
    Friday Five: A special interview with Christian Lamb

    enJuly 02, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Centenarian author Christian Lamb's inspiring journey to publish her first book at 80Christian Lamb, a centenarian author, inspires us to never give up on our dreams, even in retirement. She published her first book at 80 and continued writing into her nineties. Supplemental health insurance plans can help manage out-of-pocket costs and ensure comprehensive coverage. Celebrate special women, especially on Mother's Day.

      No matter our age, it's never too late to pursue our passions and make a positive impact on the world. This was exemplified by Christian Lamb, a centenarian well-being warrior and World War 2 veteran. Despite retiring and being widowed, she didn't slow down but instead embarked on a new career as a book author, publishing her first book at the age of 80 and continuing to write into her nineties. Her latest book, "Beyond the Sea, A Wren at War," is set to be released soon, close to her 101st birthday. Christian's story serves as an inspiration to us all to keep pushing forward and to never give up on our dreams. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of supplemental health insurance plans, such as UnitedHealthcare's Health Protector Guard fixed indemnity insurance plans, to help manage out-of-pocket costs and ensure comprehensive healthcare coverage. Lastly, the importance of celebrating and appreciating the special women in our lives, especially on Mother's Day, was emphasized through the mention of 1-800-Flowers and their special Mother's Day offers.

    • A 20-year-old's role in protecting ships during WWIIDuring WWII, a young woman joined the Wrens and played a crucial role in measuring magnetic emissions to safeguard ships from mines, embodying the resilient spirit of Londoners amidst constant air raids.

      During World War II, the interviewee, despite being only 20 years old, played a significant role in the war effort. She joined the Wrens, the Women's Royal Naval Service, and was tasked with measuring the magnetic emissions of ships to protect them from enemy mines. This experience was both challenging and rewarding for her, as she felt she was contributing to the safety of sailors and civilians. Despite the constant threat of air raids during the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, the interviewee and other Londoners continued to live their lives relatively normally, demonstrating the resilient spirit of the time.

    • A vicarage party during the BlitzAmidst the chaos and danger of the Blitz, people sought comfort in large groups, even having parties in unusual places. Unbeknownst to them, death and life intermingled in unexpected ways.

      During the Blitz in London, despite the chaos and danger, people sought safety in large groups, even having parties in unusual places like a vicarage where wrens were billeted. However, the landlord of this vicarage, who was a harsh and unpleasant man with a goiter, underwent an operation to remove it, but unfortunately, he died due to complications. On the day of his death, it happened to be a wren's 21st birthday, and they held a party in the same room where the landlord's body was being kept before the funeral. The partygoers, including the landlord's wife, carried on with their celebrations unaware of the unfortunate circumstances. This incident highlights the strange and surreal nature of life during the Blitz, where death and life intermingled in unexpected ways. Despite the inappropriateness of their behavior, the wrens were just trying to find joy in the midst of the chaos and danger.

    • Meeting and Falling in Love Amidst WarDuring wartime, love can blossom unexpectedly and overcome challenges, leading to a lifelong commitment.

      The speaker met her husband during his time in Belfast for storm repairs on their naval ships in the Atlantic, where they got engaged during a large party on board. However, soon after, they faced a dangerous battle against U-boats in the Atlantic, where they lost several ships but managed to sink some U-boats as well. Despite the challenges, they made it safely to America, and the speaker's determination to stay with her husband led to a difficult wedding planning process due to disapproval from their families. The entire ordeal took place within a few months, with the engagement happening in April and the wedding in December, despite initial difficulties in bringing their families together.

    • Staying Engaged: A Key to a Fulfilling LifeFind your passion and stay engaged, no matter your age or circumstances, to lead a fulfilling life

      No matter what life throws at us, it's important to stay active and engaged. The speaker shared her experience of being married for nearly 50 years, losing her husband, and then transforming her life by getting involved in gardening. Even in her 80s, she wrote several books and completely redesigned her own garden. It's never too late to learn new things, help others, and make a positive impact on the world around us. Whether it's through gardening, writing, or any other passion, staying engaged keeps us busy and fulfilled. And who knows what amazing experiences and accomplishments might come our way? So, don't sit around and do nothing. Find what interests you and dive in! Plus, check out Blue Nile for beautiful lab-grown diamonds for your special moments, and Whole Foods Market for unbeatable Mother's Day deals.

    • A lifelong passion for plants leads to exploration and discoveryAt 80, she began writing books about her plant discoveries, and at 98, she took up painting. Despite her age, she continues to pursue new interests and passions, inspired by her love for plants and exploration.

      The speaker, an experienced gardener and author, approaches gardening and plant discovery with a passion and curiosity that led her to explore various gardens and find unique plants, even climbing mountains to obtain them. She values plants for their beauty, shape, and good leaves, and has written books about her experiences. At the age of 80, she began writing books, and later, at 98, she took up painting. Despite her advanced age, she continues to pursue new interests and passions. The speaker's love for plants and exploration is a driving force in her life, inspiring her to travel, learn, and create.

    • Finding joy in new learning experiencesStaying active and engaged in new learning experiences can boost overall well-being and happiness, even with challenges. Self-care, like exercise and routine, also plays a crucial role.

      Staying active and engaged in new learning experiences can contribute to overall well-being and happiness, even in the face of challenges. The speaker shares her personal experience of finding joy in painting, thanks to a dedicated teacher, and the desire to share her artwork with family. Despite physical limitations, she continues to explore new interests and adapt to change, crediting this approach with helping her stay well. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of self-care, such as regular exercise and a consistent morning routine, to support overall health and well-being.

    • Embracing an Active Lifestyle for Vitality and IndependenceStaying active physically and mentally is crucial for maintaining independence and vitality in old age. Enjoy what you do, push yourself, and embrace new experiences to live life on your own terms.

      The importance of staying active, both physically and mentally, to maintain independence and vitality as we age. The woman in the conversation shared her daily routine, which includes exercises, going up and down the stairs, and even writing a book. She emphasized the importance of enjoying what we do and not doing anything boring. Despite her age and physical limitations, she continues to push herself to stay active and live her life on her own terms. Her determination and positive attitude serve as an inspiration for those around her age and beyond. The conversation also highlights the importance of having support from caregivers and loved ones in maintaining an active lifestyle. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of staying engaged with life and embracing new experiences, no matter what age we are.

    • Never too late for positive changes and appreciation for momsIt's inspiring to see seniors thrive and never stop living, while Mother's Day is a time to show love and appreciation to moms through thoughtful gifts from companies like 1 800 Flowers, Boll and Branch, and Whole Foods Market.

      No matter what age you are, it's never too late to make positive changes in your life and strive for happiness. This was inspiringly demonstrated by a meeting with a senior individual who continues to lead and thrive. On a different note, Mother's Day is approaching, and it's the perfect time to show appreciation to the amazing moms in our lives. Consider gifting them with thoughtful presents from companies like 1 800 Flowers, Boll and Branch, or Whole Foods Market. These businesses offer a variety of high-quality items, from flowers and treats to organic cotton sheets that only get softer with each wash. By shopping with them, you can ensure that your mom feels truly special and cherished this Mother's Day.

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