
    Feedback Series: How To Not Give Critical Feedback

    enMarch 02, 2018

    About this Episode

    Let's walk through a familiar scenario. Your boss calls you into her office and asks you to sit down. "You're doing really great work," she says. "Your project plans are always on time and you've yet to abuse our unlimited vacation policy."

    So far so good. But you can already sense what comes next. After a brief pause she continues, "BUT you've yet to win us any new business."

    When feedback is delivered incorrectly it's useless. Recipients leave feeling attacked, not supported. Which is a shame because it's a vital tool for self-improvement. So, we sat down with Lee to create a short series on how to give and receive feedback.

    Key Takeaways

    • Feedback surrounding a work product should be quick and specific so the person can finish the job
    • Positive feedback around soft skills can come immediately
    • Negative feedback around soft skills can come with a calendar invite and a little sit down chat a couple days later
    • Don’t give critical feedback when you’re emotional

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