
    Podcast Summary

    • Biden Administration Faces Scrutiny Over Classified Docs and Foreign EntanglementsThe FBI is investigating the Rehoboth Beach House amidst allegations of mishandled classified documents and potential foreign connections, while businesses employing five or more people may be eligible for payroll tax refunds through Getrefunds.com

      The Biden administration is facing intense scrutiny over various issues, including their handling of classified documents and potential connections to foreign entities. Yesterday's podcast set the internet on fire, and it seems to have caused panic at the White House as well. The FBI is now reportedly investigating the Rehoboth Beach House, which the administration previously claimed had no documents of concern. The administration's lack of transparency and seemingly delayed cooperation with investigations has raised questions about their commitment to accountability. Meanwhile, businesses that have survived the pandemic and employ five or more people may be eligible for significant payroll tax refunds. Getrefunds.com can help businesses navigate the process and potentially secure substantial savings.

    • Investigations into potential financial dealings between Biden family and Ukrainian businessmanOngoing probes into Biden-Kolomoysky ties; US Treasury accused of hiding suspicious activity reports; Ukrainian raids on Kolomoysky's assets; Zelensky under pressure to act; DOJ, White House Counsel's Office silent

      There are ongoing investigations related to potential financial dealings involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and a Ukrainian businessman named Igor Kolomoysky. The podcast "Skullduggery" has been reporting on these connections and claims that the US Treasury is hiding suspicious activity reports related to these transactions. Kolomoysky, an Ukrainian oligarch, has been raided by Ukrainian authorities, leading to speculation that he may have information that could be damaging to the Bidens. The podcast also suggests that there may be pressure on Zelensky to take action against Kolomoysky to prevent him from speaking out. Despite these allegations, the Department of Justice and White House Counsel's Office have refused to comment, leading to accusations of something being hidden. It's important to note that these are allegations and have not been proven in a court of law. The situation is ongoing and developing.

    • Democratic concerns over Hunter Biden investigationGrowing fears within the Democratic party about potential fallout from ongoing Hunter Biden laptop investigation, with Republicans planning hearings and sensitive information possibly implicating Joe Biden. Biden team shifting blame to those who obtained and disseminated the information, but best defense against defamation is the truth.

      There are growing concerns within the Democratic camp regarding the potential fallout from the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop. With Republicans now in control of the House and plans for hearings, there is a fear that damaging information could surface. Joe Biden himself may be implicated, as some sensitive information on the laptop is believed to be his. Hunter Biden's recent admission that the laptop is indeed his has led to threats of defamation lawsuits against those who reported on its contents. The Biden team's previous strategy of dismissing the laptop as Russian disinformation has failed, and they are now trying to shift blame to those who obtained and disseminated the information. Despite this, the best defense against defamation is the truth, and the reporting team welcomes the opportunity to depose Hunter Biden and ask questions about his financial dealings.

    • Laptop exposes potential 'Ukrainian piggy bank' of Biden, Inc.The Hunter Biden laptop story could reveal damaging emails, connections, networks, and potentially classified info, raising questions about Biden family's dealings in Ukraine.

      The laptop belonging to Hunter Biden is a significant issue because it potentially exposes a "Ukrainian piggy bank" where global elites and Biden, Inc. allegedly engaged in corrupt dealings. The strategy to suppress reporting on the laptop is similar to that used during the 2020 election, with threats of lawsuits and claims of disinformation. The laptop could contain damaging emails, connections, networks, and potentially classified information. The timing of some emails, such as one sent a week before Joe Biden's trip to Ukraine, raises questions about the potential transfer of sensitive information. The embassy briefings given to diplomats and the vice president before overseas travel further emphasizes the importance of this issue. The laptop story was widely dismissed as Russian disinformation, but now, attempts are being made to silence reporting through lawsuits. The potential involvement of George Soros in these dealings adds another layer of intrigue.

    • Dark Money Group Targets GOP InvestigatorsA dark money group, funded by George Soros, aims to discredit GOP investigators probing Biden family business dealings, using opposition research for character assassination instead of promoting integrity and transparency.

      A dark money group called the Congressional Integrity Project, funded in part by George Soros through the 1630 fund, is working to discredit Republicans investigating the Biden family and their business dealings. This effort comes as multiple parties, including intelligence officials, Hunter Biden, and various media outlets, have tried to suppress information related to a Hunter Biden laptop. The Congressional Integrity Project's true intention is to use opposition research to character assassinate Republicans, rather than promoting actual integrity and transparency. The involvement of Soros and the 1630 fund adds another layer to the ongoing investigations into potential corruption within the Biden administration.

    • Ukraine's Prevot Bank: Hidden Reports and Soros' InterferenceThe Biden administration is concealing bank records from Prevot Bank in Ukraine, owned by a man who could expose corruption involving the Bidens. Meanwhile, a Soros-backed group is targeting Republicans investigating the Hunter laptop and Ukrainian funds.

      The Biden Treasury Department is currently hiding suspicious bank reports believed to be from Prevot Bank in Ukraine. The owner of Prevot Bank, who may have wanted to expose corruption involving the Bidens, was raided recently. At the same time, a George Soros-funded group is trying to take out Republicans who are investigating the Hunter laptop and the Ukrainian funds. George Soros has been using the government for years to advance his destructive socialist ideology and protect his business interests. In 2016, the US Embassy in Ukraine pressured Ukrainian authorities not to prosecute a founder of a Soros-funded group, further illustrating the intertwining relationship between Soros and the government. The Ukrainian prosecutor general revealed that the US ambassador provided a list of individuals not to be prosecuted, including a founder of the anti-corruption group funded by Soros. This information, detailed in a 2019 article by John Solomon, sheds light on why Soros doesn't want the Ukrainian piggybank exposed.

    • Obama administration's alliance with Soros group led to investigations against Trump associates and rivalsDuring Obama's tenure, the US government collaborated with a Soros-funded group, resulting in probes targeting Trump's campaign manager and a business rival of Soros.

      During the Obama administration, there were allegations of collusion between the FBI, the Ukrainian prosecutor general, and a Soros-funded group investigating Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort. At the same time, the Obama Justice Department's Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative outsourced some of its work to this Soros-funded group, leading to an unusual alliance between the US government and the Soros group. This alliance resulted in the pursuit of political opponents and business rivals of both the Soros group and Trump, including Manafort and a major business rival of Soros, Demetrio Furtash. The implications of these allegations are significant and suggest a complex web of political and financial interests at play.

    • Helix Sleep's Personalized Mattresses vs Political AllegationsHelix Sleep offers customized mattresses for individual needs, while political allegations involve potential conflicts of interest between Soros, Obama administration, and Ukraine

      Helix Sleep offers personalized mattresses based on individual body types and sleep preferences, ensuring a great night's sleep. Helix provides a user-friendly experience, from taking the sleep quiz to receive a match, to free shipping and a 100-night risk-free trial. With financing options and a 10-year warranty, Helix prioritizes customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, allegations have surfaced of a potential conflict of interest involving George Soros, the Obama administration, and Ukraine. Soros reportedly sought protection for his business interests and the Ukrainian piggy bank, leading to efforts to discredit Trump through the creation of a dossier and other means. The Democracy Integrity Project, a group funded by Soros, hired Fusion GPS to produce the dossier, and a figure connected to both Soros and the whistleblower was involved in the impeachment process. The complex web of relationships raises questions about potential conflicts of interest and the motivations behind these actions.

    • US targets Ukrainian billionaire's assets amid Biden tiesThe US government filed a civil forfeiture complaint against Ukrainian billionaire Ihor Kolomoyskyi's assets, linked to alleged fraud and theft from Pravat Bank in Ukraine. The actions were taken by the kleptocracy asset recovery initiative and coincided with Biden's return to office, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest.

      During January 2022, the United States filed a civil forfeiture complaint against proceeds of alleged fraud and theft from Pre-Vot Bank in Ukraine, targeting Ukrainian billionaire Ihor Kolomoyskyi, who owns the bank and has ties to Biden Inc. This action was taken by the kleptocracy asset recovery initiative, which reportedly works with a Soros group. The timing of these actions coincided with Biden's return to office. Kolomoyskyi was banned from the United States, his house was raided, and the same group initiated a civil forfeiture proceeding against him. Biden himself expressed concern about Kolomoyskyi and the potential financial instability that could arise if the bank, Pravat Bank, was not closed before Trump took office. The implications of these events are significant and raise concerns about the role of the United States government in international financial matters and potential conflicts of interest.

    • Media uses Russian involvement to discredit, safety concerns dismissedMedia uses Russian involvement allegations to discredit, dismisses safety concerns about COVID-19 vaccine

      The media's accusations of Russian involvement are often used to discredit those uncovering corruption, as seen with the Hunter Biden laptop story. The Washington Post's reporting on an individual named Andre Durkash, who they claimed had ties to Russian intelligence, served as evidence of the authenticity of the leaked tapes. Additionally, there have been concerns about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the dismissal of these concerns by some in the scientific community. Tomorrow, an interview with Dr. Robert Malone, a scientist who spoke out about the potential dangers of the vaccine, will be shared. The speaker emphasized the importance of considering multiple perspectives and not dismissing valid concerns outright. In the meantime, take advantage of the Omaha Stakes Valentine's Day sale using promo code Bongino for $30 off your order.

    • Host expresses regret and fear over COVID-19 vaccine, encourages fact-checkingListeners urged to fact-check interview content, host regrets getting vaccinated without sufficient data, accountability and transparency emphasized

      During an upcoming podcast interview with Dr. Robert Malone, the host expresses his regret and fear over getting the COVID-19 vaccine, sharing his personal experience of feeling terrified since getting vaccinated and never getting any boosters. He encourages listeners to fact-check and hold him accountable if he ever advised them to get the vaccine without sufficient scientific data. The host also shares a light-hearted moment by criticizing President Biden for his inaccurate claims about wage growth. Despite the interview's serious topics, the host emphasizes the importance of accountability and transparency. Listeners are encouraged to tune in to the interview and share any relevant information.

    • Dan Bongino's Economic Progress ReversedDespite economic growth and wage increases during his presidency, Dan Bongino discovered a 2.0% decrease in real average weekly earnings from December 2021 to December 2022 due to decreases in both real wages and average work week.

      During his presidential campaign, Dan Bongino focused on rebuilding the economy from the ground up, and in two years, made significant progress with economic growth and wage increases. However, he recently discovered that real wages had actually decreased by 1.1% from December 2021 to December 2022, and when combined with a decrease in average work week, resulted in a 2.0% decrease in real average weekly earnings. Despite this, Bongino remains optimistic and plans to continue exposing what he believes to be false information on various topics through his Saturday night show and podcast. He encourages listeners to subscribe to his podcast for free to help keep it on the charts. Upcoming guests include a former mobster and a former quarterback.

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    Beck: https://www.glennbeck.com

    Callahan: https://www.DailyMail.com


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    This episode: White House correspondent Asma Khalid, national justice correspondent Carrie Johnson, and politics correspondent Susan Davis.

    This episode was produced by Elena Moore and Casey Morell. It was edited by Casey Morell. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi. Research and fact-checking by Devin Speak.

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    Viva: https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com

    Tragos: https://www.youtube.com/@LawyerYouKnow


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