
    FOCUS: How To Stop C*ck Blocking Yourself From Doing Things

    enAugust 20, 2024
    What is the difference between talking and taking action?
    How can praise lead to procrastination in achieving goals?
    Why is embracing being 'bad' important for personal growth?
    What internal obstacles prevent us from pursuing our goals?
    How can we challenge our fears of failure according to the speaker?

    Podcast Summary

    • Talking vs. DoingFocusing on talking about goals instead of taking action can lead to a cycle of procrastination and avoidance, while taking concrete steps towards your goals and focusing on progress leads to true fulfillment and achievement.

      Talking about actions and taking actions are two different things, and it's a trap to confuse the two. You may receive praise and positive feedback when you share your ideas and plans with others, but the real challenge lies in following through and making those actions a reality. When you focus on talking about your goals instead of taking action, you may experience a temporary feeling of accomplishment through the praise and validation you receive. However, this can lead to a cycle of procrastination and avoidance, as the actual work required to achieve your goals can be boring, mundane, and demanding of daily effort. To break this cycle, it's essential to take concrete steps towards your goals, no matter how small, and to focus on the progress you make rather than the accolades you receive. Only then can you truly experience the sense of fulfillment and achievement that comes from turning your ideas into reality.

    • Future SelfYour present actions shape your future self, so take responsibility for your actions now and don't rely on future self or others to make changes

      Your present actions shape your future self. Stop relying on the belief that your future self will take action instead of you. If you're not willing to act now, don't expect your future self to do it either. Your present self is a culmination of all your past decisions and actions. To change who you are in the future, you need to change what you're doing now. Don't rely on others to keep you accountable for your actions. It's your responsibility to take action and keep yourself accountable. Stop making empty promises to others about what you'll do and focus on implementing new habits and routines to make meaningful changes in your life. Remember, your present actions are shaping your future self.

    • Action over wordsSurround yourself with doers, focus on taking action instead of just talking about ideas to make progress in personal growth and achieving goals.

      Action speaks louder than words when it comes to personal growth and achieving goals. Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you to take action, rather than just talking about ideas. If you find yourself constantly sharing your plans without taking any steps forward, it may be a sign that you're not truly committed. Identify patterns in your life and notice that doers focus on taking action rather than just talking about it. Become aware of this and use it as motivation to make a change. The next time you're tempted to share an idea without taking action, remind yourself that the only way to truly make progress is through taking steps forward.

    • Embracing initial inadequacyTo grow and achieve goals, we must be willing to be initially inadequate at new tasks and embrace the discomfort of learning. Every successful person has gone through this process.

      Being willing to be "shit" at something new is a crucial step towards growth and achieving our goals. Many people hold back from starting something due to fear of failure or appearing inadequate. However, every successful person has gone through the process of being average or even failing before improving. By embracing the discomfort of starting something new and being open to learning and improvement, we demonstrate resilience, determination, and a growth mindset. So, choose a task that you know you'll be initially bad at, and start today. The more you practice being uncomfortable, the less hesitation you'll experience when facing bigger challenges. Don't let fear hold you back from putting in the work, being vulnerable, and taking risks. Remember, the journey towards mastery begins with being "shit" at something.

    • Embracing Beginner's MindsetEmbracing the role of an amateur and being willing to be bad at something new can lead to personal growth and the ability to tackle future challenges with less hesitation.

      Embracing the role of an amateur and being willing to be bad at something new can lead to personal growth and the ability to tackle future challenges with less hesitation. By pushing through the initial struggles of learning a new skill or hobby, we build resilience and confidence. This mindset is crucial for continuous self-improvement and can apply to various aspects of life, from learning a language to starting a new job. Remember, everyone starts as a beginner, and the only way to improve is to take that first step and be open to the learning process. So, next time you're faced with a new challenge, tell yourself, "I'm willing to be shit," and watch as you grow and become better.

    • Internal obstacles to starting new projectsEmbrace the possibility of being 'shit' at something new to overcome fear of failure and desire for perfection, and recognize that not taking action today is telling our future selves we're not capable or worthy.

      We all face internal obstacles that prevent us from starting new projects or pursuing our goals. According to the speaker, these obstacles often stem from a fear of failure or a desire to be perfect. Instead of letting these fears hold us back, we should embrace the possibility of being "shit" at something new, as this mindset can lead to growth and admiration from others. To overcome these internal obstacles, the speaker suggests asking ourselves what we're telling our future selves by not taking action today. Our future self is simply our present self in the future, and by not acting now, we're telling ourselves that we're not capable or worthy of achieving our goals. By recognizing and challenging these internal obstacles, we can take the first step towards making progress towards our goals.

    • Personal growth actionsTaking small steps today, no matter the task, contributes to personal growth and future success. Prioritize consistent action and good sleep hygiene.

      Taking action is crucial for personal growth and achieving goals. Procrastination and delaying action, such as waiting until Monday, rarely leads to success. Instead, it's essential to start taking small steps today, whether it's learning something new, saving money, or making a decision. Every action, no matter how small, contributes to your future. Additionally, if you struggle with motivation or getting up in the morning, prioritizing good sleep hygiene is essential. Listen to podcasts on decision making, rituals, and habits to learn more about the importance of consistent action. Remember, the smaller steps you take today will lead to significant progress in the future.

    • Morning routineStarting a consistent morning routine with small changes can lead to significant personal growth and the achievement of larger goals over time

      If you're finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and make progress towards your goals, a simple yet effective solution is to make small changes in your daily routine. Start by setting your alarm away from your bed, forcing yourself to get up and walk to turn it off. Place a glass of water next to the alarm to encourage hydration and reduce the temptation to go back to bed. By doing this consistently for seven days, you can build momentum and gradually take on more challenges. This small change, when combined with consistent action, can lead to significant personal growth and the achievement of larger goals over time. Remember, the key is to start small and build up gradually, rather than trying to tackle everything at once.

    Recent Episodes from Do You F*cking Mind?

    360. Healing from anxious attachment and navigating a relationship with someone who has anxious attachment

    360. Healing from anxious attachment and navigating a relationship with someone who has anxious attachment

    A highly requested episode specifically on Anxious attachment! 

    On this fine ep I give an overview of the 4 attachment styles, explain how anxious attachment manifests, what the key features of it are, how it affects a relationship and 6 key ways to start turning your anxious attachment style into a secure attachment. 

    Hope you guys enjoy! 

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    Do You F*cking Mind?
    enSeptember 11, 2024