
    Finding your Flow State | Speaker and Author, Ryan Holiday

    enOctober 05, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Stillness in a Busy WorldEven in a busy world, prioritizing mental stillness allows for better decision making and ultimate success.

      Even the busiest and most active individuals need stillness in their lives to be successful. Gary Vaynerchuk, known for his high energy and productivity, had a second podcast appearance with Ryan Holiday, who recently released a new book "Stillness is the Key." Despite his admiration for Holiday and their new business partnership, Gary rarely invites guests back on his podcast. However, he made an exception for Holiday due to his new book and the importance of the message it conveys. The book emphasizes that stillness is not just about meditation or being a monk, but rather the ability to slow down and focus in the midst of chaos and activity. Holiday argues that being still mentally allows individuals to process information, make better decisions, and ultimately be more successful. Gary agreed, stating that even with all his activity, he couldn't be as successful without the mental stillness that allows him to see things others don't. So, the takeaway is that no matter how busy or active we are, we all need to prioritize stillness in our lives to be our best selves and achieve our goals.

    • The Patient and Focused Approach to MasteryExpertise leads to unique connections and emotional control. Mastery in various domains requires patience, focus, and understanding, as seen in the example of a running back's career.

      Reaching mastery in any field slows down and simplifies the experience. When we become experts, we're able to make unique connections and control our emotions better than others. This concept can be applied to various domains, from sports to art and business. For instance, a running back's success is rooted in their patient and focused approach, as they zero in on their objective despite the pressure and distractions. Additionally, the decision to hold out for a better contract requires stillness and confidence. However, society often casts judgment without fully understanding the complexities and risks involved in certain professions, such as football. This conversation highlights the importance of patience, focus, and understanding in achieving mastery and making informed decisions.

    • Exploring Different Approaches to Content Creation and SharingUnderstand audience, provide value, and persevere in creating and sharing content, whether through daily emails or books. Recognize the role of platforms like Amazon in book sales but also look for opportunities for innovation in the industry.

      Both individuals have unique approaches to creating and sharing content, with one focusing on writing daily emails and the other on publishing books. The conversation touched on the importance of understanding one's audience and the role of platforms like Amazon in book sales. The speaker expressed frustration with Amazon's dominance in the market and potential opportunities for innovation in the book industry. He also mentioned the significance of perseverance and continuous learning in their respective work. Despite their differences, they both agreed on the importance of providing value to their audiences and the challenges of standing out in their respective fields.

    • Understanding customer relationships and adapting to different learning stylesEffective communication and building strong relationships with customers is crucial for business success. Adapt to different learning styles to reach a broader audience and provide additional value.

      Controlling the relationship with customers is crucial for business success, especially for those selling information or ideas. Gary Vaynerchuk, in the discussion, emphasized the importance of this connection, sharing his experience with publishing and selling books through Amazon. He highlighted that being multiple steps removed from the customer relationship can lead to missed opportunities. With his business, Daily Stork, he sells products directly to consumers, allowing him to communicate effectively and build stronger relationships. He also mentioned the importance of understanding different learning styles and preferences, as some people may not identify as "book guys" but still learn effectively from audio books, ebooks, or courses. Vaynerchuk's philosophy is about synthesizing and hypothesizing, and he believes that his content should resonate with those who consume information in various formats. He also shared his belief in the importance of adapting to different mediums to reach a broader audience and provide additional value. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of understanding customer relationships and adapting to different learning styles in today's diverse media landscape.

    • Discovering unique sources of stillness and connectionRespect individual differences in finding stillness and connection, whether it's through meditation, journaling, nature, or observing acts of kindness.

      Everyone has unique ways to find stillness and connectivity. While some people may find meditation beneficial, others may prefer activities like journaling, walking, or observing kindness in others. Some individuals may not find nature or visual stimuli appealing, but rather enjoy interacting with people and observing acts of kindness. It's essential to recognize and respect these differences, as everyone has their unique sources of energy and enjoyment. For instance, one person might be moved by the sight of a beautiful tree, while another might find joy in watching a young person show kindness to an elderly person in line. Ultimately, it's about discovering what resonates with us and nurtures our well-being.

    • Having hobbies benefits personal growth and productivityEngaging in activities outside of one's main role can recharge the mind and improve effectiveness in primary work.

      Having hobbies or interests outside of one's main profession or responsibility is essential for personal growth and productivity. Winston Churchill, a renowned leader, emphasized the importance of having hobbies in his book "Painting as a Pastime." He believed that engaging in activities different from one's primary work allows individuals to exhaust their minds and recharge, ultimately making them more effective in their main roles. Winston's own hobby was sports, particularly football, which he found to be a complete reset from his busy life. He shared this passion with the speaker during their conversations, despite not discussing it previously. The speaker also enjoys garage selling, which he sees as an extension of his work due to the thrill of the hunt and the potential for finding valuable items. Other hobbies, such as golf for CEOs or music or video games for others, serve the same purpose – providing an outlet for energy and focus that can enhance one's main work. The speaker encourages everyone to find their thing and embrace it, as it can significantly contribute to personal and professional growth.

    • Embracing Mortality for a Fulfilling LifeConsidering daily the possibility of tragedy can motivate us to live in the present, appreciate life, and pursue passions with dedication. Making ideas tangible and learning from successful people are key to achieving goals.

      Embracing the reality of our mortality can lead to living life more fully and with gratitude. The speaker believes in considering the possibility of tragedy every day as a way to appreciate the present moment and motivate action. He also emphasizes the importance of making ideas tangible and not just theoretical. Regarding the topic of playing video games for a living, the speaker believes that if it's what one feels passionately about and is willing to put in the hard work, it can be a valid career choice. The speaker also criticizes the desire for easy, step-by-step solutions and emphasizes the importance of observing successful people and learning from them. Overall, the discussion encourages living authentically, embracing challenges, and pursuing passions with dedication.

    • Intrinsic motivation fuels true successFocus on personal passion and values for authentic success, rather than external validation or past experiences.

      True success and passion for a craft or endeavor often stems from an intrinsic motivation, a deep burning desire that drives us, rather than external validation or the need for affirmation from others. The conversation around talent and success is often crippling due to the prevalence of entitlement and a desire to recreate past experiences or childhood insecurities. Anger and judgment are not effective strategies for change, and it's essential to approach situations with empathy, love, and a shared sense of principles. The human race has never seen progress through anger and judgment, and it's a terrible strategy that only leads to division. Instead, we should focus on our shared values and work together to create positive change.

    • The Power of Words and LabelsLabels can be damaging and misleading, impacting reputation negatively. Good ideas should be captured and utilized, and understanding and empathy are crucial in shaping perceptions and relationships.

      Labels and name-calling can be damaging and make it difficult for individuals to come back from negative public perception. This was a topic of discussion between two individuals, who acknowledged the power of words and the impact they can have on reputation. They also touched upon the prevalence of misconceptions and misunderstandings in society, with one person being falsely labeled as a communist or a racist, which is not true for 98% of the population. The individuals further discussed the importance of capturing and utilizing good ideas, and the different ways people consume information, such as reading or listening to audiobooks. They also shared their appreciation for each other's work and encouraged collaboration on a project. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding, empathy, and the power of words in shaping perceptions and relationships.

    • The Power of Intelligence and Knowledge in Making a Strong ImpressionIntelligence and knowledge can leave a lasting impression, leading to admiration and connection. Listeners are encouraged to check out Ryan's book 'The Stillness is the Key' and share the podcast.

      During this podcast episode, the host, Ryan, was interviewed and impressed the caller so much with his intelligence and insights that the caller was able to identify him despite not having any prior knowledge of him. The caller then asked Ryan a question to test his knowledge, and when Ryan answered correctly, the caller expressed his admiration for Ryan and encouraged listeners to check out Ryan's book, "The Stillness is the Key." The episode ended with the caller expressing his appreciation for Ryan and encouraging listeners to share the podcast and subscribe. Overall, the episode showcases the power of intelligence and knowledge in making a strong impression and building a connection.

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    Séquençage du podcast:
    [00:00:18] Introduction
    [00:00:44] Qui est "BadGeek"
    [00:01:48] Le podcast inclusif
    [00:02:45] Le podcast au féminin, enfin ?
    [00:04:17] Des festivals podcast pour tous
    [00:04:53] M. Podcast or M. Replay?
    [00:06:40] La distinction « Podcast Natif »
    [00:07:12] Youtube et les vidéos facecam
    [00:08:03] Le top des écoutes : grands médias et podcasteurices
    [00:09:59] Les premières versions GarageBand et format vidéo
    [00:10:34] Le RSS
    [00:12:30] YouTube et ses playlists de podcast
    [00:13:50] Des petits répertoires qui grandissent !
    [00:15:05] On présente l’équipe
    [00:19:35] Les bénévoles et la team cuisine / Bar !
    [00:20:10] PodCastres
    [00:20:38] Radiom
    [00:22:03] Un futur Podcastres
    [00:23:02] PodParis
    [00:23:35] PPF et PodParis : des approches différentes
    [00:26:25] Les remises de prix
    [00:28:49] PodParis et ses coûts
    [00:30:21] Des besoins de sponsors
    [00:31:12] Un challenge?
    [00:32:30] La Cagnotte sur Triby
    [00:33:19] Appel aux dons
    [00:33:50] PodParis le 12 et 13 octobre 2024 à la Bellevilloise - Paris!
    [00:33:59] Pour Podrennes, pensez à vous inscrire aussi à la PodJam
    [00:34:30] Pour 5 €, c'est 1 € pour l'abbé Pierre et 4 € pour PodParis
    [00:35:12] Clôture du podcast

    Laissez un message vocal à Aline, David ou Azertoff ! https://www.vodio.fr/repondeur/282/

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