
    Fight Companion - Sept. 20, 2014

    en-usSeptember 20, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Anticipating the UFC Fight between Mark Hunt and Roy NelsonThe group discussed the upcoming UFC fight, shared stories about cornering fighters, and appreciated UFC's Fight Pass for unlimited access to fights.

      The group was excitedly anticipating a live UFC fight between Mark Hunt and Roy Nelson, despite some technical difficulties. They discussed various aspects of the event, including the fighters' training schedules, their past performances, and their personal preferences. Eddie Bravo shared a story about cornering Ben Saunders and helping him improve his rubber guard technique. The group expressed their appreciation for UFC's Fight Pass, which allows viewers to watch any fight they desire. Despite some confusion about the start time, they remained optimistic and looked forward to the action.

    • Discovering new UFC techniques and fightsUFC Fight Pass offers a vast library of fights, providing endless hours of entertainment, despite occasional technical difficulties, making it a must-have for dedicated fans.

      UFC Fight Pass offers access to a vast library of UFC fights, both old and new, providing fans with endless hours of entertainment. During a Friday night viewing session, the speaker discovered new techniques and fights, highlighting the depth and diversity of the content available. Despite occasional technical difficulties, the convenience and affordability of having every UFC fight at one's fingertips outweighed the minor inconveniences. The speakers' companions shared their excitement, discussing various fights and techniques, adding to the overall enjoyment of the experience. The UFC Fight Pass is a must-have for any dedicated UFC fan.

    • MMA Discussion: Bud Friedman, Haraguchi, and Delos ReyesMMA involves complex strategies, resilience, and adaptability, with athletes facing challenges like weight cutting and vulnerability in non-clinching situations.

      Bud Friedman, the host of the "Hergochi and Delos Reyes" show where they redo cars, is back in control of the show after a period of absence. The discussion also touched on the effectiveness of guard playing in MMA and the challenges of maintaining weight in various weight classes. It was noted that some fighters, like Haraguchi and Delos Reyes, have impressive striking abilities, but can be vulnerable in non-clinching situations. The conversation also highlighted the size and strength of modern flyweights, who often walk around at much heavier weights than their fighting weight. Despite concerns about health and weight cutting, it was acknowledged that these athletes still put on impressive performances. Overall, the conversation showcased the complexities and nuances of MMA, with a focus on the importance of strategy, resilience, and adaptability in the sport.

    • Discussing Hector Lombard and the Intimidating Presence of UFC FightersUFC fighters like Hector Lombard are renowned for their striking abilities and intimidating presence, leaving opponents in awe and fear. Technical skills and cardio are crucial for smaller fighters in wrestling and jiu-jitsu. Old world wines are preferred for their earthy flavors, contrasting American wines.

      The UFC features some of the best and most formidable fighters in the world, and these athletes are known for their exceptional skills and intimidating presence. During a conversation, it was mentioned that Hector Lombard is one such fighter who is considered a "bad motherfucker" due to his striking abilities and terrifying presence in the octagon. His opponents often fear him, and he has a reputation for being a formidable opponent even at lighter weights. The conversation also touched upon the differences in fighting styles between American and old world wines, with a preference for the latter due to their earthy flavors. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of technical skills and cardio for smaller fighters in wrestling and jiu-jitsu, as they need to be highly skilled to survive in the sport. Overall, the conversation underscored the awe-inspiring talent and intensity of UFC fighters and the unique appeal of the sport.

    • Fighters willing to take on any opponentSome UFC fighters accept any challenge, leading to impressive victories or potential setbacks. Management plays a crucial role in deciding which fights to accept.

      Some UFC fighters, like Cowboy Cerrone and T.J. Dilshaw, are known for taking on any opponent at any time, regardless of the challenges or risks involved. This willingness to face any fighter is a double-edged sword, as it can lead to impressive victories but also potential setbacks. For instance, Dilshaw took on Joe Soto for the title on short notice and won, but Cerrone's acceptance of a fight against Hector Lombard in Australia led to a challenging travel situation and a loss. Other fighters, like Conor McGregor and Dustin Poirier, have also shown a willingness to take on top opponents, leading to exciting and significant fights. Ultimately, a fighter's management plays a crucial role in determining which fights to accept, as they must consider the potential risks and rewards for their client.

    • Reflecting on Confidence and Technique in Martial ArtsMastering a skill like martial arts requires mental and physical preparation, including confidence and advanced techniques. Analyzing and correcting mistakes is crucial even in high-pressure situations.

      Confidence and technique are key components in mastering a skill, such as martial arts. The speaker reflects on their own growth and the impressive abilities of a new fighter named Rose, who demonstrates both confidence and advanced techniques. The speaker is in awe of Rose's flying arm bar finish and believes she has the potential to become a champion. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of analyzing and correcting techniques, even in high-pressure situations. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of both mental and physical preparation in mastering a skill and achieving success.

    • Fashion Trends and Cultural InfluenceCelebrity and peer influence can spark trends in fashion and behavior, while cultural norms shape individual choices.

      Trends in fashion and behavior, such as growing beards, can spread rapidly through a culture as people follow the lead of celebrities and peers. This conversation also touched on the topic of protective gear in martial arts, with disagreement over the outlawing of cups to protect the groin area. The speakers shared personal experiences and opinions on the matter, with some expressing a preference for softer protective cups over traditional hard ones. Overall, the discussion highlighted the cyclical nature of trends and the influence of cultural norms on individual choices.

    • Performance-enhancing substances in sports: A contentious issueThe debate over performance-enhancing substances in sports continues, with some arguing they level the playing field and others going against the spirit of fair competition. Athletes' dedication, skill, and toughness are crucial to success.

      The use of performance-enhancing substances in sports, such as what Lance Armstrong was accused of, remains a contentious issue. Some argue that it levels the playing field, while others believe it goes against the spirit of fair competition. The discussion also touched upon the toughness and resilience of certain athletes, with Korean and Turkish fighters being mentioned as legendary examples. Mark Hunt was specifically highlighted for his impressive knockout wins and ability to take and dish out damage. Despite the debate surrounding performance-enhancing substances, it's clear that dedication, skill, and toughness are essential components of any successful athlete's journey.

    • The Power of Leg Kicks in Martial ArtsLeg kicks can significantly enhance a fighter's abilities and make them a formidable opponent, inspiring awe and motivating harder training.

      Effective martial arts training involves more than just punches and kicks. The discussion highlights the importance of leg kicks and the power they can bring to a fighter's game. Chris Tuckscher and Chuck Kong, with their impressive leg kicks, were described as terrifying opponents. Pedro Hizzo's leg kicks were so powerful that they inspired awe and motivated others to train harder. Joe Rogan's kicks were also noted as the hardest ever seen, showcasing the potential impact of leg kicks in martial arts. Overall, incorporating leg kicks into training can significantly enhance a fighter's abilities and make them a formidable opponent.

    • Joe Rogan's Encounters with Exceptional KickersDedication and effective technique are crucial in mastering martial arts skills. Observing exceptional kickers like Joe Lewis and Rico Rodriguez emphasized the significance of consistent training.

      Joe Rogan's experiences in martial arts, particularly his encounters with exceptional kickers like Joe Lewis and Rico Rodriguez, emphasized the importance of proper technique and dedication in mastering various martial arts skills. Rogan's anecdotes about observing and commentating on these kickers' power and precision underscored the significant impact of consistent training. Additionally, Rogan shared his personal preferences for certain techniques, such as the spider web armbar position, and his observations on the effectiveness of various strategies in mixed martial arts competition. Overall, Rogan's stories highlight the importance of dedication, adaptability, and effective technique in martial arts training and competition.

    • MMA: To Gloves or Not to Gloves?The use of gloves in MMA remains a contentious issue, with some advocating for their protective benefits and others believing they hinder knockouts and submissions, leading to a call for a more nuanced scoring system.

      The use of gloves in mixed martial arts (MMA) is a topic of debate. While some argue that gloves offer protection for the hands and reduce the risk of injuries, others believe that fighting without gloves could lead to more knockouts and submissions, making the fights more exciting for fans. The discussion also touched upon the potential impact on grappling and the current scoring system based on the 10-point-must system borrowed from boxing. Some suggested that MMA could benefit from a more complex scoring system tailored to the unique nature of the sport. Ultimately, there is no clear consensus on the issue, and the debate continues.

    • Debating the Value of Submissions in MMA ScoringJudges' scoring decisions in MMA can be subjective and influenced by their understanding of the sport and potential biases. The value of submissions versus strikes and takedowns remains a contentious issue.

      The scoring system in mixed martial arts can be subjective and controversial, particularly when it comes to determining the value of different types of attacks and positions. Eddie Bravo, a jiu-jitsu expert, used to provide insightful analysis during UFC events by keeping unofficial scorecards and explaining his reasoning. However, there is debate over whether a submission artist should be awarded points for attempting submissions even if they are not successful, or if the aggressor who lands more strikes or takes downs should be favored. Ultimately, the judges' decisions can be influenced by their understanding of the sport and potential biases.

    • MMA Fighters Debate the Use of Rash GuardsPersonal preference and perceived advantages or disadvantages determine whether MMA fighters choose to wear rash guards, with some arguing for grip benefits and others for slipperiness or comfort.

      In mixed martial arts (MMA), the use of rash guards is a topic of debate among fighters. Some believe that allowing opponents to wear rash guards could provide an unfair advantage due to better grip and slipperiness. Others argue that it doesn't matter and ultimately, the decision should be left to the fighters themselves. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and perceived advantages or disadvantages in specific matchups. For instance, some fighters might prefer to wear rash guards for grip advantages, while others might prefer not to for slipperiness or comfort reasons. The discussion also touched upon the use of other equipment like wrestling shoes and mineral oil, and the potential impact they could have on MMA fights.

    • Nisha Tate's Potential to Dominate in the UFCNisha Tate's mental focus, confidence, solid technique, and durability make her a formidable opponent and potential contender for UFC championships.

      Nisha Tate is an attractive and skilled fighter with a strong mental focus, making her a formidable opponent in the UFC. Despite some concerns about her experience and stiffness, her confidence, solid technique, and durability make her a potential contender for the welterweight or bantamweight championship. Misha Tate's impressive performance in the past, including her ability to put Rhonda Rousey in a compromising position, highlights her potential to dominate in the cage. However, the unpredictability of MMA means that anything can happen, and Tate's opponent, Brennan Shaw, could also pose a significant threat. Overall, the sport and women's fighting would benefit from Tate's presence and skills.

    • Intense Rivalry Between Misha Tainan and Ronda RouseyTheir rivalry extends beyond fighting, with a deep-rooted hatred and Rousey's hostile behavior towards Tainan. Rousey's fierce intensity makes it challenging to be second best.

      The intense rivalry between Misha Tainan and Ronda Rousey goes beyond just their professional fights. They have a deep-rooted hatred for each other, making it challenging for anyone to be in second place to Rousey's ruthless intensity. The conversation between the speakers revealed their disdain for each other, with Rousey's hostile behavior towards Tainan extending beyond the fighting arena. The speakers also discussed the challenges of grappling with a skilled opponent like Rousey, who is not only a formidable fighter but also brings a fierce intensity to every encounter. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intense animosity between these two fighters and the unique challenges posed by competing against such a formidable opponent.

    • Misha Tate's grappling skills give her an advantage in UFC fightsMisha Tate's grappling skills enable her to control opponents and turn fights into grappling matches, giving her an edge in UFC competitions. Focus is crucial during fights to avoid missing key moments due to distractions.

      Misha Tate's grappling skills are a major factor in her UFC fights. During her match against an opponent, her ability to slow down her opponent on the feet and turn the fight into a grappling match gave her an advantage. The discussion also touched on the importance of focus during fights, as the speakers missed a significant moment in the fight due to their distractions. Additionally, the speakers admired Misha Tate's strength and skill, noting that her beauty only added to her impressive fighting abilities. The conversation also highlighted the impact of Japanese judges and the unique dynamics of watching fights in Japan. Overall, the conversation showcased the excitement and enthusiasm of the speakers for MMA and the skill of the fighters in the UFC.

    • MMA Fighters' Physical Toll and ResilienceMMA fighters, both male and female, face severe injuries and scars, but their determination and resilience shine through in their performances, and fans continue to be drawn to their grit and skill.

      The physical toll of mixed martial arts (MMA) can result in significant damage and scarring, even for female fighters. The discussion highlighted the cases of several fighters, including Wonderly Silva and Joe Lauzon, who have endured severe injuries and undergone surgeries to repair the damage. Despite these challenges, the fighters continue to compete, and their scars do not diminish their abilities or appeal to fans. The conversation also touched on the judging system in MMA, with some suggesting that fights should be decided over three rounds instead of two to provide a more fair and accurate determination of the winner. Ultimately, the resilience and determination of MMA fighters, regardless of gender, shine through in their performances and their ability to overcome adversity.

    • Ludwig's Impact on Amir Khan's MMA CareerLudwig's coaching skills and expertise helped Amir Khan improve in MMA, but their brief collaboration ended due to Ludwig's injuries and UFC cuts.

      Japanese and Spanish languages are considered attractive, and people have unique stories about how they came across significant romantic relationships. Amir Khan's loss to Dwayne Ludwig in MMA was a bad style match-up, and Ludwig's technical expertise and proficiency made him a formidable opponent. Ludwig's coaching skills and knowledge made him an excellent trainer, and if Khan could have worked with him consistently, it would have significantly improved his game. Despite Ludwig's late entry into the UFC and being cut down by injuries and weight loss, he had the potential to become a superstar with his work ethic and intelligence.

    • Daki's Impressive Striking Power and Dedication Inspired PeersDwayne 'Daki' Johnson's striking power and dedication during training inspired peers to improve and push themselves harder.

      Dwayne "Daki" Johnson was an exceptional striker during their training days, pushing his training partners to their limits with his incredible striking power. Johnson's dedication and intensity in training made a lasting impression on his peers, inspiring them to improve and push themselves harder. Additionally, Johnson's transformation at the 170-pound weight class left those around him in awe, showcasing his remarkable physical fitness and strength. Despite his success in other areas, such as acting and singing, Johnson's martial arts skills and training ethic continue to stand out as impressive.

    • A clash of Judo and Jiu-Jitsu skillsThe upcoming fight between Akiyama and Sedala showcases the unique strengths of Judo and Jiu-Jitsu, while emphasizing the importance of proper technique and full extension in executing effective martial arts moves.

      Akiyama is a highly skilled Judoka with impressive golden skin, while Sedala has strong Jiu-Jitsu skills. The upcoming fight between them promises to be an intriguing match-up of different martial arts styles. Despite their contrasting backgrounds, both fighters have made a mark in their respective fields. The discussion also touched upon the importance of technique and extension in martial arts techniques like the spinning back kick or turning sidekick. The success of these moves relies heavily on proper execution and full extension, which many fighters sometimes overlook.

    • Misunderstood Martial Arts Technique: The Turning Side KickMastering the turning side kick in martial arts involves stepping forward, not backward, to generate power and effectively use it in a fight.

      The turning side kick technique in martial arts is often misunderstood and not executed correctly. The natural movement for this kick is to step forward with the kicking leg, not backward as some may assume. This is because putting weight into the kick requires stepping forward. Witnessing experts like Dennis Sever or Larry Jones perform this kick demonstrates its power and potential, which is often overlooked by those who have not been taught it correctly. These vicious front leg side kicks can be game-changers in a fight, and it's essential to master the technique to fully utilize its potential.

    • Exploring unconventional techniques in martial arts trainingEarly training and focusing on aerial techniques, wheel kicks, and diverse striking styles can enhance martial arts skills.

      Effective martial arts training involves mastering a variety of techniques, including those that are unconventional or underutilized. For example, a front foot sidekick was particularly effective against opponents who hadn't faced such a technique before, but its development occurred when there was no emphasis on leg kicks. Similarly, starting martial arts training early and focusing on aerial techniques can help develop the necessary dexterity for more complex moves. The use of wheel kicks, though different from traditional techniques, can force opponents to focus and take time away from other attacks. In the UFC context, emulating the striking style of fighters like Jon Jones, who utilize a diverse range of kicks, can be beneficial for aspiring fighters. The front snap kick and rear snap kick, while not new, have recently gained popularity and require dedicated training to master effectively.

    • Martial arts techniques making a comeback in MMAOnce dismissed techniques like front snap kick to the jaw, axe kicks, and spinning wheel kick to the leg have found success in MMA, showcasing the importance of mastering various techniques to gain an edge.

      Martial arts techniques that were once overlooked or dismissed in MMA have since proven to be effective and have made a comeback. This was discussed in detail with the examples of the front snap kick to the jaw, axe kicks, and the spinning wheel kick to the leg. These techniques were once underutilized or not seen in MMA due to a lack of prominent fighters using them. However, their effectiveness was demonstrated by various fighters, leading to their increased usage in the sport. The conversation also touched upon the influence of martial arts movies and the importance of mastering various techniques to gain an edge in MMA.

    • Brandon's dedication to mastering shin kicks in UFCBrandon spent six months intensely training to build up his core, back, and legs for powerful shin kicks, emphasizing their potential damage as weapon-like structures.

      Brandon Shoppe, inspired by the idea of becoming a formidable kicker in UFC, dedicated six months to intensive training, focusing on building up his core, back, and legs to launch powerful shin kicks. The importance of this training is emphasized by the description of the shin bone as a weapon-like structure, capable of causing significant damage. Additionally, the conversation touches on the topic of pickles and a hypothetical trip to Hawaii, but the overarching theme remains Brandon's commitment to mastering his craft and becoming a force to be reckoned with in the UFC.

    • MMA, Marijuana, and ComedySome fighters believe using marijuana during training or fights can help endure pain, but opinions vary, and comedy can inspire new material during live performances.

      During a past MMA fight, Gomi's opponents, Nate and Nick, lit him up with strikes, and Gomi won despite testing positive for marijuana. Some argue that being high may have helped him endure the pain, as marijuana is used for pain relief. However, not all fighters agree that training or fighting while high is effective, as they believe it can hinder learning new techniques. The conversation also touched on comedy and the creative process, with one comedian sharing that he comes up with new material while performing live. The discussion ended with a conversation about food and pickles, with some expressing a preference for pickles and others for sriracha cashews. Overall, the conversation showcased a range of topics, from MMA and marijuana to comedy and food.

    • Discussing Food, Fitness, and Martial ArtsThe speaker expresses his love for pizza and frustration with late-night delivery, shares excitement for a new healthy protein bar, admires Miles Jury's impressive fighting skills, and discusses the evolving nature of martial arts and food preservation methods.

      The speaker is discussing various topics including his desire for a yellow pizza, his studio's scary door, the health benefits of a new protein bar, and the impressive fighting skills of Miles Jury. He expresses his frustration with the lack of late-night pizza delivery in New York City and his excitement for a new, healthy protein bar. The speaker also shares his admiration for Miles Jury's jujitsu skills and his impressive record, noting that Jury is a formidable striker and a tall, strong fighter. The conversation also touches on the traditional methods of preserving food and the evolving nature of martial arts. Despite some uncertainty about Gomi's current form, the speaker expresses admiration for his unique striking style and impressive finish record. Throughout the conversation, the speaker demonstrates a passion for food, fitness, and martial arts.

    • The Power of Dedication and Practice in Martial ArtsDedication to martial arts, even in seemingly insignificant techniques, and a supportive community can lead to impressive results.

      Dedication and practice in martial arts, even in seemingly insignificant techniques like upkicks, can lead to impressive results. Henzo Grace, a bare-knuckle fighter, became famous for his upkicks, which were once dismissed as a waste of time. Similarly, having a supportive community and living in close proximity to training partners can enhance training and create a positive, productive environment. Another intriguing idea is the concept of a cooperative living arrangement for martial artists, where they could grow their own food, live together, and train together, creating a self-sufficient and supportive community. Ultimately, the importance of dedication, practice, and community cannot be overstated in the pursuit of martial arts mastery.

    • The Power of Proper Strike PlacementWell-placed strikes, like those behind the ear, can knock out even the toughest fighters, and Bigfoot's late-career striking success demonstrates this.

      Michael, or "Bigfoot," is known for his impressive ability to withstand punishment in the UFC, but the placement of strikes can significantly impact the outcome of a fight. For instance, a well-placed shot behind the ear can knock out even the toughest fighters, as seen in Bigfoot's fights against DC, Velasquez, and Marshall. Despite starting his striking career relatively late, Bigfoot has proven to be an incredibly hard hitter, with knockouts of Garra, Mitrione, Herman, and Congo, among others. His confidence in his chin and reckless throwing style make him a formidable opponent. The discussion also touched upon the potential impact of TRT usage and fighting in different locations on a fighter's performance.

    • Discussing the challenges of fighting at high altitude and the unique qualities of Mark HuntMark Hunt, known for his power and toughness, overcame disappointing losses and regained respect in the heavyweight division, while Roy Nelson's durability and fan-favorite status mask potential risks in the ring.

      Despite Roy Nelson's impressive durability and popularity among fans, there is always a risk that his chin could go in a fight. Some believe he could potentially fight at 170 pounds, but there isn't anyone quite like him. Mark Hunt, a formidable opponent, is known for his power and toughness, having fought against some of the best in the industry. Hunt's past losses were seen as disappointing, but he has since made a comeback and is once again making waves in the heavyweight division. The altitude in Denver can pose challenges for fighters not accustomed to it, making fights there particularly difficult. Nelson and Hunt had a playful exchange about putting their fight purses online, but ultimately it didn't come to fruition. Hunt's resilience and determination have earned him a place as a respected figure in the MMA world.

    • Altitude's Impact on Combat Sports PerformanceProfessional athletes can optimize conditioning and recovery by training at sea level and sleeping at high altitude. Living and training at high altitude full-time offers benefits like improved breathing and increased oxygen intake. Skills, training, and adaptability are key to success in combat sports.

      Altitude plays a significant role in athletic performance, particularly for combat sports. Professional athletes may benefit from training at sea level and sleeping at high altitude to optimize their conditioning and recovery. However, living and training at high altitude full-time can also have advantages, such as improved breathing and increased oxygen intake. Ultimately, the success of a fighter depends on various factors, including their skills, training, and adaptability to different environments. The discussion also touched upon the challenges of fighting in different weight classes and the importance of effective grappling and striking techniques. Despite the risks and uncertainties, the allure of competition drives athletes to push their limits and strive for greatness.

    • Mark Hunt vs Roy Nelson: A Battle of Power and UnpredictabilityMark Hunt's ability to roll with punches and avoid Nelson's powerful right hand, combined with Nelson's unpredictability and varied attack strategies, resulted in an intense and closely contested MMA fight.

      Mark Hunt is a formidable opponent, particularly known for his powerful right hand, while his opponent, Roy Nelson, is a slick and experienced fighter who can mix up his attacks and make opponents tire themselves out with their failed attempts to land punches. Hunt's ability to roll with punches and take the power off them is a significant advantage, and his focus on avoiding the right hand is a key strategy. Nelson's unpredictability and ability to throw various combinations make him a challenging opponent, and his success in landing a left hook and a right hand in their fight demonstrates this. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of both technical skill and physical strength in MMA, as well as the value of adaptability and unpredictability in the ring.

    • Roy Nelson's Resilience in the OctagonDespite being taken down and hit hard, Roy Nelson's determination and strength allowed him to keep going and generate power in the octagon.

      Roy Nelson's resilience and strength were on display during his UFC fight against Mark Hunt. Despite being taken down multiple times and facing heavy strikes, Nelson was able to escape and keep going. The discussion also touched on the importance of body fat for endurance and the debate over whether fighters should aim for a leaner physique. Ultimately, it was agreed that each fighter has their unique strengths and styles, and they should not be judged solely based on their physical appearance. Nelson's ability to generate power and move smoothly, combined with his determination, made him a formidable opponent in the octagon.

    • Mark Hunt's UFC Journey: From Doubts to RespectMark Hunt overcame initial doubts and multiple losses to become a respected UFC fighter, known for his determination, resilience, and formidable striking skills.

      Mark Hunt's determination and resilience in the UFC are noteworthy. Despite initial doubts from the UFC and multiple losses, Hunt refused to back down and proved himself worthy of a place in the organization. His career included a loss to McCorkle, followed by a series of four wins, including against Junior dos Santos and Bigfoot. Hunt's strength and striking skills were formidable, with his opponents often struggling against his massive legs and solid base. Despite facing challenges, Hunt continued to push forward, earning respect and admiration from fans and peers alike.

    • Speaker's Love for 'The Goldbergs' and 'Bridesmaids', Experiences with HecklersSpeaker appreciates humor in 'The Goldbergs' and 'Bridesmaids' and has dealt with disruptive audience members during comedy shows. Believes venue staff should handle hecklers, sharing an experience with Dane Cook's handling of a heckler.

      The speaker is a fan of both "The Goldbergs" sitcom and the movie "Bridesmaids," finding them to be hilarious and American classics. They also enjoy other comedic movies and shows, such as "Eastbound and Down" featuring Danny McBride, and have had experiences with hecklers during stand-up comedy performances. The speaker believes that comedians should not have to deal with disruptive audience members and that crowd control should be handled by venue staff. They also shared an experience of encountering a heckler at a comedy show and how Dane Cook handled the situation.

    • Unexpected twists in the comedy worldThe comedy world is unpredictable and chaotic, with unexpected twists and turns, including hecklers being plants and personal moments being used for humor.

      The conversation between Dane Cook and Brian Callan reveals the unexpected and chaotic nature of the comedy world. Dane Cook, a well-known comedian, was heckled during a show and the heckler turned out to be a plant. The incident led to media attention and a dream that Brian shared about having a boyfriend, which added to the confusion and unexpected twists. The conversation also highlights the relentless nature of comedy, with jokes and humor being a constant presence, even during personal moments. The conversation showcases the unpredictability and excitement of the comedy world, where anything can happen and the unexpected is the norm.

    • Seeking advice and finding support during challenging timesDuring tough experiences, seeking advice from friends and finding unconventional remedies can help, while staying positive and finding humor can make a difference.

      Sometimes people go through challenging experiences, like getting sick or facing adversity, and they seek out new environments or people to help them get through it. This was the case for the speaker in the conversation, who shared a story about getting sick and seeking advice from a friend. The friend, Landon, shared his own experiences and offered some unconventional remedies, like spraying saline solution in his nose and meditating. The speaker also shared a dream he had about being in a scary, prolonged sexual encounter, which he saw as a representation of his past experiences and current struggles. Throughout it all, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying positive and finding humor in difficult situations. The conversation also touched on the topic of fighting and training, with the speaker expressing admiration for Mark Hunt and acknowledging the challenges of training with new people. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of resilience, creativity, and support in navigating life's challenges.

    • Travis Brown's Departure from Jackson Wink MMABrown left Jackson Wink MMA due to feeling overshadowed, dissatisfaction with loss, and desire for technical growth.

      Travis Brown's departure from Jackson Wink MMA could be due to a combination of factors, including feeling overshadowed by newcomers, dissatisfaction with his performance in a loss, and a desire to learn new techniques. Despite the depth of the heavyweight division not being broad, there's a chance that Brown and Cyborg Rousey could have a rematch, but it may not be likely unless they're at a high level. The potential matchup between Rousey and Cyborg is a topic of debate, with some feeling that Rousey's celebrity status and Cyborg's history with steroids could negatively impact the UFC. However, Cyborg's continued winning streak and singular focus on Rousey make it seem inevitable. Ultimately, the desire for technical growth and potential overshadowing in the camp may have led Brown to leave Jackson Wink MMA.

    • Discussion on potential Rousey vs Cyborg fight in women's MMAThe anticipated Rousey vs Cyborg fight in women's MMA would be a significant event, with Cyborg's intimidating style and dominance potentially making her a bigger draw, but Rousey's strong presence and inspiring image also influential. EBI is an upcoming MMA event.

      The potential fight between Ronda Rousey and Cyborg is considered a highly anticipated and potentially lucrative match in the world of women's MMA. Rousey, once known for her pretty looks, is now seen as a strong woman, but some believe Cyborg's intimidating fighting style and popularity would make her a bigger draw. The discussion also touched on the idea that Cyborg's dominance in the sport and her past performances, which some consider borderline bullying, may not inspire younger girls in the same way as Rousey. Overall, the consensus was that the potential fight between these two athletes would be a significant event in the world of MMA, regardless of whether it ever comes to fruition. Additionally, the conversation included mentions of various MMA events and promotions, including Eddie Bravo's Invitational (EBI), which is coming up on October 10th.

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    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode II with UFC lightweight Marc Diakiese

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    You can follow Phil and Jason on social media at the below addresses:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    TEEP 001: Switching It Up

    TEEP 001: Switching It Up

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    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 33 with Dennis Bermudez

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    Also, Phil had a bevy of "Ask Daru" questions from listeners.

    Follow the show, Phil, Jasonand Bermudez on social media at:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat & @MenaceBermudez

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos & MenaceBermudez

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta & @MenaceBermudez

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music.