
    Free Wills and a Brown Trouser phone in…

    enOctober 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • LinkedIn's Value for Hiring and Martin's Money Saving TipsLinkedIn is a crucial platform for businesses to find potential candidates, as 70% of its users don't visit other job sites. Martin emphasized the importance of having a will and power of attorney, and provided a platform for listeners to save money through a phone-in segment.

      LinkedIn is a valuable resource for hiring professionals, especially those who aren't actively looking for new jobs. With over 70% of LinkedIn users not visiting other leading job sites, businesses risk missing out on great candidates if they don't post their job listings on LinkedIn. Additionally, Martin Lewis discussed the importance of having a will and power of attorney, and offered a "brown trouser" phone-in segment for listeners to ask money-saving questions. A listener shared an interesting story about finding a large sum of money, and Martin revealed a memorable experience involving handling a gold bar.

    • Make a Will to Manage Assets and Decide Their DestinyRegardless of marital status, having a will is essential to manage assets and decide their distribution after death. Free Wills Month in October and Will Aid in November offer affordable options for those seeking to create a will.

      Having a will is crucial for managing your assets and deciding where they go after your death, regardless of your marital status. If you're living together without being married, you're particularly at risk, as your partner may not be entitled to any of your assets or even continue living in your shared home. October is "Free Wills Month" in the UK for those aged 55 or over, offering free solicitor-drafted wills in exchange for a charitable donation. Alternatively, consider Will Aid in November, which is open to anyone aged 18 and older. These schemes can help make the process more affordable, but remember that wills can also be complicated, so it's essential to understand your options and consider seeking professional advice if needed.

    • Lesson learned: Prioritize important tasksProcrastinating on important tasks like creating a will can lead to unnecessary stress and disappointment. Prioritize and complete them promptly to avoid potential consequences.

      Procrastination and failing to follow through on important tasks, like creating or updating a will, can lead to unnecessary stress, frustration, and disappointment for yourself and your loved ones. The speaker in this discussion learned this the hard way when he thought he had secured a solicitor to help him and his wife create their wills, only to find out later that the task was not completed. This experience served as a reminder to prioritize and complete important tasks promptly, rather than putting them off and risking the consequences. Additionally, the importance of a power of attorney was also emphasized, as it becomes effective while you are still alive and can help manage your affairs if you become unable to do so.

    • Managing Finances and Health Affairs with Powers of AttorneyObtaining powers of attorney is crucial for managing another's financial and health affairs when they lose capacity. It's recommended for both older people and others, involves discussing with a solicitor, and costs around 82 quid.

      Having a power of attorney is an essential legal document for managing another person's financial and health affairs if they lose their faculties due to dementia, strokes, or accidents. The process can be complicated and cost around 82 quid, but it's crucial for avoiding financial and practical difficulties for both the person losing their faculties and their loved ones. It's not just for older people, and having a will and keeping it up to date is also important. People often neglect these matters, but they can lead to significant problems and stress. It's recommended to have both financial and health powers of attorney and to discuss them with a solicitor.

    • Boost Your Retirement Income by Purchasing Additional National Insurance YearsIndividuals over 40 can increase retirement income by buying extra National Insurance years through a podcast guide, and those already retired should act promptly for backdating.

      Individuals over the age of 40 have the opportunity to boost their state pension by purchasing additional National Insurance years. This can be done by listening to a specific podcast titled "How to Turn £800 into £5,000," which provides a step-by-step guide on the process. This can result in a significant increase in retirement income. For those already retired, the process should be completed promptly, but if not, it's important to follow up with the relevant authorities to request backdating. Another key point discussed was the regional differences in electricity prices, with Octopus Energy and other providers charging varying rates based on regional energy price caps set by Ofgem. Lastly, the discussion touched on the current interest rate environment and the potential for favorable fixed mortgage rates, with the Bank of England predicting stability around current rates for the time being.

    • Historically Low Mortgage Rates Unlikely to Return SoonMortgage rates are predicted to remain stable, waiting for lower prices based on expected lower rates is risky, energy customers should check direct debit amounts and request refunds, and £80k could be saved in high-interest accounts or ISAs, but seek investment advice

      The historically low mortgage rates of 1.5% are unlikely to return to that level in the near future. While it's impossible to predict the future with certainty, the current outlook suggests that interest rates will remain relatively stable. Anyone waiting for prices to go down before buying a property based on the expectation of lower interest rates is taking a significant risk. Additionally, energy customers who have built up a large credit balance with their provider should check their direct debit amount and request a refund if it's more than necessary. In terms of investments, £80,000 could be saved in high-interest easy access accounts or fixed cash ISAs, but for investment advice, it's recommended to consult an independent financial adviser. Finally, a common issue for energy customers is being unable to receive a refund for excess credit. If this occurs, customers should ensure they have provided accurate meter readings, check their direct debit amount, and request a refund if appropriate. If the request is denied, they have the right to make a formal complaint and seek assistance from the energy ombudsman.

    • Experiences of holding large sums of cash and the importance of financial protectionHaving adequate financial protection through insurance is crucial during difficult times, providing peace of mind and financial stability.

      Having adequate financial protection through insurance is crucial, especially in the event of the loss of a major income earner. This discussion revolved around various experiences of holding large sums of cash and the feelings and consequences that came with it. From stories of helping with house deposits, unexpected inheritances, to large cash movements in the banking industry, it became clear that having a safety net, such as life insurance, can provide peace of mind and financial stability during difficult times. It's important to consider the potential consequences of not having enough coverage, as the loss of a loved one can bring about not only emotional distress but also financial instability. So, ensure that you and your loved ones are protected with the right financial coverage.

    • Stories about making wise decisions and planning for the futureUnexpected gains aren't always beneficial and hasty decisions can lead to negative consequences. Plan for the future to avoid potential pitfalls.

      Sometimes unexpected opportunities or discoveries can present themselves, and it's important to make wise decisions, even if it means missing out on a potential windfall. Simon shared a story about stumbling upon a room containing a million Deutsche Marks in cash during his travels. Though tempted, he ultimately chose to return the money due to practical considerations and the fact that he couldn't spend it yet. This story serves as a reminder that not all unexpected gains are beneficial or attainable, and making hasty decisions can lead to negative consequences. Additionally, Martin shared a humorous anecdote about Nihaal's late start to saving for retirement. He jokingly suggested that Nihaal believed the royalties from his 1993 song "Chainsaw Wedging" would be enough to sustain him in retirement. This story highlights the importance of planning for retirement and the potential consequences of relying on uncertain sources of income. Overall, both stories emphasize the importance of making wise decisions and planning for the future.

    • Annuities: Guaranteed Income with Potential DrawbacksAnnuities offer a guaranteed income until death but come with potential drawbacks such as loss of initial investment and lack of flexibility. Rising interest rates have made them more attractive recently, providing higher annual incomes.

      Annuities can provide a guaranteed income until death, but historically, the rates have not been favorable. For instance, a 65-year-old investing £100,000 in an annuity a few years ago would only receive an annual income of £4,700. However, due to rising interest rates, the same investment now could yield £7,500 annually. The key advantage of annuities is the guaranteed income, but potential drawbacks include the loss of the initial investment and the lack of flexibility. It's crucial to understand the concept and consider various factors before making a decision about retirement income options.

    • Don't overlook annuity options from other providersConsider shopping around for annuity deals and checking for health-related enhancements to maximize retirement income.

      When considering an annuity for retirement, it's crucial not to just go with your pension provider without checking for better deals elsewhere. You could be missing out on significant income. Additionally, those with health issues or smoking history may qualify for higher rates. Consider looking into inflation-linked annuities as well. If you're unsure about the process, seek free, personalized guidance from PensionWise. Annuities can offer a guaranteed income, but rates fluctuate with interest rates. Currently, rates have increased, making it an attractive option for some. In other news, consider purchasing Boots' advent calendars for discounted beauty products or take advantage of toy sales at Argos, Morrisons, and Tesco for Christmas gifts. These sales can offer substantial savings, especially for popular items.

    • Lewis shares money-saving tips on Strictly on the Sofa podcastRegularly switching savings accounts for better rates and staying informed on money-saving tips can improve finances

      Regularly changing savings accounts to ones with higher interest rates, as discussed on the Strictly on the Sofa podcast by Martin Lewis, can help improve your financial situation. The podcast, which releases new episodes every Wednesday, provides valuable money-saving tips and information. It's important to note that offers and rates mentioned in the podcast may change after recording, so it's recommended to double-check before acting. Additionally, investigative reporting, as explored in the World of Secrets podcast, is crucial in uncovering hidden truths and holding powerful people accountable. For more information on flexible health insurance options, check out UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans. And for high-quality, ethically-made travel essentials, consider Quince.

    Recent Episodes from The Martin Lewis Podcast

    5 ways to BOOST savings interest | Energy Meter Reading Week | Nihal’s last Money Mastermind

    5 ways to BOOST savings interest | Energy Meter Reading Week | Nihal’s last Money Mastermind

    Martin explains energy meter reading week – key info for everyone who pays energy bills by direct debit, and some on prepay.

    The big subject, how to boost your savings. There are five key accounts you need to know about from top cash ISAs, top easy access, the savings account that gives you a 50% boost, and a special deal for Nationwide customer.

    Plus caller Carly asks about getting a Lifetime ISA to help her son save to get on the property ladder.

    The Tell Us is all about when you prefer cheap, from sausage rolls to bogs rolls we’ve got your answers.

    And Nihal makes a cameo appearance, from home on the phone, as he couldn’t miss his last ever money mastermind – will he get it right? It’s all about travel insurance.

    The Money-Festo: How to improve Britain including shrinkflation, term-time holidays, tax-cuts for downsizers and more…

    The Money-Festo: How to improve Britain including shrinkflation, term-time holidays, tax-cuts for downsizers and more…

    Martin hears your ‘money-festo’ ideas – if you could change one consumer law or rule, what would it be – and why?

    He and Nihal are joined by former government adviser and policy expert Polly MacKenzie – to assess how practical the suggestions are – as our very own “Polly-filter”.

    Could we regulate shrinkflation, give parents that chance to book term-time holidays, offer tax-cuts for downsizers, or make the morning commute tax deductible? And would any of those ideas actually work?

    Related Episodes

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    Who Needs an Annuity and When - Pro's and Con's of Annuities

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    Who Needs an Annuity and When - Pro's and Con's of Annuities

    Who Needs an Annuity and When - Pro's and Con's of Annuities

    Jerry Linebaugh of Game Changer Retirement Radio dives into annuities, when you need them, how to use them and when not to use them. GCRR also touches on the importance of extate planning and having a will anbd trust.  You don't want to miss this informative episode.  If you want to meet with Jerry and his team visit www.GameChengerBR.com or call 225-267-9044

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    Download our "Year-End Checklist" here: https://bit.ly/3pKvgou

    Visit us at https://www.symmetrypartners.com. You can also find us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn. As always, we remain invested in your goals.

    Symmetry Partners, LLC, is an investment advisory firm registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm only transacts business in states where it is properly registered, excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Registration of an investment adviser does not imply any specific level of skill or training and does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the Commission. No one should assume that future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, product or non-investment related content made reference to directly or indirectly in this material will be profitable. As with any investment strategy, there is the possibility of profitability as well as loss.

    Due to various factors, including changing market conditions and/or applicable laws, the content may not be reflective of current opinions or positions.

    Please note the material is provided for educational and background use only. Moreover, you should not assume that any discussion or information contained in this material serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advice.

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    Today we hear from Barbara Reilly, owner of Legal Eagles and her team: how they are different from a traditional attorney’s office; how their relationships turn into referrals; advice for recently married couples; why wills are so important; and how to talk to elderly family members about planning for the future.