
    Why The Radical Left Hates Israel & Why America is at Danger from Terrorists Crossing our Southern Border

    enNovember 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Three Entities Making a Difference: Preborn, HealthLock, and Sen. Ted Cruz's Upcoming BookPreborn saves lives with ultrasounds and heartbeat confirmations, HealthLock ensures medical bill accuracy, and Sen. Cruz's book provides strategies against cultural Marxism. Preborn increases a baby's chances of life by 100%, HealthLock saves members $30,000,000, and Cruz's book offers hope for defeating leftist infiltration.

      Both the preborn organization and HealthLock offer valuable solutions to significant issues. Preborn saves lives by providing ultrasounds and heartbeat confirmations to mothers with unplanned pregnancies, while HealthLock helps individuals ensure the accuracy of their medical bills. The preborn organization's work increases a baby's chances of life by 100%, and HealthLock saves members an average of over $30,000,000. Sen. Ted Cruz's upcoming book, "Unwoke," examines how the radical left has infiltrated major institutions and provides strategies for defeating them. These three entities highlight the importance of standing up for life, accuracy, and freedom from cultural Marxism. To make a difference, consider donating to Preborn, checking your medical bills with HealthLock, and purchasing Sen. Cruz's book.

    • Cultural and Political War in America: Marxist Ideology and VictimhoodThe radical left is using a Marxist ideology to divide society, expand victimhood beyond socioeconomic status, and seek to use force and government power to destroy 'oppressors' and redistribute wealth.

      According to the speaker, we are in a significant cultural and political war in America, with the radical left attempting to win the hearts and minds of the country through a Marxist ideology that divides society into oppressors and victims. The speaker believes that conservatives and those who support individual liberty and the Constitution are being outnumbered and outmaneuvered in this battle. He views his books and podcast as tools to provide information and ammunition for listeners to engage in the ongoing debate. A key aspect of this ideology is the expansion of the definition of victims beyond socioeconomic status to include race, gender, and transgender issues. The ultimate goal, according to the speaker, is for the victims to use force and the power of government to forcibly destroy the oppressors and redistribute their wealth. The speaker was specifically concerned about the rise of antisemitism and the assault on Israel, which he sees as part of this larger cultural conflict.

    • Complexities of Jewish treatment and Israeli-Palestinian conflictThe radical left perceives Jews as oppressors, leading to violent actions against Israel and Jewish civilians. Low testosterone levels in men require attention with natural supplements. The Biden administration's response to anti-Semitic protests is criticized for focusing on attacking Trump rather than addressing the issue.

      There are complex issues at play when it comes to the treatment of Jewish people and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The radical left perceives Jews as oppressors, leading to support for violent overthrow of Israel's government and harm against Jewish civilians. At the same time, testosterone levels in men are at an all-time low, and Chalk offers a solution with their natural supplements to boost testosterone levels. Regarding the current political climate, the Biden administration has been criticized for not clearly labeling anti-Semitic protests as extremist, instead focusing on attacking former President Trump. The administration's default response is to attack Trump rather than address the issue at hand. It's crucial to address the complexities of these issues, including the importance of standing against anti-Semitism and supporting men's health.

    • Antisemitism on college campuses and in the Democrat PartyElite universities have been accused of not condemning radical antisemitic student groups. Instances of vicious antisemitism exist within certain sectors of the Democrat Party. It's important to call out the actions of Hamas terrorists responsible for heinous acts like beheadings and cooking infants in ovens.

      There are instances of vicious antisemitism coming from certain sectors of the Democrat Party and college campuses, particularly at elite universities like Harvard. These institutions have been accused of not denouncing radical antisemitic student groups. The situation in Israel involves extreme violence, and it's important to call out the actions of Hamas terrorists, who have been found to be responsible for heinous acts such as beheadings and even cooking infants in ovens. The media and fact-checkers have been criticized for attempting to debunk reports of these atrocities instead of condemning Hamas. It's crucial to expose the actions of these terrorists and understand that there is a clear divide between those fighting for innocent lives and the demonic terrorists themselves. Personal stories of horrific experiences during times of conflict, such as the murder of a pregnant woman and her unborn child, serve as a stark reminder of the reality of these situations.

    • Testimony of Eli Behr on Israel-Gaza conflictThe Israel-Gaza conflict involves horrific acts of violence against civilians, including the murder and kidnapping of children. It's important to address the situation and protect civilians, while recognizing the complexity of free speech on college campuses.

      The conflict in Israel and Gaza, as described by Eli Behr, the president and founder of United Hatzalah of Israel, involves horrific acts of violence against civilians, including the murder and kidnapping of children. Behr's testimony includes the disturbing image of a baby being put in an oven by Hamas terrorists. Behr also emphasizes the hypocrisy of those who support Hamas while chanting for the elimination of Israel, and the role of the media in not reporting on these atrocities. Behr's words underscore the urgency of addressing the situation and the importance of protecting civilians. The issue of free speech on college campuses and the line between advocacy and terrorism is a complex one, and it is unclear what actions universities should take beyond denouncing such advocacy. Overall, the discussion highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of the situation and a commitment to protecting human rights and dignity.

    • Denouncing hateful views and supporting human rightsHarvard University condemns hate speech and actions, individuals face consequences for vile views, and human rights, including the unborn, deserve our attention and action.

      While free speech is a fundamental right, it comes with consequences. When individuals express vicious, bigoted, or hateful views, it is essential for others to denounce such views unequivocally. Institutions, like Harvard University, have a responsibility to speak out against evil actions, such as the murdering of civilians and targeting of innocent people. At the same time, individuals have the right to hold and express their opinions, but they should expect consequences if their views are vile and hateful. For instance, students advocating for Hamas terrorists have faced losing job offers from major law firms. It's crucial to remember that free speech does not give individuals the right to harm others or incite hate. Additionally, supporting the rights of the unborn, as evidenced by their heartbeats from conception, is another important issue that requires our attention and action.

    • Discussing the impact of donations on saving unborn lives and the threat of terrorismA $28 donation can save an unborn child's life and the threat level of terrorism against Americans in the US has reached a new high, with concerns over infiltration at the southern border.

      A small donation of $28 can make a significant impact on saving an unborn child's life. This was emphasized during the discussion about the developmental milestones of a baby in the womb and the importance of supporting organizations that help pregnant mothers. Another pressing issue raised was the concern over the increasing threat of terrorism against Americans in the US, with the FBI director admitting that the threat level has reached a whole new level. This comes amidst growing evidence of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah infiltrating the southern border of the US. The discussion also touched upon the inconsistency in the prioritization of threats by the Biden administration, with the focus on white supremacists being criticized as misplaced given the greater danger posed by radical jihadists.

    • Growing concern about terrorists entering US through southern borderReports suggest militants associated with Hamas and other groups may be attempting to cross US southern border. FBI, DHS admit border is not secure, with over 2M known gotaways. White House requests funding, but concern remains officials may be lying about border security.

      There is growing concern about the potential threat of terrorists entering the United States through the southern border, with reports suggesting that militants associated with Hamas and other groups may be attempting to cross. This concern is heightened by the admission from the FBI and DHS that the border is not secure, despite previous statements to the contrary. The number of known gotaways, estimated to be over 2 million, adds to the concern that terrorists could be among the undetected crossings. The White House has requested additional funding for border security, but it remains unclear whether enough is being done to address this potential threat. The situation is concerning enough for some to accuse officials of lying to the American people about the situation at the border.

    • Concerns about 2 million 'gotaways' with criminal histories2 million migrants evaded border patrol, potential threat to national security, terrorists among them, switch to Patriot Mobile for conservative support

      While the attention has been on the 6 million migrants who have come to America under the Biden administration and turned themselves in to border patrol, there is a greater concern about the 2 million "gotaways" who have evaded border patrol and have criminal histories, potentially posing a threat to national security. The speaker emphasized that terrorists are not among those turning themselves in at the border, but rather among the 2 million gotaways. The speaker also promoted Patriot Mobile, a Christian conservative wireless provider, and encouraged listeners to switch to them as an alternative to companies that support liberal causes, with a portion of each bill going to conservative and Christian organizations.

    • Approximately 8 million illegal immigrants have entered the U.S. during Biden's tenureDuring Biden's administration, around 8 million illegal immigrants have entered the U.S., making the number larger than most states' populations, with potentially 2 million more undetected.

      During Joe Biden's administration, approximately 8 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States, making the number larger than the population of all but a dozen states. Senator Johnson pressed the Secretary of Homeland Security for an answer on this matter, but the administration refused to provide a clear number. The 8 million figure includes only those who have been apprehended, with an additional 2 million estimated to have evaded detection. By the end of Biden's term, the U.S. could potentially surpass the populations of several larger states. It's important to note that this issue is a complex one with significant implications for national security, economic stability, and social cohesion. The debate around immigration policy continues to be a contentious issue, and it's crucial for individuals to stay informed and engage in thoughtful, respectful dialogue. Now, let me introduce you to Augusta Precious Metals, a trusted company that can help you buy gold for your retirement account. With their Gold IRA Company Integrity Checklist, you can evaluate and choose the best gold IRA company for your needs. I've used it personally to vet Augusta Precious Metals and have purchased gold from them. If you're interested, simply text the word "Ben" to 68592 to receive your free Gold IRA Company Integrity Checklist.

    • Staying Informed and Protecting Interests: Gold Investing and HealthcareInvest in gold through Augusta Precious Metals for financial security, beware of errors in medical bills, use HealthLok to correct them, and stay informed about Hollywood's ties to the Chinese Communist Party with the upcoming documentary 'Hollywood Takeover'.

      Ben Ferguson discussed the importance of investing in gold through Augusta Precious Metals, especially in light of recent news about President Biden's use of burner email accounts during his time as vice president, which is now the subject of a lawsuit. Ferguson also highlighted the potential for errors in medical bills and encouraged listeners to use HealthLok to help identify and correct any inaccuracies. Additionally, he teased an upcoming documentary about the Chinese Communist Party's influence on Hollywood. Overall, Ferguson emphasized the importance of staying informed and taking action to protect one's financial and health interests. Meanwhile, Hollywood is under scrutiny for its ties to the Chinese Communist Party, with some major studios making choices to appease China in order to distribute films there. Tiffany Meyer, an investigative reporter, is exploring this topic in a new documentary called "Hollywood Takeover." And in the realm of healthcare, it's estimated that over 50% of medical bills contain errors. HealthLok, a technology that securely connects with insurance and flags any overbilling, wrong codes, and fraud, can help consumers save money by identifying and correcting these errors. By staying informed and taking action, individuals can protect their financial and health interests in the face of complex and often confusing issues.

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