
    FBI Warns Terrorism at Whole Other Level, WH Refuses to Stand Up to Iran & Exposing The Marxists Behind the Attack on American Kids the Week In Review

    enNovember 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the World of Gambling and CharityJoin the power, loyalty, and luck of The Godfather slot at chompacasino.com. Save lives of unborn babies by donating at preborn.com. Check medical bills for errors with HealthLock technology.

      The discussion covered two distinct but related topics: gambling and charity. In the first part, an invitation was extended to join the world of The Godfather slot at chompacasino.com, emphasizing power, loyalty, and luck. In the second part, a heartfelt appeal was made for donations to preborn.com to save lives of unborn babies. The speaker emphasized the significance of a baby's heartbeat at just three weeks and the difference that a donation could make. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of checking medical bills for errors with HealthLock technology. Overall, the conversation highlighted the contrasting nature of gambling for fun and charitable giving to save lives.

    • FBI director's statement raises concerns about heightened threat of terror attacks in USThe FBI director's shift in focus from domestic extremists to the threat of radical jihadists and the possibility of terrorists entering the US through the southern border has raised concerns and skepticism.

      The FBI director's recent statement about the heightened threat of an attack against Americans in the US due to the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised concerns, as this is a significant shift from previous assessments focusing on domestic extremists. Senators and experts have questioned why the administration seemed to downplay the threat of radical jihadists and why there has been a change in the FBI's public statements regarding potential terrorist threats. The possibility of terrorists entering the country through the southern border has also been brought up, with concerns about the large number of known gang members and criminals who have crossed the border in the last fiscal year. The inconsistencies and shifting priorities in the administration's public statements on security threats have fueled skepticism and raised the overall level of concern.

    • Border Security Debate: Gotaways Pose Greater Concern Than Terrorists Entering at Southern Border?Border security debate continues with concerns over 'gotaways' at southern border, administration seeks additional funding for border agents and technology, consensus on taking potential threat seriously

      There is ongoing debate about the effectiveness of border security measures and the potential threat of terrorists entering the country through the southern border. While the administration maintains that vigilance is being maintained at the ports of entry, critics argue that millions of "gotaways" - individuals observed by border patrol but not apprehended - pose a greater concern. The administration's response to this issue includes a request for additional funding for border security, including more border patrol agents and better technology. Despite disagreements on the situation, there is consensus that the potential threat must be taken seriously.

    • Senator presses Sec. Morris for number of illegal immigrants under Biden, estimated to be around 8MApprox. 6M illegal immigrants apprehended under Biden, real number may be 8M, larger than populations of most US states

      During the discussed Senate hearing, Senator Johnson pressed Secretary Morris for the number of illegal immigrants who have entered the United States under the Biden administration. The number given was approximately 6,000,000, but it was noted that this only accounted for those who had been apprehended. The actual number, including those who got away, was estimated to be around 8,000,000. This number is larger than the populations of all but 12 states in the US. The Senator went on to read out the names of smaller states, demonstrating the significant impact of this influx of illegal immigrants. The conversation underscores the ongoing debate and concern over immigration policies and their impact on population and resources in the US.

    • Managing Medical Costs and Energy DependenceConsider using services like HealthLock for medical bill reviews and refunds, while the US lacks energy independence, potentially funding terrorism and conflict through oil sales, and the push for green energy might unintentionally benefit dangerous actors.

      While having health insurance is important, it doesn't cover all costs, and errors in medical bills are common. To avoid overpaying, consider using a service like HealthLock, which helps review medical claims for errors and assists in getting refunds. Meanwhile, in the energy sector, the US lacks energy independence, allowing countries like Iran to make substantial profits from oil sales. These funds are often used to sponsor terrorism and conflict, making the situation even more concerning. The push for green alternative energy may seem well-intentioned, but it can inadvertently benefit dangerous actors on the global stage. These issues are explored further in Senator Hawkins' new book, "Unwoke," which comes out next week.

    • China's Control Over Renewable Energy ResourcesThe push for renewable energy by Democrats could potentially shift the U.S. economy from American-dominated energy sources to those controlled by China, due to China's significant control over necessary resources and production of renewable energy technology.

      Key takeaway from the discussion about the book "Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America" is that the push for renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, by Democrats could potentially shift the U.S. economy from energy sources that America dominates to those controlled by China. China has a significant amount of control over the production and manufacturing of necessary resources for renewable energy, such as cobalt, copper, lithium, nickel, and rare earth minerals. Additionally, China produces a large percentage of finished solar panels, wind turbines, and lithium-ion batteries. If the U.S. were to shift entirely to renewable energy, China would have significant power over the U.S. economy and energy independence. The book, which covers various institutions seized by the radical left, aims to bring these issues to light during the presidential election cycle.

    • Understanding critical minerals for renewable energy and potential threatsThe podcast and upcoming book equip listeners with essential news, information, facts, data, evidence, and arguments on critical minerals for renewable energy and potential threats, making for an excellent Christmas gift.

      The critical minerals and rare earth minerals required for wind and solar energy are essential topics that are often overlooked. The podcast and the upcoming book aim to equip listeners with the necessary news, information, facts, data, evidence, and arguments to understand the current state of affairs in America and take action. The book also makes for an excellent Christmas gift for spreading awareness. Regarding the FBI director's testimony, Christopher Wray's acknowledgment of the potential threat of Hamas or other foreign terrorist organizations conducting attacks on US soil is concerning, especially given the open border and increased focus on domestic extremists. Wray's shift in tone may indicate new intelligence, emphasizing the need for heightened vigilance.

    • Discussions on Hamas terrorists in the US, parents as domestic terrorists, and healthcare concernsConcerns over Hamas terrorists in the US, parents treated as domestic terrorists, Liz Wheeler's book on Marxist influences, potential healthcare claim errors, and the importance of protecting unborn life

      There are concerns about potential Hamas terrorists in the United States, as discussed on a podcast, which is a worrying development. Another significant issue is the treatment of parents as domestic terrorists by the government when they try to regain control of their children's lives. Liz Wheeler, a former co-host of the show, discusses her new book, "Hide Your Children," which exposes the Marxist influences attacking American kids. Additionally, it's crucial to be aware that insurance alone may not be sufficient to cover medical costs, and errors are common. HealthLock, a healthcare technology company, can help review medical claims for errors and save members over $130 million. Lastly, the importance of protecting unborn life was emphasized, with Pre Born's clinics rescuing 200 babies from abortion daily. By hearing a baby's heartbeat, a mother's chances of keeping her child increase significantly.

    • Left's Systematic Targeting of Children through Cultural InstitutionsThe left is deliberately targeting children through cultural institutions with destructive ideologies like transgenderism, rooted in neo-Marxist theory, to undermine traditional values and beliefs.

      The left has been systematically targeting children for decades, and this attack is being facilitated through the capture of major cultural institutions such as media, education, religious institutions, and the law. The author of the upcoming book, Ben Shapiro, reveals that the modern Marxists, like Gail Rubin, who founded queer theory, are responsible for propagating destructive ideologies like transgenderism that are being taught to children today. Shapiro argues that these ideas, which are rooted in neo-Marxist theory, are not random but rather part of a deliberate effort to undermine traditional values and beliefs. The first half of the book names those individuals and organizations behind this attack, while the second half offers a critique of the Republican Party and proposes a solution for how to fight back and protect children and ultimately, the future of the country.

    • Shifts in Education Ideologies and Parental InvolvementParents are increasingly concerned about their children's education due to destructive shifts in ideologies, leading them to question the intentions of the political opposition and reclaim their roles in their children's learning.

      The education system and its ideologies, such as critical consciousness, have undergone significant shifts leading to destructive impacts on children. These shifts, rooted in figures like Maria Montessori and Paulo Friere, have influenced the public education system, shaping how children view the world. The COVID-19 lockdowns have awakened many parents, particularly moms, to the issues in their children's curriculum and schools. This realization has led them to become more involved and question the true intentions of the political opposition, which the speaker argues is embracing neo-Marxist, anti-American ideologies. The Republican Party, according to the speaker, needs to recognize and define this political enemy to effectively fight back. Additionally, the speaker highlights the historical context that public education was not mandatory until 1852, emphasizing the need for parents to reclaim their roles in their children's education.

    • Historically, institutions were not neutral, and Republicans must reclaim them to teach their valuesRepublicans must reclaim institutions to teach their values and counteract the left's indoctrination, as neutrality is a false concept in education and society

      Our institutions, including schools, were never meant to be neutral. Historically, there have been efforts to use these institutions to indoctrinate children with specific values. Republican politicians in the past wanted to ensure that Catholic immigrants were taught American values and Protestant doctrine. Today, if conservatives and the Republican Party do not take control of these institutions to teach their values, the left will. The idea of neutrality in institutions is a false one, and Republicans have been shy about bringing religion, morals, and virtues into politics, which has led to the current cultural chaos. The Republican Party's definition of liberty as maximum individual freedom in a civil society is also misguided. Instead, liberty is the means to something greater, a moral thing, and a flourishing society is intended to attain that. Republicans have surrendered control of institutions to the left in the name of neutrality and morality, leading to detrimental consequences. It is essential for conservatives to reclaim these institutions and teach children their values.

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