
    Fireworks Explode at the Hoax Impeachment Hearing (Ep 1113)

    enNovember 18, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • New developments in the impeachment processWitnesses expose inconsistencies, Schiff silences Stefanik, US Law Shield offers protection, Bongino interviews Trump for new info

      The impeachment process against President Trump is collapsing, with witnesses like Tim Morrison exposing inconsistencies in the Democrats' case. Dan Bongino highlighted the latest developments, including Schiff's attempt to silence Elise Stefanik during a hearing. Meanwhile, US Law Shield was promoted as a crucial protection for gun owners, offering legal representation and financial coverage for a low monthly fee. Bongino's interview with President Trump also revealed new information, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and prepared in today's political climate.

    • Testimony debunks Trump-Ukraine quid pro quo allegationsFormer NSC member Morrison testified that Trump's concerns were about Ukrainian corruption and fair share, debunking quid pro quo allegations. Concerns about Vindman's judgment and impartiality were also raised.

      The allegations against President Trump withholding military aid in exchange for investigations into Biden in Ukraine, a claim that fueled the impeachment process, were debunked by Morrison's testimony. Morrison, a former National Security Council member, stated that Trump's concerns were about the Ukrainians not paying their fair share and corruption in the country. Furthermore, there were concerns about Vindman's judgment among the team, and he was not seen as an impartial witness. The media has largely ignored these revelations, focusing instead on the impeachment narrative. The impeachment proceedings and the Russia investigation (Spygate) are linked as both being hoaxes designed to cover up Democrat malfeasance.

    • Ukraine's Role in Trump-Russia and Dems' AccusationsThe Trump-Russia and Ukraine scandals intertwine as both involve Ukraine providing false info to target the Trump admin. Dems tried to distract from Spygate by accusing Trump of Ukraine collusion, while US embassy pressured Ukrainian officials to interfere with their investigations.

      The scandals surrounding the Trump-Russia investigation and Ukraine are interconnected. According to Congressman Devin Nunes and investigative journalist John Solomon, the fake dossier used to justify the spying on the Trump campaign contained information from Ukraine. The Democrats, in an attempt to distract from the Spygate scandal, accused Trump of colluding with Ukraine. The Ukrainian ambassador in Washington, D.C., was working closely with DNC officials and publicly trashed the Trump campaign. The US embassy in Kiev pressured Ukrainian officials not to prosecute certain individuals, including those connected to a Soros-funded group. These efforts interfered with Ukrainian law enforcement. Solomon's proposed question for Marie Yovanovitch, the former US ambassador to Ukraine, further highlights this interference. In essence, both scandals involve the use of false information from Ukraine to target the Trump administration.

    • Ukrainian Source's Role in Dossier ScandalsUkrainian figure Sir Hayla Shanko's involvement in creating damaging dossiers against President Trump, despite media attempts to cover up his connection due to his status on the Ukrainian do not prosecute list.

      The ongoing scandals surrounding "Spygate" and "Whistleblower gate hoax" involve a complex web of connections between Ukrainian officials, Democratic operatives, and the creation of damaging dossiers against President Trump. A key figure in this story is a Ukrainian named Sir Hayla Shanko, who has been identified as a source for information used in the creation of these dossiers. Shanko's name appears in the proto-dossiers, which were written before Christopher Steele became involved, and he has been acknowledged as a source by various individuals and organizations involved in the opposition research against Trump. The media's attempts to cover up Ukraine's role in these scandals stems from the fact that Shanko is on the Ukrainian do not prosecute list, which the Ukrainian government has been working to keep hidden. The scandals are not about Trump's collusion with Ukraine, but rather an effort to use false information from Ukrainian sources to impact the election.

    • Democrats face backlash over Ukrainian involvement in impeachmentNew information reveals Ukrainian collusion in creating false info used against Trump, causing political meltdown on the left and boosting Trump's approval rating

      The impeachment process against President Trump is backfiring, as new information reveals Ukrainian involvement in creating the fake information used to spy on him. Lishanko's anger and Nellie Ora's fear of releasing Fusion GPS's bank records stem from this discovery. The Democrats are trying to remove Trump from office before this information comes to light, as significant portions of the false information were colluded on by Ukrainians and Democrats. The impeachment process has caused a political meltdown on the left, with Trump's approval rating jumping back up to 50%. This comes as a new poll from Rasmussen Reports shows. Additionally, a product endorsement for Teeter Inversion Tables was included in the discussion, as the host shared his personal experience using the product to help with his arthritis.

    • Democrats face criticism for impeachment effortsThe public isn't responding to the impeachment hearings, with concerns over witness effectiveness and perceived hoaxes. Hunter Biden's corruption and Joe Biden's involvement add fuel to the fire. Important questions like the national debt are being ignored, and the firing of Marie Yovanovitch is seen as a valid personnel decision.

      The impeachment hearings against President Trump are not gaining traction with the public, and the Democrats are facing criticism for their handling of the situation. The discussion referenced the perceived ineffectiveness of their witnesses and the exposure of what is seen as a hoax. Hunter Biden's corruption overseas and Joe Biden's involvement are becoming major issues. The Democrats are being criticized for ignoring important questions, such as the national debt, during interviews with the president. The firing of Marie Yovanovitch, the former ambassador to Ukraine, was brought up as an example of the president's right to make personnel decisions. Overall, the sentiment expressed was that the Democrats are making a misstep with their impeachment efforts and are facing negative consequences as a result.

    • Jesse Watters' Critique of Impeachment Process HypocrisyJesse Watters highlighted the hypocrisy of Democrats in their reactions to Marie Yovanovitch's firing and criticized the media for double standards and politicization of impeachment process, garnering praise for his well-researched analysis.

      During a discussion on his show, Jesse Watters delivered a powerful and sarcastic rant against the impeachment process, specifically targeting the alleged unfair treatment of President Trump. Watters pointed out the hypocrisy of Democrats for their reactions to the firing of Marie Yovanovitch, compared to how Obama handled ambassador dismissals during his presidency. He also criticized the media for their double standards and the politicization of the impeachment process. Watters' analysis was widely praised as a well-researched and effective critique of the ongoing impeachment proceedings. The discussion underscored the growing frustration among many Americans with the lengthy and divisive impeachment process.

    • Marie Yovanovitch denies knowledge of any crimes by President TrumpDespite intense questioning, Marie Yovanovitch testified she had no evidence of any crimes committed by President Trump, including bribery or treason.

      During the impeachment hearing, Marie Yovanovitch, a Democrat witness, testified that she had no evidence of any crimes committed by President Trump regarding alleged high crimes misdemeanors, treason, or bribery. Chris Stewart, a Republican congressman, questioned her directly about any information regarding bribes or criminal activity involving the President, and Yovanovitch answered with a clear "no." The American people recognize this as an unfair process, and Republicans have been standing strong against it. John Radcliffe, a former United States attorney, also questioned Yovanovitch about Burisma, the natural gas company where Joe Biden's son served on the board, and her recall of this company out of thousands in Ukraine raised concerns about a potential conflict of interest. These exchanges highlight the lack of substantial evidence against the President in the impeachment proceedings.

    • Ambassador Yovanovitch's testimony vs Obama admin documentsDiscrepancy between Ambassador Yovanovitch's testimony and Obama admin documents raises concerns about her credibility regarding Hunter Biden's conflicts of interest.

      During a Senate hearing, it was revealed that Ambassador Yovanovitch, who was previously presented as a corruption fighter in Ukraine, had testified under oath that she was never briefed about potential conflicts of interest involving Hunter Biden and a Ukrainian natural gas company before her confirmation hearings. However, documents from the Obama administration showed that such briefings did occur. This discrepancy raises concerns about her credibility and honesty regarding this issue. Additionally, Elise Stefanik's questioning during the hearing was praised for its clarity and effectiveness in highlighting this inconsistency.

    • Helix Sleep's Confidence in Mattress QualityHelix Sleep offers a 10-year warranty, a 100-night risk-free trial, and picks up returns for unsatisfied customers.

      Helix Sleep is confident in the quality of their mattresses, offering a 10-year warranty, a 100-night risk-free trial, and even picking up returns if customers aren't satisfied. Elise Stefanik's effective questioning during the impeachment hearing has left Democrats, specifically Adam Schiff, visibly uncomfortable and facing intense online criticism. The double standard in media coverage of interruptions during hearings is evident when comparing the treatment of Elise Stefanik and Kamala Harris. While Harris' interruptions were often reported neutrally, Stefanik's have been met with derogatory hashtags and personal attacks. This contrast highlights the bias and double standards present in media coverage. To try a Helix Sleep mattress with a $200 discount, visit helixsleep.com/Dan.

    • Dan Bongino criticizes Chrissy Teigen's derogatory language towards Republican womenBongino criticized Teigen's language, emphasized the importance of addressing school violence, and shared insights from a Secret Service report on the topic.

      During a podcast discussion, Dan Bongino criticized Chrissy Teigen for using derogatory language towards Republican women, specifically Elise Stefanik, and called it "disgusting." He emphasized that he has never used such language towards Democratic women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, or The Squad. Bongino also shared important insights from a recent Secret Service report on school violence, which highlighted that most incidents involve firearms obtained from home, and many shooters had developmental symptoms or peer/romantic issues. He urged listeners to read the report and take its findings seriously. Despite the heated exchange with Teigen, Bongino emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of school violence and encouraged everyone to be vigilant about potential warning signs.

    • Security threats against candidates and campaign finance investigationsAddressing potential risks, even minor ones, is essential for candidate security and financial integrity. Finland's government collapse serves as a cautionary tale for advocating single-payer healthcare without considering the potential financial consequences.

      The Secret Service's report on security threats against candidates highlights the importance of addressing potential risks, even if they seem minor or overlooked. Meanwhile, a resident fact checker revealed that 75% of AOC's "Squad" have faced campaign finance investigations. Despite their advocacy for single-payer healthcare and holding up Scandinavian countries as models, Finland's recent government collapse due to rising healthcare costs serves as a cautionary tale. It's crucial to learn from these examples and consider the potential consequences before implementing similar policies in the United States.

    • Buttigieg's struggle to secure black votes in South CarolinaButtigieg's campaign faced backlash for listing over 40% white endorsers as black in South Carolina, highlighting his challenges to connect with the community and raising questions about media reaction to similar mistakes from other candidates.

      Pete Buttigieg, the new front-runner for the Democratic Party, is facing significant challenges in securing the black vote, particularly in states like South Carolina where the black population is a larger percentage of the electorate. This issue came to light when Buttigieg's campaign released a list of 400 supposed endorsers from South Carolina, but it was discovered that over 40% of the individuals on the list were actually white and some were even stock photos of people from Kenya. This misstep highlights Buttigieg's struggles to connect with the black community and could have serious implications for his campaign as the primary process moves forward. The incident also raises questions about the media's reaction if a similar mistake had been made by a Republican candidate. Overall, this incident underscores the importance of authenticity and transparency in political campaigns.

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