
    Fight Companion - June 28, 2014 (Part 1)

    en-usJune 29, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Live UFC commentary with McCall and SmithMcCall and Smith discuss their excitement for various fights, McCall shares his experience of cutting weight, and they agree on the excitement of the fights on the card.

      This podcast is unlike any other as Ian McCall and Jimmy Smith watch UFC fights live from San Antonio and provide commentary without commentary. They discuss their excitement for various fights, including Cub Swanson vs. Jeremy Stevens and Calvin Kattar vs. Dan Ige, as well as the challenges of weight cutting in MMA. McCall, a top flyweight, shares his experience of cutting weight from 140 pounds to fighting at 125. They also mention Ricardo Lamas' struggle with weight cutting and his fight against Danny Henry. Despite the challenges, they agree that the fights on the card are exciting and worth watching.

    • Maintaining Optimal Health Through Hydration and MineralsProper hydration and mineral replenishment are essential for health and performance. Distilled water and mineral supplements aid absorption and retention.

      Maintaining proper hydration and replenishing minerals lost during intense workouts is crucial for optimal health and performance. The discussion highlights the experience of a fighter who learned the hard way when his girlfriend, a dedicated yoga practitioner, became sick due to dehydration and mineral deficiency. The importance of distilled water and mineral supplements was emphasized to help the body effectively absorb and retain water. Another key point from the conversation was the inspiring story of Joe Allenberger, a UFC fighter who defied medical predictions and made it to the big stage despite serious health issues. The conversation also touched upon the effectiveness of certain fighting techniques, such as the "Travis Brown" elbow strike.

    • Wearing down late replacement opponentsEffectively wear down late replacement opponents by preventing them from throwing everything in the first round or conserving energy. Use tactics like touching hands on the ground to prevent knees, master guards and effective half-guard, and maintain a well-rounded skill set to stay unpredictable.

      When facing a late replacement opponent in MMA, it's crucial to wear them out and make them exhaust their energy. Joe's strategy against Muntosri was effective in preventing him from either throwing everything he had in the first round or conserving energy. Additionally, touching the hand on the ground to prevent knees is a common tactic, but it's not foolproof and can be exploited. Guards and effective half-guard are essential skills to have, as they can help prevent being taken down and being on the defensive. Furthermore, having a well-rounded skill set and being unpredictable can give fighters an edge in the octagon. Lastly, the importance of having a good guard and escaping from bad positions cannot be overstated.

    • George Sapier's Unpredictability and Experience in MMAExperience and unpredictability are key advantages in MMA. Complete game plans are essential, but executing techniques with gloves on presents challenges.

      George Sapier's success in the cage was due in large part to his unpredictability and experience. His opponents were often unsure of his intentions, which gave him an advantage. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of complete game plans in combat sports, including MMA, and the challenges of executing techniques with gloves on. Ellenberger's performance against Matostris was commended, particularly his ability to secure a rear-naked choke despite the added difficulty with gloves. The conversation also touched on the impressive careers of fighters like BJ Penn and Joe Schilling, emphasizing their elite skills and quick rise to prominence. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of experience, adaptability, and technique in combat sports.

    • Weight Cutting in Wrestling: A Dangerous PracticeWeight cutting in wrestling poses serious health risks and should be abandoned to prioritize athletes' well-being

      The practice of weight cutting in wrestling is a contentious issue with serious health risks. The interviewee shares his personal experiences of cutting weight, describing it as a grueling and potentially dangerous process that can lead to hearing and vision loss, dehydration, and even death. He advocates for abandoning weight cutting in wrestling, suggesting that it encourages unsustainable weight loss and puts athletes at risk. The conversation also touches on the cultural significance of wrestling in Iran and the intense training regimens that come with it. Ultimately, the interviewee emphasizes the importance of prioritizing athletes' health and well-being over the pressure to make weight.

    • Weight Cutting Risks and Jiu-Jitsu Fundamentals in MMAWeight cutting in MMA poses serious health risks, but some fighters continue due to financial incentives. Proper jiu-jitsu fundamentals, like active hips and good guard games, are crucial for success.

      The extreme weight cutting practices in mixed martial arts (MMA) can lead to dangerous health consequences for fighters, but they continue to do it due to the significant financial rewards. The speaker shares his personal experience of cutting weight and witnessing other fighters' struggles with it. He also emphasizes the importance of active hips and good fundamentals in jiu-jitsu, which many fighters lack. Despite the risks, some fighters, like Fabrizio Werdum, are known for their exceptional guard games. Overall, the discussion highlights the physical and mental toll of weight cutting in MMA and the importance of proper technique in jiu-jitsu.

    • MMA Fighters Virgil Tran and Charles Alvarez Discuss Skills and ControversiesVirgil Tran, known for his guard game and quick submissions, and Charles Alvarez, recognized for his guard and stand-up skills, discussed their experiences and controversies in MMA. Virgil's unconventional choice to wear tights for better traction sparked debate, while Charles' loss to Ellenberger marked his first stoppage.

      Virgil Tran, a MMA fighter, is highly regarded for his exceptional skills, particularly his guard game and ability to submit opponents quickly. His submission of Fedor Emelianenko using a scarf is a notable example of his dominance. Despite his impressive record, there is debate over the effectiveness of his choice to wear tights for better traction, which was not allowed in all fights. Charles Alvarez is another fighter who deserves recognition for his guard and stand-up fighting skills. In the recent fight between Ellenberger and Hatsu Hiyoki, Ellenberger won by decision, but Hiyoki, once considered the number one fighter in the 145-pound category, was the first time he was stopped. The discussion also touched on the advantages of long-armed fighters in MMA and the importance of good coaching. Overall, the conversation highlighted the skill and dedication of MMA fighters and the excitement surrounding the sport.

    • Impact of Coaching on Fighter's PerformanceEffective coaching with specific and technical feedback enhances fighter's performance, while ineffective coaching can hinder it. Fighter's background and coach's experience also influence success.

      Effective coaching in martial arts can significantly impact a fighter's performance. A good coach provides specific and technical feedback, while an ineffective one may provide vague instructions or no guidance at all. The dynamic between a fighter and their coach can also play a role in their success, with an alpha coach leading the way and a less experienced one struggling to adapt when things don't go as planned. Additionally, the background and upbringing of fighters can influence their approach to fighting, with some coming from a more aggressive background and others being more athletic in nature. Overall, the quality of coaching and the fighter's background can greatly impact their success in the sport.

    • Intense world of high-level kickboxingFighters display incredible power and skill, training sessions are brutal, Thai style conserves energy, decisions often made early due to gambling culture, contrasting styles add to excitement

      The world of kickboxing, particularly at a high level, can be intense and unforgiving. Fighters like Machita and Romeo Donza display incredible power and skill, leaving their opponents and trainers in awe. Training sessions can be brutal, with hits landing like gunshots. The Thai fighting style involves conserving energy for later rounds, as decisions are often made before the fifth round due to the gambling culture surrounding fights. Despite the potential for bad decisions and corruption, the thrill and excitement of the sport keep fighters and fans coming back. The UFC's Braga vs. Hester fight showcases the contrasting styles and challenges of the sport, with Braga's experience and Hester's explosiveness adding to the anticipation.

    • The impact of training and support on a fighter's success in MMAA skilled trainer, dedicated fighter, and supportive gym can lead to MMA success. However, gym loyalty and inconsistent referee decisions can hinder progress.

      The success of a fighter in MMA can greatly depend on the quality of their training and the support they receive from their gym and coaches. A prime example is the new Bantamweight champ, who, despite being a "beast," likely doesn't cut much weight and has found great success under his trainer Dwayne. However, the downside to this system is that fighters can become tied to their gym if they're being paid a salary, potentially hindering their growth if they're not receiving the necessary training. Another issue is the inconsistency of referee decisions, as seen in the case of Jason High, who was banned for life from the UFC after touching a referee during a heated moment. Overall, the right combination of a skilled teacher, dedicated pupil, and supportive gym can lead to great success in MMA.

    • Discussion on Ronda Rousey and referee pushing incidentThe complexity of MMA rules, respect for referees, and appreciation for skilled fighters were key topics in a discussion surrounding Ronda Rousey's referee push incident.

      The reaction to Ronda Rousey pushing a referee, if she were to lose a fight, would likely be the same regardless of her gender. However, the discussion also touched upon the history of refereeing in MMA and how certain rules and actions have affected fighters in the past. The speakers expressed their opinions on specific incidents and the impact they had on the sport. They also highlighted a few world-class grapplers and appreciated their skills. Overall, the conversation revolved around the complexity of MMA rules, the importance of respecting the referees, and the excitement of watching skilled fighters in action.

    • Referee inconsistencies and mastering MMA skillsFrustration with referee decisions, importance of escaping bad positions, mastering striking and grappling skills, and continuous learning in MMA.

      MMA is a complex sport with various aspects to master, and even experienced fighters can face unexpected challenges. During a discussion about a specific fight, the speaker expressed frustration with a referee's decision and praised the commentator for calling out inconsistencies. They also highlighted the importance of understanding techniques like escaping from bad positions and the significance of mastering both striking and grappling skills. The conversation also touched upon the challenges faced by athletes transitioning from other martial arts disciplines to MMA. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of continuous learning and improvement in MMA.

    • Confidence and proper technique in BJJStrong confidence and proper technique are crucial for success in BJJ. Pace yourself during matches to avoid gassing out and consider the impact of unique characteristics on performance. Good coaching can also make a significant difference.

      Confidence and proper technique are key in BJJ. Clint Hester showcased this during a fight when he successfully transitioned from a bad position into a locked-up darce choke, but only with strong confidence in the move. Additionally, pacing oneself during a fight is essential to avoid gassing out and losing the opportunity to finish. The discussion also touched on the importance of having a good coach who can provide guidance and advice during matches. Another interesting point was the impact of fighters' unique characteristics, such as long dreadlocks or a toothpick in the mouth, on their performance. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of mental and physical preparation, as well as the role of coaches and the unique challenges and advantages that come with competing in BJJ.

    • The Challenges of MMA Fighter's Career and Balanced PerspectiveMMA fighter Clint Hester's impressive skills are overshadowed by frequent injuries and ring rust. It's crucial to acknowledge both sides of a fight and present a balanced perspective.

      Despite the impressive fighting skills of Clint Hester, his frequent injuries and ring rust pose a significant challenge to his career. The close nature of his recent UFC fight was not accurately represented in the post-fight coverage, with only the winning moments being shown. It's essential to acknowledge and appreciate both sides of a fight, especially when there are beautiful techniques involved. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the movie "End of Watch," and the importance of not judging things based on preconceived notions or external influences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of MMA fighting and the importance of presenting a balanced perspective.

    • Experience the benefits of cryotherapyCryotherapy can improve recovery, reduce swelling and bruising, and is endorsed by the speaker for its health benefits. Personal stories of improvement, especially for those with health conditions, are shared.

      The speaker strongly recommends trying cryotherapy for its recovery benefits. He describes the experience as feeling better after just a few minutes, with the body flushing blood to the skin and reducing swelling and bruising. The speaker also mentions that it's been in use for only a few years in the US but has been popular in Europe for decades. He shares a personal story about bringing his daughter, who has juvenile arthritis, to try it out, and she experienced some improvement as well. The speaker's day is so scheduled that he finds it difficult to bring his daughter to cryotherapy sessions frequently. He also mentions the importance of diet, particularly for his gluten-free and dairy-limited daughter, and expresses interest in hunting for nutritious meat. The speaker's stepdad, a world-renowned hunter and tracker, is also mentioned as a source of inspiration for the speaker's interest in hunting. Overall, the speaker strongly endorses cryotherapy for its health benefits and expresses a passion for healthy living, including a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and outdoor activities like hunting.

    • Hunters as ConservationistsHunters have been instrumental in conservation efforts, funding projects through license fees and respecting nature's balance as predators.

      Hunting plays a crucial role in conservation efforts and maintaining the balance of nature. The speaker shares his personal experiences with hunting and conservation, referencing polar bears, grizzly bears, and hunters like Teddy Roosevelt. He emphasizes that hunters were among the first conservationists and that the revenue from hunting licenses funds conservation projects. The speaker also expresses his admiration for fighters like Aldo and Diaz in the MMA world, comparing their skills to those of animals in the wild. The discussion also touches upon the importance of understanding the role of predators in nature and the potential consequences of interfering with natural food chains.

    • The unpredictability of breaks in combat sportsDuring breaks in combat sports, fighters can rebound or struggle, leaving lasting impressions and showcasing the unpredictability of the sport.

      In combat sports, there's an unspoken agreement between fighters not to intentionally hurt each other when they both agree to stop trying to win. This moment, known as a "break," can be fascinating to watch as some fighters rebound and continue the fight, while others may struggle to regain their footing. The most memorable breaks can leave a lasting impression, like Dan Hornbuckle's loss to Ben Askren, where Hornbuckle appeared to be a completely different fighter after just one round. This unpredictability is what makes combat sports so intriguing. Additionally, the defensive techniques used by fighters, such as the high guard, can vary greatly between different styles and disciplines. The unexpected outcome of a fight can leave both fighters and spectators questioning what just happened.

    • Mental focus and preparation in MMARicardo Lamas' inconsistency in remembering past moves against Conor McGregor highlights the importance of mental focus and preparation in MMA. Training specific techniques to counter opponents' moves can make a significant difference in the outcome of a fight.

      Consistency and memory in a fight can be just as important as physical abilities. Ricardo Lamas' repeated attempts to take Conor McGregor down in their UFC fight were noteworthy, but his inability to remember that he had already tried the same move multiple times was concerning. This inconsistency could have cost him the fight. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of training and preparation in dealing with specific opponents' moves. Lamas' successful defense against Aldo's infamous kick in their previous fight was a testament to his preparation and focus. However, in the rematch against McGregor, he seemed to be struggling with McGregor's leg kicks and was unable to effectively check them. The conversation also touched upon the challenges of cornering and the importance of training specific techniques to execute them effectively in the heat of the moment. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of mental focus and preparation in MMA, in addition to physical abilities.

    • Online forums: A platform for discussion and learning, but also for negativity and disrespectApproach criticism with respect and humor, remember online interactions aren't the same as face-to-face conversations, and embrace friendly competition and camaraderie in online forums.

      Online forums can be a double-edged sword. While they offer a platform for discussion and learning, they can also be a breeding ground for negativity and disrespect. It's important to remember that online interactions are not the same as face-to-face conversations and to approach criticism with respect and humor whenever possible. Even mean-spirited photoshops or jokes can be tolerated if they are funny. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not trying to be someone else and the value of friendly competition and camaraderie, even in a supposedly adversarial context. The speaker also shares some personal anecdotes, such as getting mistaken for Joe Rogan by his mother, that add to the light-hearted tone of the conversation.

    • UFC Hiring Process and Performance EnhancementsThe UFC hiring process can be complicated by contractual issues and potential financial disputes. Performance enhancing drugs pose challenges for fighters, with rigorous testing but high costs limiting its application to all.

      The UFC world is filled with complex negotiations, contracts, and performance enhancements. A notable example is the attempted hiring of Jimmy Pittman, who was highly recommended by a UFC insider. However, the process was complicated by contractual issues and potential financial disputes. Meanwhile, fighters like Chael Sonnen have faced consequences for using performance-enhancing drugs, despite the challenges of recovering naturally after coming off TRT. The UFC implements rigorous drug testing, but the high cost limits its application to all fighters. Ultimately, the world of UFC is a complex mix of athleticism, business, and personal challenges.

    • The Road to Greatness in MMA: Dedication and PerseveranceDedication and perseverance are essential for success in MMA, as shown by fighters like Ricardo Lamas, Chad Mendes, Joe Stevenson, and Joe Camacho. Good coaching and avoiding overconfidence are also crucial.

      Dedication and perseverance can lead to greatness in the world of mixed martial arts (MMA), even for those who start young. The discussion touched upon various topics, including pirating MMA fights for broadcast, the moves of the fight between Ricardo Lamas and Chad Mendes, and the careers of MMA fighters Joe Stevenson and Joe Camacho. The speakers shared their admiration for these fighters, who were known for their tenacity and willingness to fight anyone, anywhere. The conversation also highlighted the importance of good coaching and the potential dangers of overconfidence. The speakers reminisced about memorable fights and upsets in MMA history, emphasizing the unpredictability and excitement of the sport. Overall, the conversation underscored the passion and commitment required to succeed in MMA.

    • Mike Tyson's Past Actions and Controversial BehaviorMike Tyson's past actions and behavior, including making inappropriate comments towards women and using performance-enhancing drugs, have raised concerns about his eligibility to compete in professional fights and tarnished his reputation as a role model and a professional athlete.

      Mike Tyson's past actions and behavior, including making inappropriate comments towards women and using performance-enhancing drugs, have significantly impacted his public image and raised questions about his eligibility to compete in professional fights. Tyson's history of violence and controversial statements have left many wondering if he should be allowed to compete in the ring, especially with the new testing regulations. Despite his impressive fighting skills and toughness, his past actions have tarnished his reputation and raised concerns about his suitability as a role model and a professional athlete. Additionally, many older fighters who have used performance-enhancing drugs are now scrambling to adjust to the new testing regulations, fearing the consequences of being caught.

    • The Toll of Brutal Fights on MMA Fighters' CareersThe number of brutal fights a fighter can endure is limited, with long-term effects on their abilities. Late entrants with athletic backgrounds may fare better.

      The brutal fights in Pride FC, particularly those involving fighters like Crocop and Vanderly, took a heavy toll on their careers. The contracts they signed allowed them to keep fighting without rest, leading to numerous hard battles that eventually took a toll on their abilities. For instance, Crocop, who was a monster in the ring, never seemed the same after joining the UFC. The fans may romanticize these fighters and their "freak show" fights, but the reality is that the number of such battles a fighter can endure is limited. Some fighters, like Cesar Ferra and Andrew Craig, who came to MMA later in life after success in other sports, fared better due to their athletic backgrounds and late entry into the sport.

    • MMA Techniques, Fighters, and Equipment DiscussedEffective choke technique discussed, new gloves offer hand protection, and fighter injuries impact schedules

      The discussion revolved around various aspects of mixed martial arts, specifically techniques, fighters, and equipment. A notable technique mentioned was the Armin Guillotine choke and the effectiveness of trapping an opponent with one's hips. The conversation also touched upon the importance of hand protection in the sport, with the new Everlast gloves being praised for their improved hand protection. Additionally, the topic of fighter injuries and the impact on fight schedules came up, with Bellator's elimination of hand breaks being highlighted as a positive change. Overall, the group shared their insights and experiences related to the sport, demonstrating a deep passion and knowledge for mixed martial arts.

    • Impact of Bellator's new gloves and format on hand injuries and fight promotionBellator's new gloves and season format have led to fewer hand injuries but less time for promotion, while some fighters like Anthony Rumble Johnson have shown improved performance in new weight classes.

      The format of Bellator's fighting seasons and the implementation of new gloves have led to a decrease in hand injuries compared to the old glove design. This has made it more challenging for fans and commentators to build up hype for individual fights, as there is less lead time for promotion. Additionally, some fighters, like Anthony Rumble Johnson, have shown significant improvement in their performance when moving down weight classes. For example, Johnson's victory over Phil Davis as a light heavyweight was particularly impressive due to his increased energy and dominance. Overall, the new gloves and season format have had a noticeable impact on Bellator's fighting scene.

    • Physical attributes matter more in no gi jiu jitsu for heavier weight classesSize doesn't always determine success in no gi jiu jitsu. Technique remains important, but physical strength and agility become more crucial, especially in heavier weight classes. Mental toughness and handling adversity are also essential in combat sports.

      Physical attributes play a significant role in no gi jiu jitsu, particularly at higher weight classes. This was highlighted in the discussion with examples of athletes like Tedadei and Cesar Ferrera, who were able to outperform heavier opponents despite being smaller in stature. The importance of technique still exists, but physical strength and agility become even more crucial in no gi. Additionally, the transition from grappling to MMA can be challenging for those starting late in life without prior expertise. The conversation also touched upon the importance of mental toughness and handling adversity in combat sports.

    • The Unforgiving World of MMA: Hayato Sakurai vs Matt HughesEffective striking and grappling are crucial in MMA, injuries are common, and fighters show remarkable resilience.

      The world of mixed martial arts (MMA) can be unforgiving, with fighters often enduring grueling injuries and intense battles. A notable example is the fight between Hayato Sakurai and Matt Hughes, where Sakurai suffered a severe cut and was ultimately defeated. This highlights the importance of effective striking and grappling in MMA, as well as the challenges of judging fights under the ten-point must system. The cut may grab headlines, but it's the overall damage inflicted that can determine the outcome of a fight. Additionally, fighters like Andrew Craig demonstrate incredible heart and determination, pushing through injuries to continue competing. Overall, the MMA world is a testament to the resilience and grit of its athletes.

    • Determining Passion for MMA before Entering the CageMMA involves intense training, getting hit, and dedication. Determine your passion before stepping into the cage, as it's crucial for safety and success.

      Grappling is a significant part of mixed martial arts (MMA), but it's essential to determine if your obsession lies with the sport before stepping into the cage. As shared in the discussion, some individuals may prefer conditioning and technique-focused disciplines like Jujitsu, while others may be drawn to the intensity and ferocity of MMA. It's crucial to remember that MMA involves getting punched and taking significant hits, which can be detrimental if it's not an all-consuming passion. Moreover, the conversation highlighted a few favorite fighters, including Hotha Sakurai and Prime Van der Ley, who brought excitement and spectacle to the sport, with some acknowledging the potential use of performance-enhancing substances during their prime. Ultimately, MMA requires dedication, discipline, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, as evidenced by the impressive displays of power, technique, and grit showcased in the fights.

    • Implementing understudies in MMA ensures fair competitionImplementing understudies in MMA could prevent unnecessary risks for fighters, ensure fair competition, and cater to a wider audience while maintaining integrity.

      Implementing understudies in MMA could ensure the show goes on even if a fighter doesn't make weight or gets injured. This would prevent fighters from taking unnecessary risks to make weight and ensure a fair competition. Travis Looter's experience serves as a reminder of the dangers of pushing oneself too far to make weight. Additionally, while fan-friendliness is important, it should not be the only factor in determining the legitimacy of a title or a fight. Effectiveness and the champion's ability to stand up to challenges should also be considered. Ultimately, the target audience for MMA is not just hardcore fans like us, but also the general public. The sport needs to cater to a wider audience while still maintaining its integrity.

    • The physical toll of MMA on the bodyMMA is a demanding sport that takes a toll on the body, with fighters often sustaining injuries and feeling drained. Wrestling and sambo skills provide an advantage, and weight cutting presents immense mental and physical challenges.

      MMA fighting takes a significant toll on the body, particularly on the arms from blocking kicks and the rigors of weight cutting. Fighters often sustain injuries, and even those that make weight can be left feeling drained and unable to perform at their best. The discussion also highlighted the importance of various martial arts backgrounds in MMA, with wrestling and sambo being particularly influential. Fighters who can master these skills often have a distinct advantage. Additionally, the mental and physical challenges of making weight can be immense, and some fighters may choose to forfeit their purse to avoid the rigors of weight cutting. Overall, MMA is a demanding and physically taxing sport that requires a high level of dedication and resilience.

    • Size and strength vs agility and enduranceAgility and quick footwork can give fighters an edge, even against larger, more powerful opponents. Proper weight management and diet are crucial for maintaining energy and endurance.

      Size and strength in MMA can be a double-edged sword. While it can provide a sense of security and confidence, it can also limit mobility and endurance, leaving fighters vulnerable when their energy runs out. As seen in the discussion, Calvin Kattar's agility and quick footwork gave him an edge against Nico Musoki, despite Musoki's size and power. Additionally, the importance of proper weight management and diet was emphasized, as Tiago Alves's impressive gas tank showcased the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight. Ultimately, being light on your feet and conserving energy can lead to a longer, more effective performance in the octagon.

    • The endless cycle of PED use in sportsDespite efforts to detect and prevent their use, performance-enhancing drugs continue to pose a challenge in sports, raising ethical concerns and undermining fair competition.

      The world of sports, particularly in MMA and boxing, has been plagued by the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) like EPO, which were once thought to be undetectable. Calvin and Nico's fight is a prime example of this issue, with Calvin exhibiting exceptional endurance and Nico appearing exhausted. The history of EPO use in sports dates back to the late 1990s, with Lance Armstrong being one of the most infamous cases. The cat-and-mouse game between dopers and testers continues, with dopers always finding new ways to cheat and testers playing catch-up. It's an endless cycle, and the question remains as to whether there will ever be a point where all possible enhancements have been discovered and tested for. Some experts believe that genetic engineering, such as myostatin inhibitors, may be the next frontier, but even that is uncertain. Ultimately, the use of PEDs in sports raises ethical questions and undermines the fairness and integrity of competition.

    • MMA Evolution: Footwork, Angles, and ConditioningEffective footwork, angles, and conditioning are crucial for MMA success. Tools like fifty-gallon barrels aid in building strength and endurance.

      The world of mixed martial arts (MMA) is constantly evolving, with new techniques, advances in technology, and the pursuit of physical and mental mastery being key elements of the sport. The importance of footwork, angles, and conditioning cannot be overstated, with fighters like Calvin needing to maintain a high level of performance throughout their matches. The use of tools like fifty-gallon barrels for strength and conditioning has gained popularity among athletes, providing an effective way to build strength and endurance. Ultimately, the success of an MMA fighter depends on their ability to adapt, innovate, and push their limits.

    • MMA Fighter's Game-Changing Training RegimenMMA fighter Johnny Hendrix's intense training with heavy weights and barrels significantly increased his strength and ability to overpower opponents, transforming his ground game and overall fighting ability.

      MMA fighter Johnny Hendrix's intense training regimen, including hip escapes with heavy weights, has significantly increased his strength and ability to overpower opponents. During a conversation, Hendrix described the experience of lifting 500 pounds as a game-changer, engaging various muscle groups and leaving him in awe of his newfound strength. This training method, which also includes using barrels, has become a crucial part of his cross-training routine and has noticeably enhanced his ground game and overall fighting ability. Despite the challenges of keeping up with social media, Hendrix continues to share his progress with fans and inspires others to push their limits in their own training.

    • Discussing the Physicality and Fighting Styles of MMA FightersSpeakers admire Cub Swanson and Jeremy Stephens' power and unpredictability, respect Aldo's status as a Brazilian hero and world champion, and discuss challenges of weight cutting and benefits of moving up in weight classes.

      The speakers in this discussion hold strong opinions about the physicality and fighting styles of various mixed martial artists. They admire the power and unpredictability of Cub Swanson and Jeremy Stephens, and appreciate Aldo's status as a hero and world champion in Brazil. The speakers also discuss the challenges of weight cutting and the potential benefits of fighters moving up in weight classes. Despite the occasional use of strong language and off-hand comments, the overall tone is one of respect and appreciation for the athletes and their abilities.

    • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu requires precision and mastery, even for basic techniquesDespite injuries, Henderson continued to train and compete, demonstrating the intensity and pride of Mexican fighters and the competitive spirit of those growing up in rough areas.

      Even the most basic techniques in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, like the armbar, require precision and mastery. Henderson, a fighter, demonstrated this perfectly in a match against a blue or purple belt opponent. Despite suffering injuries, he continued to train and eventually competed in The Ultimate Fighter. Mexican fighters, like Henderson and Diego Sanchez, have a reputation for intense fights, reflecting their cultural pride. Growing up in rough areas, such as Santa Ana, California, can foster a competitive spirit and strong work ethic. Long Beach Poly High School, known for producing NFL players, has a renowned football program. Orange County, California, is famous for its affluence and good jobs, but also notorious for traffic. Despite the challenges, it remains an attractive place for many. Classic cars, like the Supra, continue to be popular and impressive, showcasing both power and style.

    • Passion and unexpected twists in entertainmentArtists and entertainers face financial challenges but their passion keeps us engaged and invested in their work

      The entertainment industry, whether it's film or music, can be full of unexpected twists and turns, both financially and creatively. Cub Swanson's excitement for his upcoming fight mirrors the passion some artists have for their craft, despite the challenges they face. For instance, Jared Leto's band faced significant financial struggles, with record companies treating expenses related to promoting albums as losses, leaving artists with little to no earnings. Similarly, in the world of horror movies, there are unexpected twists and turns, like Corey Feldman's unexpected role in "Lost Boys," which kept fans on their toes. Ultimately, it's the passion and resilience of artists and entertainers that keep us engaged and invested in their work.

    • Muay Thai Fighters Showcase Skills and TechniquesMuay Thai fighters, including Simon Marcus, Joe Schilling, Jeremy, and Cub, displayed impressive knockout abilities, clean striking techniques, and effective grappling skills in high-level fights.

      The sport of Muay Thai showcases incredible displays of speed, power, and technique. The discussion revolved around several fighters, including Simon Marcus and Joe Schilling, who demonstrated impressive knockout abilities with quick strikes. Jeremy, another fighter, was praised for his clean right hands and early leg kicks. Cub, on the other hand, was noted for his black belt skills and effective use of the guillotine choke. The high-level fights displayed the fluidity and speed of the striking techniques, leaving the audience in awe. The winner of the fight could potentially be the next contender in the 145-pound category. Despite the potential risks and long fights, the passion and dedication of the fighters shone through in their performances.

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    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Episode #35 with Dr. Andreo Spina

    Episode #35 with Dr. Andreo Spina

    On this week's episode of the Fight Strength Podcast, Phil Daru and Jason Burgos got the chance to chat with Dr. Andreo Spina. Dr. Spina is the creator of very unique functional range release system, the functional range conditioning mobility development system and the Kinstretch method of movement.

    The hosts asked Spina about how he developed this system, its purposes, how it came to be used by many professional sports organizations like the Los Angeles Lakers and New York Rangers and many more questions. 

    Follow the show, Phil, and Jason on social media at:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 27 MMA Year in Review

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 27 MMA Year in Review

    On the final edition of the Fight Strength Podcast for 2017, episode 27 is a full on MMA year in review. 

    Phil Daru and Jason Burgos covered some key story lines in the sport this year (i.e., the loss of luster in the UFC titles, and Bellator"s continued rise), gave their fighter of the year picks, and looked at some important narratives to follow in 2018. Plus, Jason listed his 10 best fighters in 2017.

    You can follow Phil and Jason on social media at the below addresses:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 28 with Mike Brown

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 28 with Mike Brown

    Fight Strength Podcast is back with episode 28. This week Phil Daru and Jason Burgos had the pleasure of talking with the 2017 MMAJunkie coach of the year, and American Top Team trainer, Mike Brown.

    The guys chatted with the one time WEC featherweight champion on several topics related to his work coaching for ATT. Including formulating camps for a fighter, how fighters end up working with him, the difference in training for combat athletes in the last 15-plus years, and much more.

    There were some technical difficulties with Skype during the interview. We apologize for the sound issues at times during it.

    You can follow Phil and Jason on social media at the below addresses:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 


    Maycee "The Future" Barber is a 21-year-old highly skilled, Mixed Martial Artist from Wisconsin, who fights in the UFC. She holds 7 professional wins, no losses, and a powerful mental framework that has her on track to becoming a rising star. 
    Her entrance into the UFC was officially made with her impressive win in the Octagon, featured on Dana White's Contender Series in 2018. She’s an exciting fighter with power and a relentless style. 
    One of the first things that really got my attention with Maycee was her incredible confidence. She is not shy at all in letting the world know, that she will become a UFC Champion in her near future.  With that said, she is a growth-minded girl, who on the curious path developing her greatest potential in out and of the Octagon.
    We had a lot of fun, as you will clearly hear in this episode, talking about her backstory to becoming a mixed martial artist, her adversities with weight cutting, rerouting metabolism issues, what she’s loving in her career right now and much more.
    I love how focused and determined she is to actualize the vision she holds for her career and it’s to witness her process from mindset to action, towards it.  There are a lot of mindset gems in this talk that will elevate your mind. 
    Instagram: @mayceebarber