

    enJune 02, 2023
    How does Angie simplify home project connections?
    What personal experiences influenced the host's perspective on home projects?
    What is the significance of TikTok in creating community?
    How do influencers impact financial decisions in the beauty industry?
    What challenges did speakers discuss regarding love and relationships?

    Podcast Summary

    • Effortlessly connect with home professionalsAngie's platform saves time and potential disasters by connecting you with skilled pros for home projects and managing the process from start to finish.

      Angie simplifies the process of connecting with skilled professionals for home projects, saving time and potential disasters. Whether it's a small repair or a larger project, Angie's platform can help connect you with the right expert and manage the process from start to finish. The host shared personal experiences of home projects gone wrong and emphasized the value of leaving such tasks to the professionals. Angie's app and website make it easy to find and compare quotes from multiple pros, ensuring a high-quality outcome. So, when it comes to getting the most out of your home, Angie that!

    • Misunderstandings and hurt feelings in communicationClear and timely communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Miscommunications can occur in various relationships and settings, including digital interactions with influencers.

      People can have differing expectations in communication, leading to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of feeling ignored by someone who had shown excitement about meeting, only to not receive a response. The speaker also acknowledged their own tendency to be easily hurt and dramatic in such situations. They also discussed the challenges of navigating interactions with influencers and the potential for negative experiences in the digital world. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of clear and timely communication, as well as the potential for miscommunications and hurt feelings in relationships.

    • The power of cutting off access to healCutting off access to someone who has hurt you can help you heal, but it's important to balance self-care with forgiveness and protecting loved ones.

      Cutting off access to someone who has hurt you can be an effective way to move on and heal. This was a topic discussed during a podcast where the speaker shared how they had been touched by the idea of not responding or giving validation to someone who has cheated, as it can help in getting over the hurt. The speaker also acknowledged their own struggles with self-worth and forgiveness, but expressed a desire to be tougher and worth fighting for. The conversation then shifted to a lighter note, with stories shared about protecting loved ones and getting into fights. Despite the potential danger, the speaker's protective instincts kicked in, and they physically intervened to keep their friends safe. These experiences highlight the importance of standing up for oneself and those we care about, and the power of taking action to protect ourselves and our relationships.

    • The Power of Loyalty: A Friend's ProtectionA friend's protection during conflict creates a deep bond and highlights the importance of having a strong support system.

      Having someone who stands up for you in a moment of conflict can be a powerful bonding experience. The speaker shares a story of a night out where they found themselves in a physical altercation and were grateful for a friend, Spencer, who stepped in to defend them. The incident created a deep connection between them, and the speaker expresses her appreciation for Spencer's protective instincts. The speaker also acknowledges that she would reciprocate the same level of loyalty and fight for her friend if the situation called for it. The experience highlights the importance of having a strong support system and the significance of standing up for those we care about.

    • Finding the Right Professional for Home Projects with Angie's ListAngie's List simplifies home projects by connecting users with skilled professionals for any job, from small repairs to large-scale projects. Personal experiences of fitness and using performance-enhancing drugs were also shared during the conversation.

      Angie's List simplifies home projects by connecting users with skilled professionals. Whether it's a small repair or a large-scale project, Angie's List can help users find the right pro for the job. The platform can handle the project from start to finish or help users compare quotes from multiple pros. Meanwhile, during the conversation, the topic shifted to fitness and the use of performance-enhancing drugs. The speaker shared their personal experience of completing a steroid cycle, emphasizing the importance of having a doctor and coach's guidance. Despite the challenges of getting back into working out, the speaker expressed their strength and competitiveness, sharing stories of beating fitness competitors in push-up challenges. Overall, the key takeaway is that Angie's List offers a convenient solution for home projects, while the conversation touched on the topic of fitness and personal experiences.

    • Speaker's Height Preferences in RomanceSpeaker prefers shorter romantic partners but has fallen for individuals outside their preferred range. Love is about connection, understanding, and enjoying each other's company.

      The speaker has specific preferences when it comes to romantic partners, particularly in terms of height. They prefer shorter men, and while they have a consistent type, they have fallen for individuals outside of their preferred range. The speaker believes that being in love involves enjoying someone's company, having fun together, and feeling understood. They have had romantic experiences with both men and women and have explored their sexuality. Despite having a preference for shorter men, they believe that everyone deserves love and respect, regardless of their height or gender. The speaker's definition of love includes enjoying time with their partner, having fun together, and feeling seen for who they truly are. Ultimately, they believe that love is about connection and understanding.

    • Discussing Kyla's TikTok mishaps and influencer cultureOnline communities form around shared interests and experiences, with TikTok providing a platform for humor and discussion about influencer culture and the financial success of popular personalities.

      Social media, particularly TikTok, can create a sense of community and connection, even if the events discussed aren't real. The conversation revolves around the antics of a character named Kyla, who is compared to a TV show character due to her supposed mishaps and dramas. Kyla's most popular tweet was about a supposed fall, reminiscent of Jason Derulo's infamous Met Gala incident. The speakers find humor in Kyla's misfortunes and share their opinions on various TikTok topics, such as Mikaela's accent and her endorsement deals. They discuss how influencers, particularly those in the beauty industry, can make significant sums of money through their influence. The conversation showcases the enthusiasm and conversational nature of online communities, where individuals can share their hot takes on various topics and connect over shared experiences and interests.

    • Authentic and honest friendshipsThey value self-acceptance, engage in open discussions, support each other, appreciate unique qualities, set boundaries, and share a sense of humor.

      The individuals in this conversation value authenticity and self-acceptance in their friendships. They engage in open and honest discussions about their appearances, experiences, and past conflicts. Despite their imperfections and insecurities, they support each other and appreciate the unique qualities that make them who they are. They also acknowledge the importance of setting boundaries and standing up for themselves when necessary. Additionally, they share a sense of humor and enjoy poking fun at themselves and each other. Overall, their conversations demonstrate a deep connection and understanding, showcasing the power of genuine and unfiltered friendships.

    • Desire for Authentic Relationships and Fascination with MagicPeople long for genuine connections, even with past failures, and find intrigue in the mystical as a means to influence circumstances.

      People seek connections and relationships, even if they have experienced failure in the past. The speaker expresses a desire for authentic relationships, even if they have gone through multiple marriages. They also express a fascination with the idea of casting spells and using magic as a way to influence their circumstances. Despite the speaker's rough exterior and toxic behavior, they have a deep longing for meaningful connections and a desire to find someone who truly understands them. They also have a strong belief that positive energy and intentions can bring about positive outcomes. The speaker's conversations reveal a complex and intriguing personality, full of humor, vulnerability, and a touch of the mystical.

    • Navigating the Costs and Complexities of Love and Personal GrowthSeek self-discovery and emotional management instead of relying on external validation or coaching, and set boundaries for responsible and sustainable help.

      Love and relationships can be challenging and expensive experiences, especially when seeking help from a life coach. One speaker shared their experience of being in a toxic relationship and attempting to break free from it through coaching, only to feel scammed and overwhelmed by the cost. They emphasized the importance of self-discovery and learning to manage emotional highs and lows, rather than relying on external validation or guidance. Another speaker mentioned their own struggles with codependency and the difficulty of fully moving on from past relationships. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and costs of love and personal growth, and the importance of setting boundaries and seeking help in a responsible and sustainable way.

    • Navigating the ups and downs of life with grace and authenticityMaintain a connection to past experiences, avoid basing self-worth on fleeting accolades, and find stability in things that bring genuine fulfillment.

      Experiencing growth and success in life can lead to a constantly shifting perception of reality, which can be both exhilarating and challenging. It's essential to maintain a connection to our past experiences and to avoid basing our self-worth on fleeting accolades or sources of dopamine. Instead, we should strive to find stability in things that excite us and bring us genuine fulfillment, even as our realities continue to evolve. The speaker shares her personal journey of growing up and achieving success, noting the disorienting effect of breaking through ceilings and the importance of staying grounded. She also cautions against putting on a front or losing passion in the pursuit of social media fame. Ultimately, the key is to learn how to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and authenticity.

    • Authenticity and mental health in the entertainment industryStaying true to oneself and prioritizing mental health are essential for creators in the entertainment industry. Authentic connections with audiences can lead to longevity in the industry.

      Authenticity and mental health are crucial for creators in the entertainment industry. Katharine McPhee reflects on the importance of staying true to oneself and taking care of mental health, even in the face of maintaining a public persona. She also expresses her admiration for other creators, believing that those who can authentically connect with their audience have the potential to last in the industry. McPhee shares her experiences of growing in the industry, from her early days on YouTube to her current success on TikTok, and expresses her gratitude for the opportunities that have come her way. Ultimately, she emphasizes the importance of loyalty and genuine connections in her personal and professional life.

    • Friendship and authenticityThe speaker values genuine relationships and shares a strong bond with her friend, filled with laughter, vulnerability, and mutual respect. They appreciate thoughtful gestures and prefer vanilla experiences over the weird or competitive ones.

      The speaker values thoughtful gestures and appreciates authenticity in relationships. She expresses her admiration for her friend and shares her quirks and experiences, revealing a playful and honest personality. The conversation also touches on their shared sense of humor and their preference for vanilla experiences over the "weird" or competitive ones. The speaker also mentions her upcoming supplement line, focused on damage control, reflecting her concern for self-care and health. Overall, the conversation showcases a strong bond between two friends, filled with laughter, vulnerability, and mutual respect.

    • Intimate moments are best experienced one-on-oneOne-on-one relationships during intimate moments allow for deeper connections and a more immersive experience, while group settings introduce complexities and distractions.

      The speaker prefers one-on-one relationships during intimate moments, such as sex, as they allow for a deeper connection and a more immersive experience. The presence of a third person introduces additional complexities and distractions, making it difficult for the speaker to fully engage and lose themselves in the moment. This preference extends beyond sex, as the speaker also expressed a desire to avoid competition and potential conflicts in group settings. The speaker also shared an experience of being unwittingly caught up in a situation where they unintentionally hurt someone else's feelings, highlighting the potential challenges and negative consequences of group dynamics.

    • The importance of clear communication and authenticityMisunderstandings can lead to frustration and miscommunications. Be clear, stay true to yourself, and value open and honest communication to avoid misunderstandings and build strong relationships.

      Miscommunications can lead to frustration and misunderstandings, especially when people have different experiences and perspectives. The speaker expressed the importance of clarifying misunderstandings and valuing open and honest communication. Additionally, the speaker shared their dislike for being misconstrued or misunderstood and their desire to be heard and understood by others. The conversation also touched on the topic of being true to oneself and not trying to fit into certain expectations or molds. The speaker emphasized the importance of being authentic and staying true to one's own experiences and desires.

    • Speakers discuss Terry Jo and their own preferences and experiences with wealth and luxury itemsThe speakers admire Terry Jo's controversial actions and express envy towards Ari's wealth, while acknowledging his honesty. They share their own experiences with luxury items and their varying approaches towards money, using humor to navigate the topic.

      The conversation revolves around the speakers' admiration for Terry Jo, a controversial figure known for her live Zoom harassment, and their own personal experiences and preferences, including Ari's privilege and their financial situations. The speakers express their envy towards Ari's wealth and the ease with which he acquires material possessions, while acknowledging his honesty and lack of delusion. The conversation also touches upon their own experiences with luxury items and their varying approaches towards money. The speakers engage in playful banter and use humor to navigate the topic, highlighting their camaraderie and shared experiences.

    • From financial struggles to entrepreneurial successOvercoming hardships can lead to valuable lessons and a strong entrepreneurial mindset. Stay focused on long-term goals and believe that every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity for growth.

      Overcoming past financial struggles and hardships can lead to a strong entrepreneurial mindset and a drive for continuous growth. The speaker shares her experience of starting out in the Internet era without proper guidance, facing financial issues, and learning valuable lessons through trial and error. This period of her life was a turning point, as she began to focus on optimizing revenue, investing, and starting businesses. Even when faced with unexpected opportunities like OnlyFans, she saw it as an opportunity to maximize potential. Although she had to endure difficult experiences, she emphasizes the importance of patience, resilience, and the belief that everything happens for a reason. Overall, her story highlights the power of turning adversity into opportunity and the importance of staying focused on long-term goals.

    • Streamline Home Projects with Angie's PlatformAngie's app and website connect you with trusted, vetted home service professionals and allow you to compare quotes, saving time and energy on home projects.

      Angie's platform offers a streamlined solution for managing home projects. Whether you need help answering a few questions or comparing quotes from multiple professionals, Angie can assist you from start to finish. This means you can tackle any home project with ease, all through just a few taps on your phone. Angie's app and website provide an efficient way to get the most out of your home improvement projects. Instead of spending hours researching and coordinating with different contractors, Angie can help you connect with the right professionals for the job. Plus, their platform allows you to compare quotes and make informed decisions, saving you time and energy. By downloading the free Angie mobile app or visiting their website, you'll have access to a network of trusted and vetted home service professionals. Angie's platform offers peace of mind, knowing that you're working with reputable and reliable professionals. So, the next time you have a home project in mind, remember that Angie can help you take care of it with just a few taps.

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    On this episode of the Cancelled Podcast, Brooke returns and we talk about the future of the podcast...

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    Cancelled with Tana Mongeau
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    93: Leah from Love Island exposes the WHOLE show

    93: Leah from Love Island exposes the WHOLE show
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    Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/
    Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber
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    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we recap the tour and appreciate each other’s friendship. Tana reflects on her sobriety and we find out why she’s beefing with Will Smith and Wiz Khalifa!


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    Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/

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