
    Explosive New Details About The Deep State Coverup (Ep 1093)

    enOctober 22, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • America's panic and the importance of staying preparedIn light of America's current state and potential emergencies, it's crucial to prepare by securing a food supply through trusted sources like Patreon supply.

      The current state of America is causing panic among certain individuals, and they desperately need their ally Christopher Steele to remain strong. This revelation, which may be a game-changer, comes as people are urged to prepare for potential emergencies by ensuring their food supply, as disasters don't wait. The importance of this topic is emphasized as one of the most significant shows Dan Vongino has ever done. Listeners are encouraged to stay informed and take action to secure their food supply before it's too late. The show also promotes the use of Patreon supply, a trusted source for emergency preparedness, to help build a food emergency supply plan. The consequences of not taking action could lead to chaos and long lines at supermarkets during an emergency. Overall, the message is clear: be prepared for what's coming.

    • The Dossier's True Author: Glenn Simpson, Not Christopher SteeleThe dossier used to investigate Trump during the 2016 election was primarily written by Glenn Simpson, not Christopher Steele, to maintain the perception that the justice system was impartial.

      The dossier used to spy on Trump during the 2016 election was not actually written by Christopher Steele as previously believed, but rather by Glenn Simpson, a political opposition researcher paid by Hillary Clinton. The team behind the investigation needed Steele's name on the dossier to avoid public perception that the justice system was being hijacked by Clinton. If this information were to come out, it could lead to the entire case against Trump falling apart, leaving figures like Brennan, Comey, and others in a precarious position. This distancing from Steele began early on due to fears that he might reveal the truth about the dossier's origins. In a clip from Trey Gowdy on Hannity, he hints at this critical piece of information that could significantly impact the situation.

    • Emails between Brennan and Comey reveal panic during Russia investigationDuring the Russia investigation, CIA Director Brennan and FBI Director Comey exchanged emails indicating a sense of panic. This may have been due to the realization that intelligence used in the assessment relied on the same unverified dossier. The ongoing Durham investigation is expected to reveal more information on the origins of the Russia probe.

      During the Russia investigation in late 2016, there were emails exchanged between CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James Comey, indicating a sense of panic. This panic may have been due to the realization that intelligence relied upon in the assessment of Russian interference in the election may have been derived from the same unverified dossier by Christopher Steele. Brennan, unaware that Comey had suspicions about the dossier's origin, deflected blame to the FBI during an interview with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press. The ongoing investigation led by John Durham now includes interviews with CIA analysts, adding to the anticipation that more information regarding the origins of the Russia probe will come to light.

    • British intel shared info on Trump campaign ties to RussiaFormer CIA director Brennan, who denied seeing Steele dossier until late 2016, may face charges for lying to FBI about it; inconsistencies in their accounts underscore importance of truthfulness in investigations

      The FBI's investigation into potential Russian interference in the 2016 election was influenced by information shared with them by their British counterparts. This intelligence included some individuals with possible ties to the Trump campaign. John Brennan, the former CIA director, has previously claimed he did not see the infamous Steele dossier until late 2016. However, it has been revealed that he was briefed about its contents earlier that year. Now, Brennan and Steele are being interviewed by law enforcement officials. Both men may face charges for lying to the FBI if they continue to insist on their previous stories. The inconsistencies in their accounts highlight the importance of transparency and accuracy in the handling of sensitive information during investigations.

    • Brennan misrepresented dossier's origins to FBIJohn Brennan provided the FBI with the Steele dossier through intermediaries, concealing his involvement and misrepresenting its origins, leading to potential misinterpretation of its significance in the investigation into Russian election interference.

      John Brennan, despite his public claims, had access to the Steele dossier before December 2016, and he provided this information to the FBI through intermediaries, misrepresenting its origins. This misrepresentation led the FBI to believe they were receiving corroborating evidence when in reality, they were receiving the same information. The emails between Brennan and Comey suggest a confrontation around this issue, with Comey questioning the authenticity of the dossier and Brennan insisting he had no prior knowledge. This revelation adds to the ongoing debate about the origins and legitimacy of the Steele dossier and its role in the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

    • John Brennan under investigation for lying about contact with Christopher SteeleFormer CIA director John Brennan faces potential consequences for denying pre-election contact with dossier author Christopher Steele. DOJ investigators, led by John Durham, have evidence of earlier contact, and Steele is expected to speak with them.

      John Brennan, the former CIA director, is under scrutiny for potentially lying about his contact with Christopher Steele and the infamous dossier before the 2016 election. The DOJ investigators, led by John Durham, are aware that Brennan had contact with Steele before December 2016, despite Brennan's public statements to the contrary. This could lead to serious consequences for Brennan, as he may have to choose between pleading the fifth or admitting to lying to investigators about the origin of the dossier. Additionally, other individuals, such as CIA analysts, are reportedly lawyering up in anticipation of being questioned about their involvement in the matter. The Washington Examiner has reported that Steele is expected to speak with investigators and potentially reveal information that could contradict the FBI's previous assertions about the dossier's origins.

    • DOJ IG report on FISA abuse timeline changed due to Steele's London meetingSteele's London meeting caused a delay in the DOJ IG report on FISA abuse, raising concerns for those who need him to stick to the script.

      The timeline for the Department of Justice Inspector General's report on FISA abuse was changed due to a two-day meeting between investigators and Christopher Steele in London during President Trump's visit to the UK. This meeting led to the investigation being extended and the report being delayed. Steele is a key figure in the case as he did not provide information to the CIA until December, yet he is now cooperating with investigators. The delay in the report and Steele's involvement have raised concerns for those who need Steele to stick to the script, including former CIA Director John Brennan who is currently being interviewed. The use of NetSuite by Oracle was also highlighted as a solution for managing business systems efficiently and effectively.

    • Senate Intelligence Committee's Role in FISA ApplicationThe Senate Intelligence Committee obtained the FISA application used to spy on Carter Page, which relied heavily on the Steele dossier. Their involvement adds another layer to the controversy surrounding the dossier's credibility and the legitimacy of the investigation.

      The Senate Intelligence Committee played a significant role in the use of the Steele dossier during the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign. On March 17, 2017, the committee obtained the FISA application used to spy on Carter Page, which relied heavily on the dossier. This means that the committee, which was known for its anti-Trump sentiments, had a vested interest in the dossier's credibility. The committee's involvement adds another layer to the controversy surrounding the use of the dossier in the investigation. It's important to note that the accuracy and reliability of the dossier have been widely questioned, and its origins were less than transparent. The revelation of the Senate Intel Committee's involvement only serves to fuel the ongoing debate about the legitimacy of the investigation and the role of political biases in law enforcement.

    • Senator Warner's Contact with Steele's Lawyer After FISA ApplicationSenator Warner, a Democratic Senator, visited a secure facility to read the FISA application containing Steele's dossier information, which was paid for by the Clinton campaign, indicating potential partisan motivations and efforts to protect the dossier's credibility.

      During the investigation into the FISA application used to spy on the Trump campaign, it was revealed that Democratic Senator Mark Warner was in contact with a lawyer representing Christopher Steele on March 17, 2017, just after the FISA application was delivered to the Senate Intel Committee. Warner seemed to be in a panic and went to a sensitive compartmentalized information facility to read the application. This raises questions about why Warner was so concerned and why he was seeking information from Steele, who was the primary source for the dossier used in the FISA application. It appears that Warner was trying to ensure that Steele's information, which was paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign, was not exposed as a potential fabrication. This incident highlights the political nature of the investigation and the potential for partisan motivations to influence the process.

    • Senator Mark Warner under scrutiny for potential role in leaking classified infoThere are concerns that Senator Mark Warner may have been involved in the unauthorized leaking of classified info related to the Carter Page FISA application, but he and other senators are seeking leniency for a former staffer accused of the leaks, suggesting potential involvement.

      There are concerns that Democratic Senator Mark Warner may have been involved in the unauthorized leaking of classified information related to the Carter Page FISA application. This is based on the indictment of James Wolfe, a former staffer on the Senate Intel Committee, who is accused of leaking the information to a reporter. The alleged leaks included the identity of Carter Page. The senators, including Warner, are now seeking leniency for Wolfe in his defense, suggesting that they may have been involved in the leaking themselves. However, the Department of Justice only charged Wolfe with lying about his communications with the reporter, not with the actual leaking of classified information. This raises questions about the role of certain senators in the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information.

    • High-ranking officials in panic mode over Steele dossier investigationsInvestigations into the Steele dossier's origins are revealing new information, causing concern that the entire operation to spy on the Trump campaign may unravel. Previous denials from officials, like Brennan, are being questioned.

      High-ranking officials, including Comey, Clapper, and Brennan, are in panic mode as investigations into their handling of information related to the Steele dossier intensify. The Steele dossier, which was used to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, is now under scrutiny, and it appears that officials may have been aware that the information was not from Steele but from Simpson, who was working for Hillary Clinton. The interviewing of Steele by investigators has uncovered new information, causing concern that the entire operation may unravel. The backup plan, which involved setting up the Trump team to entrap them, is also collapsing, and there are growing suspicions about the Ms. Soot (Russian agent) angle. The IG report has been delayed, and it's believed that new information from Steele has thrown everything into disarray. The officials' previous denials, such as Brennan's claim that he didn't provide the FBI with the dossier, are now being called into question. The whole situation is a house of cards that is coming apart at the seams.

    • Russian agent's backup plan reaches out to TrumpThe connection between the Russian agent's backup plan and Trump is collapsing, with more truth coming to light. Subscribe to Dan Bongino's YouTube channel and read his book 'Exonerated' for background info.

      During this important episode of the Dan Bongino show, it was revealed that the backup plan, which has been compared to a Russian agent, attempted to reach out to Trump. This connection is now collapsing, and the truth about the situation is finally coming to light. Dan strongly encourages listeners to subscribe to his YouTube channel, youtube.com/Bongino, and to read his second book, "Exonerated," which provides detailed background information on this topic. The book, which was released a month ago and is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, is a quick and engaging read that will help make sense of the current events. Dan will continue discussing this topic tomorrow, so be sure not to miss the show. You can also listen to Dan's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud and follow him on Twitter @DBongino for updates 24/7.

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