
    Former Mafia Boss: "I Was Running The Biggest Scam In The World! $1.4 Million A Day!" - Michael Franzese

    enAugust 19, 2024
    What insights does Michael Fransese share about leadership?
    How did Fransese turn adversity into opportunity?
    What lessons did Fransese learn from his mafia experiences?
    What were the consequences of betrayal in Fransese's life?
    How did Fransese achieve success in defrauding the government?

    Podcast Summary

    • Mafia Business InsightsFormer mafia member Michael Fransese shares insights on making millions, adhering to rules, and the consequences of betrayal, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself and making amends for past mistakes. Now, he uses his platform to inspire and engage millions on YouTube, offering a second chance and a reminder that it's never too late to change paths.

      Even those in the criminal underworld, like Michael Fransese, have valuable insights to share about business, leadership, and resilience. Fransese, a former high-earning mafia member, shares his experiences of making millions, adhering to rules, and the consequences of betrayal. He emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and making amends for past mistakes. Despite his past, Fransese now uses his platform to inspire and engage with millions on YouTube, offering a second chance and a reminder that it's never too late to change paths. His story serves as a testament to the power of self-reflection and the ability to turn adversity into opportunity.

    • Mafia family structureDespite a loving exterior, the Colombo mafia family's structure followed a hierarchical order, originating from Italy and evolving into a powerful criminal organization through control of speakeasies and later formalized into families to prevent internal conflicts, not related by blood but functioning as separate yet interconnected parts

      The speaker's father, who appeared to be a loving and caring parent to his children, had a hidden side to his life as a powerful underboss in the Colombo mafia family. This was revealed to the speaker through witnessing his father's violent behavior towards a carpenter and a man at a train station. The structure of the mafia family, as explained by the speaker, follows a hierarchical order with a boss, underboss, capos, soldiers, and associates. The Colombo family originated in Italy and evolved into a criminal organization in the United States due to prohibition and the demand for illegal alcohol. The mafia became a powerful business through control of speakeasies, and later, was formalized into families to prevent internal conflicts. The families were not related by blood but were named as such and functioned as separate yet interconnected parts of the larger mafia organization.

    • New York mafia sit-downsSit-downs were the primary method for resolving disputes within the New York mafia families, ensuring peace and order through a ruling body, but the final decision always rested with the families' bosses.

      The Commission in the New York mafia served as a ruling body for the families nationwide, but its power was limited as the families' bosses held ultimate autonomy. Sit-downs were used to resolve disputes, often business-related or concerning serious violations of policy, with the final decision made by the boss. The families, including the Colombo family, which the speaker was a part of, had a significant presence in New York with around 750 made men and hundreds of associates. Despite disagreements and occasional violent power struggles, sit-downs were the primary method for resolving issues within the families peacefully. The speaker's father, who was a part of this life, was sent to prison when the speaker was 19, significantly impacting his life and leading him to take on more responsibilities within the family. The speaker believed his father was wrongly imprisoned.

    • Father-Son LoyaltyA father's unjust conviction can inspire a son to leave his education and join the mafia to clear his father's name, illustrating the powerful bond between them.

      The speaker's father, who was wrongfully convicted of a crime, instilled in him a strong sense of loyalty and the desire to help clear his name. Despite his initial reluctance, the speaker was motivated by his father's situation and the support of his mafia connections to leave school and join the mafia. He believed his father's innocence and was determined to use his resources to find and recant testimony from witnesses who had lied at the trial. The speaker's father, a complex figure who was both well-liked and allegedly involved in criminal activities, was a net positive influence on him, and the speaker believes that framing him was not a net benefit to society. The speaker's story highlights the deep bond between father and son and the lengths one will go to protect and clear the name of a loved one.

    • Mafia rules and consequencesJoining the Mafia requires strict adherence to rules, a willingness to commit violent acts, and prioritizing the family over personal safety. Not all actions involve violence, but the lifestyle is inherently violent.

      Joining the Mafia involves strict adherence to rules and a willingness to commit violent acts. Those who enter this life make a choice to put the family above all else and accept the consequences, including potential violence and even murder. The speaker justifies this by maintaining control within the organization and ensuring that only their own are targeted. However, it's important to note that not all actions in the Mafia involve violence, and some members may not directly participate in killings. Instead, they may focus on menial tasks or other duties to prove their worth. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes that the Mafia is a violent lifestyle, and those who deny this are either not being truthful or were not actual members.

    • Negotiation skills in unconventional situationsReliability, skill in negotiation and motivation, listening, observing, adaptability, strategic thinking, and strong interpersonal skills are crucial for success in unconventional situations

      Building trust and demonstrating capability are crucial in any endeavor, even those that may seem unconventional or ethically questionable. The speaker's experience in the mafia taught him the importance of being a reliable and skilled negotiator and motivator, as well as the value of listening and observing others. He learned the art of negotiation through constant business disputes and the need to prepare thoroughly for meetings with other gangsters. Additionally, the speaker's success in defrauding the government out of gas taxes involved creating a complex web of Panamanian shell companies to collect the tax and sell the gas to retailers, allowing him to stay one step ahead of the authorities for several years. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of adaptability, strategic thinking, and strong interpersonal skills in achieving success, even in challenging and morally ambiguous situations.

    • Gas Station MonopolyUndercutting competitors' prices to attract customers and eventually monopolize the market can lead to success, but may also draw unwanted attention from authorities.

      The speaker's business strategy involved undercutting competitors' gas prices to attract customers and eventually supply them with gas, leading to a monopolistic position. He emphasized the importance of always being cheaper and earning significant profits. Eventually, his success drew attention from authorities and led him to a lucrative offer. However, his journey into organized crime came from a desire to make his father proud and seeking a closer bond, rather than an aspiration to have power or wealth. The oath-taking ceremony was a symbolic moment of commitment to the mafia life.

    • Human capacity for good and badThe mafia experience of the speaker showed that humans have the potential for both good and bad, and that some situations can justify violent actions to protect loved ones, but the effects can resurface unexpectedly.

      The mafia experience of the speaker revealed the capacity for both good and bad within humans. The speaker, who initially joined the mafia to help his father, discovered that some members, like Roy Demale, were naturally violent and enjoyed causing harm. Witnessing such acts and experiencing loss, like the murder of a dear friend, had a profound impact on the speaker. However, he learned to compartmentalize these experiences and continue in the life. The speaker believes that everyone has the potential for harm within them, and that some situations, like defending loved ones, can justify violent actions. Despite the traumatic experiences, the speaker was able to move forward, but acknowledged that the effects could resurface in unexpected ways.

    • Mafia lifestyle consequencesMistakes or betrayals in the Mafia lifestyle can lead to severe consequences including death and devastation for families, making it an 'evil life' with immense challenges for those who want to leave

      The life described, often referred to as the Mafia or Cosa Nostra, is an "evil life" due to its severe consequences. Mistakes or betrayals can lead to death, and families are often devastated as a result. The speaker shares personal stories of friends and family members whose lives were destroyed by this lifestyle. The consequences are so severe that even those who want to leave face immense challenges. The speaker's own experiences, including his father's betrayal and a false news article, pushed him to leave this life, but it wasn't an easy decision. The potential for destruction and the high stakes make this lifestyle an "evil life" that has negatively impacted countless families.

    • Trust and loyalty in criminal organizationsTrust and loyalty in criminal organizations can be as unreliable as in legitimate businesses, and individuals must be cautious and take responsibility for their own actions.

      Trust and loyalty within criminal organizations can be as fragile as in legitimate businesses. Michael, a successful businessman involved in the mafia, learned this the hard way when he found out his father had betrayed him during a sting operation. Despite their close relationship and shared history, Michael's father failed to warn him, leaving him vulnerable and alone. This incident taught Michael to take responsibility for his own actions and be cautious of those he trusted, even in the criminal world where codes of honor can easily be broken. Michael's story highlights the complexities and risks inherent in both legitimate and illegitimate business ventures.

    • Consequences of taking responsibilityTaking full responsibility for actions can make one vulnerable to manipulation and severe consequences, even when actions are driven by good intentions

      Taking responsibility for one's actions can sometimes lead to being taken advantage of by others. The speaker in this conversation prides himself on accepting responsibility for everything, even when it's not entirely his fault. However, this approach left him vulnerable to manipulation by those around him, including his boss who ordered a hit on someone the speaker had warned him about. The speaker's actions were driven by a desire to protect those close to him, but the consequences were severe, leading to a racketeering case and a 10-year prison sentence. It's a reminder that while taking responsibility is important, it's also crucial to be aware of the actions and motivations of those around us.

    • Unexpected events and wealth managementUnexpected events like legal issues or betrayal can disrupt wealth management plans, but maintaining composure and negotiating effectively during legal proceedings is crucial. Building meaningful relationships and effectively targeting potential clients or partners is also important for business success.

      Having a well-thought-out plan for managing and securing one's wealth can be disrupted by unexpected events, such as legal issues or betrayal from partners. The speaker in this conversation had a strategy to move and hide large sums of money, but his plans were derailed when his partner became an informant and their shared account was seized by the authorities. Despite the loss of the money, the speaker emphasized the importance of maintaining composure and negotiating effectively during legal proceedings. Another key point is the importance of being respectful and courteous in prison to maintain safety and respect from other inmates. The speaker's father's advice to use the words "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" helped him navigate the prison system without incident. For entrepreneurs and business professionals, the takeaway is the importance of building meaningful relationships and effectively targeting potential clients or partners, as demonstrated by the power of LinkedIn ads in B2B marketing.

    • Solitary confinement emotional tollSolitary confinement can lead to self-harm and emotional instability, emphasizing the importance of maintaining connections with loved ones to prevent mental breakdown.

      Solitary confinement, as described by the speaker, is a emotionally damaging experience that can lead to self-harm and emotional instability. The speaker shares his own experience of being sent to solitary multiple times due to his refusal to cooperate with authorities. He describes the environment as one of isolation and despair, where men would harm themselves just to escape. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining connections with loved ones to prevent the emotional breakdown that can occur in such an environment. He also shares how his wife's unwavering support helped him get through his own experience of solitary confinement. Overall, the speaker's experience sheds light on the emotional toll of solitary confinement and the importance of human connection in maintaining mental health.

    • Criminal world loyaltyLack of loyalty and protection in the criminal world can lead to devastating consequences, but forgiveness and understanding can help heal relationships.

      Loyalty and protection were crucial for survival in the criminal world, but betrayal and lack of support from loved ones could lead to devastating consequences. The speaker's father, who was a prominent figure in the criminal underworld, failed to protect him when he was in danger, leaving him feeling abandoned and betrayed. This experience led the speaker to reevaluate his priorities and eventually leave the criminal life behind. Despite the complex dynamics between his parents and the unanswered questions about his father's actions, the speaker was able to forgive him and rebuild their relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. Ultimately, the speaker's faith and the desire to live a different life helped him break free from the criminal world and find peace.

    • Mafia complexitiesFormer mafia member Michael shared the challenges of his past life, including difficult decisions, unshared stories, and the impact of his actions on public perception.

      Michael, a former member of the mafia, shared his experiences about the complexities and consequences of his past life. He discussed the difficult decision he made not to attend his father's funeral due to potential conflicts and the impact of his absence on public perception. Michael also spoke about the nature of stories he cannot share from his time in the mafia and the unexpected loss of a friend. He reflected on the fascination with the mafia and how his experiences have influenced his life and his desire to help others. Ultimately, Michael's openness about his past demonstrates the complexity and human element behind the often-romanticized image of the mafia.

    • Trust and Personal GrowthTrust is essential for success in both personal life and business. It's based on evidence and allows for delegation and focus on individual strengths.

      No matter the unique experiences or paths we've taken in life, there are fundamental principles we can apply to our daily lives. These lessons can range from business to personal growth. For instance, in business, the importance of honesty and trust in relationships cannot be overstated. In personal life, having a well-balanced foundation is crucial for overall success. The speaker's experience in the mafia days taught him the value of trust, delegation, and self-awareness. These lessons have stayed with him and have been instrumental in his entrepreneurial journey. Trust is not something that can be faked; it is based on evidence. When we trust someone, we give them the freedom to excel in their areas of expertise, while we focus on ours. Ultimately, our personal lives and businesses are interconnected, and taking care of our personal lives is essential for success in both areas.

    • Identity evolutionPeople can evolve and change throughout their lives, and forgiveness plays a crucial role in personal growth. Our past mistakes do not define us.

      People are capable of growth and change throughout their lives. Our identities and values can evolve, and it's important to recognize that we're not defined by our past mistakes or old titles. The conversation emphasized the importance of forgiveness and evolution, using the example of Michael's own life and career. Despite challenges and difficult experiences, we can continue to learn and inspire others with our resilience and determination. Michael's inspiring story, as shared in his book "Mafia, Inc.," demonstrates the complexities of being human and the importance of embracing our evolving nature. Ultimately, we are all works in progress, and our past does not dictate our future.

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    According to Adam, procrastination is a natural part of the creative process, and rather than a method of avoiding hard work, it is a defence mechanism. Procrastination can be a method of protecting yourself against what you find to be psychologically challenging, or a way to avoid negative emotional feelings such as confusion, boredom, anxiety and fear. In order to beat procrastination, Adam says that you need to identify what negative emotions are stirred up by tasks that you consistently put off. Once you have identified these you can then change them by reframing them into a more interesting challenge. Listen to the full episode here: Spotify-  https://g2ul0.app.link//vmPPQfk3rMb Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link//1rhbS0d3rMb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Adam: https://adamgrant.net/

    Andrew Huberman: You Must Control Your Dopamine! The Shocking Truth About Cold Showers!

    Andrew Huberman: You Must Control Your Dopamine! The Shocking Truth About Cold Showers!
    Your brain shapes your reality, and your reality shapes your life. World famous neuroscientist Andrew Huberman gives you the brain hacks to take control of your reality and life  Andrew Huberman is a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at the Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the health and science podcast, ‘Huberman Lab’.  In this conversation, Andrew and Steven discuss topics such as, how to break bad habits, the impact of pornography on the brain, how to increase dopamine levels quickly, and the best way to cure burnout.  (00:00) Intro (02:41) What Is Your Mission In Life? (05:55) How Andrew Huberman Became The Expert We Know Today (29:06) Unlocking High Performance By Loving What You Do (34:17) The Powerful Letter I Sent To My Parents (38:35) What It Takes To Make A Big Life Change (42:07) Neuroplasticity: How To Change Your Brain At Any Age (51:20) How To Break A Bad Habit For Good (01:00:44) Does Manifesting Actually Work? (01:08:06) Can Competition Be Destructive To Your Growth? (01:14:19) Understanding The Dopamine Loops In The Brain (01:20:13) How Our Body’s Dynamic Systems Help Us Overcome Challenges (01:26:09) Why More Is Not Always Better (01:32:20) How To Raise Your Baseline Dopamine Levels (01:33:33) Introverts vs Extroverts: Managing Your Energy Levels (01:40:26) Replenish Your Energy (01:46:34) The Importance Of Morning Sunlight For Your Health (01:49:42) The Hidden Dangers Of Shift Work (01:53:59) Understanding Food Addiction: Causes And Solutions (02:07:02) Sleeping Patterns: Biology vs Bad Habits (02:17:24) How Extreme Temperature Changes Affect Your Body (02:20:59) Ads (02:21:58) The Link Between Pornography And Dopamine (02:36:37) What’s The Best Alternative To Pornography? (02:42:58) The Surprising Link Between Fulfilment & Pornography Addiction (02:49:04) Why Social Interactions Are Crucial For Mental Health (03:00:51) How To Handle False Accusations (03:10:13) How I Felt Through The Whole Process (03:14:30) Why It’s Hard To Let Go And How To Overcome It (03:30:24) I Was Forced Into Therapy (03:45:18) Did You Thank Your Friends For Their Support? (03:50:50) Lessons A 12 And 9-Year-Old Taught Me (03:52:34) The Medicinal Effect Of Friendship (03:55:59) What Is The True Meaning Of Life & Why Do You Exist? Follow Andrew:  Podcast - https://g2ul0.app.link/0DRgdexCqMb  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/FdIdvMqCqMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/4qZJRTtCqMb  You can pre-order Andrew’s book, ‘Protocols’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/9mouq1NCqMb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed: https://bit.ly/PerfectTed-DIARY40 with an exclusive code DIARY40 for 40% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    The Dating Doctor: "Start Dating Like It's Your Job!", "Dating Apps Are Impacting Us More Than We Realise!"

    The Dating Doctor: "Start Dating Like It's Your Job!", "Dating Apps Are Impacting Us More Than We Realise!"
    If love feels like magic, then Dr Orion is here to tell the truths behind the illusion  Dr Orion Taraban is a psychologist, host of the podcast ‘PsycHacks’, and the author of the book, ‘The Value Of Others: Understanding the Economic Model of Relationships to Get (and Keep) More of What You Want in the Sexual Marketplace'. In this conversation, Dr Orion and Steven discuss topics such as, the importance of sex in relationships, the best way to use dating apps, how monogamy benefits men, and the impact of pornography on dating.  (00:00) Intro (01:38) The Relationship & Sex Crisis (04:01) How The Relationship Crisis Is Affecting Us (06:07) Common Problems Men Are Facing In Modern Relationships (06:56) Are Dating Apps Really Helping? (07:31) The Crisis Of Masculinity: What Men Are Going Through (08:21) How Gender Dynamics Have Shifted Over Time (10:46) Andrew Tate And The Rise Of Performative Masculinity (14:57) Why Men Need To Feel Needed In Relationships (17:14) The Unique Challenges Women Face In Today's World (18:05) My Professional Journey: What Led Me Here (19:13) Understanding The Problems Both Men And Women Face (21:19) Applying Business Strategies To Improve Relationships (23:48) Why Women Seek Marriage: A Deeper Look (27:10) Helping Men Improve Their Lives And Relationships (29:38) How To Increase Your Attractiveness (30:57) The Importance Of Surface Marketing In Dating (33:52) How To Get Better At Meeting Women (36:05) Tips For Men To Boost Their Attractiveness (36:44) How Men Should Communicate Effectively (40:26) Why You Don’t Need Money To Attract Women (41:20) How I Completely Transformed My Life (43:46) Tips On Keeping A Partner Long-Term (46:19) Why A Relationship's First Crisis Is Crucial (48:44) Why The Top 10% Of Men Are Having The Most Sex (50:42) Is A Relationship An Exchange Of Value? (53:43) How Our Communities Have Evolved Over Time (56:25) Why Absence Can Be A Recipe For Better Sex (58:35) Is Monogamy Natural? Exploring The Debate (59:02) Is Gold Digging Just Another Transaction? (01:04:34) Why Men Are Terrified Of Women (01:07:07) What Really Happens To Beautiful People? (01:09:35) How To Turn A No Into A Yes (01:13:36) The Biggest Mistakes Men Make When Attracting Women (01:15:37) The Most Effective Pickup Line I’ve Used (01:18:11) How To Handle Interactions With Very Attractive Women (01:21:36) Should Women Make The First Move? Here’s How (01:25:02) What Is Love? Understanding This Complex Emotion (01:29:08) The Impact Of Porn On Modern Relationships (01:30:01) The OnlyFans Phenomenon: What It Means For Relationships (01:34:27) Libido, Sex, And The Role Of Pornography (01:38:53) How To Change A Man's Behavior For The Better (01:45:33) Advice For Those Struggling To Find Love (01:47:50) How AI Will Change Relationships Forever (01:52:50) How To Be A Man In 2024: Key Insights (01:57:54) Is Being Selfish The Key To Happiness? (01:59:41) Dr. Orion's Selection Criteria Explained (02:06:16) The Most Important Thing We Haven’t Discussed (02:14:53) The Final Question Every Guest Must Answer Follow Dr Orion:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/oxoUC58LoMb PsychHacks - https://g2ul0.app.link/YmonqmWbiMb  YouTube: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://amzn.to/4dwc71p  Spotify: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/42jhtE1biMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    Moment 176: 5 RED FLAGS Of A Secret Narcissist: The Narcissism Doctor

    Moment 176: 5 RED FLAGS Of A Secret Narcissist: The Narcissism Doctor
    In this moment, clinical psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula discusses the characteristics of narcissistic individuals and how to recognise if you are in a narcissistic relationship. According to Dr. Ramani, narcissists are typically entitled, self-centred, lack empathy, and are highly socially perceptive. Early in a relationship, they can be attentive and say all the right things, but Dr. Ramani says that a shift usually occurs midway through the relationship when they become distant and passive aggressive. Dr. Ramani explains that there are key signs you can look for to determine if you are in a narcissistic relationship. By paying attention to the ‘3 Rs’ - Ruminate, Regret, and Recall - you can acknowledge the unhealthy behaviour of your partner and free yourself from the relationship. Listen to full episode here: Apple - https://bit.ly/3T06y39 Spotify - https://bit.ly/3ADaFvG Watch episode on Youtube - https://youtu.be/hTkKXDvSJvo?si=IaPSgnZc4FCAzTgQ