
    Breaking: Impeachment Inquiry Into Biden's Corruption Begins, with Glenn Beck and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 625

    enSeptember 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Republicans launch formal impeachment inquiry into President BidenGOP initiates investigation into Biden's dealings in Ukraine, with no guarantee of impeachment proceedings

      Speaker Kevin McCarthy has announced a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, marking a significant political development. The move comes amid growing pressure from certain factions of the Republican Party and allegations of corruption involving Biden and his son Hunter's dealings in Ukraine. While the White House and Democrats dismiss the inquiry as partisan, McCarthy believes it is necessary to gather facts and answers for the American public. Glenn Beck, a neighbor and colleague of Megyn Kelly on SiriusXM, agrees with the move, stating that there is already evidence suggesting the Bidens engaged in corrupt activities. The inquiry does not necessarily mean an actual impeachment, but rather an investigation into whether impeachment proceedings should be initiated. Regardless, this development is sure to bring heightened scrutiny to the Biden administration and could have significant political implications.

    • Allegations of Biden family money launderingSerious allegations of money laundering involving the Biden family have led to calls for an impeachment inquiry, fueling suspicion and concern due to lack of transparency surrounding relevant financial records.

      There are serious allegations of money laundering involving the Biden family, with numerous red flags raised by various sources, including banks and Republican politicians. These allegations have led some, like Nancy Mace, to call for an impeachment inquiry to access the relevant financial records. The lack of transparency surrounding these records has fueled suspicion and concern, with some commentators expressing alarm at the potential implications if the records were made public. The history of investigations into Donald Trump, which have yielded little concrete evidence, has not dampened the curiosity and determination of those seeking answers in this case. The stakes are high, with potential implications for the Biden administration and the wider political landscape.

    • Holding those in power accountable for corruptionDisregard for accountability in media and politics leads to billions in U.S. aid being sent without proper oversight, potential conflicts of interest, and national security risks.

      During a discussion about political corruption and the lack of accountability in media and politics, it became clear that there is a concerning disregard for the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions. The speaker expressed frustration with media figures and politicians who seem uninterested or unbothered by the potential implications of corruption, including national security risks and the misuse of taxpayer funds. The conversation specifically touched on the situation in Ukraine and China, where billions of dollars in U.S. aid are being sent without proper oversight, and potential conflicts of interest involving Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The speakers emphasized the need for transparency and accountability, and the potential consequences of not addressing these issues. They also criticized the lack of curiosity and willingness to investigate from some politicians, including Senators John Cornyn and Marco Rubio. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions and the potential risks of overlooking corruption.

    • Biden Family Corruption Allegations in UkraineOngoing investigation into alleged corruption involving Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden with Ukrainian energy company Burisma; Debate over impeachment inquiry; Accusations of stonewalling the inquiry; Importance of thorough investigation into potential money laundering concerns.

      There are serious allegations of corruption involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden's dealings with a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma. The discussion suggests that Joe Biden may have had a role in his son's business dealings while he was in office and that there were potential policy changes related to the United States' relationship with Ukraine. The investigation into these allegations is ongoing, and there is debate over whether an impeachment inquiry is warranted. Some argue that the subpoena power is being used to gather facts, while others believe that it is an attempt to impeach without sufficient evidence. The Biden administration has been accused of stonewalling the inquiry. The discussion also touches on the history of warnings from banks regarding potential money laundering and the importance of investigating these allegations thoroughly.

    • Joe Biden's decision to let son Hunter work for a Ukrainian energy company raises ethical concernsJoe Biden's decision to let his unqualified son work for a Ukrainian energy company with corrupt figures involved raised ethical concerns and potential for influence peddling and blackmail.

      The decision of Joe Biden to let his son Hunter work for a Ukrainian energy company, despite having no experience and the potential involvement of corrupt figures, raises serious ethical concerns. The oligarch involved, Kolomoisky, is known for his violent past and the loss of billions of US dollars from a Ukrainian bank. A loving father would not send his unqualified son into such a risky situation, especially in a country known for corruption and vices. The appearance of impropriety was acknowledged by multiple federal agencies, yet the Biden administration continued the arrangement. Barack Obama, as the then-president, was aware of Hunter Biden's role, yet he has remained silent on the issue. The potential for influence peddling and blackmail was high, making this decision beyond questionable.

    • Democratic figures' controversial activities fuel distrust and anti-American sentimentThe actions of prominent Democrats, such as corruption, censorship, and foreign intervention, have contributed to a perception of the US as arrogant and immoral, leading to anti-American sentiment. The current political climate, with both parties prioritizing self-interest, further exacerbates this issue.

      The involvement of prominent Democratic figures, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros, in various controversial activities and policies, has fueled distrust and anger towards the Democratic Party both domestically and internationally. The speaker argues that these actions, which include corruption, censorship, and intervention in foreign governments, have contributed to a perception of the US as arrogant and immoral, leading to anti-American sentiment. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes the current political climate, accusing both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party of putting party interests above the national good. The speaker expresses hope that a clear and compelling narrative about these issues could shift public opinion and lead to positive change. However, they acknowledge that the low popularity of Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee could pose a challenge.

    • Public perception of Biden's leadership and potential corruptionDespite efforts to clarify complex issues, concerns about Biden's leadership and potential corruption persist, affecting public trust and political landscape

      The public perception of President Joe Biden's leadership and potential corruption is a significant challenge for his administration. Approximately 35% of his own Democratic Party members harbor concerns about potential corruption or illegal activities. The complexities surrounding Ukraine, Hunter Biden's involvement, and the Bidens' offshore accounts make it difficult for the American public to fully grasp the situation. Glenn Beck highlighted the challenge of summarizing the issue in simple terms, as it involves various players and intricacies. Additionally, some political figures, like Senator John Fetterman, have faced criticism for their performance and inability to articulate their thoughts clearly. These issues raise concerns about the overall competence and responsiveness of those in power, potentially undermining public trust. The ongoing investigations and debates surrounding these matters continue to shape the political landscape.

    • Trump raises concerns about Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine during 2020 debateTrump's questioning about Hunter Biden's foreign payments during the debate was met with dismissals, but later revelations showed Hunter received large sums from Burisma Holdings despite no relevant experience, fueling public perception of corruption and political liability for Biden

      During the 2020 presidential debate, former President Trump raised concerns about Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine, specifically a large payment from the mayor of Moscow's wife. Trump's questioning was met with interruptions and dismissals from then-Vice President Biden and debate moderator Chris Wallace. Despite Biden's denials, it was later revealed that Hunter Biden did receive large payments from foreign sources, including Burisma Holdings in Ukraine, for which he had no relevant experience. The American public's perception of this issue, fueled by a lack of transparency and trust in the media, has become a significant political liability for the Biden administration. The lack of hard evidence directly connecting Biden to the deals has not deterred accusations of corruption, with some polls indicating that a majority of Americans believe there is something amiss. The handling of this issue during the debate and its aftermath highlights the importance of transparency and the potential consequences of dismissing legitimate concerns.

    • Joe Biden's Son's Business Dealings in UkraineJoe Biden denied discussing son's business with him, but Hunter was on Burisma's board, received large payments despite lack of expertise, and Burisma sought influence from Bidens.

      There have been allegations of corruption involving Joe Biden and his son Hunter's business dealings in Ukraine. According to the discussion, Joe Biden never discussed his son's overseas business with him, but there are reports of Hunter being on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, while his father was the Vice President and in charge of US-Ukraine policy. The company reportedly paid Hunter and his business partner significant amounts of money despite their lack of expertise in the industry. There have also been reports of requests for influence from Burisma's executives to the Bidens. These allegations have been a focus of the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Despite denials from the Bidens, there is continuing debate about the ethical implications of these business dealings.

    • Biden family's dealings in Ukraine raise serious questionsThe emails and meetings between Hunter Biden, Devin Archer, and Ukrainian officials suggest a quid pro quo for money and policy influence in Ukraine, involving the Vice President's office.

      The emails and meetings between Hunter Biden, Devin Archer, and Ukrainian officials, as reported by National Review, suggest a clear effort to influence US policy in exchange for money and to stop corruption investigations related to Burisma Holdings. This includes Hunter Biden asking his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to speak with Ukrainian officials and assuring them of "our support." The evidence presented raises serious questions about the Biden family's dealings in Ukraine and the potential for a conflict of interest. The fact that Hunter Biden's business partner, Eric Schwerin, drafted a statement for the Vice President's communications team to use in response to inquiries about Hunter's dealings further highlights the appearance of impropriety. The allegations of a quid pro quo and the involvement of the Vice President's office demand further investigation and transparency.

    • Neutral moderator allows heated debate between Trump and Biden on Burisma and UkraineChris Wallace maintained neutrality during the 2020 presidential debate, enabling Trump and Biden to engage in an open and honest debate about their respective dealings with Burisma and Ukraine, despite criticism from some that the media had protected Biden from scrutiny.

      During the 2020 presidential debate, Chris Wallace acted as a neutral moderator, allowing the candidates to argue and debate the issues, rather than intervening or taking sides. This was particularly evident when President Trump raised questions about Joe Biden and his son Hunter's dealings with Burisma and Ukraine. Despite Trump's persistent questioning, Wallace encouraged Biden to answer and refute the allegations. The exchange highlighted the role of the media in the election, with some critics arguing that the mainstream media had protected Biden from scrutiny and failed to cover certain issues. The debate moment was a reminder of the importance of allowing candidates to engage in open and honest debate, even if it means allowing for some heated exchanges.

    • Media's handling of Hunter Biden's laptop during the debateThe media's refusal to report on Hunter Biden's laptop during the debate allowed Trump to be criticized and raised concerns about their role in the election, while Trump's handling of international events was also criticized for projecting weakness.

      During the 2020 presidential debate, the media's refusal to report on Hunter Biden's laptop, which had been confirmed to be his by the FBI, allowed President Trump to be criticized for bringing it up during the debate. This refusal to report on the story, despite its significance, was described as embarrassing and weak, and raised concerns about the media's role in the election. The president's handling of international events, including his performance in Vietnam, was also criticized for projecting weakness and embarrassment. The speaker expressed frustration with the media's lack of relevant questioning and called for a better choice for the electorate. The conversation also touched upon the president's absence from important events, such as the 9/11 memorial, and his family's handling of his presidency.

    • Biden's Crisis Leadership: Concerns Over Empathy and JudgmentBiden's decisions during crises, such as 9/11 and Afghanistan, raised concerns over his empathy and leadership abilities. Critics saw his actions as disrespectful, inconsiderate, and heartless, and questioned his trustworthiness and judgment.

      President Joe Biden's actions during significant national crises, such as the 9/11 attacks and the withdrawal from Afghanistan, raise concerns about his empathy and leadership. His decision to be in Alaska during the 9/11 attacks instead of being present at any of the sites where the planes went down was seen as disrespectful and inconsiderate. His reaction to the chaos and unnecessary deaths during the Kabul withdrawal was also criticized as heartless. Biden's past false claims about his whereabouts during 9/11 and his announcement of a new deal with Iran on that day further fueled doubts about his trustworthiness and judgment. These incidents call into question whether Biden is capable of handling the responsibilities of the presidency.

    • 2020 Presidential Campaign: Uncertainty Surrounds DebatesThe 2020 presidential campaign is uncertain with Biden's record under scrutiny and Trump's debate absence, but media scrutiny could hold Biden accountable.

      The 2020 presidential campaign is shaping up to be unlike any other, with Joe Biden facing scrutiny over his record and potential debate participation. Some argue that Biden's past actions, such as using a hospital room full of injured children as a backdrop for a tough image, show that he may struggle to connect with voters without the safety net of his basement. Trump's refusal to participate in GOP debates could give Biden an excuse to follow suit, potentially robbing the American people of a crucial opportunity to see both nominees face off. However, the media's role in holding Biden accountable and pressing him on allegations of corruption could be a silver lining. Ultimately, the future of presidential debates and the candidates' willingness to engage in them remains uncertain. Meanwhile, other stories, like the soccer coach in Spain leading his team to a historic World Cup victory, offer a welcome distraction from the political fray.

    • Understanding Consent: A Complex IssueListen to women's voices, reflect on actions, and strive for a culture of respect and empowerment.

      The line between consensual and nonconsensual behavior can be blurry, especially in the heat of the moment. The story of Jennifer Hermoso and the Spanish soccer coach illustrates this complex issue. At first, Hermoso downplayed the kiss as a spontaneous gesture of affection. However, after some time and reflection, she realized she had been traumatized by the experience and denounced it as nonconsensual. The incident sparked a heated debate about consent and led to the coach's resignation. This case highlights the importance of listening to women's voices and taking their feelings seriously. It also shows that the conversation around consent is evolving, and it's crucial to continue having an open and nuanced dialogue. The pendulum may have swung too far towards overcorrection, but it's essential to find a balance that respects both parties' rights and dignity. Moreover, the consequences of being labeled as a perpetrator can be severe, potentially ruining a person's career and reputation. It's crucial to consider the gravity of these allegations and the potential impact on all involved. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a culture where everyone feels safe, respected, and empowered to express their feelings and seek justice when necessary.

    • Kanye West and Bianca Sensori's Relationship Raises ConcernsReports of Bianca's distressed behavior and revealing clothing spark investigations and concerns about power dynamics and consent in Kanye West and Bianca Sensori's relationship. Meghan Markle's image rehabilitation efforts also fail to improve her popularity.

      The relationship between Kanye West and Bianca Sensori raises concerns about power dynamics and consent. Reports suggest that Bianca, who used to work for Kanye, is now behaving in a distressed and submissive manner in public, often seen wearing revealing clothing and looking disheveled. The images of her have sparked investigations for public indecency. Some believe that Kanye is visually negating Bianca, rendering her as his property. This dynamic is particularly disturbing given the power imbalance between the two individuals. Additionally, Meghan Markle's attempt to rehabilitate her image through her new representation and the release of her legal drama on Netflix has not been successful, as her popularity continues to decline.

    • Meghan Markle's Car Chase Incident and Media PerceptionThe car chase incident fueled negative public perception of Meghan Markle, with the media portraying her as seeking sympathy and good publicity. However, there's usually more to the story than what meets the eye.

      The fake car chase incident was a turning point for Meghan Markle's public image, despite her attempts to appear calm and collected in the face of media scrutiny. The paparazzi photo of her sitting between Prince Harry and her mother only added to the perception that she was trying to capitalize on her situation for sympathy and good publicity. Maureen Callahan's insights provided a critical perspective on Markle's behavior and the media's role in shaping public opinion. The incident served as a reminder that the public often cannot trust what they see in the media and that there is often more to the story than meets the eye. Additionally, the discussion previewed upcoming interviews with Donald Trump and a look back at past interviews with GOP candidates.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Democrats are Desperately Trying to Bury This Story (Ep 1158)

    Democrats are Desperately Trying to Bury This Story (Ep 1158)
    In this episode, I address what the Democrats are really hiding in the emerging, explosive connections between the Bidens, Ukraine, election interference, the Spygate scandal, and George Soros. I also address the Trump/economic inequality myth still being promoted by liberals.News Picks:Will Hunter Biden be forced to testify in the Senate impeachment trial?   The phony Democrats are claiming to be shocked by the latest allegation of Russian hacking.   This John Solomon article from March describes the George Soros/Ukraine connections the Democrats are concerned about.   College football fans love the President.   Looney liberals meltdown after this famous Hollywood actor shakes hands with President Trump.   Whiney liberals are complaining that fifty thousand dollars from the government for their student loans isn’t enough.   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Biden's Corruption as VP Revealed, and Kohberger's Idaho Murders Alibi, with Newt Gingrich, Viva Frei, and Peter Tragos | Ep. 607

    Biden's Corruption as VP Revealed, and Kohberger's Idaho Murders Alibi, with Newt Gingrich, Viva Frei, and Peter Tragos | Ep. 607

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Newt Gingrich, author of "March to the Majority," to discuss Merrick Garland appointing David Weiss as special counsel now to oversee the Hunter Biden case after the plea deal fell apart, what the GOP in the House continue to uncover about potential corruption, continued spin from the media and the left, how VP Biden's potentially corrupt actions were never litigated in 2020, how the House could defund the sham special counsels, Gingrich's viral moment at the 2012 CNN debate, whether Trump should debate in the GOP primary, songwriter Oliver Anthony’s song “Rich Men” that went viral, why it’s resonating with Americans today, the playbook for having the GOP win big again, and more. Then it's Kelly's Court with lawyers Viva Frei and Peter Tragos to discuss the latest on the Idaho college murders case, the details behind Bryan Kohberger’s new alibi, whether there's enough evidence to convict him, Derek Chauvin's appeal in the George Floyd murder case, if he has a valid argument to change the venue, the breaking news that a Georgia court may have preemptively revealed the charges in the indictment accidentally, how that affects the perception of the charges, Lizzo facing a lawsuit against her backup dancers, how they’re claiming Lizzo created a hostile work environment, Leah Remini suing Scientology, and more.



    Viva: https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com

    Tragos: https://www.youtube.com/@LawyerYouKnow


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