
    They Can’t Keep Track of Their Own Lies # 979 (Ep 979)

    enMay 14, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Breaking: Key FBI/CIA source discreditedChristopher Steele, a major source for the FBI and CIA, was exposed for making a significant error in his reporting, casting doubt on the reliability of the Steele Dossier.

      During episode 977 of The Dan Vongino Show, a major story was broken about the discrediting of a key source used by the FBI and CIA to spy on Trump. Dan Vongino, Joe, and Polly provided hard evidence that this source, Christopher Steele, had made a significant error in his reporting, which was not picked up by other media outlets. The story was not speculative or a conspiracy theory, but based on Christopher Steele's own words. Additionally, Vongino discussed the tariffs and how the Chinese are destroying their own population, expressing his disapproval of tariffs but acknowledging that China is not engaging in free trade. He also mentioned having some content about Brennan for the show. Vongino also took a moment to promote Harry's razors, emphasizing their simplicity, durability, and affordability. Listeners can redeem a trial set of Harry's products by going to harry's.com/bongino.

    • Christopher Steele's Interview and Dossier InconsistencySteele's interview and dossier contain inconsistencies regarding a Cohen meeting in Prague, raising questions about Steele's credibility or dossier authorship. The FBI hid travel history information under the Immigration and Nationalization Act, and John Brennan's role in the Trump investigation is confirmed.

      During an interview on October 11, 2016, Christopher Steele told a State Department official about information regarding Cohen and a meeting in Prague. Eight days later, Steele's dossier mentioned the same meeting but was unsure of the location. This inconsistency raises questions about Steele's credibility or the authorship of the dossier. Additionally, there is a redacted section in the interview notes regarding travel histories, and the FBI cited the Immigration and Nationalization Act to hide this information. John Brennan's involvement in orchestrating the investigation into Trump is also confirmed, and he is expected to face consequences for his actions. These revelations add to the growing evidence of potential misconduct and deceit during the 2016 election.

    • CIA Head Shares Info on Trump-Russia Collusion with Senator ReidMisunderstanding between CIA and FBI over shared info on Trump-Russia collusion could have impacted investigation's legitimacy

      During the 2016 presidential election, John Brennan, then-head of the CIA, provided information to Senator Harry Reid regarding alleged collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. Reid then urged the FBI to open an investigation based on this information. However, the FBI had already been receiving information from the same source, Christopher Steele, and the key players in the FBI may not have realized the connection. This lack of clarity led to confusion and potentially biased decision-making. It's important to note that Brennan had no law enforcement powers and needed the FBI to obtain warrants for any surveillance activities. The source of the information, despite seeming sincere, was the same shady figure who had provided the information to Brennan. This misunderstanding could have significant implications for the legitimacy of the investigation.

    • Emails between Comey and Brennan in December 2016 could reveal doubts about Steele dossier's accuracyEmails between Comey and Brennan in December 2016 may reveal the FBI had doubts about the Steele dossier's accuracy but used it in FISA warrant applications without corroboration

      There are suspected emails between Jim Comey and John Brennan from December 2016, which could provide crucial information regarding the verification process of the Steele dossier used in the FISA warrant application against the Trump campaign. Trey Gowdy, a former congressman and prosecutor, suggested that these emails could reveal that Comey and the FBI had doubts about the dossier's accuracy but still presented it to the court. The concern is that they withheld exculpatory information and did not make any effort to corroborate the dossier until after it had been used. The significance of these emails lies in the fact that the FISA renewal process started in December, and Comey may have discovered inconsistencies between the information from the dossier and other sources, potentially including Brennan. The December emails could shed light on the FBI's actions and their rationale for using the dossier in the FISA application despite its unverified nature.

    • Brennan's account of dossier origin should be questionedDespite Brennan's claims, the FBI didn't rely on media reports to verify the dossier and Brennan bypassed usual channels to spread unverified info, casting doubt on his motivations and credibility.

      Former CIA Director John Brennan's claims about the origin of the infamous Trump-Russia dossier should be taken with a grain of salt. During an interview, he asserted that the dossier wasn't a secret and that the media had reported on it before the FBI verified its contents. However, this narrative contradicts the known facts. The FBI did not rely on media reports to validate the dossier's information, and Brennan himself bypassed the usual intelligence channels to spread the unverified information. Moreover, there are inconsistencies between what Steele told the State Department and what was included in the dossier. These discrepancies cast doubt on Brennan's claims and raise questions about his motivations and credibility. Ultimately, it seems that Brennan's primary goal was to use the dossier to undermine the Trump administration, and he manipulated the truth to achieve that end.

    • Brennan's Alleged Misrepresentation of InformationFormer CIA director John Brennan may have misled officials about his knowledge and handling of the Steele dossier, potentially influencing investigative decisions.

      John Brennan, the former CIA director, may have misled officials about when and how he obtained information related to the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia. The discussion suggests that Brennan was aware of the infamous Steele dossier earlier than he claimed, possibly even before it was officially compiled. Furthermore, it seems that he may have concealed the true origin of this information from others, including James Comey, the former FBI director. The implication is that Brennan's deception could have influenced the decision-making process regarding the surveillance of Carter Page and the broader investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. The inconsistencies in Brennan's statements, as pointed out in the discussion, add to the complexity of the situation and raise questions about the credibility of the intelligence community's handling of this sensitive matter.

    • Confusion and potential deceit over dossier originsThe dossier's origins are unclear and may involve deceit from key figures, potentially misleading the FBI into believing they had verified intelligence.

      There seems to be confusion and potential deceit surrounding the origins of information used in the investigation into President Trump and Russian interference in the 2016 election. Christopher Steele, the primary source for the infamous dossier, has contradicted himself regarding the information he provided and who he provided it to. John Brennan, another key figure, claimed the dossier confirmed his sources, but if the dossier was written by Steele, it doesn't actually confirm anything. The FBI may have been misled into thinking they were receiving verified intelligence from the CIA when it was actually just gossip from Brennan about Steele. Additionally, Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer, testified under oath that she was aware of Brennan having the same information but was unaware of the CIA providing it to the FBI. The redactions in her testimony may be hiding the fact that the FBI fell for this scam.

    • Expanding Knowledge with Blinkist and the Importance of ReadingBlinkist provides quick summaries of non-fiction books, popular among 5 million users. Reading daily for 30 minutes boosts financial success, and staying informed, open-minded, and fact-based is crucial.

      Blinkist is a valuable tool for expanding your knowledge with quick, mobile-friendly summaries of non-fiction books. With over 5 million users, it's a popular choice for those looking to make the most of their time. Additionally, the importance of reading for personal and financial success was emphasized, with 88% of financially successful people reportedly reading for at least 30 minutes a day. During the discussion, there was a call for understanding and respect regarding differing perspectives on certain political issues. However, it was also noted that the evidence appears to be mounting against certain theories and individuals, such as former FBI head Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The appointment of a US attorney to investigate the origins of the Trump case was seen as a significant development, as only prosecutors have the power to subpoena and impanel grand juries. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying informed and open-minded, while also recognizing the value of solid evidence and facts.

    • Senator Rubio calls for DOJ investigation into John Kerry's alleged Logan Act violationSenator Rubio wants consistency in applying laws, highlighting the Logan Act's inconsistent use against Michael Flynn and potential application to John Kerry.

      While US Attorney John Durham and Michael Huber have the power to investigate potential wrongdoings, they don't have the same authority as Attorney General Bill Barr to issue subpoenas. Rubio's call for a Department of Justice investigation into John Kerry's alleged violation of the Logan Act, which prohibits private citizens from conducting diplomatic business of the United States, highlights the inconsistency in how laws are applied. While the Logan Act is often dismissed as a joke, it was taken seriously enough to be used against Michael Flynn. If the Democrats believe it's a legitimate law, they should be willing to test it in court with Kerry as the defendant. The stakes are high, and it's time for a serious, no-holds-barred approach to upholding the law.

    • Preparing for Emergencies with Food Supplies and Tax CutsBe self-sufficient during crises with an emergency food supply and debunk common narratives about tax cuts leading to government revenue loss, instead promoting economic growth

      It's crucial to prepare for potential crises, such as power outages or economic changes, by having an emergency food supply. The speaker emphasized the importance of being self-sufficient and not relying on credit cards or bartering. He also debunked common liberal narratives and highlighted historical evidence showing that tax cuts can lead to increased government revenue. The speaker encouraged listeners to consider investing in a two-week emergency food kit from My Patriot Supply for peace of mind. Additionally, he criticized liberal arguments against tax cuts, stating that historically, they have not cost the government revenue but instead led to economic growth.

    • Misconceptions about federal deficit and tax cutsTax cuts don't necessarily decrease gov't revenue; they boost economy, leading to increased revenue through corporate profits and income taxes

      The increase in the federal deficit is primarily due to increased government spending, not decreased revenues. Contrary to popular belief, tax cuts do not necessarily cost the government money. Instead, they put more money in people's pockets, which in turn circulates in the economy and generates more revenue through corporate profits and income taxes. The evidence, including an increase in tax revenue and overall spending, supports this conclusion. It's important to critically evaluate news stories and not be misled by misinformation. Additionally, an attempt was made to lighten the mood with a humorous anecdote about an awkward hug between AOC and Bernie Sanders during the proposal of a bill to cap interest rates. Price controls, like the one proposed in the bill, have been proven to not work effectively in economics.

    • Price controls can lead to unintended consequencesPrice controls, such as capping interest rates, can result in increased demand, decreased supply, and the emergence of black markets, ultimately doing more harm than good.

      Price controls, such as capping interest rates at 15% for credit cards, can lead to unintended consequences. These consequences include increased demand, decreased supply, and the emergence of black markets. Price controls are a form of price fixing, and they distort the market by artificially lowering the price of a product or service. In the case of credit cards, a price control would result in more people demanding loans, but fewer lenders willing to provide them due to the increased risk. This could lead to a rise in predatory lending, as those unable to obtain loans from traditional lenders would turn to loan sharks or other high-interest lenders. The quality of the loans or services provided in these black markets could also suffer, as lenders would be losing money on each transaction. Ultimately, price controls can do more harm than good, and it's important to consider the potential unintended consequences before implementing them.

    • US trade with China not based on fair practicesThe US-China trade war arises from unequal practices, including intellectual property theft, and China's heavy reliance on US exports

      The current trade situation between the US and China is not a case of free trade. American companies are required to surrender their intellectual property when engaging in business in China, which is not a fair practice. This issue, among others, has led to a trade war between the two economic powers. China's economy is heavily reliant on exports to the US, and devaluing their currency is a recent response to the imposed tariffs. If the US manages to slow down imports from China, it could potentially crash the Chinese economy. The speaker, who identifies as a free trader, believes that the current situation is not sustainable and that something needs to change.

    • Trade war impacts on US-China economies and relationsThe US-China trade war leads to currency devaluation, higher consumer prices, and lower wages in China, while the use of a probable cause arrest warrant for George Papadopoulos in the Mueller investigation indicates potential panic and desperation.

      The ongoing trade war between the United States and China, and the implementation of tariffs on each other's goods, has led to a complex situation where both countries are trying to offset the costs. China is devaluing its currency to make exports cheaper, while tariffs make imports more expensive. This results in higher prices for consumers and lower wages for workers in China. The use of a probable cause arrest warrant for George Papadopoulos in the Mueller investigation is also an unusual move among federal agents, indicating potential panic and desperation on the part of law enforcement. Overall, the trade war and its consequences are having far-reaching impacts on both economies and international relations.

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