
    Fall In Love With The Process | Interview on Behind The Baller

    enSeptember 30, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Valuing the process over end resultsEmbrace the journey and find joy in the process, rather than solely focusing on the outcome.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful entrepreneur and hobbyist, values the process and the journey over material possessions or external validation. He shared his personal experiences with being a fan of various sports teams and how he became more invested in the process than the end result. He also expressed his excitement about having Jamal Adams, a former Jet, on his team, while acknowledging his own disappointment with the Jets' performance. Despite his current misery, he emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and being addicted to the process, which has been a driving force in his entrepreneurial success.

    • The emotional connection to sports teamsPeople's attachment to sports teams shapes their identity and influences life decisions. Embrace team loyalty genuinely for deeper meaning.

      People's attachment to sports teams can be deeply personal and meaningful to them, shaping their identity and even influencing their decisions in life. The speaker shares his own experiences as a fan of various sports teams, including the Raiders and Knicks, and how his fandom has evolved over the years. He emphasizes that fans should embrace their team loyalty genuinely, rather than just following trends or seeking external validation. The speaker also touches upon the importance of family and the impact it can have on one's sports allegiance. Overall, the discussion highlights the emotional connection people have with sports and the role it plays in their lives.

    • Investing in underpriced collectibles like Lawrence Taylor's rookie cardLT's iconic status and expected market growth make his rookie card an investment opportunity. Self-awareness and family lessons are crucial in family businesses.

      Lawrence Taylor's 1982 Topps rookie card is an underpriced investment opportunity due to the expected growth in the vintage football market, LT's iconic status as a top 5 NFL player, and the potential interest from older collectors. The speaker also emphasized the importance of self-awareness and learning valuable lessons from family experiences when considering joining a family business. He shared his personal journey of growing up in a struggling liquor store business, being shaped by his parents' teachings, and eventually turning it into a successful enterprise despite not owning any of the profits. Overall, the conversation underscores the potential rewards of investing in underpriced collectibles and the importance of self-awareness and strong family dynamics in business ventures.

    • Navigating Family Business DynamicsSelf-awareness, patience, and open communication are essential for success in family businesses. Build your own value and earn your place based on merit and hard work, rather than assuming entitlement.

      Understanding yourself and your role in a family business is crucial for success and avoiding resentment. The speaker shares his experiences of feeling underappreciated and underpaid despite being the driving force behind his family's businesses. He emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, patience, and open communication to navigate the complexities of family dynamics and business partnerships. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of merit and hard work, but stresses that individuals must be aware of their unique circumstances and contributions to avoid feelings of entitlement or unfairness. Ultimately, the speaker encourages individuals to build their own value and earn their place in a family business rather than assuming they are entitled to a share based on their relationship alone.

    • The journey of building something from scratchBuilding something from scratch comes with challenges and sacrifices, but the sense of accomplishment and growth is worth it. Learn from mistakes and keep pushing forward.

      Building something from scratch, especially a business, comes with its own unique challenges and sacrifices. The speaker shares his personal experience of growing up in his father's liquor store business, which eventually grew from a small operation to a large one, leaving him in debt and unable to secure a mortgage when he wanted to buy an apartment. He knew the business would not be passed down to him, and despite the financial struggles, he couldn't help but feel the energy building as he watched his father build something monumental. The speaker learned that the journey of building something for oneself, even if it comes with its own setbacks and challenges, is worth it in the end. He also emphasized that everyone's circumstances are different, and what worked for him might not work for others. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to take risks, learn from their mistakes, and keep pushing forward in their own unique journeys.

    • Young entrepreneur's passion for wine started in a liquor storeDiscovering the intrigue of wine collecting during his teen years led this entrepreneur to build a successful career in the industry, defying societal expectations.

      The speaker's experience working in a liquor store at a young age sparked his interest in wine collecting and eventually led him to become an entrepreneur in the wine industry. Despite his initial disdain for the family business, he discovered the intrigue of wine collecting and the storytelling behind each bottle. This passion drove him to learn everything he could about wine, even during his high school years, and eventually led him to build a successful career in the industry. The ratings and labels, such as Wine Spectator and Robert Parker, added to the allure of the hobby, allowing him to form his own opinions and connect with others who shared the same passion. The speaker's determination to pursue his interests, even when it went against societal expectations, ultimately paid off and shaped the course of his life.

    • Identifying trends and making smart investmentsUnderstanding human behavior and anticipating trends can lead to successful ventures. Look for patterns and opportunities in various industries, and don't be afraid to take calculated risks.

      Understanding human behavior and anticipating trends can lead to successful ventures, whether it's in sports cards, wine, or tech businesses. The speaker's success in identifying the next big thing is not due to luck but a natural talent honed over time. This talent was first observed in his mother, who made smart investments and took advantage of opportunities despite coming from humble beginnings. The speaker applied this skill to various industries, including sports cards and e-commerce, and was able to predict trends before most people did. For instance, he launched an e-commerce wine business in 1996 when the Internet was still considered a fad, and convinced his father to invest despite the skepticism. By understanding what people would be into and what they would do at scale, the speaker was able to make profitable decisions. The parallels between collecting sports cards and wine further fueled his passion for these hobbies, as they both have the potential to be profitable if collected wisely.

    • Staying informed and observant can lead to profitable opportunitiesBeing aware of emerging trends and markets can help individuals make financial gains before others do.

      Observing trends and staying attuned to the needs and behaviors of different communities can lead to significant financial gains. The speaker shares his experience of selling baseball cards in the 1990s and sensing the market's impending collapse, allowing him to sell all his cards beforehand and make a profit. He emphasizes the importance of being aware of emerging trends and markets, whether it's in the world of sports cards, toys, or other industries. By keeping a keen eye on the streets and staying informed, individuals can position themselves to capitalize on opportunities before others do. The speaker's success is a testament to the power of observation and adaptability in business.

    • Unexpected connections in lifeDiscovering similarities with family members and building connections with people from diverse backgrounds enriches experiences. Balance personal relationships and projects without beating oneself up.

      Despite having a complicated relationship with his grandmother and dealing with multiple projects, the speaker found unexpected connections in life. The speaker's discovery of similarities between his mother and his late grandmother, who was of Mongolian descent, was a surprising and emotional moment for him. Additionally, he shared that his family has a diverse background, with Mongolian and Jewish heritage, adding to the richness of his experiences. Balancing various projects and personal relationships can be challenging, but the speaker emphasized the importance of not beating oneself up and finding joy in the journey. He also shared a personal story of how he found camaraderie with influencers in Asia during a speaking tour, highlighting the importance of building connections and finding common ground with people from different backgrounds.

    • Perception of upbringing and parenting influences usRecognize the unique experiences and impacts of family dynamics. Don't compare ourselves to others, focus on our own decisions, and trust our instincts as parents.

      The way we perceive our upbringing and the relationship with our parents can greatly influence our perspective on life and our own parenting. The speaker shared his experience of not having a close relationship with his father due to his long working hours, and how he felt resentment and a lack of presence. However, he realized later in life that his father had shown him valuable lessons through his work ethic and dedication. The speaker also emphasized the importance of not comparing ourselves to others and focusing on our own experiences and decisions. He encouraged not to seek validation from others, especially those who do not fully know us, and to trust our instincts as parents. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of family dynamics and the importance of recognizing the unique experiences and impacts they have on our lives.

    • Understanding the reasons behind luxury purchasesFocus on personal happiness and growth, not comparisons to others. Self-awareness and clarity are key when considering personal spending habits.

      People's motivations for acquiring luxury items can't be generalized. While some may buy them as investments or for personal enjoyment, others use them to fill insecurities and seek validation from others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying reasons behind such purchases and encourages individuals to focus on their own happiness and growth, rather than comparing themselves to others. He shares his own experiences of breaking down the corporate ladder to pursue his passions and finding fulfillment in his evolving journey. The speaker also highlights the need for self-awareness and clarity when it comes to personal spending habits, encouraging people to consider the real reasons behind their purchases and whether they truly bring happiness and value to their lives.

    • Finding Balance Between Financial Freedom and Personal ValuesFinancial freedom brings choices, but maintaining wealth requires focus on experiences and personal values, not just material possessions. Be true to oneself and don't let external pressures dictate actions.

      Financial freedom allows individuals to make choices that bring excitement and joy, but it's important to remember that maintaining wealth is a challenge. The speaker shares his personal experiences of buying luxury items as symbols of success, but later realizing the importance of living within means and focusing on experiences rather than material possessions. He also emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and not letting external pressures dictate one's actions. The pandemic served as a catalyst for the speaker to reassess his priorities and simplify his lifestyle, leading him to sell some of his expensive cars and watches and invest in a vintage car and vintage items. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding balance between financial freedom and personal values.

    • The importance of hard work and self-improvement for true happinessHard work and self-improvement lead to greater happiness than material wealth. Instill values and self-esteem in children, focus on building a strong foundation, and prioritize the process over the end goal.

      The process of hard work and self-improvement is more important for true happiness than material wealth. The speaker, Ben Baller, shares his personal experiences of feeling happier during his broke times than when he became wealthy. He emphasizes the importance of instilling self-esteem and values in children, even if they grow up with luxuries, and the need to focus on building a strong foundation rather than just seeking the "sprinkles and cherry on top." He also shares a story about feeling envious of friends who could afford expensive gifts during the holiday season, despite his own success, and how their lack of awareness of his situation was evident in their eyes. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to focus on the process of self-improvement and hard work, rather than just seeking the end goal of wealth or material possessions.

    • Aiming for greatness through personal growth and giving backThe speaker values the process of entrepreneurship more than financial success and focuses on personal growth and giving back to be the greatest entrepreneur of all time.

      The speaker's drive and motivation come from the process itself, rather than the need to prove himself to others or to accumulate wealth. He aims to be the greatest entrepreneur of all time by giving back and continuing to work hard, rather than focusing on financial success. The speaker also values sports and the potential for discovering hidden talents, and has a deep appreciation for vintage basketball. Despite his success, he remains humble and continues to strive for improvement. The speaker's attitude towards competition is to build and focus on one's own success rather than talking negatively about others. Overall, the speaker's mindset is one of perseverance, passion, and a focus on personal growth.

    • Bullish on Vintage Sports Collectibles: Investing in Basketball Players with High UpsideSpeaker is optimistic about investing in vintage basketball players with unique qualities and high potential, such as Giannis Antetokounmpo and Kevin Durant, despite uncertainty in their future performance.

      The speaker is bullish on investing in vintage sports collectibles, specifically basketball players with high upside and unique qualities, despite some uncertainty in their future performance. He believes that players like Giannis Antetokounmpo and Kevin Durant have significant potential, even if they haven't yet achieved multiple championships. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of considering the player's unique traits and potential for growth, rather than just their past accomplishments. He also expresses excitement about the potential of the podcast to provide valuable insights for collectors. The speaker's personal experiences and connections to players add to his enthusiasm for investing in their collectibles. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that the hobby of collecting sports memorabilia offers opportunities for significant returns, particularly when it comes to vintage items and promising young players.

    • Understanding Micro and Macro Factors in CollectingApproach collecting with a thoughtful and strategic mindset, considering both the potential long-term value and broader market conditions.

      Making informed decisions in collecting, whether it's sports cards or investments, requires a combination of understanding the micro factors (belief in the player or artist) and the macro factors (market trends and demand). The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying informed and adaptable, as the value of collectibles can fluctuate based on various factors. He also mentions the influence of younger generations on the collectibles market, as they discover new interests through platforms like YouTube. Overall, the key takeaway is to approach collecting with a thoughtful and strategic mindset, considering both the potential long-term value of the collectible and the broader market conditions.

    • Basketball Cards: A Lucrative InvestmentBasketball cards, especially those of iconic players like Michael Jordan and LeBron James, are in high demand and can be a valuable long-term investment. Understand market trends, supply and demand, and personal investment strategies to make informed decisions.

      The sports card market, particularly basketball, is experiencing a significant surge in demand and value, driven by cultural relevance and the potential for long-term investment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding market trends, supply and demand, and making informed decisions based on personal investment strategies. He shares his belief that basketball cards, such as those of Michael Jordan and LeBron James, will continue to hold value and potentially increase in price over time. The speaker also touches upon the concept of flipping, or buying and selling cards at opportune moments for profit, but emphasizes his own buy-and-hold approach. He concludes by expressing excitement about the tangible and enjoyable aspect of collecting sports cards as an investment.

    • Finding joy in simple activities and helping othersGary, if alone on Earth, would find joy in garage sailing and helping those struggling with addiction, emphasizing the importance of personal happiness and positively impacting others' lives.

      When faced with the hypothetical scenario of being the only person on Earth, the interviewee, Gary, shared that his passion lies in the simple joy of garage sailing and helping others, particularly those struggling with drug addiction. He expressed his desire to make a difference in people's lives and also indulge in adrenaline-pumping activities like attempting the land speed record on a car. This conversation highlights the importance of finding joy in everyday activities and making a positive impact on others' lives. It also underscores the significance of facing personal struggles and using them as motivation to help others.

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    Top Seven Masterclass Takeaways 

    1. Create a sense of community, especially with remote workers. Salvischiani believes that having a sense of belonging is especially important for remote workers. Organizations need to change and she recommends communicating a lot and not just one-on-one. 
    2. To find the best candidate, you need to prepare. “Be very systematic about what you're looking for in all aspects,” she advises. It’s extremely important to have the right profile for the position before you start sorting through resumes or else you’ll waste everyone’s time.
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    4. Be honest when hiring. Salvischiani suggests being extremely honest about the context the person is going to be working in. Recruiting is a selling process, but you still have to be very clear about the challenges ahead.
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    7. Give feedback honestly and frequently. Even though it’s one of the hardest things for managers and leaders to do, giving frequent feedback, even if it’s bad news,  is essential. People actually feel valued when you give them feedback. According to Salvischiani, quick quarterly check-ins help with retention. 

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    Music: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor by Kevin MacLeod

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    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Artist website: https://incompetech.com

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    Listen to Rach and Fuller describe how coaching can be transformative for both the entrepreneurs and the coaches who help them succeed.

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    Franchises are taking over the world, from fast-food restaurants to furniture outlets. While they may seem like a simple, risk-free way to expand your footprint and revenue, franchising is tricky business. Vijay Kapoor learned firsthand how difficult it is to create a successful franchise in India for his fashion brand Derby Responsible Menswear. Hear his roller coaster of a success story and get strategic advice on if, when, and how to franchise your own business. 

    Vijay Kapoor learned the importance of dressing for success early in his career when he was barred from a building because he wasn’t dressed right. Kapoor turned that experience into a business. He explains, ”I decided I'd get into clothing and help people dress well because if you're dressed well, you're confident, your inner strength and your talent comes out, and you can go out and succeed.”

    After 14 years of building his fashion brand in Southern India with 30 company-owned stores, Kapoor wanted to go national. But expanding would be expensive. So, he turned to franchising in 2008 — and by 2012 he deemed it a complete failure. But Kapoor didn’t give up, learning from his mistakes, strengthening his brand, and switching to a franchise-first mindset where everyone wins.

    Kapoor reflects on that time, “When we had these losses and when I had to sell away everything and bring everything back to the drawing board is when I realized the fundamental mistake or flaw in my whole thought process. The business model was successful in south India. But the way it was operated and expanded was absolutely flawed. Entrepreneurship is about sharing and growing together. Only when everybody wins in your value chain, will you succeed.”

    Today, Derby Responsible is 95 percent franchise, and Kapoor has created over 1,000 successful entrepreneurs in the process by focusing on the brand, location, talent, training, data, and communication. 

    Listen to Kapoor’s setbacks and winning strategies and hear how he’s setting a new standard for franchising across India.

    Share your anonymous story about how corruption or ethical challenges have affected your business for a future episode. Send a VOICE MEMO via WhatsApp to +1(650) 206-3055.

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