is room for growth in handling different question styles and maintaining an appropriate tone.

    • New SNP leader forms cabinet from urban areasNew SNP leader Hamza Yusuf prioritizes unity among urban supporters, forming a cabinet reflecting his political stance, despite criticism and lack of immediate reconciliation efforts with opposition parties.

      Hamza Yusuf, the new Scottish National Party (SNP) leader, has formed a cabinet composed mostly of individuals from urban constituencies, reflecting his political stance. This decision, which has been met with some criticism from within his party and the country, shows Hamza's commitment to leading from the left with the team he wants, despite opposition. Additionally, it was noted that the first week of Hamza's tenure was marked by a lack of unity and reconciliation efforts, with no immediate plans for bipartisanship. This approach sets the stage for Hamza's leadership, and while opinions on its effectiveness remain divided, it is clear that Hamza is staying true to his vision and leading with conviction.

    • Unexpectedly running for Scottish First Minister despite hesitationsDespite initial hesitations due to maternity leave and lack of recent political knowledge, Kate Forbes entered the Scottish First Minister contest due to her strong connection to her community and desire to make Scotland the best place for her daughter and peers.

      Kate Forbes found herself in an unexpected position when she decided to run for the Scottish First Minister position, despite her initial hesitations due to her maternity leave and lack of recent political knowledge. However, her strong connection to her community and desire to make Scotland the best place for her daughter and peers motivated her to enter the contest. The process was exhausting but democratic, with constant scrutiny and questioning from the public. Forbes felt welcomed and encouraged by her local SNP members and supporters, who saw her as a valuable addition to the debate on economic, rural, and family issues. Overall, Forbes' determination and commitment to her community led her to enter the contest and ultimately become a candidate.

    • Naomi's first week in politics marked by scrutiny and controversyNaomi learned the importance of balancing answers and avoiding personal attacks in politics, emphasizing the human side and need for open communication

      Naomi's first week in the political contest was marked by intense scrutiny and controversy over her personal beliefs. She was surprised by the overwhelming response, both within and outside her party, and the lengthy focus on her identity rather than policy issues. Despite the challenges, Naomi chose to stay resilient and answer directly to the public. Looking back, she recognizes the importance of carefully balancing her answers and avoiding targeting individuals. As she prepares to return to work at Holyrood, she remains hopeful for reconciliation with colleagues but acknowledges that it may take time for the dust to settle. Ultimately, Naomi's experience highlights the human side of politics and the importance of open communication and understanding.

    • Scottish political debate on economic policies and wealth creationSpeaker defended economic growth and wealth creation as necessary steps before redistribution, believing it resonated with voters despite media perception.

      During the Scottish political campaign, there was a debate about economic policies and the role of wealth creation in redistribution. The speaker defended his stance on economic growth and wealth creation, emphasizing it as a logical and necessary step before redistribution. He found it strange to be attacked for this position, which he considered centrist and Scandinavian in nature. The speaker acknowledged that economic growth and redistribution have become less emphasized in recent Scottish government policies and that the media perceived his focus on these issues as a campaign failure. However, he believed that economic growth was crucial, especially during a time of high inflation and stagnant growth, and that it was essential to create wealth before redistributing it. Despite media perception, the speaker felt that his stance resonated with voters and was an essential part of his campaign.

    • Scottish Economy: Healthcare Costs and Economic ProsperityThe Scottish economy faces challenges due to increasing healthcare costs. To maintain a free health service, revenue for reinvestment is crucial. Priorities include focusing on key industries, ensuring they thrive, and emphasizing a strong economy for a just transition and green industrialization.

      The Scottish economy faces significant challenges, particularly in the context of increasing healthcare costs and the need for economic prosperity. The Scottish Fiscal Commission report highlights that health spending will account for a large portion of spending growth. To maintain a free health service, revenue for reinvestment is necessary. The debate on tax and economic prosperity is crucial, even if it may not play well with all members of the Scottish National Party (SNP). The party's membership is diverse, with successful business owners and those advocating for economic prosperity. During the election, some elected representatives supported a different candidate, leading to a disconnect between their support and the percentage of members backing them. If the speaker had won the election and become First Minister, their priorities would have focused on key industries, ensuring they are thriving. They would emphasize the potential in existing sectors, such as food and drink, and the need for a just transition and green industrialization. The importance of a strong economy, particularly in light of healthcare costs, would remain a top priority.

    • Supporting industry growth through deregulation and investmentGovernments should reduce regulatory burdens and invest in skills training to help industries innovate and expand during economic transitions.

      During times of economic transition, governments should both deregulate and support industries to help them grow. This was emphasized during a conversation about Scotland's economy and the transition from oil and gas to renewable energy. The first step is to reduce regulatory burdens, allowing industries to innovate and expand. The second step is to invest in skills training and education to align with the needs of these industries. A positive and encouraging message from the government can also go a long way in boosting confidence and growth. However, there is a potential challenge with the increasing influence of environmental policies and the Green Party in the Scottish government, which could lead to unintended consequences and potential restrictions for certain industries. This has been seen in areas like road building, the private rented sector, and the oil and gas industry's transition to renewables. While the Greens have been successful in implementing their policies, it's important to consider the potential impact on industries and the economy as a whole.

    • SNP MSP Jefferies declines rural affairs role due to concerns and love for financeSNP MSP Jefferies declined the rural affairs role due to concerns about neglected areas and love for finance, but remains committed to contributing to Scotland's future direction.

      Scottish National Party (SNP) MSP Jefferies expressed concerns about neglected areas in the rural economy and his own party's stance on highly protected marine areas (HPMAs), which led him to decline the rural affairs role in the new government. He emphasized his love for the finance role and his desire to contribute to policy-making and Scotland's future direction during a period outside of government. Despite not being offered the finance secretary role again, Jefferies showed respect for the new first minister and looked forward to engaging in the broader policy discussions. The conversation provided valuable insights into the decision-making process and the priorities of the SNP following the recent election.

    • Kate Forbes' Post-Contest PlansKate Forbes remains dedicated to representing her constituents and contributing to intelligent policy debates in Scotland. She values honesty and respect in political discourse and plans to engage in discussions both within and outside the parliament.

      Despite stepping down as First Minister, Kate Forbes remains committed to representing her constituents and contributing to intelligent policy debates in Scotland. She believes that there is room for improvement in the infrastructure that supports decision-making outside of government and plans to engage in these discussions both within and outside the parliament. Kate also emphasized the importance of honesty and respect in political debate, sharing that the vast majority of her constituents respected her for her honesty despite disagreeing with her views. Lastly, she reflected on the contest as a test of Scotland's capacity to debate and disagree well, and she is proud of her decision to stay in the ring and change the nature of the debate in a positive way. Overall, Kate's approach to politics and her commitment to open and respectful dialogue is a notable legacy from this contest.

    • Devolution Discussions in Scotland: Shaping the Political LandscapeThe past week's political developments in Scotland, including potential by-elections, have significant implications for the Scottish government and SNP. Being prepared and adaptable is crucial in politics.

      The ongoing devolution discussions in Scotland, which include potential by-elections, have significant implications for the Scottish government and the SNP. The events of the past week are expected to shape the political landscape for a long time. Kate, a guest on the show, displayed remarkable strength of character and determination in discussing the recent political developments. For listeners new to the podcast, Hollywood Sources features Andy, Jeff, and a special guest each week to provide insightful analysis on current politics based on their experiences. The show offers a unique perspective from people who have lived and breathed politics, providing gossip, insight, and intelligent analysis. In the coming weeks, the focus will be on managing potential elections and maintaining focus. The last thing a government wants is a by-election, especially during uncertain times. The discussions and events of the past week highlight the importance of being prepared and adaptable in politics.

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    Holyrood Sources
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    Sponsored by the Scotch Whisky Association's Made to be Measured campaign. Find out more about the campaign at scotch-whisky.org.uk/madetobemeasured Sponsored by SSE: to verify what you've heard, click sse.com/change Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

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    Holyrood Sources
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    Sponsored by the Scotch Whisky Association's Made to be Measured campaign. Find out more about the campaign at scotch-whisky.org.uk/madetobemeasured

    Sponsored by SSE: to verify what you've heard, click sse.com/change

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    Holyrood Sources
    enSeptember 06, 2024

    Scottish Conservative Leadership Special

    Scottish Conservative Leadership Special

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    Sponsored by the Scotch Whisky Association's Made to be Measured campaign. Find out more about the campaign at www.scotch-whisky.org.uk/madetobemeasured. Sponsored by SSE. To verify what you've heard, click www.sse.com/change.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

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    Holyrood Sources
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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