
    Fist Bumps vs. Bacteria

    enDecember 12, 2013

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Latest AI Technology and Finding HopeAI is transforming industries, offering hope during challenges, and shaping a more accessible future. Handshakes have historical origins, but modern alternatives offer convenience and less risk.

      Artificial intelligence is shaping the future in various industries, and it's essential to explore the latest technology that's changing our world today and creating a more accessible tomorrow. Another takeaway is the importance of hope and support during challenging times. This was exemplified in a personal story about a father's experience with his child's illness and the role of St. Jude in providing hope and treatment. Lastly, the way we greet each other can reveal interesting insights into human behavior and history. While handshakes may have originated as a way to prove one didn't have a weapon, modern alternatives like fist bumps offer more convenience and less potential for complications.

    • Alternatives to physical greetings in a post-antibiotic eraIn a post-antibiotic era, consider safer alternatives to physical greetings like closed-fist high fives or grazing touches to minimize microbial transfer. Be aware of the importance of microbial communities and the potential implications of merging them.

      Due to the current health crisis, physical greetings like hugs and handshakes are not safe options. Instead, a closed-fist high five or a grazing touch, which only involves the corner knuckles, is a safer alternative. However, we live in a world covered in microbes, and coming into contact with others means transferring our microbial colonies. While there are good and bad microbes, our defensive instincts make us wary of merging our microbial communities with others, especially in the context of a potential post-antibiotic era. We've become reliant on antibacterial soap and cleanliness to protect ourselves, but overuse has led to antibacterial resistance. It's important to be mindful of the microbial world around us and the potential implications of merging microbial communities.

    • The Search for New AntibioticsThe urgency to find new antibiotics is heightened due to the emergence and resistance of antibacterial microbes, with the last novel drug discovered in 1984, and new drugs being found in unusual locations.

      Antibiotics, which are essential in fighting bacterial infections, are derived from natural sources and have unique, complex structures that make them difficult to synthesize. The exhaustion of resources for discovering new antibiotics is a pressing issue, as antibacterial microbes continue to emerge and become increasingly resistant. Dame Sally Davies, the UK's chief medical officer, has even compared the threat of microbial antibiotic resistance to global warming and terrorist attacks. The last novel drug was discovered in 1984, and new drugs are being found in increasingly exotic locations, such as deep ocean sediments and volcanic areas. The urgency to find new antibiotics is heightened by the fact that MRSA, a bacterial infection resistant to many antibiotics, is showing up in hospitals, where immune systems are already weakened. The situation is serious, and it's crucial that we take the threat of antibiotic resistance seriously and continue the search for new antibiotics.

    • Exploring extreme environments for new antibioticsResearchers look to caves for novel antibacterial compounds due to microbes' hardiness, using advanced tech to identify potential antibiotics, and the potential payoff is significant with one cave bacterium producing up to 38 compounds, as antibiotic-resistant bacteria become more common in hospitals.

      The search for new antibiotics to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria is urgently needed, and researchers are exploring extreme environments like caves for potential sources. These environments, which lack sunlight and resources, force microbes to be particularly hardy, increasing the likelihood of discovering novel antibacterial compounds. The process involves microbiologists collecting samples from these caves, screening their genetic code for novelty, and using advanced technologies like liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and ion mobility mass spectrometry to identify unusual compounds. The potential payoff is significant, with one bacterium from an isolated cave system potentially producing upwards of 38 antibacterial compounds. The urgency is heightened by the fact that antibiotic-resistant bacteria are becoming increasingly common in hospitals, with MRSA found on nearly 10% of hospital door handles. The clock is ticking, but the means and technology to find these new antibiotics exist, it's just a matter of discovery.

    • Exploring the Future with AI and Everyday Life AdvancementsAI is transforming industries and improving everyday life, from medicine to personal computing. Fast-acting allergy medication like Astepro provides relief. Hope and perseverance are vital in challenging situations, and small behavioral changes can lead to significant improvements.

      Technology, specifically artificial intelligence (AI), is shaping the future in various sectors, and Intel is at the forefront of implementing AI to create a better world. Meanwhile, in everyday life, finding relief from nasal allergy symptoms can be achieved with fast-acting medication like Astepro. The future holds endless possibilities, and AI will play a crucial role in transforming industries such as medicine, retail, entertainment, and personal computing. Intel's Technically Speaking podcast, hosted by Graeme Klass, explores these advancements and the minds behind them. On a personal note, hope and perseverance are essential in challenging times. The story of a parent's journey with their child's cancer diagnosis and treatment at St. Jude illustrates the importance of hope and the impact it can have on families. Lastly, making small changes in our daily lives can contribute to significant improvements. In the context of the microbial world, adopting behavioral changes can help us navigate antibacterial resistance. Just as in wars, small advances can add up to significant progress. In summary, the future is filled with technological advancements, especially in AI, which will shape industries and improve our lives. Allergies can be managed with fast-acting medication like Astepro. Hope and perseverance are essential in challenging situations, and small changes in behavior can lead to significant improvements.

    • Reducing Infection Spread in Hospitals with Fist BumpsFist bumping instead of handshakes in hospitals could help reduce infection spread as 80% of individuals retain bacteria even after washing hands.

      In a hospital environment, relying more on fist bumps instead of handshakes could help reduce the spread of infection. This is important because even after washing hands, 80% of individuals retain some disease-causing bacteria. The handshake is a social contract between doctors and patients to create a sense of trust and human connection. However, West Virginia University surgeons conducted a study in 2013, published in the Journal of Hospital Infection, which found that fist bumping instead of shaking hands could help reduce the spread of bacteria. The study was small, but the findings were remarkable. While fist bumping may not replace the handshake entirely, it could be a useful alternative in hospital settings to promote better hygiene and reduce the spread of infection.

    • Handshakes vs Fist Bumps: Which Transmits More Bacteria?Handshakes transmit more bacteria due to larger skin contact area and longer duration, but social norms make it hard to avoid. Fist bumps with straight knuckles are recommended for minimal bacterial transfer.

      The study found that handshakes transmit more bacteria than fist bumps due to the larger surface area of skin contact and longer duration. Handshakes are likened to the "mating of two fleshy squids," while fist bumps do not interlock in the same way. However, the social norms around handshakes can make it difficult to avoid them without appearing rude. The study did not address the appropriateness of additional gestures during a fist bump. While it may be acceptable to use variations within close social circles, it is recommended to use straight knuckles for fist bumps outside of that group to minimize bacterial transfer. Interestingly, some schools and teachers are encouraging fist bumps instead of handshakes to reduce the spread of germs, but other close-contact gestures like the Dracula elbow cough should also be avoided.

    • Exploring alternative ways to communicate and show affectionInstead of eliminating contact, find creative ways to maintain human connection while reducing the spread of bacteria, such as air hugs or fist bumps.

      As we continue to learn more about the microbiome and its potential threats and benefits, it's important to find a balance between maintaining human connection and taking necessary precautions. Instead of completely eliminating contact, we can explore alternative ways to communicate and show affection, such as air hugs or fist bumps. This not only helps reduce the spread of bacteria but also allows us to maintain a sense of human connection. It's essential to remember that hugs and other forms of physical touch are not the only ways to express care and love. As seen in an example of a family dealing with an infestation, non-physical forms of communication like smile eyes hugs can be just as meaningful. So, while we continue to explore the mysteries of the microbiome, let's not forget the importance of human connection and finding creative ways to maintain it. To learn more about this topic and share your thoughts on fist bumps versus handshakes versus bacteria versus hugs, tune in to Stuff to Blow Your Mind. You can find us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube, and at our mothership, stufftoblowyourmind.com. Don't forget to send us an email at blowthemind@discovery.com.

    • Exploring various offerings from Audible, Visible, American Express, and the NFLListen to audiobooks on Audible, enjoy affordable wireless with Visible, benefit from American Express perks, and anticipate the NFL season schedule

      Audible.com offers a vast selection of downloadable audiobooks and spoken word entertainment, making it a go-to source for those who enjoy listening to books on the go. Additionally, Visible, a wireless company, provides a simple, affordable, and transparent wireless plan with unlimited 5G data for just $25 a month. Meanwhile, American Express offers travel benefits and priority access to fine hotels and resorts for cardholders. Another inspiring takeaway is the story of a family's hope and resilience in the face of childhood cancer through the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Lastly, football fans can look forward to the upcoming 2024 NFL season schedule release, bringing excitement for every game.

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