
    Fight Companion - October 25, 2014

    en-usOctober 25, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • UFC's strategy to keep fans engaged and prevent talent poachingThe UFC's high volume of events keeps fans engaged and maintains a large roster, even if not all fighters receive equal recognition.

      The UFC's saturation in the market is a deliberate strategy to keep fans engaged and prevent top talent from being poached by other organizations. The UFC has a limited pool of fighters, and to maintain a large roster, they need to put on a high volume of events. Some fighters, like Neil Magny, may not receive the same level of recognition as more flashy or exciting fighters, but they still contribute to the overall quality of the organization. Fear is undefeated in the UFC, and fighters like Benny Benavidez and Diego Ferrera showcase the grit and determination that makes the sport so compelling. Despite the oversaturation, fans continue to be drawn to the action and unpredictability of each fight.

    • The Power of Consistent Practice in Achieving FlexibilityThrough consistent effort and practice, anyone can improve their flexibility, regardless of their natural ability.

      Flexibility is not limited to those born with it, but can be achieved through consistent effort and practice. The discussion revolved around a particularly flexible fighter and how he dominated an opponent with his flexibility. Some believe that everyone is born flexible but lose it if not used, while others argue that flexibility can be developed. The group shared personal experiences of maintaining flexibility through habits like biting toenails or consistent stretching. They also discussed the importance of not giving up and continuing to work on improving flexibility, as demonstrated by a football player who became incredibly flexible through dedicated stretching. Ultimately, the group agreed that flexibility is a valuable asset in various physical activities, and anyone can achieve it with dedication.

    • Encountering Desires Under the InfluencePeople's behaviors and desires can change under substance influence, leading to unexpected experiences and complex emotions.

      People's behaviors and desires can change significantly under the influence of substances like cocaine. The speaker shares an experience of encountering swingers at a club in Tahoe, expressing a desire to switch partners. He reflects on past experiences and the concept of the "dingo years," a period where one might consider infidelity but ultimately doesn't act on it. The conversation shifts to discussing MMA fighters and their impressive cardio, highlighting the intensity and energy required in high-level fights. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the complexities and unpredictability of human behavior under the influence of substances and the passing of time.

    • PED use in MMA: A Complex IssueDespite ethical concerns and risks, PED use persists in MMA, with some fighters vulnerable to opponents' strikes. Suspensions and fines may not deter all athletes, and harsher penalties are debated.

      The use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) is a common issue in mixed martial arts (MMA), with many fighters reportedly using them to gain an edge. The discussion touched upon various instances of fighters being affected by opponents' strikes, with some being particularly vulnerable to body shots and shots behind the ear. The debate also revolved around the effectiveness of suspensions and fines as deterrents, with some arguing for harsher penalties. Despite the risks and ethical concerns, it was acknowledged that PED use is prevalent in professional sports, including MMA, and that some fighters may have recently stopped using them in fear of getting caught. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the complexity of the issue and the challenges of ensuring a level playing field in the sport.

    • Prevalence of PEDs in Combat Sports and Unfair AdvantagePEDs are common in combat sports, especially in lighter weight classes, enabling athletes to train harder, gain an unfair advantage, and risk health consequences.

      Performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) are more prevalent in certain weight classes in combat sports due to the physical demands and the potential advantage they provide. The discussion highlighted several cases of athletes, particularly in the lighter weight classes, who have been caught using PEDs to gain an edge. The use of PEDs allows athletes to train harder and longer, mastering techniques and building strength and endurance beyond what is naturally possible. This gives them an unfair advantage over their opponents, potentially leading to damage and injury that might not have occurred otherwise. The conversation also touched upon the controversy surrounding the use of legal testosterone therapy, which can significantly boost an athlete's performance. Ultimately, the use of PEDs goes against the spirit of fair competition and can have serious health consequences for the athletes involved.

    • Toughness and resilience of combat sports athletesMuay Thai and wrestling skills showcased by Luca Smartines and Darren Elkins, Rumi Adonza shares experiences of being tortured in high school wrestling practices, irony of Rumi being on stage at a comedy show unexpectedly.

      The individuals discussed in this conversation were known for their toughness and resilience, whether it be from their combat sports backgrounds or their experiences in wrestling. Luca Smartines and Darren Elkins were praised for their Muay Thai and wrestling skills respectively, with Elkins described as "country tough." Rumi Adonza, a kickboxing coach and world champion, shared his experiences of being tortured in wrestling practices during his high school years, which contributed to his toughness. The irony of the situation was highlighted when Rumi attended a comedy show in a weed store and was unexpectedly on stage with the speaker, creating a memorable moment. Overall, the theme of toughness and resilience emerged as a common thread throughout the conversation.

    • Encounters with open sexuality in gym settingsPeople express their sexuality differently and it's a natural part of life, sparking conversations about societal norms and relationships.

      The speaker shared stories of encounters with open expressions of sexuality in a gym setting, which sparked conversations about the normalcy of various sexual behaviors in different communities. The speaker also touched upon the topic of legalized prostitution and the potential impact it might have on relationships and societal norms. However, it's important to note that the conversation contained explicit language and mature themes, and the opinions expressed were not meant to be taken as factual or representative of everyone's experiences. Overall, the conversation seemed to revolve around the idea that people express their sexuality in various ways and that it's a natural part of life.

    • Labels can lead to misunderstandingsAvoid making assumptions based on labels and have open, respectful conversations instead. Everyone is complex and multifaceted, and labels don't fully capture the depth of a person's identity.

      Labels and stereotypes can lead to misunderstandings and misconceptions. The speaker in this conversation was initially insulted by someone for being an MRA (Men's Rights Advocate) without even having a conversation with them. However, upon further investigation, he realized he wasn't an MRA and felt ironic that a feminist would mock someone for advocating for men's rights. This highlights the importance of not making assumptions based on labels and having open and respectful conversations instead. Additionally, the conversation touched on the idea that people identify with various labels and that these identities can create walls or barriers between individuals. It's essential to remember that everyone is complex and multifaceted, and labels don't fully capture the depth of a person's identity.

    • The importance of intense sparring in mixed martial artsIntense sparring sessions, with their pressure and trauma, build mental toughness and improve technique for mixed martial artists, despite potential risks and injuries.

      The intensity and dedication of training, particularly sparring, play a crucial role in the success of mixed martial artists. The discussion highlights the admiration for Dominic Cruz's footwork and fighting style, with Daniel Cormier bringing him into their camp. The pressure and intensity of their sparring sessions are described as "war, chaos, and beating each other," with no one getting grounded and both fighters going 100%. Despite the risks and injuries, the benefits of this high-level training are believed to outweigh the potential drawbacks. The speakers emphasize the importance of specific drills and coaching, as well as the mental toughness required to handle the trauma and pressure of regular sparring. Ultimately, they argue that the benefits of this intense training, such as improved technique and readiness for real fights, make it an essential aspect of their martial arts careers.

    • Meet the 'Lion Killers': The Rare and Aggressive Bondo ApesThe Bondo apes, a rare species of chimpanzee, exhibit unique characteristics including large size, aggression, intelligence, and the ability to eat leopards. They are difficult to study due to their remote habitats and dangerous conditions, but they have been observed to be trainable.

      There exists a rare species of chimpanzee, known as Bondo apes, which are much larger and more aggressive than typical chimps. These chimps, found in remote areas of the Congo, can grow up to six feet tall and weigh over 350 pounds. They have a crest on their skulls and sleep on the ground. Known as "lion killers," these chimps are incredibly intelligent and have been observed eating leopards. Scientists have only recently begun studying them, and access to their habitats is difficult and dangerous. Despite their size and aggression, they have been observed to be trainable, and some have even been taken as pets. These chimps are a fascinating example of the natural world's diversity and the importance of continued exploration and research.

    • Speaker's shock at poaching of gorillas and UFC talkSpeaker shares shock at poaching of gorillas, praises Maldonado's boxing skills, and observes correlation between animal testicle size and promiscuity, ending with a tale of a tough old boxer.

      The discussion revolved around two distinct topics: poaching of gorillas in the Congo and UFC fights. The speaker expressed shock at the sight of a dead gorilla, questioning the reason behind its killing. He then shifted the conversation to UFC, specifically mentioning Fabio Maldonado and Hans Stringer. The speaker praised Maldonado's boxing skills and toughness, sharing anecdotes about his fights. The conversation then veered towards an observation about the size of animals' testicles being related to the number of promiscuous females in their regions. The speaker ended by mentioning the longevity and toughness of fighters, using the example of an old boxer who defeated a younger opponent despite his advanced age.

    • Speaker's admiration for Brazilian culture and Jiu JitsuThe speaker expresses deep respect for Brazilian culture and Jiu Jitsu, recalling early experiences and admiring elderly masters' technique and dedication

      Despite the rough and humorous banter, the speaker holds a deep respect for Brazilian culture and Jiu Jitsu. He recalls his early experiences with the sport in the 80s and reminisces about the freedom and fearlessness of older practitioners. He also expresses admiration for a viral Judo video featuring elderly masters, emphasizing their stellar technique and lack of concern for injuries. The conversation then shifts to the dynamic between instructors and students, with the speaker suggesting a cult-like devotion to the art. He also shares his preference for submission over ground and pound in certain situations. Overall, the conversation highlights the passion and dedication that underpins the practice of martial arts.

    • Mount vs Half Guard: Choosing the Right PositionSuccess in grappling depends on choosing the right position based on individual skills and opponent's style.

      The mount position is not always the best choice for every grappler, and the decision to attempt a mount or stay in a dominant position like half guard depends on the individual's skills and the opponent they are facing. Some grapplers may prefer to mount to create scrambles and search for submissions, while others may find it easier to pass guard and strike from a dominant position. Ultimately, the choice depends on the fighter's strengths and the specific situation in the match. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of training and continuous improvement, as well as the importance of being able to adapt to different styles and opponents.

    • The importance of passion, determination, and versatility in mastering a craftPassionately pursue mastery, adapt to new situations, and learn from others to excel in any discipline.

      Passion and determination are key in mastering a craft, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The speaker emphasizes the importance of striving to be the best, whether that means getting out of uncomfortable positions or mastering various techniques from different positions. However, the conversation also touches on the reality that not all fights remain in the same position for long, and there's value in being versatile and adaptable. The speaker admires Maldonado's striking abilities and precision, and suggests that watching him fight can offer valuable lessons. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of continuous learning and improvement in any discipline.

    • Impact of weapons in grappling competitionsA steel cup can cause severe damage in grappling competitions, and body structure plays a crucial role in combat outcomes.

      In grappling competitions, a steel cup used as a weapon can cause significant damage due to its weight and ability to inflict pain. A person who has experienced this firsthand mentioned that a steel cup in the solar plexus during a grapevine hold was devastating. The speaker also shared their preference for steel cups over plastic ones due to trust issues with plastic. The conversation also touched on the topic of transgender fighters in women's MMA, with the opinion that size and body shape play a significant role in the outcome of fights. The speaker believed that if both parties agree, a woman should be able to fight a man, but acknowledged the mechanical advantage of the male frame. Overall, the discussion highlighted the impact of tools and body structure in combat situations.

    • Aliens and the Future of Food and ExistenceThe potential existence of aliens raises questions about veganism, organic farming, and biological versus artificial life. Aliens might not need food or biological existence, and consciousness could be downloadable or replicable. They could transcend human desires and needs, even surpassing the pleasure of sex. The unknown is vast, keep an open mind.

      The nature of extraterrestrial life and its potential relationship with veganism, organic farming, and biological versus artificial existence are open to endless speculation. The discussion touched upon the possibility that aliens might not have a need for food or biological existence at all, and consciousness might be downloadable or replicable. The conversation also explored the idea that aliens could transcend traditional human desires and needs, potentially even surpassing the pleasure of sex. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the vastness of the unknown and the importance of keeping an open mind.

    • The Future of Technology: Blurring the Lines Between Reality and FictionUse technology to enhance our lives, but remember the importance of real-life experiences and human connections. Be responsible and ethical in your use of technology.

      Technology is advancing at a rapid pace and is starting to blur the lines between reality and fiction. From robots that can mimic human interactions to virtual reality experiences that can be as terrifying as real-life encounters, the future holds exciting possibilities. However, there are also concerns about the potential negative consequences, such as the impact on relationships and the potential for addiction. Ultimately, it's important to strike a balance and use technology in a way that enhances our lives rather than detracting from them. For instance, virtual training tools like the Oculus Rift can be beneficial for learning new skills, but it's important to remember that real-life experiences and human connections cannot be replicated. Additionally, it's important to remember that technology is just a tool, and it's up to us to use it responsibly and ethically.

    • Challenges of facing high-level wrestlers in MMAEffective striking and cardio crucial in MMA, even for wrestlers; recovery key to decisive victories; smart coaching and hard training essential.

      High-level wrestlers like Phil Davis can present unique challenges in MMA matches, as their opponents may struggle to take them down even if they have strong wrestling skills. The distance between striking and grappling ranges can be significant, and even a wrestling expert like Davis can land effective strikes that wear down opponents. Additionally, the importance of recovery and cardio in MMA fights was emphasized, as fighters can be expected to be tired after the first round, and the ability to recover quickly can lead to a decisive victory. The discussion also highlighted the importance of smart coaching and the impact of hard training on a fighter's performance.

    • Discussion on various MMA topicsIndividuals in the MMA community have strong opinions on topics like Vitor Belfort's wife, acceptance of fake bodies, benefits of fighting without gloves, and ridiculous rules.

      There was a discussion about various topics including Vitor Belfer's wife, the acceptance of fake bodies in women, the potential benefits of fighting without gloves in UFC, and the ridiculousness of certain rules in MMA. The group expressed their opinions on these topics with strong convictions, with some believing that people would appreciate the purity of the sport without certain elements like gloves or fake bodies. They also made jokes and shared their preferences, showcasing a lively and engaging conversation. However, it's important to note that these opinions are not representative of everyone in the MMA community and are simply the views of the individuals in this discussion.

    • The Frustration of Eye Pokes in Combat SportsSpeakers shared personal experiences and proposed solutions for the issue of eye pokes in combat sports, emphasizing the importance of finger protection in gloves.

      The discussion revolved around the issue of eye pokes in combat sports and the lack of finger protection in gloves. The speakers expressed frustration over this issue, sharing personal experiences and hypothetical solutions. They also touched upon the beauty and intensity of real fights, referencing specific examples. Additionally, the conversation included a brief mention of a referee's unexpected intervention in a karate match and the nostalgic reminiscence of iconic martial arts movies and figures. Overall, the group's passion for combat sports was evident, as they debated rules, techniques, and personal experiences.

    • Davis' impressive grappling performance against TeixeiraDavis' focus on cardio training led to his grappling victory against Teixeira, highlighting his exceptional wrestling abilities and endurance.

      Phil Davis put on an impressive performance against a formidable opponent, Glover Teixeira, in a UFC fight. Davis, known for his wrestling skills, dominated the match with his grappling cardio, which is different from striking cardio. Despite his opponent's best efforts, Davis continued to tag him with unanswered shots and nearly secured a submission. Davis' dedication to training, including his decision to focus on cardio, played a significant role in his victory. Davis' ability to perform at a high level on the ground, even when gassed, showcased his exceptional wrestling abilities and cardio endurance.

    • Discovering physical limits and quick recoveryThrough an unconventional swimming workout, the speaker learned to push beyond his limits and recover quickly, boosting his confidence and resilience in various aspects of life

      The speaker discovered his physical limits and ability to recover during a unique swimming workout. He pushed himself to exhaustion during short sprints across the pool, only resting when the clock struck 12. Despite feeling dead and tired, he learned that he could recover within 30 seconds and continue. This newfound knowledge gave him confidence in his abilities and resilience, which he could apply to other areas of his life, including grappling. The speaker also noted the importance of knowing one's limits and continuing to push beyond them. While the method he used in the pool was unconventional, the lessons he learned were valuable.

    • Exploring the Future of Immersive GamingImmersive gaming could involve hyper-realistic experiences filmed from multiple angles using technologies like the Oculus Rift, allowing for endless possibilities and blurring the line between reality and gaming.

      The future of immersive gaming could involve the use of technologies like the Oculus Rift to create hyper-realistic, interactive experiences. Instead of traditional game engines, these experiences could be filmed from multiple angles to provide a seamless, 360-degree environment. Users could engage in various scenarios, even feeling physical sensations like muscle cramps or virtual weapons hitting them. The possibilities would be endless, allowing for truly immersive experiences that blur the line between reality and gaming. Additionally, the discussion touched on the upcoming UFC fight between Aldo and Mendez, with predictions made for the outcome and analysis of their strengths and weaknesses.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Royce Gracie and Eddie BravoRoyce Gracie and Eddie Bravo, two UFC legends, had a controversial exchange during an event, but both have had a significant impact on MMA and continue to be influential figures, highlighting the importance of respect and understanding in the face of criticism.

      The dynamic between two UFC legends, Royce Gracie and Eddie Bravo, was discussed in detail. Royce was known for his intimidating presence and formidable ground game, which made him a nightmare for opponents. However, during an event, he made a comment about Eddie not having a website, which sparked controversy and upset fans. Eddie, on the other hand, took it in stride and appreciated the attention, even if it was negative. The conversation also touched on the importance of having a solid ground game in MMA, as well as the evolution of wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu. Despite their differences, both men have had a significant impact on the sport and continue to be influential figures. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities of the relationship between these two legends and the importance of respect and understanding in the face of criticism.

    • Brazilian Fans' Passion for MMABellator MMA delivers exciting fights, attracts passionate fans in Brazil, and thrives on competition. Love for the sport and the thrill of competition keeps both fighters and fans engaged.

      While Bellator MMA may not be at the same level as the UFC, it still delivers exciting fights and attracts passionate fans, particularly in Brazil. Fighters like Hector Lombard and Conor McGregor have shown that they can put on a show and ignite the crowd. Despite some rough patches, the sport thrives on competition and the drive to be the best. The energy and enthusiasm of fans in Brazil is unmatched, making fights there an unforgettable experience. Ultimately, it's the love for the sport and the thrill of competition that keeps both fighters and fans engaged.

    • MMA fight showcases impressive striking skills and techniqueImportance of proper refereeing and sportsmanship in MMA, as debated eye poke incident led to brief break for affected fighter. Both fighters gave their all, pushing each other to limits, creating memorable experience.

      The MMA fight between the two fighters showcased impressive striking skills and technique from both parties. However, the conversation also highlighted the importance of proper refereeing and sportsmanship, as a potential eye poke incident was debated and eventually ruled in favor of a brief break for the affected fighter. Despite the intensity of the fight, there was a clear consensus that both fighters were giving their all and pushing each other to their limits. The crowd's reaction added to the excitement, creating a memorable experience for all involved.

    • The Intense UFC Match: Aldo vs Mendez and the Impact of Groin HitsEddie Bravo discussed Aldo's potential energy depletion, Mendez's strength, and the effects of groin hits in UFC fights, emphasizing the importance of resilience and strategy.

      The UFC fight between Aldo and Mendez was an intense and unpredictable match, with both fighters delivering powerful blows. Eddie Bravo, a commentator, shared personal experiences of getting hit in the groin area during Jiu Jitsu and how it can be a significant source of pain. He also discussed how Aldo's performance can change in later rounds due to his energy levels. Bravo highlighted Mendez's strength and muscle build, which can impact his endurance. The commentary also touched upon the unique challenges of commentating on a fight while on stage and the importance of adrenaline in mitigating the pain of leg kicks. Overall, the discussion emphasized the physical and mental demands of UFC fights and the importance of resilience and strategy.

    • Young Fighters and Their Aggressive MMA StyleModern MMA rules favor aggressive, full-contact fighting, creating intense, Muay Thai-style clashes between young fighters like Yeltsin Kalai, Sanchez, Superbond, and Mendez. Despite the risks, the allure of the sport keeps them pushing themselves to the limit.

      Yeltsin Kalai, a young fighter with an impressive record, stands out for his aggressive style in MMA fights. He and other hardcore fighters, such as Sanchez, Superbond, and Mendez, engage in intense clashes that allow clinching, throwing, and ground kicks. In contrast, older rulesets like Drakhan's had stricter regulations on takedowns and ground fighting. Modern MMA rules favor Muay Thai-style fights, which allow more time for exchanges and full-contact clinching. Notable American fighters like Kevin Ross, Joe Schilling, and Artem showcase this style's intensity and excitement. Artem, in particular, is known for his unorthodox fighting style and impressive knockouts. One cautionary tale from the world of MMA is the risk of eye injuries. Fighters have experienced accidents like toenails or fingers entering their eyes, causing significant damage. Despite the risks, the allure of the sport keeps fighters pushing themselves to the limit. Dwayne Ludwig, a renowned trainer, had a unique approach to MMA, focusing on crisp, clean striking and effective counterattacks. However, even he faced defeat through a powerful kick. The unpredictability and intensity of MMA make it an ever-evolving and thrilling spectacle.

    • A battle of determination and gritBoth Aldo and Mendez displayed immense determination and grit, with each refusing to back down despite being hurt, resulting in a deep and intriguing fight.

      Both Aldo and Mendez put on an intense and exciting fight, each determined to come out on top. Despite being tagged and hurt, Mendez showed great determination and anger, digging in and refusing to back down. Aldo, known for his sharp counters, proved to be a formidable opponent, landing several hard hits and takedowns. The fight was close, with both fighters controlling different parts, and the end of the rounds played a significant role in determining the outcome. In a street fight scenario, the one who ends up on top, even if momentarily, is often considered the winner. The fourth and fifth rounds were particularly intense for Aldo, with Chad's improved gas tank and Mark Hominik's striking skills posing significant challenges. Overall, it was a deep and intriguing fight that showcased the grit and determination of both fighters.

    • Mendes' Impressive Performance Against AldoConor Mendes delivered a dominant performance against Jose Aldo, landing impactful punches and uppercuts, while effectively using leg kicks and inflicting significant damage, ultimately securing a stunning knockout in the fifth round.

      Conor Mendes showcased his sharp skills and impressive head movement during his UFC fight against Jose Aldo, landing impactful punches and uppercuts that left Aldo's face badly bruised. Despite Aldo's usual control in the later rounds, Mendes maintained a consistent pace and inflicted significant damage. However, both fighters were hesitant to fully commit and were looking for the perfect moment to deliver a knockout blow. Mendes' leg kicks and uppercuts were particularly effective, leaving Aldo with limited visibility and visibly damaged. Ultimately, Mendes' impressive performance in the fifth round resulted in a stunning head kick knockout, solidifying his dominance in the fight.

    • UFC match between Jaz and Men in Brazil: A thrilling victory for JazJaz wins UFC title in Brazil, potentially marking end of Brazilian champions, commentators discuss American muscle cars and UFC fighters' strength and defense in intense final moments.

      The UFC fight between Jaz and Men in Brazil was an intense and exciting match, with both fighters showing great skill and determination. The crowd was going wild as they watched the two fighters engage in a grueling battle, with Jaz coming out on top after a long and hard-fought victory. The win could potentially mark the last time a Brazilian holds the UFC title, as every subsequent champion could be American. The conversation between the commentators also touched on various topics, including their love for American muscle cars, particularly the Corvette, and the impressive strength and defense of the UFC fighters. The tension was high as the final seconds ticked down, with both fighters giving it their all in a thrilling and unpredictable finish.

    • UFC 253: Aldo vs Mendez - A Thrilling Display of Elite MMAAldo wins split decision against Mendez in a closely contested fight, with opinions divided on rounds. Aldo and other top contenders continue to vie for the pound-for-pound title.

      The UFC 253 fight between Aldo and Mendez was an incredible display of elite-level MMA, with both fighters showing incredible heart and skill. While opinions on who won the fight were divided, most agreed that Aldo had a clear edge in rounds one and three, while Mendez took round five. The close nature of the fight and the damage inflicted on both fighters led to a split decision victory for Aldo. The division remains intriguing, with Aldo and other top contenders vying for the pound-for-pound title. Despite taking significant damage, Aldo continues to be seen as a top contender, but some believe that Mighty Mouse or even the victor of future fights could claim the title. Overall, it was a night of exciting fights and unexpected outcomes.

    • Is Ronda Rousey the Greatest Pound-for-Pound Fighter of All Time?Rousey's flawless record in title fights and impressive skills have earned her the title of greatest pound-for-pound fighter, but the debate continues due to comparisons to men's categories and McGregor's popularity.

      Ronda Rousey is considered by some to be the greatest pound-for-pound fighter of all time in the UFC, regardless of gender. Her flawless record in title fights and impressive skills have earned her this title. However, some argue that men's categories should not be compared to women's due to physical differences. Conor McGregor, known for his entertaining style and ability to sell fights, is also considered a top contender for the pound-for-pound title. Ultimately, the debate continues on who truly holds this title, with Rousey's impressive record and McGregor's popularity making strong cases.

    • MMA fan discussion: Hunt's fight and Lee's controversyFans debated Mark Hunt's upcoming fight and the impact of his opponent's injury on ticket sales, while also discussing the controversial situation surrounding Jung 'The Korean Zombie' Lee's cleared hormone charges.

      The discussion revolved around Joey's comedic style and unpredictability, as well as the ongoing drama surrounding the UFC and its fighters, specifically Mark Hunt and Jung "The Korean Zombie" Lee. The group debated Hunt's upcoming fight and the potential impact of his opponent's injury on ticket sales. They also discussed the controversial situation with Lee, who was cleared of high growth hormone charges after the UFC rescinded his suspension. The group pondered the possibility of natural hormonal differences and the impact of a long athletic career on Lee's physique. Overall, the conversation showcased the dynamic and often unfiltered nature of MMA fan discussions.

    • Former UFC fighter Cung Le's unique athletic traitsNatural athleticism, training methods, and diet contribute to Cung Le's impressive wrestling abilities and low heart rate. He eats vegan meals from 'The Gorgeous Mix' but also consumes meat, and prefers raw milk over pasteurized milk and almond milk, acknowledging individual body reactions.

      Former UFC fighter Cung Le's impressive wrestling abilities and low heart rate can be attributed to his natural athleticism, training methods, and diet. Le, who has a heart rate of 38 beats per minute, similar to Michael Phelps, discussed his ease in cutting weight and maintaining a strict diet. He shared that he eats vegan meals from a company called "The Gorgeous Mix," but also consumes meat. Le mentioned his difficulty with giving up gluten and tried it during his last camp without noticing a significant difference. He also spoke about his preference for raw milk over pasteurized milk and almond milk, expressing that his body reacts differently to each. Despite some dietary preferences and indulgences, Le emphasized the importance of fueling his body for intense training.

    • Making Your Own Almond Milk and Goat's Milk BenefitsMaking your own almond milk can make smoothies more flavorful and convenient, while goat's milk is easier to digest but may lose some nutrients when turned into powder

      While making your own almond milk may not offer any significant health benefits compared to store-bought options, the emulsification process can make smoothies more flavorful and convenient. Goat's milk, especially pasteurized goat's milk, is easier for the body to digest due to its closer composition to human milk. However, when goat's milk is broken down into powdered form, some nutrients may be lost. Eddie Bravo emphasizes the importance of talking trash to secure fights for fellow MMA fighters like Daniel Cormier. He also mentioned his hand injury and the multiple surgeries he has undergone to repair it.

    • Exploring unique perspectives through psychedelic experiencesEngage in new experiences and broaden horizons to gain unique perspectives and moments of introspection

      Psychedelic experiences, as explored in the Warrior Poet Project documentary, can provide unique perspectives and moments of introspection. Listening to music, like the Icaros used in the documentary, can transport individuals to a special place, even during mundane activities like driving in traffic. It's essential to make the most of our time and engage in productive activities. If you've reached this point in the conversation, consider exploring new experiences and broadening your horizons. As Miss Two Jits would say, don't waste your time, and go live your life.

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    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Episode 9: UFC 245 Recap - Edgar vs. The Korean Zombie Preview

    In the most jam packed episode of STJ to date, the guys start off by recapping UFC 245 and Lino goes off on Rosie O'Donnell. They break down the Kamaru Usman vs. Colby Covington fight and discuss whether or not the judges got it right and if it was a good stoppage. They talk about Alexander Volkanovski's brilliant game plan and try to figure out why Max Holloway didn't see it coming or make adjustments. They try to figure out what's next for Amanda "Come See Me" Nunes and why they're both proud of her for not taking the bait and stepping into the boxing world against Claressa Shields. Ian explains why a lot of fans think Jose Aldo won against Marlon Moraes, but how they are all wrong. Petr Yan dismantled Urijah Faber and made Ian sad, then had an altercation with Cody Garbrandt backstage that left Lino terrified. Mike Perry suffered yet another loss, which makes Ian think it might be time for a change. Lino thinks Ketlen Vieira has a weird punching style and believes Chase Hooper might be the Diaz brothers 2.0. They finish up the show by previewing Frankie Edgar vs. The Korean Zombie and Lino tells a legendary tale of Frankie Edgar from Edgar's college days. Before wrapping up, they throw shade at the UFC 246 promo poster, give props to Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson for winning the NMF belt (Nicest Mofo), and Ian reads an original hilarious R Rated Christmas poem for the fans! Similar to the rest, this is one you don't want to miss. Happy Holidays and thank you to all our fans for helping us grow the show!

    VISIT OUR WEBSITE: https://slipthejabpodcast.com

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    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/STJSpotify
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    Follow Ian Ebbitt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IanEbbitt

    ABOUT US: 
    Unfiltered and unscripted, hosts Lino P and Ian Ebbitt pull no punches as they offer up entertaining insight into the world of combat sports and current events. Two guys from a huge fight town called Pittsburgh, bringing you a weekly podcast smothered in realness, sprinkled with humor and served with a side of whiskey neat. Light your cigars and bring your opinions… we certainly brought ours.

    Support the show

    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/STJSpotify
    Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/STJApplePodcasts

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/slipthejabpod

    Sponsored by NuKine Wellness
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    Episode 14: UFC 247 Jones vs Reyes Preview - Jake Paul vs Gib Recap - Usman vs Masvidal Announced - Joanna Coronavirus meme

    Episode 14: UFC 247 Jones vs Reyes Preview - Jake Paul vs Gib Recap - Usman vs Masvidal Announced - Joanna Coronavirus meme

    Pig skin bouncing off turf vs. human heads bouncing off the canvas? Our fans said, “No thank you good sir, I’m an adult.” We took a poll last week and it was no surprise when asked if our listeners would rather watch the Super Bowl or a UFC event, 78% of them chose the latter. After giving our thoughts on that, we preview UFC 247, discuss whether or not it’s even fun watching a Jon Jones or Valentina Shevchenko fight at this point and try to figure out between Dominick Reyes and Katlyn Chookagian, who actually stands a better chance of winning? We give our "Slip Picks" for UFC 247, recap Jake Paul vs. Gib (against our better judgement) and decide which part of that monstrosity was the least annoying. At Super Bowl media day, Kamaru Usman tries to bate Jorge Masvidal into serving him the three piece with the soda, Joanna Jedrzejczyk posts memes about the virus of the corona, and Pat Sabatini literally got his arm ripped out of his goddamn shoulda! Gervonta Davis gets arrested for domestic battery, Jacob Rosales wears serial killer themed shorts at LFA81 and twitter suspended our account for trying to prevent a possible suicide. Why you might ask? Press play and let us tell ya!

    VISIT OUR WEBSITE: https://slipthejabpodcast.com

    SLIP THE JAB MERCH: https://slipthejabpodcast.com/shop

    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/STJSpotify
    Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/STJApplePodcasts

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/slipthejabpod
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slipthejabpodcast
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slipthejabpodcast
    Follow Lino P on Twitter: https://twitter.com/linop412
    Follow Ian Ebbitt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IanEbbitt

    ABOUT US: 
    Unfiltered and unscripted, hosts Lino P and Ian Ebbitt pull no punches as they offer up entertaining insight into the world of combat sports and current events. Two guys from a huge fight town called Pittsburgh, bringing you a weekly podcast smothered in realness, sprinkled with humor and served with a side of whiskey neat. Light your cigars and bring your opinions… we certainly brought ours.

    Support the show

    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/STJSpotify
    Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/STJApplePodcasts

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/slipthejabpod

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